iridescentesfp · 3 years
Can you do a post like this for high Se please?
If you are a high healthy Se, you should be able to do these things effortlessly:
+ Learn through hands-on doing, as a process of gathering real-world experience that allows you to make gradual sensory shifts to do it better the second time. In other words, leaping in and trying things hands-on.
+ Aware of your sensory environment and the potential within it, in tune and observant of other people’s minor physical cues, able to read body language and respond to it by adjusting yourself to fit the situation (aware of your audience and whether what you are doing or saying is ‘resonating’).
+ Know how to act in a current situation to redirect its energy and focus and make things better for the immediate future, rather than worsening the situation. (High Se can sense what is immediately forthcoming and choose whether to push it forward or delay it from happening. The lower the Se, the clumsier a person does this, and sometimes low Se worsens situations instead of resolving them through being reckless or careless or picking the wrong opportunity.)
+ Focus on what is obvious and provable, collects information before passing judgment on it, lives in the moment to the highest degree and often is able to fully immerse themselves in what is happening and enjoy the present.
+ Strong dislike or inability to understand people who “prefer to live life on the sidelines.” You are engaged and ‘in life’ so don’t understand ‘dreamers’ who never do what they say  they want to do, since that’s a waste of time.
+ Abandon something when it proves ineffective and take another path – even if it’s moving in the opposite direction, but always with your ultimate goal or desire in mind. Winging it is natural to you and you’re confident you can handle what life throws at you by adapting to it once it gets here.
Se anywhere in the stack creates a degree of openness to experiences, so an NJ will still be interested in opportunism and ‘real life’ but not with the degree of expertise and skill that an SP uses to body-slam into what the world has to offer.
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iridescentesfp · 3 years
Why the heck do Se stereotypes exist?? ESXPs aren’t idiots?????
I think a lot of assumptions that Se users are shallow, fake, and stupid are rooted in the happenings of a sensory overloaded party, featuring; the introvert.
Okay, listen. An introvert, tired from a terrible day at work, just wants to cuddle up on the couch with a book, but ends up getting dragged out of their house and to this party that is just the worst. Too much is happening all at once. The music is unbearably loud. Those people are screaming and dancing and laughing and it’s just… too much.
But then, one of those airheads comes over to that introvert and starts a conversation. It’s small talk like what’s your favorite color? What do you like to do for fun? 
And in their mind, they’re screaming, “POINTLESS. MEANINGLESS. I want to go hoooommmmeeeee!”
Trust me, Se users don’t like small talk either, but how do you narrow down conversation topics? How do you, a well seasoned partier find common ground with an overwhelmed and uncomfortable loner? (mind that not all introverts are this person. This is purely for example)
Anyways, the introvert being an MBTI nerd, (Probably not the best one) watches how these partiers act even after the party’s over and they’re still annoying as heck. Why are they so stupid? Is there anything meaningful in their shallow lives?
And then you can guess how that escalates and we end up having a whole community full of Se haters because 90% of them are intuitive and they hate parties which is where Se doms are. Then the ESXPs are just instantly clumped into the idiot box. I don’t know, word travels fast.
My questions is, have you guys hung out with an ESXP on the daily basis? Where there isn’t a ton of stuff going on? Like when they are just lounging on the couch, shopping for groceries, or making spaghetti?
Have you looked deeper at what they enjoy doing besides partying?
The answer could surprise you. Most ESXPs don’t have enough money to go skydiving or parachuting on the daily, so instead, they have about 40 different hobbies which can include being smart.
Yes, the dreaded word, SMART. If you get on the right topic, you might take a step back as you see their minds blossom with passion for drawing, music, painting, singing, or perhaps biology, and yes, I’ve met some that love MBTI. Like A LOT. Including me. ;)
And don’t get me started on the ESFP’s rich beliefs and personal values. I see, left and right in the MBTI community, INFPs and ENFPs are the only ones who feel the deepest and they are the only ones who can empathize. And any sensor cannot go that deep. It’ll break their tiny little brains.
