Chocolate Tarlette
As I have mention in my previous post I was going to make the chocolate tarlettes...well here it is!!! Sorry for the delay!
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I made three tarlettes so that it would spell out a message, you will see at the end! This process took time putting the dough on every tarlette and making them thin.
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Finally done! and ready to bake!!! in it goes for 15 minutes! Now time for the chocolate cream yummy.... :)
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Haha...forgot to take a picture of it, but this is basically what he looks like cooking. Pastry cream mixed with bittersweet chocolate. It was tasty, chocolatey, and sweet!
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yummy, about to go in the oven for 5-10 minutes to set!!!
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All done and now for my special touch for a little fanciness.
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The white chocolate was slowly melting with the warm chocolate cream, but it didn't melt all the way and the letters stayed for the rest of the night.
That night went to dinner at Espetus in Sunnyvale - Brazilian Steakhouse. Before than went there in the afternoon to drop off the dessert so that it would be a surprise for him!!! It was cute....
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Tonkatsu Challenge
I have recently been crazed about Tonkatsu ramen. Have you ever tried it? The porky taste of the broth melts into your mouth and the creamy texture makes you wanting more. I ask myself how is this made? Hours and hours of cooking away all the fat and collagen of the pork bones.
Hmm.... pork bones marrow the best part of the bones! If you have never tried this before then it is a must. You are missing out.
On to my ramen, well with such desire to attempt this recipe and give a try - will I fail or will succeed? Out I go to get my ingredients
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These are the bones which consist of 6 legs with their yummy marrow and fats and their shoulder bone. They are boiling in the pot to get rid of the "gunk."
Thinking I know the recipe by heart because I've been staring at it for so long and studying various version of this recipe attempts, I end up boiling this over an hour without changing the water!!
Yea... I know. Stupid.
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Hmm...look at that! All the fatty liquid, this is what it looks like after an hour of boiling. Coming back to that Stupid remark I just mention above. Well, I dumped all that beautiful goodness down the drain, thinking 'this is probably the gunk they mean.' NO! *sigh*
I transferred everything to my slow cooker which I set it on high manual mode to cook it overnight. 
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OK. this looks kinda right doesn't it? What you see are fat deposits floating around in the broth. This was taken after I got home from school at around 2pm. I continue on with the cooking...
When I tried the broth it was flavorless!! What went wrong? Any suggestions? You are right there was no seasoning, I didn't put anything in the recipe which one of the bloggers didn't so thinking and hoping as her results were good mines would be just the same, right?
In the end - which there are no pictures of because of my failure in this attempt disappointment me from adding to my enthusiasm, - I added sauted onion, ginger, and garlic to the broth to salvage my soup. Which added a little bit of the flavor but not enough. My brother, cousin, and boyfriend came over to try this out. They were either kind or sincere, but said the soup was good for my first attempt. We ate it with corn, imitation crab, lettuce, cha shu, and boiled egg. In my own opinion I did not enjoy it. It still wasn't right. I was looking for a particular taste and it wasn't there.
Next time, I will reattempt this again, but not for awhile and this time it will be better!
On to my next challenge Chocolate Tartlette!! It's almost Valentines and I want to surprise my hunny with a dessert. This shouldn't be too hard...right?
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White Wine Butter Sauce with Shrimp and Clams
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you are the soul that took my heart,
turn it into coal,
burning with the flames of hatred.
you are the divine send from heaven's gates
casting shadows of love's despair
raining down with tears of pain.
you are the love that never really was...
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The sound of stillness surrounds my space
The droning of the vent transport my mind
Another place, another time
Movement of life before my eyes
Dancing in a glass globe
Unable to touch, unable to pentrate
She ignores me as if I am not there
Playing a role guided by unseen hands
I step closer looking into her dead eyes
Full of emptiness and painful sorrows
Unmatched by the smile on her lips, forming words which can't be heard
I see upon her bosoms the deepest red alive,
spreading, spreading consuming her alive
A smile upon her lip unmatched by her eyes.
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Sitting here alone, doing what is expected of me.
Feeling lost, as I watch people come and go.
I'm growing distance with passing moments
Feeling more tiny consumed by a darkness inside my soul.
Wanting nothing more than to be swallow
Wanting nothing more than to be understood
Day and night, night and day they are all the same
Feeling more alone
I'm standing still and hands empty
Reaching and searching for you, my spirit, my heart, my soul
When will this heart beat in tune with yours?
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Passing of time fades the memories
Deep, deep inside the subconsciousness
Forgetting is more simple than remembering
or bracing something that is lost
Glimmers as a candle light fire flickers swaying in the atmosphere
hope will always seem to be there
Can the memory resurface?
And touch the heart, spreading in the soul?
A pool full of tears that once came falling
like a leaking facet that was once neglected
Time fades the memories
Leaving everything behind...
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This is a great rainy gloomy day song.
Bruno Mars - Lazy Song
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Getting Started...
Another day has gone by...thinking about what should I write about in my first blog. I don't know whether I am really going to publish this out for the world to see or keep it for my eyes. Every word, every line a secret to me but also a relief that I am actually letting it go. I wondering how long will this last a few weeks, a month or maybe a couple of months. DAMN!!! Here goes...
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