iregretncthing · 2 years
might not return to this acc lol
THINGS ARE GOOD DW! just the fact that i like to keep my personal life and this acc separated . i wanna keep my anonymity when it comes to rp and this account. but i also wanna respect boundaries in my current relationship,, so i dont care to have the conversation about this acc with my partner. (mostly cuz i considered this hobby to be just FOR ME. but now its different in a relationship when i want to be open about everything thats going on.)
so yeah. dw about me!!! its been fun folks. thx for all the support mwah :-)
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iregretncthing · 2 years
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iregretncthing · 2 years
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he loves hello kitty i think (secretly) and is very embarrassed about it
i mean its canon that he watches kids shows
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iregretncthing · 2 years
lowkey wanting to add dude's ex-wife (the bitch) to my muses and become a blog for them two ... mostly cuz i have so many headcanons for her. 😭 without rws ruining her character with misogynistic shit like "oooo my bitch wife....,,,"
(i dont have to listen to rws fuck those guys and their alt right founder)
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basically ive talked about this to a few mutuals already!!!
but my hc is that the bitch is way "worse" in the dude's fucked up mind. dude demonizes her, thinks she is a genuine bitch to him for no reason, fat (as if thats a bad thing) and always nagging.
but in reality she just is in a very awful relationship with a literal criminal. a murderer. and somehow she tries to live with that and cope with it. AND SHE IS JUST A HUMAN WITH NORMAL HUMAN REACTIONS . someone who genuinely couldnt escape her situation cuz well... she loved him until the end,,,, in some fucked up kinda way. even if dude didnt.
kinda like a walter white and skyler situation,, ya know,,,
BUT HEY. just something ive been thinking about
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iregretncthing · 2 years
"You don't have to touch me amigo." ( by @mxterx )
Dude's face flashed a surprised look. For a second or two. He quickly hid his actual reaction behind his cold, resting expression. Those shades he always wore helped him. Making him look calm and collected in the situation. His hand slowly backed off from the stranger's shoulder.
"Jeez, no need to be sore."
The man returned back to his drink, taking a swig. He exhaled heavily, tasting the bitter whiskey on his tongue. Terrible. But the point was to get intoxicated anyway.
When the bartender diseappeared out of sight to serve another customer, Dude turned his head back towards the woman again.
"So - - how does it sound to ya, missy?" he asked, that playful smile returning back on his face.
"All you have to do is cover me. Everything else - - you don't need to worry about that. I know the in's and out's of that place."
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iregretncthing · 2 years
The ginger visibly got a little embarrassed over what he just revealed. A frown on his face was inevitable. The comforting words Hinoka said to him felt like unnecessary pity. It was hurting his ego - - and his awfully fragile masculinity.
His voice muffled against her lips again. The hand tightening in his hair sent a cool shiver through his body. The rougher, the better.
After she pulled back, the man above her started to turn red. His cockiness had diseappared completely. The tone she used with him, teasing and seductive... He liked it. A lot. The redhead was quietly allowing her to toy with him.
Eyes under those dark shades widened. His vision started to turn foggy from lust. Even if he was usually cocky and aiming for the dominant role during sex - - it was rather nice to get treated the other way. Whenever his ego would allow it. He weakly scoffed.
A pause. Like he was almost too distracted. The embarrassment wasn't easy to hide.
"Oh. Yeah," he said. Dude cleared his throat. "Go ahead."
He carefully movedaside to sit on the bed, allowing her to get up.
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iregretncthing · 2 years
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iregretncthing · 2 years
a merry postal christmas
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iregretncthing · 2 years
Dude's eyes widened at the sensation of Hinoka's lips pressing against his. He made a muffled noise before closing his eyes, allowing himself to just enjoy it and melt all over her. His lips caressed hers, just as passionately. The ginger's hands pressed against the mattress, supporting his body so that he could hover right above the doctor.
The redhead over Hinoka didn't show any physical signs of arousal, but his mind already was far ahead. His thoughts jumped back to their previous nights.
Something about their relationship was giving him so much adrenaline. After all, he was still Hinoka's patient. And her employee. It felt like another shitty porno plotline Dude would watch on his freetime. And oh, did he just love it.
It had been a while since Dude had liked someone enough to just - - come back to them after hooking up. Hinoka was ... more than bearable. Likeable.
Dude tried not give it much thought. How he felt towards Hinoka wasn't that important. Feelings weren't his strength anyway. He buried them deep down the best he could. All he knew now was that they could stay as fuck buddies. Until one of them got bored.
A soft hum escaped into the kiss. When Hinoka pulled back to nip at his neck, Dude tilted his head slightly to give her more space.
A short, low noise escaped from his mouth. It was a sign that he enjoyed it. But he tried to show less excitement when his body wasn't ready yet. His face twitched. The hand in his hair made his face flush.
"Shit. I haven't taken those damn meds when I need to- - you know."
