Coal skin
Society says “light skins do it better,
Cause the lighter you are, the better you look”
With time lapsing the lie became the truth
To all the black females.
Their confidence washed away by the lie
Like the topsoil of the ground washed away by the rain.
Then society criticized them for “lacking confidence and self-esteem”
So here they stand little ‘ugly’ kids
With hearts of gold
But…a skin of coal
Hoping they were transparent
So society could see through them
See their stained skins and beaten down soul
So their golden hearts could shine even brighter.
They realized that hope don’t owash away black
So they forgot and trashed hope,
They got confidence
The confidence to love their skin,
Beyond its darkness.
Confidence to love themselves.
And they gracefully learned that the tint
Of overflowing melanin in their skin,
Does not define them.
With or without it, they are
Beautiful women.
They learnt the hard and eye-opening way,
That they don’t need anyone’s verification to feel
Or be beautiful…
Or to be black.
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Coal skin
Society says “light skins do it better,
Cause the lighter you are, the better you look”
With time lapsing the lie became the truth
To all the black females.
Their confidence washed away by the lie
Like the topsoil of the ground washed away by the rain.
Then society criticized them for “lacking confidence and self-esteem”
So here they stand little ‘ugly’ kids
With hearts of gold
But...a skin of coal
Hoping they were transparent
So society could see through them
See their stained skins and beaten down soul
So their golden hearts could shine even brighter.
They realized that hope don’t owash away black
So they forgot and trashed hope,
They got confidence
The confidence to love their skin,
Beyond its darkness.
Confidence to love themselves.
And they gracefully learned that the tint
Of overflowing melanin in their skin,
Does not define them.
With or without it, they are
Beautiful women.
They learnt the hard and eye-opening way,
That they don’t need anyone’s verification to feel
Or be beautiful...
Or to be black.
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Reblog this for suicide prevention.
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Reblog this for suicide prevention.
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“I don’t enjoy observing people as much as I used to. Everyone acts like they’re on stage. People used to come to The Village sheepishly. Nobody was sure if they belonged. We didn’t know if we were artists. These days everyone walks around like they’re contributing something. There’s no angst anymore. There’s too much certainty. And that’s a shame. Because all the best art comes from people who feel like they don’t belong. Art is a way of proving your existence. When I was a young man, a person that I respected told me that I was an artist. It was one of the worst things that could have happened to me. I stopped walking into museums or galleries with a sense of awe. I walked in feeling like an ‘artist.’ My arms would be crossed. If I liked a piece, it was ‘good.’ If I didn’t like a piece, it was ‘bad.’ I didn’t feel vulnerable anymore. I lost my humility. And that’s when growth stops.”
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-You Are Beautiful In A Way Only Those Who Really Love You See It-
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Teenage Girls
Man, teenage girls aren’t allowed to have a genuine interest in ANYTHING without being ridiculed for it. If a girl likes ugg boots and Starbucks she’s stupid and stereotypical, but if she like combat boots and obscure coffee houses she’s a hipster wannabe and is trying too hard. If a girl listens to boy bands and other popular artists she’s a dumb follower, if she reads comics and plays video games she’s a poser/fake geek girl. If she likes sex she’s a slut, but if she doesn’t like sex she’s a prude, if she wears makeup she’s fake but if she doesn’t she’s a slob. If she has low self-esteem she needs to learn how to love herself, but if she has high self-esteem she’s over confident and vain. If she likes politics she’s a crazy social justice warrior, but if she prefers to stay out of social matters she’s a dumb airhead. Girls nowadays a now mocked for every little thing the do, no matter what they are and we need to put a stop to it.
Spread the word
Source: weheartit.com
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Just because society wants us all the same doesn’t mean that we do,I mean if we all had the same hobbies and liked the same stuff what entertainment and fun + memories would that bring to our lives?
you were born to be different,you were born to stand out. REMEMBER just be because being is worth more than being a replica of someone else,trust me...
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♥ It’s okay to be different. Lots of people are. ♥
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Can I just say, I am so proud of teenage girls these days.  You ladies are amazing for standing up to your schools for unjust dress codes and recognizing fuckboys and defending yourselves and other girls and your interests.  You are so strong.
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He was like that song on the radio that you kind of knew the words to so you didn’t change the station because you were afraid you wouldn’t find anything better. But, you had this nagging feeling that if you got the nerve to switch it you’d stumble upon your favorite song that you could sing at the top of your lungs.
tales of learning to let go and move on (via though-the-stars-walk-backward)
I Totally Understand That...Explains Me
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Sometimes I wonder what you think about when you are alone...do you think about me? Do you miss me? I keep staring down on my phone anxiously waiting for your text...then I realize I dint matter to you anymore.
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I Am Happy With Being Called Weird Cause That Shows That I Was Proud And Not Afraid To Be REALLY ME
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