Ok this made me laugh!
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“STOP HER! She’s got my Rolex!”
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*stigmata open on my hands* ahh oh no not again *gets the blood of christ on my 600$ gaming mouse* ahhh
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I came across a random game today. It’s about the original Van Gogh’s cat. I thought it would be cute and funny but twenty seconds in it destroyed me.
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Lisa Farrall hairstyling (British Hair Awards 2016, Afro Finalists Collection)
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click here to find out your government assigned character crush
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Once again its 3am and this washing machine wizard haunts me
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“A rambunctious wombat named Timothy at a local animal sanctuary.”
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I made it Better
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When the clone high theme song comes on
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Paranoia- A very long, Very unformal, The Thing 1982 Fic concept made by me.
This was more of a ramble than anything. I know I won't ever get motivation to write this. Warning: Heavily MacWindows, very subtle Nauls&Palmer.
Macready walking in on Windows stealing Palmers stash for payback, Mac knowing Palmer is heading down the hallway at that momend and pulling Windows into the closet with him so they don't get caught
Palmer sensing somebody is in the room, he looks under the bed, cant find them.
Windows is a bit worried so his breathing his heavier, Mac puts a hand over Windows' mouth and uses his second hand to hold Windows' hand to soothe him. This surprises Windows greatley, since nobody has had skin to skin contact in a long time, except for when they were all fighting.
It works at first but Windows squirms a bit further into the back of the closet when Palmer draws nearer and creates a soft thud when he hits the back of the closet
Palmer hearing the thud and edges closer.
Macready trying to calm Windows down, he doesn't know what to do so he just kisses him.
Palmer seems to go away for a moment because he cant hear anything, he moves to check his stash.
Macready thinks hes gone but doesnt pull away because this is working, it's keeping Windows quiet for the most part. But he can feel Windows' arms around his neck now and Macready realises this is much more than just trying to be quiet as he clings onto Windows, a part of him enjoying the contact.
Palmer opens the closet and sees Mac and Windows sharing their first kiss at the outpost
Palmer getting confused but slightly jealous.
He pulls Windows out of the closet away from Macready, questioning him about the stash.
Palmer finds the stash in Windows' pocket.
Windows can't speak, his face is red and he's embarrassed but also shocked, he just wants to be with Mac again, wanting to be close to him.
Macready ignoring Palmers anger and pulling Windows back into the closet with him.
Palmer trying to get to Windows but Mac closes the closet door and resumes to kissing and cuddling Windows, their feelings for eachother revealing at that point.
Once they leave, Palmer thinks he was just high and seeing things until he notices Windows' glasses in the closet.
Palmer going to confront them, he walks into Macreadys shack to find them cuddling.
Macready telling Palmer he's just high, Windows getting annoyed now that Macready keeps hiding it because he doesn't want their bond to be secret.
It was funny at first but the longer they cuddle and kiss, the more Windows gets frustrated at Macready for not being honest with the others and making up excuses.
Macready joking about Windows' frustration but he can see he's irritated.
Everybody's in the rec room and Windows is reading, Macreadys sat at the bar watching the others play pool whilst he sips at an alcoholic beverage, the same brand he always drinks.
Windows getting up and walking over to Macready to kiss him, fed up that their relationship is hidden despite all of the controversy being public would cause.
Macready doesnt pull away and doesnt even try to deny it much more, though a part of him feels frustrated because he knows that potential rumours about aids will start.
Palmer realising he wasn't high all of the times he walked in on them.
Palmer lowkey getting bothered because nobdoy cares about him the way Macready cares about Windows and being in the outpost in the middle of antartica gets lonely fast.
Palmer getting less confused and mors upset and angry each time he walks in on Mac and Windows cuddling and being happy, he can see the way Macready is much less violent and genuinely more calm and laid back around Windows.
One day he walks in on Macready and Windows beginning to take things further, in the middle of the rec room without any privacy, with Windows on the pool table and Mac on top of him.
He says he's angry at them for ruining the pool table but deep down he's just jealous because he doesnt give a shit about the pool table.
Palmer seeming to be the only one who walks in on them, it rarley happens to the others but it always happens to him, he's always in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Nauls making Palmer some comfort food one night because he can tell Palmer isn't happy or as vocal as he normally would be.
During the outpost attacks, Macready was more defensive with everybody but he is espeically cauitous around Windows because he's now his biggest weakness.
He pulls his flame thrower on him one night but doesn't have the gut to threaten him, Windows or not, it still looks and talks like him so he can't do it.
Macready regaining his trust for Windows slowly.
Lots of cuddles for a while, he's the only one he firmly believes isnt the thing, but he keeps a close eye on him to make sure he doesn't get assimilated and trick him
Windows and Macready cuddling one night.
Windows can sense something isnt the same.
He excuses himself, he stands up but just as he's leaving the shack, he trips and stumbles over a piece of Macreadys clothing, it's torn.
It daunts on him for a moment and he doesn't have chance to process what this means until he feels a hand on his shoulder.
