irigy Β· 1 month
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It was like a dagger to the heart, hearing the disappointment in their response and seeing the sorrow behind those eyes. "Right. Well, you just tell me who did this to you and I'll take care of it." And it was the sweet promise of revenge against whoever dared to hurt their precious Jade that brought a devious smile to their face before they got up and moved back to their desk. They grabbed a first aid kit that they put in one of the drawers out of habit, then slid back down to Jade, opening the wooden box and taking gauze and bandages out, and a little warlock's potion that they handed over to them already opened. "Drink this. It'll dull the pain."
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Β  Β  Β β€” JADE CHUFFED WEAKLY AT kiyan, but turned their face away from them. after a moment she shifted back to their human form to shake their head. " no. " that was the part that she didn't like the most. getting hurt was one thing and having to go back with their tail between their legs but it was worse that jade hadn't been able to handle herself. jade didn't want to put kiyan in the middle of it but after years of dealing with it they didn't know else to do anymore. " they won. "
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irigy Β· 1 month
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Serving the seelie queen as her guard was an honor the shadowhunter rarely expressed out loud, but his loyalty was strong, and tangible, and the last thing he wanted was to disappoint her or get her in harm's way. He owed his life to the seelie court, it was only fair that he would try and repay some of their grace. "There was no note? They didn't say anything? Nothing of importance? There has to be a reason they targeted you." His mind was racing, theorizing about the assassination attempt, paranoia already taking him to the conclusion that the attack on the queen and the destruction of Alicante was carried out by the same people.
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❛ as is my duty as your friend to keep you safe . ❜ clearly a conflict of interest . danny as a guard means he must put himself in harms way to keep her safe . the idea doesn't settle well in her , but she doesn't stop the shadowhunter from working within her guard . she pulls away from their hug to answer his question . ❛ it was a demon . i do not know why they attacked so it is hard to say if it was an act of war . ❜ and while no war started after this , it clings to the air just as every other big event has in the last few years .
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irigy Β· 1 month
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They were pushing their belongings to the side on the top of their desk as soon as the tiger entered, only to be stopped in their movements as soon as they realized the blood that was trailing after them was their own. Kiyan could smell the sweetness in the injury, and he got up without a word, walking over to where Jade had settled. He gave them a reassuring scratch under their ear, then their chin before he squatted down to catch their gaze. "Aw, my darling..." He cooed, giving her a gentle smile. "Even if you didn't start it, tell me at least you finished it."
πš‚πšƒπ™°πšƒπš„πš‚ … CLOSED * Β  Β  Β  β—ŸΒ  Β  : @irigy
Β  Β  Β β€” ONE PAW THEN ANOTHER entered their office before she stopped in the doorway. green eyes watched the wicked for a second before the shifter crept closer and left behind a trail of blood that would usually be someone else's. jade would normally settle on top of kiyan's desk so they would have to do things around their body but the tiger passed them instead to hoist herself onto the nearby chaise that they barely used because it was too low.
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irigy Β· 1 month
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As soon as he was called Jerry, he suddenly managed to be able to finally shut up by the sheer shock that came over him. Because who the fuck was Jerry?! There was a smack against his chest and he could barely feel it, letting her lead the way. He only snapped back into reality to subtly check their surroundings, making sure that they were safe and not being followed anymore. He was about to tell her that they were in the clear when she moved away from him, doubling over and letting out a sigh. Danny's hands rested on his hips, clearly confused by the frown on his face, but not because of the thing about the creep, no. "Yo, do I look like a Jerry to ya? You could've at least named me something cool, like... Mateo or somethin'." It was only then that the accent hit him. And the pretty face. Okay, so maybe it wasn't so bad to be Jerry for a few minutes. "Y'sure you ain't gonna hurl, mami?" He leaned closer to look at her, though not close enough to be caught in anything that could splash on him, should she lose control. "Okay, well... you ain't gonna go back to that bar, right? Seriously though, just give me the word and I can put him away. Not like, kill him. But like... in a nursing home or somethin'. He's old as fuck."