Not true.
We ESFPs have Fi too which makes us great listeners.
On a personal level, I helped my best friend (INTJ) get through depression because I could tell him I went through it as well. I could relate to the exact emotions and it was like reliving what I had gone through. It was painful and exhausting, but him knowing that I know how it feels was exactly what he needed.
In conclusion, spend some quiet time with an Se user. Yes, they can be quiet. (Shocking, right?) Yes, they can listen. And yes, they have dreams, passions, beliefs, feelings, wonder and appreciation for the world, beautiful understanding of others, and excellent friendship possibilities.
Get to know the real ESXP before you make another post about ‘how each type likes to spend their time’ or whatever. We’re not all into partying, drinking, dancing, and sleeping around.
I hate parties by the way.
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
yawn these boring esfp/tagged posts about partying, being the life of every social gathering and probably doing/being [insert negative traits] are the only things showing on social media feed 🙄 whether it’s a funny meme post or “insight” on esfp’s in people’s lives. things anyone can do/be. any more in-depth notes y’all? I’m starting to relate to enfp posts a little more 🤡
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
xxtj boss (dentistry):
*glares at people talking over others during team meeting*
when in a good mood- loves to playfully tease me, whistles, “all right!”, smoothly joins conversations when he walks into the room
when in a bad mood-sulky, cold, silent, movements show disapproval, matter-of-fact
painfully detail oriented but does GOOD work
has his own way of doing things and needs things done his way
hawk eyes at crappy work ethic
proud of achievements
good delegator and planner
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
infj’s are...cool. they were always the ones I look to for inspiration, information, conversation, comfort. my heart warms at a certain one 🥰
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
brazilian government thinking abt leaving the world health org in the middle of a pandemic……………… deleting the deaths/infected numbers from official websites…………. pretending brazil isnt the #2 country w the most infected rn………………. 600k+ ppl infected……. nearly 1k deaths A DAY!…….. i’m gonna cry
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
Since once in a blue moon I actually discover a decent rule for adulting, and since I know I have followers a few years younger than me who are just entering the workforce, I want to tell you about a very important phrase. 
“I won’t be available.”
Imagine you’re at work and your boss asks you to come in on Saturday. Saturday is usually your day off–coming in Saturdays is not an obligation to keep your job. Maybe you were going to watch a movie with a friend, or maybe you were just going to lie in bed and eat ice cream for eight hours, but either way you really, really don’t want to give up your day off.
If you consider yourself a millennial you’ve probably been raised to believe you need to justify not being constantly at work. And if you’re a gen-Z kid you’re likely getting the same toxic messages that we did. So in a situation like that, you might be inclined to do one of three things:
Tell your boss you’d rather not give up your day off. Cave when they pressure you to come in anyway, since you’re not doing anything important.
Tell your boss you’d rather not give up your day off. Over-apologize and worry that you looked bad/unprofessional.
Lie and say you’ve got a doctor’s appointment or some other activity that feels like an adequate justification for not working.
The fact is, it doesn’t matter to your boss whether you’re having open heart surgery or watching anime in your underwear on Saturday. The only thing that affects them is the fact that you won’t be at work. So telling them why you won’t be at work only gives them reason to try and pressure you to come in anyway.
If you say “I won’t be available,” giving no further information, you’d be surprised how often that’s enough. Be polite and sympathetic in your tone, maybe even say “sorry, but I won’t be available.” But don’t make an excuse. If your boss is a professional individual, they’ll accept that as a ‘no’ and try to find someone else. 
But bosses aren’t always professional. Sometimes they’re whiny little tyrants. So, what if they pressure you further? The answer is–politely and sympathetically give them no further information.
“Are you sure you’re not available?” “Sorry, but yes.”
“Why won’t you be available?” “I have a prior commitment.” (Which you do, even if it’s only to yourself.)
