irelyre · 3 days
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irelyre · 4 days
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irelyre · 6 days
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Today's weird flavor haul from 7-11.
The Masala Lay's are legitimately delicious. Mild/medium spice, great flavor profile. (There are a shitwhack of "flavor drop" ones out there right now; I was not at all tempted by the "Honey Butter" flavor.)
@copperbadge - in case your peregrinations take you down the chip aisle.
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irelyre · 6 days
Introduce! Baikal seals! To Lake Superior!
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irelyre · 7 days
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irelyre · 7 days
I would give so much money for that joker board
where was this quality in The Dark Knight
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irelyre · 7 days
The thing which drives me absolutely up the wall (which is guaranteed not to be the actual bad part because my brain is trash) is that the cops have a huge legitimacy crisis. They know it! They complain about it constantly! The popularity of the police is a big political issue! Right now, of all times, what they really need to do is not blow it for themselves. play nice.
and yet. put a innocent bystander in the hospital, shoot and then handcuff another? you think he's going to be like "oh hero cops protecting me" after they cuffed him to bleed on the subway? You think his mom is ever doing an nypd bake sale or whatever the fuck after this?
It's like they don't think they should have to try. They don't owe us the dignity of trying to butter us up. that's the part that bugs me.
the nypd doing a mass shooting over a $2.90 fare evasion truly is the inevitable endpoint of the police as an institution and also just the encapsulation of how everything we're fighting is all the same fucking thing at its core. nypd kkk idf you're all the same.
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irelyre · 8 days
hey remember the sun is going away and you’re going to go nuts and to not take it personally
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irelyre · 10 days
yeah, like. when i was ~eight the public school system taught me the US is the land of the free and the home of the brave where immigrants are just as american as people who came over on the mayflower. The american dream. Where everyone can 'make it', everyone has inviolable human rights, and nobody is above the law. Freedom from fear, from want, freedom of speech, and of worship. A fundamentally good country, an advocate for the underdog, etc.
now. Mrs. Auburn was stretching the truth a little. a lot.
but you know. i'll take slowly hammering the gruesome disappointment of the real united states into the ideal it never was but one day could be over, what, "pretending it's good, because i think this is the best i deserve"?
"Why are you in this country if you hate it so much?"
Umm... I was born here? Moving out of the country is expensive and one of my criticisms of the US is how we treat the poor? It's actually somewhat difficult to get citizenship somewhere else? You're supposed to be critical of your own culture and engage in politics somewhat? I have a right to speak my mind?
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irelyre · 11 days
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irelyre · 13 days
An English language academy, except its job--in keeping with the spirit of the tongue--is not to regulate the "official" dialect but to find fun new words in other languages and encourage their borrowing into the vernacular.
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irelyre · 15 days
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irelyre · 15 days
Do not fuck around with hydrogen sulfide.
(if this is your first uscsb video recreation of a chemical accident, please enjoy this entire channel)
when i got my medical certificate i very confidently answered the question "what do you do if a person becomes unconscious?" with "remove from the room immediately" only to be met with puzzled silence by the instructor and that's when i learned that the deeply ingrained nautical fear and grim reality of seamen and their rescuers asphyxiating in enclosed spaces due to build up of toxic gas or especially lack of oxygen does not translate to land.
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irelyre · 17 days
Mimicry has evolved in a wide range of organisms and encompasses diverse tactics for defence, foraging, pollination and social parasitism. Here, I report an extraordinary case of egg mimicry by a fungus, whereby the fungus gains competitor-free habitat in termite nests. Brown fungal balls, called ‘termite balls’, are frequently found in egg piles of Reticulitermes termites. Phylogenetic analysis illustrated that termite-ball fungi isolated from different hosts (Reticulitermes speratus, Reticulitermes flavipes and Reticulitermes virginicus) were all very similar, with no significant molecular differences among host species or geographical locations. I found no significant effect of termite balls on egg survivorship. The termite-ball fungus rarely kills termite eggs in natural colonies. Even a termite species (Reticulitermes okinawanus) with no natural association with the fungus tended termite balls along with its eggs when it was experimentally provided with termite balls. Dummy-egg bioassays using glass beads showed that both morphological and chemical camouflage were necessary to induce tending by termites. Termites almost exclusively tended termite balls with diameters that exactly matched their egg size. Moreover, scanning electron microscopic observations revealed sophisticated mimicry of the smooth surface texture of eggs. These results provide clear evidence that this interaction is beneficial only for the fungus, i.e. termite balls parasitically mimic termite eggs.
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irelyre · 18 days
i know my followers are born haters so i need yall to check out this reddit thread before OP deletes it for getting roasted alive in the comments
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irelyre · 18 days
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irelyre · 18 days
When you’re an archaeologist with a set schedule, sometimes people really get to understand who you are
When I dug in France I always got a croissant at 0520 from the same exact place in Échemines. A week in, they had one lying on the counter for me by the time I walked in. By the second week I got the exact amount I’d pay in hand when I walked in, because they’d reliably have it ready. I made sure to tell the owners that I wasn’t returning on my last day of the dig.
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