intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
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I had to research Corn Flakes for my American Icons class and I came across what may be the funniest fucking image I have ever seen.
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
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sometimes the notification box on posts forgets how to be a functional element of a web page and just starts cramming actual posts from my blog into itself, engulfing the notes and eating them alive i guess
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
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Video of Tama
Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
on the subject of bots, runescape had literally the best way of dealing with their botting problem:
if an account was detected using bot software, they would be instantly teleported to a hearing from a witchfinder general style npc, where other players could watch and throw rotten tomatoes at them. then the audience could vote on how the person on trial would be killed as punishment, and THEN the botter was permanently banned afterwards. it was the funniest shit ever
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
i just woke up from a dream where i was being interrogated by a bunch of people asking me if “furbies are kosher” firstly…. im not jewish. secondly……..what the fuck
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
take your carriage very slowly by your rival’s home, that she might see your latest hat
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
God: let there be light
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
MBTI types during an outbreak of a deadly disease
INTJ: Has planned for this outcome previously when bored, and is currently enacting an incredibly efficient evacuation plan, bringing only their pet.
INTP: Is one of the scientists sent to research a cure, but got bored with the work they were meant to do and accidentally mutated the virus into a more deadly form.
ENTJ: Hiding out in their bunker alongside a select few associates and their cat, and is planning to seize control of the country during the aftermath of the epidemic.
ENTP: Is a media personality known for their continual debating of action plans with public figures, and seems to be finding flaws in every idea everyone has to deal with the disease.
INFJ: Is a health official who has been planning how to deal with the inevitable hospital overcrowding that is going to occur, and is trying to balance their duties towards the patients with their desire to get themselves and their loved ones out of the danger zone.
INFP: Was one of the first to die, but only because they tripped and fell down the stairs whilst distracted by something on their phone. They never even contracted the disease; it was just their own absentmindedness that killed them.
ENFJ: Is a volunteer nurse tending to the infected and trying to convince the National Grid workers to leave their houses (in order to ensure that the country’s hospitals have electricity).
ENFP: Is suggesting various ideas for cures to the scientific community despite their repeated insistences that help from civilians is not needed. All of their cures sound ridiculous and only a few could actually be used, but scientists have admitted that some of their advice was useful.
ISTJ: Is the heroic paramedic who persists at their job daily, despite the very real chance of being infected and despite the incredibly hard work they have to do with so many people taken ill.
ISFJ: The kindly nurse whose sympathetic and personal treatment of patients has made them a favourite with both the sick and the hospital staff, and who is taking measures to prevent the disease spreading in their hospital the same way it has in many others.
ESTJ: Is the president of the country who is desperately trying to get local authorities to follow the approved contingency plan, but can’t seem to move then from their state of complete panic.
ESFJ: Is hiding out with their friends and family in their house. They’ve barricaded the door, have hand sanitiser in almost every room, and they’ve even set up the garage to be used for isolation if anyone falls ill.
ISTP: Has kicked their family out of their house (ostensibly because they didn’t want the infection to spread to them; in reality because their family is too goddamn annoying) and is living there alone, reading manga and hoarding food.
ISFP: Journeyed across the country when they heard their friend was infected, and was the only one brave enough to tend to her as she died. Unfortunately, their selflessness has landed them in quarantine, where they have started to show symptoms of the disease.
ESTP: Left the city at the first sign of trouble and currently lives in a tent on a mountain, along with their significant other and a bunch of friends they like. They spend most of the time trying to climb to the summit.
ESFP: Took themselves and their friends to their grandmother’s house in the countryside, and is attempting to balance their want to go outside and enjoy themselves with their want to avoid contracting the disease.
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
INTJ and ESTP Romantic Relationship
ESTP: We’ve been dating for a while now, but why you never tell me you love me?
INTJ: I think that stuff don’t need to be said.
ESTP: But I want to hear it…
INTJ: I guess I’ll told you once or twice. *Deep breath* Okay, listen, I Looooove you. I Reeeeeally Love You Sooooooo Much.
ESTP: What? That’s not what I mean….
INTJ: But I’m serious.
ESTP: If you’re serious, said that again.
ESTP: Whyyyyy?
INTJ: I’ve said it! Twice!
ESTP: You Liar.
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
MBTI as Christmas songs
ENTJ: Holly Jolly Christmas (Doesn’t wish or suggest you enjoy the season it TELLS you to do so and then tries to force it’s way into your love life)
INTJ: You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (because it exhibits the least amount of ‘holly jolly’)
ENTP: Step Into Christmas (It’s a song trying to be a card and a party and cover everything you’re eyes and mind can see in about 3.5 minutes)
INTP: Carol of the Bells (Highly complex song with a good message but no one really understands it and it comes off in a robotic tone)
ENFJ: We Need A Little Christmas (Uses decorating and Christmas activities to try to bring cheer to self and others)
INFJ: It’s a Marshmallow World (so many insightful metaphors just to say that it’s cold and snowy)
ENFP: Happy Christmas/War is Over (Wishing everyone well while being inclusive, looking forward to the future, and promoting harmony)
INFP: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (the outcast that people bully but will probably end up saving everyone)
ESTJ: Here Comes Santa Claus (A pointless play by play on Santa and what to do in preparation for him)
ISTJ: I’ll Be Home For Christmas (It’s tradition and expected. Repeat the same Christmas over and over for happiness)
ESTP: Jingle Bells (On the move and in the moment. Not just reminiscing by a fire and not getting to deep and mushy on us)
ISTP: Little Drummer Boy (Doesn’t plan ahead or get too involved in the build up but uses talent at the last minute to enchant everyone)
ESFJ: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (An elaborate to-do list of all Christmas things. Parties, greeting cards, food, and family events)
ISFJ: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Well wishing everyone while reflecting on the traditional Christmas celebrations of yesteryear)
ESFP: Frosty the Snowman (Life’s short enjoy it while you can.)
ISFP: Blue Christmas (Hung up on what’s missing and seeing the bad side of all the festivities)
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
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intuitivebs-blog · 5 years
[ENFJ, ISFJ and INFJ are college friends.]
ENFJ: So, my boyfriend’s sister will get married next week and I want to give her a present. Any Idea?
ISFJ: Bed cover or kitchen utensils maybe? Something to be used in their new house?
INFJ: How about a lingerie?
ENFJ: I never thought you’d say that, but that’s nice Idea
INFJ: *Smirk*
ISFJ: What is Lingerie?
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