iprefersav · 16 days
it is a lot
reading thru my own online journal
and i feel badly
for not sharing it on porpoise
with everyone who matters
gn and kiss me
like you mean it this time
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iprefersav · 17 days
am i lost again
on the waves of the pull out
first time was such a charm
thirty ninth has gotten old
i can’t say or do anything to change it if there is a willingness to protect or drive or care or want to
i’m a drifter off to sea
apparently there is no stopping me
fuck if i know and i’ll let you know i’m sorry
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iprefersav · 17 days
everything hurts
nothing fixes
no matter
my brain is a lit fire
nothing left to say
but arms crossed, legs twisted
face a grimace
wondering what
could have been said
or done
to fix it
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iprefersav · 24 days
good secret
everyone knows
tell everyone and don’t say anything
they’ll be mad anyway
every time
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iprefersav · 2 months
*not poetic*
“this program is sponsored by “those about to die” streaming only on peacock”
so fucking funny
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iprefersav · 2 months
i’m going to leave
and not remember what i said and to whom
or what we talked about before we left
my love is a fiery rage of what should have been and what could have happened
and i wish i could take on the rage itself
i wish i could have cried about how good
it would’ve looked
for me to be laying in a bathtub like that
we can’t
it’s over (almost)
we have to leave
i love you
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iprefersav · 4 months
i don’t care about anything
fight or flight or freeze
shaken in a hot bath
wishing for a cold breeze (addiction ran its course and i’ll reup tomorrow)
nothing can fix wanting to be alone
i’m not trying to keep you from that
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iprefersav · 5 months
sometimes i feel like
they won’t remember me
(and they won’t when fifty years go by)
im okay with it
as long as i could have one impact
i don’t need much more than that
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iprefersav · 6 months
holding ur hand
dead of night
my heart flits at the feeling
don’t move to be uncomfy
i would like you to sleep again
but it is quite nice
when you steady your aim
on my heart
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iprefersav · 6 months
i’m the worst
i wish i had other powers
i could soar the streets
i would read your mind
i am horri
at most everything
my badddddddddd
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iprefersav · 6 months
when she wakes up
i’m awake
even half asleep i’m three quarters awake
i think anxiety is beholding me
trapping me
and my eyes roll back thinking
about how she could take my entire being and i would be
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iprefersav · 6 months
why could i lie
i’m just a person
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iprefersav · 7 months
how many times can you say the same thing twice
heard it heard it heard it some more
what should i say
that sounds different than what i’ve said before
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iprefersav · 7 months
to the hick off idaho road, and to myself at 13:
you like movies and socialising and friendship
sometimes people like fishing and isolation
nothing is wrong and nothing is bad
things look differently with perspective
and you’re better than suppressing who you are
and i love you
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iprefersav · 7 months
i unclench my jaw
unsmile myself
one eye open
to get back to normal
you make me grin unconsciously
thank you
for letting me rest my face
so 25 of us
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iprefersav · 7 months
it is rather upsetting
watching another one leave me behind
and i’m tired
of all of this.
the world is on fire constantly
and i feel it deep down.
blood like gasoline
catching inside me
wanting to get my skin sometime
aching to burn my life alive.
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iprefersav · 8 months
thank her for music
it allows me to remember where i used to be
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