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oh yeah we killed it btw
shout out to @minstrels-ink for healing this nonsense
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We in it.
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Shame the devs were dedicated to fucking over the Ala Mhigan part of Stormblood and ensure it felt like an afterthought.
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Ever since I first saw this line nearly a year ago, I have been trying to find any more information about Theodoric’s “foreign queen.” This is perhaps the only other mention of her throughout all of Stormblood so far.
One FATE near the palace implies - through a very uncharitable comparison - that the queen who was responsible for building the wooded gardens on the western side of the palace was named Edila. That said, there’s no indication of any connection between those gardens and the construction of the Royal Menagerie; it’s fairly likely that the area called the Queen’s Gardens on the map for the Lochs was built well before the Royal Menagerie.
The fact that Theodoric’s queen wasn’t Ala Mhigan-born somehow feels significant - yet we never receive any hints as to where her homeland might have been, and the décor of the Royal Menagerie isn’t distinctive enough to give many clues.
Lore from as far back as 2.0 explained that the queen tried to reason Theodoric away from his purge of the nobility; when that failed, she was among the first and few to attempt to remove him from the throne and was beheaded as a result. Here’s an explanation of that history via Erik from the monk quests:
Erik: Fearing for their lives, [nobles and merchants] professed their innocence to the queen, pleading for her to stay her maniacal husband’s hand. She attempted words to assuage his lust for power turned lust for blood, but he was deaf to her appeals. Finding no recourse, she conspired with a group of nobles to murder Theodoric. Yet before the regicide could take place, one among them betrayed their plot, and for their treason, the king saw them all less a head. This only served to compound Theodoric’s paranoia and insanity. Distrustful of all, his purges now became little more than random executions, claiming of the lives of noble and beggar and all in between.
I even checked this scene in French to see if there’s any extra context in other translations. Aside from Zenos being much more verbose in French - an interesting choice, considering his apparent lack of interest in the topic - the biggest change is that he refers to the queen only as Theodoric’s “jeune épouse” - his “young wife.”
And that makes the entire situation, if possible, even more tragic! She was sent off to a foreign nation to be queen to a tyrant who later went insane, but when you add into the mix how young she was - and how Theodoric must have cared for her enough at some point to have the Royal Menagerie built in the first place - it’s just an extra level of sadness.
There’s a lot of Ala Mhigo lore from Stormblood that I’m still (probably naïvely) holding my breath for, but if I had the means to ask just one question of the lore or scenario teams, it’d be about the last Ala Mhigan queen. That’s legitimately how much this one mention of her has stuck with me.
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A WIP of a friend’s monk. I had to put this drawing in the back burner for a while to focus on commissions and other life-stuff. It’s nice to get back to it! I wanted to try something a little more dynamic and their character is the perfect subject to experiment with, being the hyper-mobile, Arrow-junky monk that they are.
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K’ahli and Laur’s guide to ring shopping.
engagement rings ranked by their ability to break someone’s nose
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a pretty standard arrangement for engagement rings. a raised stone is better than nothing. 3/10
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a lovely, simple, elegant wedding band. a classic anybody would be pleased to get married with. useless in a fight. 0/10
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huge. tacky. kinda pretty tho. but look at that raised diamond in the center. you could easily break someone’s tooth with this. 7/10
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also huge and tacky. at first glance you’d think the rounded edge might not cause much damage but look at how those rows of diamonds are raised in the second view. you could really rip up someone’s face. 9/10
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this one is almost elegant. no sharp edges, but it’s solidly built. you would cause more damage with the ring on than off, which is a solid basis for choosing an engagement ring. 5/10
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a lovely design, i enjoy open filigree. however im not sure how said filigree would stand up to the impact of being slammed into someone’s face. 2/10
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the twisting design is pretty, but im not entirely sure that socking someone in the jaw wouldnt break off those stones. it looks somewhat reinforced but do you really want to leave the Punching Power of  your engagement ring up to chance? i wouldnt. two raised stones tho. 6/10, pending experimentation
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HAHAHAHA holy shit. thats Five raised stones, with reinforced prongs, for maximum damage at any angle. i highly recommend this ring both for its sapphire centerpiece and its capacity for causing pain. 10/10
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there’s not even a stone, its just gold which aint exactly the hardest metal in the world. just fucking stay home if you’re not going to take this seriously.