“What’s your prior commitment?” “Sorry, but that’s kind of personal.”
“Can you reschedule it?” “I’m afraid not. Maybe someone else can come in?”
If you don’t give them anything to work with, they can’t pressure you into going beyond your obligations as an employee. And when they realize that, they’ll also realize they have to find someone else to come in and move on.
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
the first time I see/hear etc. something like a music video, I cannot think about the undertones. I need, and end up enjoying it as a whole, as it is, all the raw information and feel it! it is a mistake to replay a moment otherwise it ruins the mood. I love the exhilarating feelings of inspiration/energy/hurt etc. this is why I love new stimuli.
is there a cognitive function that would let a user perceive beauty in a sense? something like how some people have a natural eye for photography or how some people can appreciate the angles and cinematography of a movie without ever really learning the subject or are drawn to these things?
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
dom se inf ni:
Oops I Did It Again
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
ESFP: Should I get my life together or should I just keep being sexy and chaotic?
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
dom se things
feeling high when things are great the energy and vibes are great you have the urge to bounce person to person and hug them and scream, your mind is buzzing you could do so many things and feel many things at once
also knowing it’s fleeting, but when you feel it you’re overwhelmed in the best way
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
me: *takes MBTI test for the 4th time* *looks at my type's memes for an hour*
me: yup this is me
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
Why I Love the Types
INTP: They always ask the most interesting questions, and will consider your point of view and explore it thoroughly before judging if it is valid or not, their thirst for knowledge is super interesting and complex, and their open-mindedness is unparalleled, they act like they don’t care but they are capable of being incredibly selfless, also their minds are AMAZING, so complex and logical, and just lots of love to all the INTPs out there, you’re great people! X) also, whatever you create is always eerily fascinating, how ever do you come up with that? 
ENTP: You guys are incredibly witty, which makes it hard at times to be mad at you for being politically incorrect, as you have the capacity to understand and respond to almost anything, which makes you great at advising people, and you’re really fun to be with, your confidence empowers people to feel good about themselves, and the quality of conversation is just incredible, so we love you very much beside the fact that you’re infuriating sometimes ;) you’re ultra-smart, too.
INTJ: So F-types using Fi can be annoying but hear me out: I profoundly respect your aptitude to think things through and to sense what the best decision to take would be, you’re incredibly knowledgeable (like htf do you know so much!), your drive and vision are empowering and could truly change the world, and you are silently capable of anything. I basically respect you guys so much, you rock! Oh and your subtle humour and occasional passive-aggressiveness? That’s another great thing ;)
ENTJ: First of all, your organisation skills are unparalleled, you can find a plan for anything in a matter of seconds, and there is ALWAYS a solution, even though you’re a bit scary you’re really easy to talk to when we get to know you, the way you talk about the things that interest you makes it fascinating for the person listening too because of your drive, when you’re patient you can spend hours explaining things ever so clearly to people, you’re really cool ;)
INFP: You’re all so sweet, but this should not be misunderstood as a weakness, since you hold your values very close to your heart and whoever fails to be kind and understanding of others, or who persistently underestimates you, will be irretrievably lost, which makes you very loyal, and very complex. The way you relate to other people although you’re different, your empathy and perception of life are truly inspiring! :) also, your writing skills are very impressive.
ENFP: ENFPs are as capable of making people cry from laughter as they are in search of the deepest truths of their mind and personal understandings to see the world from a completely different perspective, you’re crazy in the best possible way and you speak from the heart, you find meaning in the seemingly smallest and worthless things, and your outlook on life -although it can sometimes be nostalgic or sad- is always breathtakingly beautiful, it’s amazing :)
INFJ: Where do I even start with INFJs, you people are so wise and oftentimes very old souls who genuinely care for other people that they know AND don’t know, you’re always ready to help, sometimes more than you can directly handle, and your concern for the welfare of mankind is incredible. You understand people better than they do themselves, and thank you for listening to our endless rants, and having so much compassion you sometimes feel like it could kill you. We love you lots, really
ENFJ: Not talking about me but about other ENFJs, because that’s what we do, but you people are the rays of sunshine of our lives, the extra mother we didn’t know we needed -badly- and your patience, added to that “fighter for peace” mentality, helps us through our darkest times and makes us stronger. You can always, 24/7, be counted upon to get out of your way to help a friend or make time for someone if they need to talk, and that’s fricking remarkable, you’re a great person -remember that. 