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ettie’s eyes narrowed in warning. her partner for the evening was already going too far, as though they were auditioning for a pantomime rather than a television drama. she hoped her hard stare could silently signal that he needed to dial down the acting a good few notches if they ever wanted the lie to be believable. β€œoh, jerry—” it was the first name that came to mind; her hand slapped at the man’s chest playfully, scrunching her nose, as if this was the most normal thing in the world, β€œβ€”always the joker. let’s get out of here, then i can tell you all about my night.” easily, and rather hurriedly, the pair walked away in tow, and ettie almost felt comforted by the darkness, swallowed up by the velvet night. the moment they were out of earshot, she peeled away from the stranger’s body and rested both hands on her knees, doubled over, releasing a shaky sigh of relief. β€œgod, that was a close one. sorry for being so fucking weird back there. it was my only hope of getting back home in one piece.” one hand raked through her chestnut curls, pushing them back behind her ears only for the tight ringlets to ping back out at unruly angles. β€œit was the old guy with the terrible hat, the one that kind of looked like a fisherman. he was watching me all night and wouldn’t take no for an answer when i said i didn’t want a drink. i’m way too drunk to be dealing with that bullshit alone right now.”
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irigy Β· 1 month
closed . @elysiium location: avarice
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Ambrose was... curious, above all, as he was being dragged out of the premises by two demons twice their size in height and four times in width. Curious, because they truly, for the love of them could not understand why those games were supposed to be difficult to win. They were rather easy, given that there were only a finite number of outcomes. He looked at Kal then, the world swimming and rotating around, except for the devil himself who stood in one place, serving as an anchor. Or making things even more nauseating. Ambrose couldn't possibly know unless he waited. So he did, silently waving at the other with a smile, feet dragging on the ground. "Gentlemen, perhaps it would be easier if one of you hoisted me over their shoulder. This position ruins the leather on my boots..."
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irigy Β· 3 months
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Avan Jogia photographed by Raul Romo for Grumpy Spring 2023
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irigy Β· 3 months
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Ambrose smiled to himself, catching a glimpse of the other warlock trying to hide his own amusement from those teasing words. It was all harmless, after all. "I couldn't agree more." To have a warlock's success be measured by something as trivial as a physical attribute sounded severely outdated, just like Calahan said. "I'd like to think that we all have been chosen for our roles for something a lot more valuable than our facial hair." Well... the others might have been. Ambrose, however... that was a story for another time. A time that was as far in the future as possible. Or perhaps never. That would've been acceptable too. "Aliens? Don't be ridiculous. They couldn't care less for our miserable little world. No, my theory is that humanity is cursed-- or better yet, enchanted to perpetually be at an arm's length away from the truth, doomed to mess it up by the most miniscule of details. And if my theory proves correct... that means there has been in existence a warlock with power so vast that they managed to put a spell on all of humanity. Much better than extraterrestrial organisms, isn't it!"
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β€œharsh, but fair,” calahan pressed his lips together to hide his amusement. his brother could grow more of a beard, and it was just another thing to add to the list of reasons why he was jealous of the older wayne. not only could leopold muster a healthy amount of facial hair, but he was a king, a husband, a father. none of those things were on the cards for calahan; he could wait an eternity and not one thin, tawny hair would sprout on his chin, nor would anyone cast him a glance with anything other than disdain rippling within it. β€œif the measure of a successful warlock was the length of his beard, then i highly doubt i would have been crowned much of anything. yet here i am. unless that was a complete fluke, i have a feeling that the white beard is severely outdated. and just as chronically out of fashion.” calahan relaxed back on his seat, crossed one leg over the other beneath the table and cocked his head to the left. β€œa conspiracy? now, doesn’t that sound exciting . . . you’re not going to turn around and tell me aliens did it, are you?” a chuckle stuttered from his throat like a stuck record. β€œlike how little green men supposedly built the pyramids?”
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irigy Β· 3 months
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"Hmm... I don't think anyone's ever called it cute." Which was why there was a lightly amused but suspecting smile and squint coming from him. His lisp was one of the many things children made fun of about him, but he didn't mind it. Well, he didn't mind it now at least, and his laughs joined hers. "Minty, I'd never let you make bad decisions. Or, at least, I wouldn't let you make them all on your own." He had a feeling that fireball-drunk Minty would be unstoppable, and all he would be able to do was join her. "Me? A mean drunk? Never! I only talk a lot. But I do that sober anyway." Oz didn't think there was much of a difference between his usual self and his inebriated one. Perhaps the latter was more fun. "And you? What kind of drunk are you?"
