investigationshq · 5 months
Knowledge is Power
Information that provides knowledge also creates power. Make sure your information is from a trusted source, and then verify it.
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investigationshq · 6 months
"Don't count the days, make the days count."
Muhammad Ali
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investigationshq · 6 months
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Things may get crazy out there. Be prepared.
Hello Tumblr,
You do not want to go out in public during an issue like the one in the photo. Please make sure you have food and water for at least two weeks. Hopefully, things will calm down by then. Plenty of websites, including FEMA.gov, will help you prepare. Be safe
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investigationshq · 6 months
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Missing Person
Missing person investigations involve a systematic effort to locate individuals who have disappeared under circumstances that are not immediately explained. These investigations can be conducted by law enforcement agencies and private investigators. Let us help. InvestigationsHQ.com is a private investigations firm in Florida.
In 2022, over 97,000 people were reported missing.
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investigationshq · 6 months
Workplace Violence
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Work should be a safe space. Workplace violence affects everyone. We provide training and consultation. [email protected]
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investigationshq · 6 months
Workplace Violence
4 types
Criminal Intent, Customer/Client, Worker-on Worker, and Personal Relationship.
Let us help with training and consultation.
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investigationshq · 6 months
"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity"
Albert Einstein
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investigationshq · 8 months
"Attitude is the little thing that makes a big difference"
Winston Churchill
Be Safe
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investigationshq · 1 year
Let the buyer beware
Please buy from a reputable dealer. Good article
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investigationshq · 1 year
Wellness Checks
With this national Heat Wave please check on family and elderly neighbors.
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investigationshq · 3 years
Change your passwords often. 
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investigationshq · 4 years
Vulnerability Assessment
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Vulnerability assessments are no longer just for big corporations. Assessments can benefit homeowners, small businesses, daycare centers, schools, etc. Be safe. 
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investigationshq · 4 years
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“When in doubt never give it out”
Never give your personal information over the phone especially if it was a cold call. Beware of scammers, thieves and malcontents. Be safe
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investigationshq · 4 years
Take inventory of all the good things in your life. This will make the bad things easier to tolerate. Be safe 
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investigationshq · 5 years
Situational Awareness
A skill that will help save your life. What is it? Simply put understanding your surroundings in current time. This understanding is developed via the basic senses and deduction. Let me explain, you walk into a store and see black smoke and smell burning stuff. You do not enter the building because you have made the deduction its on fire and it could hurt you. However in this new example your inside the building and see smoke and smell burning stuff but you don't  know the location of a nearest exit or a fire extinguisher. Being situational aware will help you get out of danger. In a new places look for the exits, security call boxes, alarms, safe rooms and your current address for 911. These are just a few examples. With a little more research you will be able to make your own list and every place you go practice this and it will become second nature. There are tons of books and free articles on this important topic. Be Safe and Aware  
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investigationshq · 5 years
Romance / Dating Scams are Big Business
Romance scammers take advantage of all age groups however the older demographic seems to be the most lucrative for this type of scam. These criminals post fake online profiles and worm their way into a person’s online world preying on the victims trusting good nature. Often these victims are lonely and isolated with little or no family safety net. The victims often because of embarrassment hardly ever call their family or the authorities to report the crime. This failure to bring the crime to light could lead to further victimization.  
Here are a few tips.
1. Never give out banking information over the phone or electronically without proper verification.
2. Scammers will advise they need a loan for some sort of economic emergency that cannot be verified. 
3. Scammers will pitch a deal of a lifetime and advise their money is tied up with no access.
4. Trust your gut if it sounds to good to be true or smells fishy don’t do it and get a second opinion. 
Be Safe
Please check out the link below to a story run by a local news station in Orlando.
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investigationshq · 5 years
Human Trafficking
Sexual Trafficking is a term that has been receiving alot of media attention because of the Epstein arrest. The state of Florida has a criminal statute 787.06 that covers human trafficking. Allow me to quote the first paragraph.
" The Legislature finds human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery. Victims off human trafficking are young childeren, teenagers, and adults. Thousands of victims are trafficked annually across international borders, worldwide. Many of these victims are trafficked into this state. Victims of human trafficking also include citizens of the United States and those persons trafficked domestically within the borders of the United States. The Legislature finds that victims of human trafficking are subjected to force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor" This is a serious HUMAN issue. If you suspect human trafficking please contact local law enforcement. Be Safe
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