inuyashaxx · 6 years
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
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Inuyasha and Kagome cel
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
This blog is friendly and welcoming!!
Reblog to tell all the anxious RPer’s that
You don’t have to hide away and imagine asking me to RP. Just HOP INTO MY INBOX, MY MESSAGES, REBLOG AN IC POST, i will be happy to interact with you!!
This blog Loves New RP Partners and Happily Invites Them to interact with me!
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
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Look. LOOK at how InuYasha goes straight for Kagome. Kagome’s smart, she knows she’s gotta get the hell outta there and so she runs. But InuYasha knows she’s not very fast. So what does he do? He loops his arm around her waist and whisks her out of danger like the good boyfriend he is.
I live for these little InuKag moments 
GIF Source x
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
There is no sun without shadow, and it is necessary to know the night.
Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
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inuyashaxx · 6 years
He squinted at her for a moment,  considering the honesty of her statement.
                                                       --But the ramen smelled really good.
He cautiously shuffled closer to her, never taking his eyes off her. He snatched the ramen from her and jumped back, putting a decent amount of space between them. He sniffed the ramen again. It smelled fine. It smelled delicious.
               He put the bowl to his lips and tasted it. It was delicious.
In less than a minute, the bowl of ramen was completely consumed -- like it had just been inhaled by the half-demon. He tossed the empty bowl back to the jinn.
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              “ ...So what about it bein’ endless--? “
He watched in disbelief as a bowl of perfect ramen literally appeared out of thin air. He stared at the ramen for a moment, the beefy smell immediately hitting his nose. His golden gaze lifted to the jinn and narrowed into a glare.
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“ –How do I know ya didn’t poison it t’get   rid of me now that I know yer big secret? “
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      ❝ It’s hardly a secret, especially after 2,000 years, ❞ She rolled her eyes and scoffed lightly, ❝ Besides, poison is for pussies. If I wanted to kill you, I could easily tear you limb from limb. It’s not that hard. ❞ At least, not for a being with her skills and power level.
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