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minty had figured that it was just an accent she'd never heard before as she knew he was from england , and could easily pick that up , but not the other part . β€œ yes , i meant your lisp . it's cute , ” she chuckles and takes a big sip of her margarita . β€œ personally , i've made a lot of bad decisions on fireball and cheap vodka . ” that was an understatement , but , just a movie night shouldn't be that bad . β€œ i'd go with tequila , but , since it's for movie night shots i say whatever you like the most . you're not a mean drunk , are you ? ”
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irigy Β· 3 months
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"Heeey...?" It was almost funny, the confused expression mixed with the smile he felt like he had to reciprocate, even though he had absolutely no idea why some stranger would be wrapping their arms around his own without taking him out on a date beforehand, but nevertheless, he decided not to go with the first idea that came to his mind, which was pushing her off of him right away. It was a good thing he didn't act on that urge, because very quickly, namely exactly when he was called babe, he realized what was going on. Why else would some random chick be coming up to him in the dark? Huh... maybe those mental health walks really worked. He let out a very fake and high pitched laugh before he spoke. "Ay, don't be like that, mami! What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't walk ya home, to our apartment, where we live together, eh?!" He said that as loud as he could, for every dumbass around them to hear. Then he looked over the girl's frame to make sure she was fine, then turned to walk with an arm around her. "You good? Just tell me which motherfucker it is and I'll fuck him up for ya."
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moving to new york, scared and alone with barely enough money to cover her first month of rent, meant that ettie had thought of creative ways to stay afloat. she had secured a job at the cafΓ© without much experience at all, had flirted herself multiple shots and free drinks and evening meals, and by some miracle had located her brother in the endless sea of grey, identical faces. it seemed that night, though, her luck had run out. ettie had only wanted a cheap drink; she had fluttered her lashes and touched the knees of one too many seedy, drunk men, leaving her with a shadow as she moved through the darkness of the park. unbeknownst to her, unsolicited affection wasn’t the scariest outcome for the night. she was human, but most of all she was naΓ―ve; her brother looked ill, sickly, as though he was about to keel over, but if she had been told that he was a vampire she would have burst out laughing. ghost stories were simply that: stories. with a grin and a flash of her eyes that quietly pleaded for danny’s help, she bounded up to the semi-familiar figure. his features were obscured by the darkness and, even if she did recognise him, the memory would have been hazy. β€œhey!” ettie called, breathless, linking their arms with a certain desperation, β€œi’m so glad you’re here, babe. thank you so much for walking me home.”
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irigy Β· 3 months
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If that word was the first thing people called Nalia when they were trying to insult them, they were very bad at provoking her. Danny has been in enough fights to know that one should know their enemy to really make their words cut deep. Calling someone a whore was weak. But anyway... he was a changed man. Besides, he didn't want to hurt her. She would win either way. He laughed at the realization that, yeah, he totally owed her money now. "Fffuck, you're right. You'd better keep remindin' me of it, 'kay?" He leaned against the counter, smiling at the cashier before nodding his head towards Nalani. "Don't look at me! They're payin'."
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easy wasn't what danny was projecting while standing there loaded under the flowers they'd chosen , but nalia let it slide considering she wasn't the one with the burden of them . β€œ i like whore , actually . it's one of the first things that people like to say when they're trying to insult you ── people have accepted slut as a more socially acceptable word . ” for whatever reason when they all meant to do the same and there weren't many that could ever succeed in making nalia feel shame for deciding to do whatever they wanted to do with her own body and her own consent . β€œ of course i'm going to keep your number . you owe me money now . did you forget that quickly ? ” she teased , and plucked the bouquet to take it to the front to pay for .
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irigy Β· 3 months
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It would be a lie if he said he didn't think about what most likely would've happened if he was there as well at the time of the attack. And still he would keep telling himself that he could've had the chance to get both of them out of there unscathed, if not all. The lithe arms around him, the warm touch of the seelie queen, the scent of her hair, alive and well, hugging him close had chased away most of his worries. "It's my duty to keep you safe." And he failed. "Do you know who it was? Why? Is-- Was it an act of war?"
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❛ π‘‘π‘œπ‘›'𝑑 𝑏𝑒 . 𝑖𝑓 π‘¦π‘œπ‘’ π‘€π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ π‘‘π˜©π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ . . . ❜ π‘Žπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘™π‘–π‘›π‘’ π‘‘π‘œπ‘’π‘  π‘›π‘œπ‘‘ π‘Žπ‘™π‘™π‘œπ‘€ that thought to cross her mind β€” best case danny could have gotten her out of there having been injured himself ; worse case . . . she shudders , letting go of his cheeks to hug him again . ❛ i want you safe . ❜ even though employing danny technically means risking his life for hers . ❛ and i am okay . i survived . ❜ scarred , but survived .
