inventedthehovercar · 2 years
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//mage Source: https://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/more-furniture-collectibles/collectibles-curiosities/taxidermy/victorian-flamingo-phoenicopteridae-taxidermy/id-f_19134222/
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inventedthehovercar · 2 years
Howard glanced at the door, then went over and closed the curtains.  “Well... I thought maybe if I told him about my work on nuclear resonance levels it might bore him to sleep, but it didn’t work, I... I don’t think he likes me.”
Somebody get Peggy a baby to cuddle or a kitten, stat!
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inventedthehovercar · 2 years
When Peggy arrived she could hear Anthony screaming from the drive way.
Pushing into the house she found Howard in quite a state.
“Give me the baby,” she said taking Anthony from Howard without waiting for him to hand off the baby.
“There now, what seems to be the matter?” She cooed, to the sobbing infant.
“Have you fed him, changed his nappie?”
Peggy taking the baby out of his arms made Howard already feel twenty pounds lighter.  “I, uh, don’t know how to do that.  I mean, I offered him a bottle,” he said.
There was a squawk from outside and the sound of wings against the window.  A dog was barking and Bernard wanted inside.
Somebody get Peggy a baby to cuddle or a kitten, stat!
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inventedthehovercar · 2 years
“Oh…well yes, I suppose I did…” several times over, not that she’d brag. “He saved mine as well, though. So we’re really just even.”
Howard sat himself down in the cockpit and began flipping switches.  “Buckle up, ladies,” he said.  “I promise you a smooth ride once we’re in the air, but the runways here can be a little rough.”
“Hey, Peg, what are you doing this weekend?”
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inventedthehovercar · 2 years
“You’re a lifesaver,” said Howard, breathing out.  “I’ll leave the door open for you.”  He gave the baby a halfhearted bounce... he’d seen both Jarvis and Maria do that, but he was scared of breaking him.  Anthony seemed so fragile... and yet he could kick like a devil.
Somebody get Peggy a baby to cuddle or a kitten, stat!
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inventedthehovercar · 2 years
“Peg, you gotta help me.  Maria’s out with the girls and Jarvis and Anna had to run off to do something, and now Bernard’s throwing a fit and the baby’s crying and I don’t know what to do.”
Somebody get Peggy a baby to cuddle or a kitten, stat!
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inventedthehovercar · 2 years
“A test subject that’s not alive?” Peggy said that was the only thing she could think of if she was quite honest.
“Like some sort of dummy.”
“A dummy can’t control the thing,” Howard pointed out, then snickered.  “Or were you offering one of your colleagues?”
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"What the bloody hell are you doing?!"
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inventedthehovercar · 2 years
“That was a demonstration,” said Howard firmly.  “It wasn’t meant to go far.  What would you suggest, then?”
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"What the bloody hell are you doing?!"
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inventedthehovercar · 2 years
“You have? Oh, yes, I did.” She blushed lightly at being singled out. “Shall we go aboard?”
“I have so many questions,” Matilda said as they climbed the stairs to Howard’s plane.  “He said in an interview once that a woman saved his life... was that you?”
“Hey, Peg, what are you doing this weekend?”
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inventedthehovercar · 2 years
“Come on, Peg, you don’t think I trust my own technology?” he asked.  “Imagine how much more manoeuvrable a man with one of these would be than a big, clunky airplane.”
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"What the bloody hell are you doing?!"
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inventedthehovercar · 2 years
“I am testing my jetpack.  What’s it look like I’m doing?”
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"What the bloody hell are you doing?!"
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inventedthehovercar · 3 years
Angie bounded over gushing about the trip, plane, and Matilda’s dress while Peggy followed her over more sedately. “Hello, Howard. Matilda.”
“Tilly, this is Peggy Carter and her friend Angie,” said Howard.
“Hi,” said Matilda, and thanked Angie for the compliments on her outfit.  “Peggy, I’ve heard so much about you!  You really knew Captain America?”
“Hey, Peg, what are you doing this weekend?”
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inventedthehovercar · 3 years
Howard was standing at the bottom of the stairs up to his private plane, waving to them.  “This is Matilda,” he gestured to the stewardess.  “She’ll be serving the drinks on the way.”
“Hey, Peg, what are you doing this weekend?”
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inventedthehovercar · 3 years
“I’ll invite Angie and we can go. It won’t take either of us long to pack.”
“I appreciate women who can travel light.  Meet you at the airport.”
“Hey, Peg, what are you doing this weekend?”
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inventedthehovercar · 3 years
“No, Howard, I’m subjecting my friends to you. Well, maybe Angie, she can hold her own.”
“I wouldn’t expect any less from someone you’d hang out with.  No worries, I can pick up a girl in Italy all by myself.”
“Hey, Peg, what are you doing this weekend?”
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inventedthehovercar · 3 years
“Only during the war. I suppose I’ll need a swim suit…”
“Only if you want to swim.  Pack up - I’ll do the flying.  You wanna bring any friends?  I don’t mind having more ladies around.  Might pick up a couple more while we’re there.”
“Hey, Peg, what are you doing this weekend?”
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inventedthehovercar · 3 years
“Have you been in the Mediterranean?  Tastes disgusting.”
“Hey, Peg, what are you doing this weekend?”
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