remember when sunny baudelaire, a literal toddler, suggested burning down the hotel denouement and then they did it
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pietrisycamollaviadelrechiotemexity all time fave
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headcanon that even though sunny and beatrice jr are about a year and a half apart, sunny always acts very maternal towards beatrice jr through their entire lives
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“Deciding on a safe answer to a question is like deciding on a safe ingredient in a sandwich, because if you make the wrong decisions you may find that something horrible is coming out of your mouth.” The Penultimate Peril
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Baudelaire mansion inspired scented candle that just smells like burning wood
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ah, yes, the infamous lettuce bikini
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children should learn morse code in school and also probably how to plant trip wires
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People hating Fiona for being morally grey when she’s introduced in the very book where the entire concept of chef salads is also introduced…..I have to laugh
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why are you as a female character not committing arson
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Thinking about the possibility of the play which Jacques wrote a bad review on, prompting Eleanora to fire him, being The Marvellous Marriage…
was thinking about how for the longest time i was thinking that the timeline of JE marriage feels contradictory because one on hand we had geraldine’s letter pre esme and jerome meeting mentioning how dp’s dramatic critic was just fired (seeming to hint that the marriage, considered how it happened “after only one evening���, when lemony was only just fired, not yet considered dead, probably something like 15 years ago or longer) on other hand jacques’s letter asking jerome not to marry mentioned the death at lucky smells lumbermill (seeming to imply the marriage happened after georgina’s death)
and then a while ago i saw someone said that if the dramatic critic mentioned is jacques instead of lemony, then there’s no contradiction …… it was a, very wow moment of realization because it make a lot of sense, explain the contradiction, and also we already know that dp has a history of shuffling around people’s columns when one of the reporters leaves. (as shown in when r left).
while lemony is canonically fired from dp (because of his negative opinions on al funcoot’s play one last warning to those who try to stand in my way) nothing says that this couldn’t have also happened to jacques after he took over lemony’s post. also, if jacques is the dramatic critic mentioned here, it explains how geraldine couldn’t recall the dramatic critic’s name - first it was lemony snicket, and then it’s jacques snicket - easier for her to mixup, possibly, with the same last name.
what i’m trying to say is, imagine jacques snicket being dramatic critic, wring dp’s a night at the theater column. similar to lemony snicket’s style but not exactly the same. (refer to jacques writing style in the letters to lemony and jerome). imagine jacques writing something in that column that eleanora decided unsuitable.
(also if he is indeed the dramatic critic here, it means jacques wrote for financial column, fashion column, and theater column at dp)
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Ok as big of an Eslaf shipper as I am, I think we’re too quickly discarding the idea that this may in fact be Olaf and Ernest working together
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my kink is esmé and olaf fuckin shit up together ever since ye olde days
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gustav sebald directed the film adaptation of a pony party and it haunts him to this day
do you think gustav sebald also wrote under a pseudonym some very popular movies in snicketverse (not the ones we see listed in tua) and hates them and if he sees any vfd member saying they like one of those films he’s judging the said member, particularly if they do not like gustav’s indie films
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Can I get uhhhhh merch for Lemon Snickers
TO MY KIND EDITOR..... i have prepared a "spa package" for you containing a rubber duck, a set of shampoo and conditioner, and a bath bomb that smells like a root beer float. inside that is the latest manuscript shrunk down to a fiftieth of its size. use the soap bubbles as a magnifying lens to read it. the duck is normal i just thought you might like it.
lemony snicket
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— Philip Larkin, This Be The Verse
[text: They fuck you up, your mum and dad./ They may not mean to, but they do./ They fill you with the faults they had/ And add some extra, just for you./ But they were fucked up in their turn/ By fools in old-style hats and coats,/ Who half the time were soppy-stern/ And half at one another’s throats./ Man hands on misery to man./ It deepens like a coastal shelf./ Get out as early as you can,/ And don’t have any kids yourself ]
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My List and Wants
View my list here: alimkuk00.wixsite.com/trading
General Wants:
Beetlejuice (especially the Korean production)
Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder
Heathers (especially West End)
Lord of the Rings
My Fair Lady
Phantom of the Opera (especially non-replicas and Japanese productions)
Any musicals that are flops: Carrie, Wonderland, etc. Any operas. Any Shakespeare. Any Korean Hadestown content
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Quaking Aspens (Populus tremuloides) are known for developing markings that resemble eyes. Aspen eyes are actually dark markings on the main trunk where side branches used to be, Photography
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Batch Post For Your ASOUE Fandom Viewing Pleasure - all of the Baudelaires and Quagmires!
I sincerely hope you’re all enjoying these characters as much as I enjoy drawing them c:
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