ireland--cassandra · 8 years
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He’s being loud and rude and he thinks he’s funny, and he isn’t.
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
Daddy, you should ground Michael. He’s mean. 
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
Michael and I had this fight...around the time that you and Brandon got back, and ever since then...every possible wolf instinct I’ve ever felt has been stronger. I’m not going to, it’s just...it’s weird. I’d talk to my aunt about it, but she hasn’t really been an option, and there are so many reasons I probably shouldn’t even bring it up to my dad. I’m sure he’d be able to, but I don’t want to rush him if he’s not okay...I can try and figure something out. I can’t see it, but...okay, if you say so. I’m sure you’d handle a kid far better than I would, though. I would not put that past him. I still think that Gizmo has to be some sort of demon. How nobody else sees that is beyond me.
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It’s my fault, not yours...as much as I hate to accept that, I know it’s true. But I loved you, Caleb...I do love you, I’ve always loved you. You never made me unhappy. It’s just that...I hate myself so much for all of it. Everything that happened, I hate it. I went down this hole, and I couldn’t get out...I did eventually, but only because Michael pulled me out. And it wasn’t your fault, it just happened, but..I don’t know. I don’t want to lose you again, Caleb, and it’s eating me alive feeling like I will if you know any of the things that I did..
Ever since what? Well, having a strong wolf side is good, just don’t let it take over you completely. That makes sense. I’ll have Jessalynn talk to him and see if he’s under control and ready to talk. I’m sure he can help her somehow. No, I don’t think so but I’ll make sure he does. That’s true. You would. Not a decent parent but a good parent. But yes. Brandon probably would actually…but the dog is still a dog. 
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Well I’m sorry I didn’t know that and sometimes it didn’t feel that way. I will say it as many times as I have to, and more than I should have to. Maybe, I won’t want to see you for a few days, but only a few days. But I would always want to stay with you. If you don’t know how to tell me without becoming a mess, then don’t. I’m okay with not knowing, just do whatever you want to do. 
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
It’s...yeah. I don’t know, it’s like...ever since...the wolf side of me keeps getting stronger. And when Lily started screaming...I could feel her fear...and I don’t even know if that makes sense, but I’m worried about her. Well as long as he handles it better than Elizabeth and Kellan have....better than I did...has he talked to August? I know. I just don’t want to risk her going through any of what Kat or anyone else went through. I would try...that doesn’t mean I’d suceed. But you’re going to say I’d be a decent parent no matter what I say, aren’t you? It’s not as embarrassing as it could be...I’m just glad she’s talking at all. Yeah, one of those. Brandon would say he’s a dog just because he thinks it’s funny that I’m ‘afraid’ of the damned thing. That doesn’t mean he’s a normal dog.
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I never wanted you to leave. I don’t know why you would think that I did, but...I didn’t. Well, I could barely stomach admitting any of it to Leigh...and I know I need to tell you. I just don’t know how to do it without becoming a mess again. Because...as many times as you say all of that, I can’t stop feeling like you'll hate me. Or at the very least won’t want to see me at all, let alone stay with me. 
Huh. Oh…that’s definitely weird. Scared? I don’t even know. Yeah…I think so. He’s just a little over one year vampy who has dealt with heartbreak. He’ll be fine. If he was anything like Kellan I wouldn’t even have suggested. You wouldn’t screw up a kid. I think you would take all the bad things that happened to you and others and make sure that the kid would never have to face those problems like you did. Aunt Wiley? That’s so embarrassing yet adorable. A hellhound you mean? He is a dog. You could get him genetically tested and it would show dog. Jus ask Brandon, he’s the smart one.
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I always thought I was. And I’m sorry that I did think wrong and I left. I’ve been and done worse than probably whatever you did. I will not hate you and I will still love you wether you tell me or not. 
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
I think having a daughter made him, like...I don’t even know. He cries over her all the time. Yeah...she’s been weird. And when I brought up her birthday the other night she freaked out and started screaming, but she...I think she was scared. I don’t know why. Huh...is he okay? Well, that’s good. If he was anything like Kellan was, I wouldn’t want him anywhere near my sister. I can barely handle myself sometimes. God only knows how badly I’d screw up a kid. She calls me Aunt Wiley...I have no idea where it came from. But Ireland is too hard for her, I guess. He’s not a dog, he’s...some sort of beast sent from hell or something. Gizmo being just a dog cannot be possible.
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...I wasn’t ever upset because of you. I mean, I was after you left, but not before. That’s probably only because you don’t know...I think about it sometimes and nearly make myself sick. 
That’s good. Crying several times in a day? That’s horrible. Being alone on her birthday? Yeah, I guess he just would tear his room apart at random times or go out storming into the woods and not come back for a long time. Jessalynn brought him to me thinking I could help so he’s with her and I just help him stay in control. No, not at all nothing like Kellan’s blackouts. Why do you say that? What her name for you? Aw, that’s pretty funny. True. It’s not a beat, it is a dog.
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Well, that answer is simple. I thought leaving would be better for you since you were always sad or worried about something. I couldn’t help but think maybe I was part of that since you were alright before we were together. So I just wanted to give you some space. And I know leaving without any word is wrong, and I was probably wrong but I did go. I’ve told you before that whatever you tell me what you did, I could never hate the things you have done or yourself as much as I hate what I have done and myself. 
