“I do not need any more words Nicole, if you are happy with using them then I am happy to see you using them. You might want to go show Alexis this, before your emotional barriers are completely breached by the flood of joy rushing through your circuitry.” Shard states with a toothy grin look of amusement.
“Yes I probably should.” She placed another kiss to Shards snout, this one being slightly more physical due to the nanites.
“I’ll come visit soon.”
With that she was off to find Alexis.
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If Nicole had a heart she’d probably have said she felt it squeeze at seeing Shards face.
“Well in that case, thank you.”
Her holographic form blinked out for a moment and in her place a swirl of nanites appeared. The nanites then connected together to form Nicole’s solid body.
the utter joy on her face said it all as she looked down at herself. It had been years since she’d been more than a hologram or a program on a handheld device. She looked to Shard, eyes glistening with synthetic tears.
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“Of course, Nicole. I could regale you for multiple hours with the statistics of processing power, data storage space and bandwidth this body possesses, not to mention the arsenal of weapons and raw physical strength, but I think I would be overdoing it. At least, for right now.” Shard answers with a toothy grin - some of the old charm that had attracted Nicole to him coming to the surface again.
The nanite-generated screen disperses again, for good this time, the individual particles joining the aggregate under Nicole’s control to use. A small gift, to be sure, but one that would surely be appreciated…
“I should probably tell Alexis what you told me so she’s up to date too.”
Nicole paused when she registered the new nanites under her control. It might have been small compared to the amount she once had when she could connect to the whole city but with how little she had now it was impossible to not notice.
“Shard what are you doing? These are yours.”
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“I will.” She gave Sally a hug and waved to Antoine and Bunnie before taking the food and opening her warp ring. “See you later.”
Alexis didn’t want to go either. Going back to her zone after finally getting some time to feel safe and relaxed was not very appealing, but she had a responsibility to her team and people.
“I promise to come visit when I can. Maybe next time I’ll bring the twins and maybe some others to visit. I’m sure they’d like to see their parents.”
Sally nods. “I’m sure we’d be glad to see them too!” With that, they packed up the extra food into containers for Alexis to take back with her to her zone. “Stay safe and give Shadow’s kingdom a good hit for us, alright?”
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“Impressive. That would have needed quite a bit of calculating and processing power to sort through the amount of data flooding your systems with that stunt. Lucky you didn’t get your tail stuck in a wall. I do have some more questions, mostly about what else you can do in your new form but we’ll have time for that later. I think I should give my processors some time to catch up with everything you told me.”
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Nicole nods again to show she was following the story.
“So then that’s how you became what you are, but that doesn’t explain how you ended up in the rebel base.”
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Ok looks like I can get mail on side blogs so I made a side blog just to send mail too Alexis because tumblr is stupid and I can’t see any mail on the mane blog.
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1.  She‘s afraid that changing her DNA might not be the only thing Shadow will do to make her more like him. 2. She still has hope that Sonic is alive and will be found to help them someday
1. Spending time with friends 2.   Eating the twins cooking 3.  Training
1. Her zone’s Sally 2. Sebastian @lone-innocence 3. Rex @thegreateststorm/@lone-innocence 4. Roy @lone-innocence 5. Lara-Su 6. Nicole 7. Other zone Sally @fighting-acorn
1. Not being able to stop all the bad things that happened to her family 2. Not seeing Shadow for what he really is before it was too late
1. Fear of loosing people she cares about 2. Fear of becoming evil
tagged by: @fighting-acorn
tagging: Anyone
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Nicole listened closely to Shard’s explanation, nodding to show she was understanding what was being said.
“Alright I think I follow so far. Are Versions A and B still swapped?”
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Alexis didn’t want to go either. Going back to her zone after finally getting some time to feel safe and relaxed was not very appealing, but she had a responsibility to her team and people.
“I promise to come visit when I can. Maybe next time I’ll bring the twins and maybe some others to visit. I’m sure they’d like to see their parents.”
Alexis smiled as she introduced herself, deciding it was best to let him know who she was before it came up some other way and caused confusion. She took note of the eye but it didn’t phase her. After all her own Antoine had his installed almost as soon as he woke up, something about a break down at seeing himself with an eye-patch, so the sight wasn’t new to her. To her it just made him blend in with the rest of his family.
Antoine found the entire situation confusing and interesting, but Bunnie is able to help clear a few things up so he can cook without being distracted.
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“I hate to see you go so soon, but I know you have your own team to keep safe. Try to visit more often. You’re always welcome here, both you and your friends.”
She didn’t want Alexis to go, at least not yet. Having her around was a nice change of pace from the monotony of dealing with Eggman and the citizens. However, she knew that being a leader meant you had to tackle the responsibilities that come with it, and that included being there for your team.
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“Oh yes of course, continue.”
Nicole turned her thoughts away from Sebastian for now so she could focus on the story Shard was telling to her.
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So my mailbox is not working. I cannot see anything on laptop and anything from anon on is unreadable on mobile.
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Send my Muse some stars!
✪ = I wanna kill you ✪✪ = I hate you ✪✪✪ = I kinda dislike you ✪✪✪✪ = You’re okay ✪✪✪✪✪ = Whoa you’re kinda cute ✪✪✪✪✪✪ = Stop being so perfect ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ = *nosebleed* ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ = oh god you are hella sexy ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ = I wanna have sex with you ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ = Marry me
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Alexis smiled as she introduced herself, deciding it was best to let him know who she was before it came up some other way and caused confusion. She took note of the eye but it didn’t phase her. After all her own Antoine had his installed almost as soon as he woke up, something about a break down at seeing himself with an eye-patch, so the sight wasn’t new to her. To her it just made him blend in with the rest of his family.
Alexis chuckled. That would be something the twins would do, although she would never deprive them from eating their dad’s food once more. They deserved something good in the hell hole that was their zone.
“We’ll then what are we waiting for?”
Sally nodded and continued to chat until Antoine showed up, and they ask him to make a lot of food for them. He’s a bit confused but shrugs, thinking that this is a great opportunity to show off his culinary skills.
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“I shall be making ze wonderful Spagonian cuisine then. I’m feeling saucy today.” This Antoine had something clearly different than others, and that was his right eye was replaced by a robotic one, a consequence of Metal’s explosion that put him in a coma.
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“No, but as I said I haven’t had the ability to fully analyze it yet. Still it’s odd that it is effecting you all the way from the medical bay.”
Nicole frowned in worry. If the gem was causing problems like this several rooms away then it may not be safe to keep using as Sebastian life support. She would have to look into this.
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“You can? And now you decide to tell me.”
Nicole turned to the screen, just as confused as Shard.
“That’s odd, is it the nanites then? When was the last time you did a self diagnostic?”
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“Fair enough. I wonder, though, how much you’ve been pining to Alexis about missing me and things like that, such that she wouldn’t feel comfortable being a witness to a conversation such as the one we just had.” Shard comments.
The implications of the statement were crystal-clear: if Nicole had in any way missed Shard the same way a girlfriend missed their boyfriend, then both were already further along the road toward being “alive” than either one of them had initially recognized!
Nicole suddenly wished that embarrassment was not an emotion she could feel. At least involuntary blushing wasn’t something she had. Still the knowing tone in Shards voice didn’t help.
“I might have mentioned it a few times. Even when you were technically with us in Sebastian’s suit, communication was limited and it wasn’t really the same. I really did miss you.”
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