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WHM Looking for new raid static
Raiding since coil on WHM
Saw beginning of Godka back a couple months ago before I took a break from raiding
My dps parses are sub-par due to bad co-healing so don’t even ask for my numbers lol
Looking for mid-tier group. I get annoyed by a party dying to the same mechanics over and over, but I’m really turned off by meta-worshiping statics. Just want to have fun and clear content at a rate faster than casuals.
CST time-zone, evenings free on weekdays 6pm-12am
Aether data center
I am a fun discord pal with memes and jokes
Please reblog
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Creating a World of Ruin isn’t normal, but on meth it is.
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The clown is down.
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O3S down by the newly dubbed cupcake cabal.
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Commission for Akiha
Thank you for commissioning me as well c: !
>>>>Commission Prices<<<<<
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When the Raid Leader is gone and puts me in charge for the night.
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It would be nice if our means of maintaining our stacks weren't so shit.
My group hasn’t even entered Ultimate yet. I went at Twintania for an hour with some friends and made it to it’s enrage, but man, these clips of the stuff during Bahamut are insanely brutal. What’s worse is that this isn’t even the end of it. These are only like halfway through the fight. Also there’s like a 0% chance that monk will be viable in here after seeing that. Like it’s totally fine during Twintania and Nael, but… Riddle of Earth only has a 60s cooldown, folks. There’s no way you can maintain your dps through all of that downtime. Time to go dragoon :y
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Final Fantasy XIV ask meme
1. Favorite race? 2. Favorite class/job? 3. Least favorite class/job? 4. What’s your server? (only share if you’re comfortable with doing so of course) 5. Favorite character(s)? 6. Favorite Scion out of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn? 7. Least favorite character(s)? 8. Favorite BGM/vocal track? 9. Favorite trial? 10. Favorite dungeon? 11. The trial/dungeon that you will never do again unless forced to do so? 12. Favorite beast tribe? 13. Favorite ships/pairings? 14. Your garbage favorite character(s)? 15. Favorite mount? 16. Your rarest mount? 17. Favorite minion? 18. Is there a character that you would willingly sacrifice another character for? (i.e to negate or save them from death, give them more screen time, etc) 19. Is there a character/boss/etc that hasn’t appeared yet (or been referenced) that you’d like to see? 20. Do you use glamours? What’s your favorite glamoured set if so? 21. How do you feel about ______’s voice in Heavensward and onward? 22. You obtain one in-game item to use/wear IRL, what do you pick and why? 23. How do you feel about Triple Triad being timed? 24. The next seasonal event provides you with a dating sim like experience, who would you pursue? (Assume all character deaths/disappearances are negated so you may pick from anyone and everyone) 25. Which area/location wold you live in if given the opportunity? 26. What’s the most number of recommendations you’ve received in a single instance? 27. You now have the ability to add in one character and one dungeon from any Final Fantasy title prior to XIV, who/what do you pick and why? 28. Did you play the original XIV (i.e 1.0)? What are some improvements/changes that you appreciate? 29. Do you create art, roleplay, etc? 30. What do you hope for in the next expansion? 31. wildcard question! (sender asks something)
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They did it you guys.
They gave Raubahn a hand.
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Hydaelyn Alcohol List
Mun-Tuy Brew
Three-barrels Bourbon
Blackbelly Whiskey 
Qiqirn Firewater
Pirate Grog
Flat Ale
Salt Ale
Aleport bitter
Three-barrels Ale
Baderon’s Ale
Buscarron’s Ale
Fullflower Mead
Rosa’s Mead
O’Ghomorran Mead
Five-year Grand Mead
Quicksand’s Homemade Honey Wine
Sour Red
Mulled Wine
Twice-mulled Wine
Bacchus Wine
1547 Bacchus
Lowland White
Lohmani Rosso
Lohmani Red
Caelumtree Wine
Cooking Sherry
Cooking Sake
Gensui Wine
Hingashi Rice Wine
Realm Reborn Red
Sixth Astral Era Reserve
Apple Wine
Palm Wine
Onyx Brandewine
Cherry Brandewine
Ishgardian Brandy
Miscellaneous Liquors
Daniffen’s Joy
Cactus Piss
Some of my notes on this topic got prematurely leaked yesterday, but since they were so well received by so many blogs I wanted to go ahead and finish my list and get this posted up officially for everyone. Sorry for the confusion!
Hydaelyn Alcohol List doc can be found here!
Source text and spirits’ descriptions can be found in the Read More below! Hope this helps!
Keep reading
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Rip and tear space and time.
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Ruin Impendent // Basch
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