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irigy Β· 3 months
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Danny was going to add that he was only making sure that he wouldn't get into trouble for something that he was doing with all permissions needed, but then the inquisitor continued with a fact that was definitely taken as... well, not a threat, but a promise. And it only brought a quiet "Good to know." out of Danny, as he was trying his best not to show too much of his discontent. He ignored the way his eyes burned every time he blinked, and instead adjusted in his seat before he spoke. "Oh, it as uh... you wouldn't like it, it was loud. I mean, actually, you might like that stuff, I ain't here to pass judgement. So anyway, there was a mosh pit and I kinda got dragged in there. It was fun!"
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the distaste on the shadowhunter's face does not go unnoticed , but dimitri has never been fond of nicknames . that is something that daniel is going to have to live with . the statement almost makes him chuckle , but his features stay serious instead . ❛ i am well aware that you were not sneaking out . ❜ the words linger between them before the inquisitor makes an addition . ❛ if you did , someone would have been sent to come and get you . ❜ the times of doing whatever they pleased ended the moment he arrived in new york β€” and while he knows that this is going to be a rough adjustment for some , it is about time that they get their shit together . ❛ a drink and a concert . interesting . which concert ? ❜ not that he cares . as head of the institute , he simply plans on getting to know the minds of those who live there .
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irigy Β· 3 months
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Wow, it was almost like they were friends, agreeing on so many things! The thought of it had Danny laughing to himself. There was no point in defending something that had made him feel so disappointed in his own kin. He liked to stay on the sidelines in the past, let the clave do its thing while he remained neutral, however it wasn't the time for such a stance. He was either for the old and broken ways of conduct, or he was against. "Yeah, well.. it wasn't the cleanest fight we've had. I knew we needed them alive, but sometimes shit just doesn't go our way, and our attackers die before we can question them, okay? Can't get the fuckers back up again after that."
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wrath hums when the shadowhunter admits that the cowering makes his kind look weak . ❛ oh , look . yet another thing we do agree on . ❜ it almost sounds like a taunt , but of course he agrees . ❛ there is no shame in being attacked . it happens . the clave destroyed itself after that and that part is definitely shameful . ❜ no wonder people have been hesitant to take control of a corrupt and defeated institution . he ponders for a moment before he narrows his eyes at the boy . ❛ you killed them before you could question them ? ❜
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irigy Β· 3 months
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He was waiting for an answer, an order, a glance towards their leader, anything about their body language to tell him something, but instead of anything like that, three others ran towards them. Danny cursed, made quick work of the one on the ground and got up just in time to prepare for the other charging his way. It was in the last moment that he'd glanced at Logan, seeing the two against one. "Behind you!" And even though he had all the trust in the world for his friend, it was their close connection that had his anxiety levels piercing through the sky.
The plan was simple. Get rid of the attacker coming at him. Clean the rest up with Logan. Leave one for questioning. Yeah. They could do that. Danny was punched in the gut, pulled right back into reality as he keeled over, but before the other could kick him down, he jumped backwards, creating some distance between them. Boots skipped against the dirty snow under him as he charged the attacker, relying on his dexterity to bring them down quickly, precise cuts being delivered to the weakest points on their body. Once they fell to their knees, Danny didn't waste any more time, running towards the one behind Logan.
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❛ π˜©π‘’π‘¦ , 𝑖𝑑 π‘€π‘œπ‘’π‘™π‘‘π‘›'𝑑 𝑏𝑒 π‘‘π˜©π‘’ π‘“π‘–π‘Ÿπ‘ π‘‘ π‘‘π‘–π‘šπ‘’ π‘ π˜©π‘Žπ‘‘π‘œπ‘€π˜©π‘’π‘›π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘  π‘‘π‘œπ‘œπ‘˜ π‘šπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘  into their own hands from the clave . ❜ the joke falls flat ; the circle's rebellion sprouted from the clave's inability to protect and take action against their enemies . while misguided in their goals . . . logan can't help understanding them ( was history to repeat itself ? ) and their desperation to correct wrongdoings . he doesn't have time to add anything further before danny's hands pushes him , tripping and stumbling from the sudden movement . he collects himself , just in time to see that their attack was in fact not alone . ❛ danny , two o'clock ! ❜ he shouts , pulling out his seraph blade and charging towards the trees where three more come out to join the fray . the runes of his blade glow as it clashes against one of the assailants weapons , the other coming up behind him while the third makes its way towards danny .
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irigy Β· 3 months
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Ulysses Zane | 01x08 Stranger than Paradise
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irigy Β· 3 months
It's not a NECKLACE it's an AMULET ok it's a WIZARD thing IM MASC IM MASC IM MASC
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irigy Β· 3 months
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HEARTBREAK HIGH (2022 - ) Season 2, Episode 1
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