He turns around and see's something that looks like Macready but his eyes aren't the same blue, they don't have a glint to them anymore.
Windows being terribly afraid but 'Macready' holds his hands to try and soothe him.
Windows can tell it's not the right because he doesn't hold his hands the same way Macready does, he doesn't brush his thumb over the back of his hands to massage them, he doesn't play with his hair or cuddle him close, he doesn't make complete eyecontact with him or lay with him.
He feels colder and strange about it, he can feel the tension now, between him and Mac and he doesn't like it, he doesn't like the shade of blue in his eyes, he doesn't like how cold his hands feel, he doesn't like how Macready has been drinking the wrong brand of alcohol this whole time.
Windows mustering up the courage to get the fuck out of there.
Windows becoming a shaky mess, he doesn't know who to trust or who to turn to, he doesn't want to tell the others about Macready incase they kill him, he becomes conflicted.
He grabs a flamethrower and heads back up, his palms are sweaty and his eyes darting from every corner, he can feel the cold nipping at his nose and cheeks as the snow storm starts.
He pulls the flamethrower on Macready.
Macreadys attempts to convince Windows that he's human fail, there's too much evedience stacked against him.
He can't do it, he knows it isn't Macready but he can't pull the flamethrower on somebody who looks and breathes and has the voice of the man he loves.
It's only when he notices Macready reach for a handgun to protect himself that he starts the flamethrower, Windows is terrified of dying, terrified of being assimilated.
He comes back down from his shaky, anxious feelings when he realises that Macready doesn't sound like a dying animal, but instead, a regular dying human.
Windows realising what he's done, realising that Macready was human this entire time.
He throws the flamethrower to the ground and he tries to pat out the fire with his bare hands.
He's in shock so he can't physically feel the burns until later on, he's shaking Macreadys body now, he's not dead, not yet; but he's not the thing either. He's choking on smoke now and the fire on Macready is out after a lot of patting down, yet a small blaze, growing has started in the shack itself.
Windows is sobbing now, his hands are bubbly and his skin is peeling, blistered and even melting but he can't stop shaking Macready, apologising a thousand times in words that don't sound like english they're that choked out. He's choking and tears and thick smoke from the growing fire.
He wants to hold him but Macready is the temperature of an active oven and he can't touch him without getting scorched and he's scared.
Macready slurs some words but he's in so much pain, the words are just him begging Windows to finish him off because he can feel himself dying and he cant breathe now and he feels his insides throbbing with pain.
Windows being so conflicted because he can't let Macready leave him but watching Macready suffer is causing his whole body to ache and his head is heavy now, he's not sure if it is from emotions or if it's from the smoke now clogging up the shack. He opens the shack door to try and make the air breathable, part of the smoke clears but most of it remains.
Windows' last bit of hope flickers into place when he hears the shack door open and see's Doctor Copper.
Dr copper has that familiar glint in his eyes, his nose ring is still in place, he trusts him. He doesn't have time to think otherwise with Macreadys live at stake.
Windows begs Dr Copper for help, he's watching Macready die before him and he can't stand it. He feels any bit of calmness and rational thinking leave him, he's swearing and a shaky, nervous, frustrated mess.
He turns back to Macready, begging him to pull through, but Macready is still now, his melted hand with bone exposed curled around Windows' own hand and he's not moving, his eyes are glossy and still and his mouth slightly parted, his body was warm but not a single breath left his body.
Windows getting frustrated at Dr Copper and yelling at him, screaming at him to bring Macready back somehow. His thoughts are as clouded as the room he's kneeling in, besides his deceased lover.
Dr Copper doesn't help, he closes the shack door, allowing smoke to clog their vision and fog up the shacks windows so nobdoy can look in. Windows is a confused, blubbering mess, he can't see now and he's frozen with fear.
Windows is scared and he's clinging onto Macreadys corpse until he can feel a warm, inhuman fleshy thing around his neck and around his limbs and the next thing he can feel is his skin being pierced and torn open, and, in agony he tries not to let go of Macready but he's being ripped away and he can feel fire in his veins and his vision is hazy and he's crying out for help but nobody comes.
Windows enters the outpost full of tense people, except this time, his clothes are different and his eyes just aren't quite the same.
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Thinkin’ about how as a kid I was afraid to sleep alone in my room bc I thought a ghost lived in my closet so every night I’d wake up and move into my parents room to sleep on the itchy wool rug on the floor. It was a bit under their bed and I wanted to lie on it perfectly so I’d also be a bit under the bed.
But I Also loved to eat ice cubes so while I was up in the dead of the night anyway I’d go grab an ice cube from the freezer.
And then I’d sneak into their room and lie down and start crunching on my ice cube, and without fail my dad would wake up and be like “are you REALLY eating ICE in here at 3 AM , AGAIN”
Then I’d swallow the whole ice cube really fast.
Anyway any time I think I’m ready for kids I think about losing sleep every night because there’s an 80 pound sentient creature halfway under my bed just. Eating ice
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even more extraordinarily good cropped conservative images
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