irenaemilija · 4 years
i haven’t been a very good member of this group lately and i just want to say that i’m sorry for that. various things have led me to point where the thought of interacting and writing replies makes me anxious - so now is the time to take a break.
this is all just in my head and it’s something i need to process personally before i can come back. this group has been a part of my life for years and it has given me so much, but i won’t deny that the sheer size of it is often very overwhelming. i am not that good with political plots and trying to juggle six characters and their connections... it was too much and it spiked my anxiety through the roof. that combined with some other things meant that meeting even the one reply per week quota felt impossible.
i know myself well enough to say that i’ll most likely be back. but before that, thank you for being insanely talented writers and literally the loveliest group of people i’ve ever had the honor to know in this community. i’m truly sorry for all the inconveniences this causes, but i feel like this was the only solution that made sense. hopefully you’ll forgive me.
i will be stalking absolutely everything that happens around here bc i am that bitch and won’t let go. feel free to message me whenever. thank you and bye for now <3
and then the important part, what happens to my characters:
irena officially abdicates and travels the world with her bf. irina goes back to russia with her babies, aarne goes back to finland and probably causes more trouble there and luc is very much not divorcing freja but he probably thought that seeing arnauld would give him a heart attack so he is avoiding phuket like the plague.
also feel free to godmod my characters as much as you’d like! it’s free real estate babeys
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irenaemilija · 4 years
𝚣𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚋, 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾
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“ oh, but she can’t exactly not like you. you share the same blood ! i could practically feel the daggers her glare was shooting at me, standing next to her golden boy. ” she pauses a moment to readjust her skirt. “ maybe i should’ve worn a dress instead. ” it happened at any of their events — the stares, the comments with the bitter undertones, the doting upon ilija. she best get used to it. “ okay, do we like any of them here today ? ”
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kseniya’s words almost make her laugh – clearly her relatives haven’t gotten the memo. “she once gave me a scrapbook of all my tabloid covers as a birthday present.” now she can laugh at it, but it had been very different when it had actually happened. “no, your clothes are fine.” the skirt isn’t the problem, it’s something much bigger. “that guy over there. i think he’s a cousin of some sorts? he’s decent and so is his sister. the rest of them, not so much. they all love ilija, though, so you’ll be fine.”
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irenaemilija · 4 years
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it had only been a day since both of their worlds turned upside down. ilija still trying to process how much that would change their lives while he sat there, in silence just looking at his sister. he’d arrived that morning, back from california three weeks after his first college year began and ilija couldn’t imagine the situation being any worse at that moment. “ you’re the future queen now. ” and that was the weirdest thought, it felt weird and wrong to even say it. “ why did she do it ? ” // @irenaemilija​
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she hadn’t slept a wink after hearing the news. it felt unreal – just two days ago the biggest concern of her life had been an essay on 19th century croatian literature, now she was supposed to be the heir of the entire country. “i guess so.” ilija’s words didn’t make it sound more real. “because she’s selfish, that’s why. apparently some idiot man is worth ruining my damn life.” she spat out. “this was never supposed to happen. i don’t care about politics, i don’t care about finances or taxes or whatever comes with handling an entire country. how could she do this to me?”
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irenaemilija · 4 years
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parading around in a family event is far from enjoyable, but at least for once she has someone to be there with. “that old hag likes no one. her opinion is irrelevant, i think i haven’t really listened to her since i was thirteen.” she scoffs, glancing at the older woman. “most of my relatives are mostly terrible. hopefully the nicer ones are somewhere around here.”
𝚣𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚋, 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾
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itching fingers flatten the invisible wrinkles from the fabric of her dress as she leaves the conversation with the older woman. even once they’re out of earshot, kseniya lowers her voice when she speaks to irena. “ i don’t think your great aunt likes me very much. ” ( @irenaemilija​ )
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irenaemilija · 4 years
i am very late but if anyone wants to plot with me for the event like this maybe??
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irenaemilija · 4 years
i’m having a lot of muse & creativity problems rn so if i manage to actually do one reply per character today, that will be the greatest achievement of my entire life
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irenaemilija · 4 years
              now, there’s a face he hasn’t seen in a very long time. in fact, he’s not entirely sure he remembers their last interaction, but whether that is from the time that had passed or his inebriation at the time, remains a mystery to him. likely, it was both. “ not that i expected you to be my welcome wagon, ” he chuckles, a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes pulling on the corners of his lips. “ but you sound like i’m here as some elaborate form of punishment. ”
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“no, not that.” seeing him isn’t a punishment, it’s simply something unexpected. he reminds her of the person she used to be, and it’s surprisingly bothersome. “i’m surprised, that’s all. coming to a place like this doesn’t exactly seem like a thing you would do.” she says. what does she know, though? it isn’t like she’s very familiar with the intricacies of hector’s personality. “and it’s been years.”
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irenaemilija · 4 years
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“frank, the best in the business.” she couldn’t blame others for questioning his presence — he stuck out among the jewels and glitz. “not necessarily, at least i do not think. he has been part of my team for almost a decade, my parents hired him.” layla easily left out key details as to why her family would hire a cowboy for security, learning how not to immediately overshare. “he is not as… brutish as he appears, but you did not hear that from me.”
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“he doesn’t exactly look like a traditional bodyguard.” at least he didn’t look like one guarding a princess. but if he had been with layla for that long and she was still alive – irena supposed he was doing his job. “that long? sorry, i don’t pay attention.” she grinned. “so he is a total softie? i knew it. all the most unlikely people are. and sometimes the people who look nice are total jerks. that’s just how it is.”
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irenaemilija · 4 years
i took a break and it ends tomorrow! getting back to the drama requires a proper mindset so expect replies and starters tomorrow bc today is still break time <3
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irenaemilija · 4 years
i recorded this about twenty times sdfkdkfl maybe i should chill or something
@vrnvuld olin kiva ja jätin sullekin tekemistä :)
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irenaemilija · 4 years
pls keep doing these i love hearing the names and your accents
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irenaemilija · 4 years
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she always knew that he had a title, but the thought of him appearing in phuket had never crossed her mind. yet there he was, probably completely unbothered by the fact he was like a literal ghost from her past. “should i have guessed that you’d eventually show up here? i mean, half of the world is here, why wouldn’t you be, too? don’t get me wrong, i am still very surprised.” // @hectorhq​
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irenaemilija · 4 years
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“why do i keep ordering non-alcoholic cocktails?” she frowns and sets her glass down. “this is just fancy juice that doesn’t even taste that good.” // @ancstvsivs​
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irenaemilija · 4 years
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“who is the old man trailing you all the time? security?” she hasn’t had a personal security detail in years, so she has somewhat forgotten the necessity of one. “is being married that dangerous?” // @laylabahiti​
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irenaemilija · 4 years
like/comment/send a smoke signal if you want a starter from irena
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irenaemilija · 4 years
ok irrelevant but i got a job!! i celebrated it by buying raspberries so now i am happy and i have raspberries. will maybe continue celebrating by doing replies. thank you for being my audience.
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irenaemilija · 4 years
one thing you love, hate and tolerate about your significant other?
“i love how i’m never bored when he’s around, i hate the permanent threat of fruit wars and i barely tolerate the fact he’s not here.”
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