ISTJ: You save our asses ALL THE TIME, which would honestly be enough for me, considering how many times you do so, relentlessly, on a daily basis, you also work so hard to get what you want, you’re determined and nothing can make you stray when you’ve found the right path, your loyalty and strong sense of morals and duties are truly remarkable qualities that teach us many valuable lessons, and thank you once again for your notes, and your checklists, I don’t know what I’d do without you ;)
ISFJ: I’d already mentioned it somewhere but you guys are simply adorable, you care so much, and you excel when it comes to organising birthday parties and family gatherings. You remember little but meaningful things about people, but please stop beating yourselves up over things you don’t consider perfect because clearly, the fact that you’ve put so much of your time, and care into doing something we all see as amazing is way more than enough to any of us!! :) love you guys, take care
ESTJ: You guys are like these old professors from British colleges you see in films, you have your habits, you know your facts, you like cosy warm rooms where you can read and learn at ease, and your pun-based humour is hilarious. You can be completely hyper like you can be calm and smooth-spoken, and you always thrive to take the best decision, which is admirable. We love you for your patience and practicality, and just thank you for being a responsible person - even though sometimes you’re clearly train wrecks but that’s cool with us x)
ESFJ: Stereotypically you’re bubbly and happy to be alive, and I find that that’s actually true for most of the ESFJs I’ve encountered so far :) your organisation skills are epic and you use them to help people as well, so that they can have an organised and healthy lifestyle, which is great. Your positivity has an impact on the quality of my day, at least, and your compulsivity to hug is adorable, we love you so much! ^^
ISFP: You guys look quite serious from afar but when we get to know you, you’re about five kinds of crazy and six kinds of fun ;) You can be energetic and inspired and full of life, like you can also be perfectly chill and quiet -and just to be clear, you have the most amazingly awful taste in music; like I would want to hate it, but I can’t? Thank you for listening to my rants for hours on end and being cool with it, and for just being an awesome YOU
ISTP: You people act like you don’t care but deep down, you’re just fluff x) thank you for fixing just about anything I constantly break, and for being my Eye-roll & Sarcasm buddy. You also have a veritable sense of responsibilities, and will protect the people you care about with your life. Small acts of kindness is your way of showing love, and your strong opinions strive behind your unyielding determination and independence. You be you ;) 
ESFP: The palette of emotions you often display is pretty intense, and it makes great art works, that it be in dance, poetry, drawing or painting, as it also contributes to making you fabulous, and fabulously unique ;) You have style and you have opinions, and you’re not afraid to show it, and that fierceness and wildness is what makes you so damn inspiring. You’re full of beans, and completely crazy, and your party spirit is much appreciated. You also care a lot about your friends and family, and would do anything for them. You go, girl!
ESTP: You guys are driven, cool, aaand have like five different passions which have completely taken over your life and that you constantly think and talk about x) your sense of thrill and danger is also exciting as hell, and your persistent need to set up pranks and make trashy jokes is kind of awesome, but you will literally destroy anyone who tries to contradict you, which comes in really impressively when you defend your friends and look out for them. You’re like our teenage older brother, and you’re awesome ;)
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
miss chilling with my lil infp and intp sibling figures 😔 they’re total brats, but we cozy up on the couch doing our own thing, watching movies, comfortable on our phones even if esfj momma says we should “socialize”. hardest laughs with them!! brain dead energy.
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
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iridescentesfp · 4 years
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