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iregretncthing · 2 years
The ginger frowned more. He looked more unamused with each moment passing by.
"Look, just sign tjhiss and I will be out of your way in no time..."
The tall man inched closer.
"... that or I will rip off your hand and do it for you."
“Look - - ”
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“I just need your name on this petition. So will you sign it or what?”
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     “I don’t want to sign no damn petition. And you’re blocking my way. That’s not a way to get people to sign it by pissing them off..”
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iregretncthing · 2 years
Dude stood facing Hinoka. He sealed his lips together tightly, trying not to smile like a fool when she started undressing.
Once Hinoka sat down, his eyes were locked on her. Oh,h howshe looked after revealing more of her body. How creamy and soft her skin looked from his point of view. He raised a brow at her words.
His curiousity peaked.
A hand slowly moved back to brush her cheek. Gentle movements of his fingers caressed her skin. One finger lifted her chin up, making sure she wouldn't cut the eye contact.
"I think..."
Then. Boom.
The realization that he had not taken Viagra hit him like a brick in the face. But he did his absolute best to hide that he just remembered it. It was embarrassing on its own.
His mouth was left slightly open. The redhead desperately tried to speak prevent Hinoka asking about it.
"... I think I would appreciate more of your generosity, doc."
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How could she be so fucking stupid? The hand that isn’t gripping the check tighter and tighter starts to pick at the skin around its fingers. She’s rambling, and the panic is starting to set in. The feeling of wanting to become invisible–Disappear entirely and forget this ever happened.
Then Dude kissed her. Her body stiffened when he did. It put a stop to the thoughts swirling in her mind. She returned it gently before pulling away. Hinoka exhaled through her nose, a hand rubbing the back of her neck.
“Sorry…” She muttered, eyes averted.
Her face was flushed, but out of embarrassment. Shame. And not the sexy kind. Gods damnit.
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iregretncthing · 2 years
Dude's heart fluttered at her soft words. The growing excitement showed on the tall man's face. His lips twitched again.
The fingers inside Hinoka's hand brushed against her palm.
She was always so soft...
A thoughtful hum. To make him snap out of it. His eyes watched how she led him to the place he had not been welcome before. The ginger looked around curiously. Dude took in the sight of the furniture and how the industrial smell of the clinic turned into a more pleasant one. The same scent he could smell when getting close to Hinoka. It lingered in her hair and clothes. On her sweaty skin when they got intimate.
A playful whistle. To pretend how impressed he was. Well, it was still nicer than the inside of his camper.
"The V-I-P access...."
He was being playful, anyone could hear the smile from his voice. His eyes landed on the doctor again. Dude hesitated. A scoff.
"I hope the surprises won't end here. This has been quite a lot, doctor."
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How could she be so fucking stupid? The hand that isn’t gripping the check tighter and tighter starts to pick at the skin around its fingers. She’s rambling, and the panic is starting to set in. The feeling of wanting to become invisible–Disappear entirely and forget this ever happened.
Then Dude kissed her. Her body stiffened when he did. It put a stop to the thoughts swirling in her mind. She returned it gently before pulling away. Hinoka exhaled through her nose, a hand rubbing the back of her neck.
“Sorry…” She muttered, eyes averted.
Her face was flushed, but out of embarrassment. Shame. And not the sexy kind. Gods damnit.
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iregretncthing · 2 years
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iregretncthing · 2 years
Dude's lip twitched. He hesitated. Oh wow. She had never allowed him there before. Even if he had asked. What changed? And when?
His hand lowered back down. He kept his eyes on her.
"Oh. Yeah, yeah. For sure."
A stiff reply, while he tried to hide his own excitement over what she said. The ginger wanted to make sure she could relax after all that. That thought alone made the corners of his lips twitch up.
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How could she be so fucking stupid? The hand that isn’t gripping the check tighter and tighter starts to pick at the skin around its fingers. She’s rambling, and the panic is starting to set in. The feeling of wanting to become invisible–Disappear entirely and forget this ever happened.
Then Dude kissed her. Her body stiffened when he did. It put a stop to the thoughts swirling in her mind. She returned it gently before pulling away. Hinoka exhaled through her nose, a hand rubbing the back of her neck.
“Sorry…” She muttered, eyes averted.
Her face was flushed, but out of embarrassment. Shame. And not the sexy kind. Gods damnit.
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iregretncthing · 2 years
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mother earth is pregnant for the third time, for yall have knocked her up
i have tasted the maggots in the mind of the universe; i was not offended, for i knew i had to rise above it all,
or drown in my own shit
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iregretncthing · 2 years
anyway i cosplayed the dude once and i slayed more than them + i love little gay people
*seeing that one tiktoker who cosplays the postal dude get clout even tho theyre LITERALLY HOMOPHOBIC*
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iregretncthing · 2 years
*seeing that one tiktoker who cosplays the postal dude get clout even tho theyre LITERALLY HOMOPHOBIC*
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