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
Kellan’s doing really well at the parent thing too. But, then again, he does cry everyday...several times, now. Lily’s just been...strange lately. Something’s going on with her but she won’t tell me what. I’m pretty sure she’s planning on locking herself off on Wednesday and spending her birthday by herself. Anger outbursts? Those aren’t anything like Kellan’s blackouts were, right? Well the world may never know...kids might never be a good idea for me. Her name for me isn’t nearly as cute or funny as what she’s been calling Kellan, but that’s probably just because it’s close to Kelly and he ‘hates’ that we still call him that. Okay, but in a realistic and practical world, she wouldn’t be around over half the people here. I’m not sure any of us are really safe creatures. I’m just choosing to ignore that Katerina likes that beast. There’s no way he’s actually a dog.
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Yeah, that’s...part of it. And I know I need to tell you what I did when...that all happened. Well, I mean, even if I don’t, there’s a good chance you’ll end up hating me as much as I do these days anyway, so..
Oh wow. Well, that is good that she’s handling it better than you expected, Yeah, I’m sure Steph will take it better out of the two of them. But Lily, I’ll see if I can get Max to help her with that if he still isn’t dealing with his sudden anger outbursts. Well, yeah with us. That is not a lie. You would be great, trust me. At least she’s working on it and she can get a few words out, and halfway with some. Well, in a reality sense, and practically that is totally unsafe and she should stay far away from any dogs until she is at least three or four. But with everything being unpractical that is totally cool.
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All of it? What do you mean by that? Do you mean why I left? Cause there’s actually a simple explanation to it but you might totally not like it. 
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
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Brandon and Ireland Mikaelson Moodboard 
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
It might actually be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen either of them do. Which is only mildly terrifying, because they do pretty stupid things daily. They were fun for me to listen to, but no, my aunts and Beca and Kellan and some of the others didn’t think so. Beca being a mom at all is weird. But she is handling it better than I expected her to,so there was that at least. I don’t know. I think Steph will probably warm up to it pretty easily, but Lily...I’ll probably have to work on her. It’s just...I just meant that given how...things with us have been, it’s probably better that I’m not accountable for a baby right now. That is such a lie, I’d be terrible. Yeah, not like, fluently or anything and she can’t say my name all the way, but she’s talking. She likes to ride Gizmo now too, which I think is stupid and dangerous for my sister to let her do, but apparently I’ve ‘got some irrational fear’ of that damn bear dog.
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You...can probably guess. I just think we should at least try talking about all of it if we’re ever going to get it behind us 
That most definitely does sound interesting. ‘Toss a baby’ doesn’t sound that safe. Well, his theories must have been..fun. That’s true, yeah I get it. Oh, I can see that. Beca is strong by herself but now being a protective mother, that would be scary. I’m probably sure they will take it well. I think maybe they just might need a little more convincing or something of the sorts. Why is it a good thing? You would be a great mother actually, just saying. Katerina is talking now? That really cool, and cute. 
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…Umm yeah, go for it. What do you want to talk about? 
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
Oh wow…that sounds like a lot yet all very amusing at the same time. I promise I won’t tell anyone but I bet you more than anything Enzo is going to find out what it is because…actually I don’t know what his feelings are he doesn’t say but I won’t tell. She’s pregnant?! Wow, congratulations to her then. She’s a great mom. Yeah, it does seem like everyone is having babies. And we both know babies ruin my hard exterior so that must be fun for you to watch me fawn over them. No, it’s okay that make perfect sense actually. I understand you really well so I got all of it. 
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It’s been...interesting to say the least. Definitely hilarious, though. The boys are all ‘bitter’ because me and Beca have been laughing at them, but it’s not our fault Josh is an idiot with our nephew, or that Kellan thought playing ‘toss a baby’ or whatever with his daughter and Damien was a good idea. Eric’s ‘theories’ about the babies were kind of funny to listen to, but I’m not telling Beca that because I rather like not being on her bad side. I mean, Brandon would be one thing, but...I don’t know. I’m not sure how she’d feel if everyone knew before she did. But hey, if it got out to Enzo somehow that Beca has a kid before she gets a chance to do whatever she was planning to do...okay no, let’s not do that either, nobody needs an angry Salvatore archer mother right now. But yeah, Mom’’s pregnant. Which is amazing, obviously, but it’s weird. I’m not sure how Lily and Steph are gonna take it. Everyone but me...which is probably a good thing. I’d be an awful mother. Your----yeah. Sure, we’ll say you have one of those. It is fun though, you’re right. Especially when we’ve got Lili and Katerina...who’s talking now, by the way, Katerina is. It’s crazy. Okay cool, I’d explain it, but it’d take awhile.
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----Oh, but I, uh...do need to talk to you about something, actually.
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
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A couple of different things, actually. The condensed version of most of it is, Sophia punched some stupid counselor hard enough he blacked out, Josh was crying yet again, Eric got grounded for whatever stupid thing he said to Beca, and Kellan somehow managed to be put on ‘supervised probation’, whatever that is, from his own fatherhood. By all of my aunts. And then there’s the really big thing which you can’t tell anyone, not even Brandon or our siblings or Enzo, or anyone else because I don’t think that either of my parents know. I only know because I forced Lilith to tell me what she knows and won’t tell but, our mom is pregnant. Which makes her the third that I know of in the past year. Everyone’s having babies, it’s really weird. And...I’m not even sure how much of that actually made sense, I don’t know how much of the stuff that’s been going on you know about.
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
That is...definitely something.
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
How are you?
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Uh...sober. Which is actually a huge improvement. How are you?
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
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Hey, Dad.
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
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ireland--cassandra · 8 years
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