iokeline · 7 years
honestly a good partner isn’t necessarily someone who loves the exact same things you love but rather someone who is willing to listen to you ramble on and on about a particular subject that you’re passionate about even if they have little to no interest in it
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iokeline · 7 years
I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive.
Anonymous (via alunit)
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iokeline · 7 years
realizing that your ideals of beauty have changed from white to brown as you’ve grown to love and accept yourself
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iokeline · 8 years
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I will carry you here in my heart, you remind me. 
That come what may, I know the way
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iokeline · 8 years
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iokeline · 8 years
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iokeline · 8 years
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iokeline · 8 years
went to a party after Harvard Yale and they were playing I Would by one direction I cried
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iokeline · 8 years
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iokeline · 8 years
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iokeline · 8 years
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iokeline · 8 years
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iokeline · 8 years
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iokeline · 8 years
let the lights dim sum
The main lights in the room are off but there are still lights illuminating and “dancing” throughout the room. I believe most of the light in the room is coming from the natural sunlight peeking through the closed blinds and from the sides of the blinds, where the windows aren’t completely covered. The strip of uncovered sunlight on the right side of the window is the thickest and brightest, and the strip on the bottom is the thinnest and dimmest. The sunlight creates diagonals and/or shapes of different shades of gray across the classroom walls. The sunlight also illuminates different parts of the water in my water bottle, and the slight movements from the table make the light on the water look like crystals quickly shaking back and forth. The sunlight also creates a soft white circular glow on the tan brown chairs in the room. When someone opens the classroom door, sunlight floods the room, causing it to become brighter throughout. As the door slowly closes again, the room gets dimmer again. It also causes shadows from all objects in the room to move around in one direction, and sometimes across the room.
There are also unnatural lights throughout the room, which come from electronics. The bright lights generated from laptops and phones create dramatic and somewhat sporadic shadows across people’s bodies (especially their faces) and behind objects throughout the room. Hands typing on illuminated keyboards (illuminated in its letters and square outlines) look as if they are playfully or furiously dancing with the unnatural bright lights (depending on the typing speed and intensity).
Other unnatural lights include yellow-orange LED lights that signify power settings. The lights are small and stationary, and don’t really create shadows. The unnatural light that the professor placed on the ground next to the wall is something like a laser pointer. The red light shoots straight up to the ceiling almost like a straight line (the light doesn’t really bleed throughout the room’s space). The end of the laser on the ceiling is a small vivid red circle, and surrounding it is a larger, more faint red circle.
Now that I think of it/remember, everything we physically see in this dim room is light. White is a mixture of colored lights. White is the most noticeable and illuminating light in the room.
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iokeline · 8 years
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SHOOT LIST ASSIGNMENT PART 2: bird’s eye view, monochrome, paparazzi shot of TA, close up, high angle, person from behind, from the hip, shadow, blur, wide shot.
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iokeline · 8 years
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Using my Tumblr as a homework device again, sorry not sorryyy (: This time it’s for my Art 19 - Intro Photography class!
SHOOT LIST ASSIGNMENT PART 1: isolated color, privileged vantage point, low light, image of image, extreme rule of thirds, sun spots, texture, small event/everyday, low angle, unnatural light.
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iokeline · 9 years
the power of multimedia
Multimedia writing is writing with the use of text, images, videos, audio, and other interactive types of media. It is more participatory and engages more of the audience’s senses, compared to traditional text-based writing. Multimedia goes past the confining limits of traditional writing by not only allowing readers to read a story and try to imagine it in their heads, but also allowing them to see, watch, and hear the story. Multimedia writing has the capability of presenting multiple aspects and views of the one story. This capability can create a very cohesive experience for the audience. Multimedia can also affect the audience’s feelings and emotions. Multimedia can easily transport the audience into the story (since it engages more of their senses) which can let the story pass down its emotions and touch the audience’s souls. For instance, my group’s multimedia project aims to give the Isla Vista police a voice, and I believe multimedia writing allowed us to fulfill this goal in so many more ways than traditional writing could have done. The images gave a pleasant visual of what the cops we interviewed look like, compared to a possibly more hostile visual that could have formed in readers’ heads had they read strictly text. The infographics created a quick and easy and perhaps more pleasant experience of understanding the Isla Vista Foot Patrol structure and history, which would have been a longer and more arduous process for readers had they read strictly text. Most importantly, our project’s audio from our interview with the cops helped place readers in the seats we were in when chatting with the cops at Caje in Isla Vista. I think it helps readers realize that cops are humans with souls and emotions just like all of us, and I think gets readers to give the cops more mercy or empathy than before listening. Audio lets readers hear the cops’ sincerity and passion in their voices, which makes the story more powerful than if it was told through pure text. I think it could make readers want to sit down and have some heartfelt talks with the cops as normal human beings rather than brutal law enforcers, like my groupmates and I did. Multimedia shares authors’ experiences and emotions more directly, which I find more dramatic and enticing compared to traditional writing.
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