irisbelarionfade · 4 years
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
I would like to raise awareness to the elderly gentlemen I mentioned in my Reperative Justice Proposal whose body I had to walk over to get to my cell because the officers left him dead on the tier with a sheet over him. His name was Mr. Hauskins, and though I only knew him as a cantankerous old man he was a human being who regardless of whatever he did in his past deserved better then to live his last day like a neglected rat in a cage. This man was obviously mentally challenged and needed lots of medical care and while I cannot say he died directly because of the officers, based on how frequently they threatened this old man with OC spray at pill line I would not be surprised. I played it cool walking past his dead body to seem tough but inside it was very sad indeed. He is not the only neglected handicapped senior to die a tragic and unsung death at Monroe Corrections Complex, and he deserved more then what he got. Please think of these forgotten victims. This is one of the many abuses at MCC SOU in Washington state that can be quantified and proven, and if you look into the matter he is NOT THE ONLY VICTIM.
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
The Reparative Justice Solution to Equal Rights
By Fade “I Am X”
Having spent 16 years in the Washington State Prison I witnessed numerous atrocities in Spokane County Jail, Shelton and above all Monroe Corrections Complex and have finally put that behind me after graduating from a final stay at Airway Heights. I have contemplated the matter of equal justice for all people in the literal terms of blood sweat and tears having witnessed two violent rapes, one death of an elderly mentally handicapped gentlemen whose body I was made to walk over and countless other abuses large and small. Because of this I am uniquely qualified to tell you PRISON IS NOT THE SOLUTION! I believe the statistics back me up on this as even the most uninformed individual can watch the crime rates climb even as prisons are ever more populated. Make no mistake: Prisons are Corperate Politically Motivated Warehouses for Warehousing the Disadvantaged as Slaves NOT therapeutic rehabilitation centers. In prison it was everything I could do to maintain even a shred of nonviolent humanity in the face of the adversities laden upon me and my friends day in and day out...but what solution did I come up with to this horrible abuse? I think reperative justice instead of punitive justice will solve the problem and prevent minorities from being targeted through the following measures of law:
1) By selling off all the prison systems assets to the control of the taxpayers and instituting civil solutions to crimes under the mandate that all beings are INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY as constitutionally mandated and instead of violating the rights of guilty parties by turning them into slaves, holding any crime they are proven guilty of a moral and financial debt they can and will pay off in the community. Only the most egregiously violent and uncooperative people should even begin to be restrained and in so doing, we should show our true colors by treating them with as much human dignity as we can in doing so...because we are to be human Americans not incorporated bullies.
2) By De-Politicizing the Court System through an Anonymous Mandatory Double Blind Trial where only the facts are presented and the case made for assumed damages caused by the proposed crime TO the alleged victim. Black/White/Gay/Straight will NOT enter into a reperative Justice trial as they are not matters of criminal law but of noble human spirit and nature. They are in fact the opposite of crime as they represent the true uniqueness and virtue of a person and if anything would count to the moral fiber of any witness, plaintiff or defendant. These sacred things, our colour, who we love, what we believe, even how we choose to live our lives in this vein are testimonies FOR our value as a human being and to protect that fidelity all trial data should NOT be used to publically smear those traits or values (As in The Famous Jackson family who were basically publicly harassed and invaded by our entire institution and media in the 90s as a tragic example) and should only be made known if a guilty verdict is indeed in fact proven.
3) By actively hiring any police officers we the people democratically deem absolutely necessary BASED ON THESE UNIQUE AND NOBLE LIVING DIVERSITIES rather then in blatant exclusion to them. Doing this we affirm the beauty of all types of life forms of all colors, varieties and backgrounds not only as sacred, but as emblems of The True America we stand for as people. In do doing we affirm the office of law to be one of sacred trust as a representative of true Americans not of a domineering few who seek to rule us with an iron fist, choosing only necessary officers who are parts of our diversity, who are trained to work with the diverse communities they are entrusted with and above all are people beloved by our communities as good and compassionate leaders...not cruel bullies of a fascist order.
Some may argue crimes such as murder, rape and torture cannot be repaid and deserve an eye for an eye. Having spent many nights sleeping beside people convicted of these crimes, I frankly disagree. Any and all crimes can be atoned for by serving ones life sentence in noble service to the memory and value of the victim with the aim of preventing future victims from happening. Thus those few who do belong in detainment can learn to work off their debt to help protect, heal and serve those immortal wounds they caused and perhaps even earn a pardon for true and honest attrition.
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
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The Bachelor Button is a Wildflower that echoes the exotic beauty of a a bard’s boundless imagination and blossoms on its own accord in wild meadows.
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
Exu is a misunderstood angel over death and trial that intercedes on behalf of the gods in serious mortal affairs to protect struggling people and punish evil doers by rigging the deck in divine favor to save innocent people from ill intent and troubleshoot various cosmic errors and issues. He is not the devil but rather a clever death worker that diagnosis and assists heroes and magicians in dealing with complex survival issues and personal challenges. Exu is often someone who was demonized or encountered significant challenges and learned the ins and outs of life and death thereby. He is only evil to the evil doer, and even then is always doing so to teach a lesson. Dark Cherub, Quicksilver Shadow Angel. Exu is an office or role of service embodied by an Archetypal Persona and is essentially Charon of The Greeks, Raven of The Natives and The Grim Reaper of The America’s...a wise friendly hand in times of trial that always dupes the villains with a taste of their own medicine.
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
This is for all the downtrodden and marginalized people in this world, bondslavd or free, everyone counts...EVERYONE!!!
Reblog if you're black tumblr.
You don’t have to be black, it just means you support us, you stand by us and your for us.
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
Sorcerers= Sorcerers are very misunderstood and have two equally valid identities and roles. The first is the Caster of Lots who is imbued with radical talent with a certain thing to the point that they become players on the field of destiny. This type of Sorcerer may be born with a bizarre gift. For instance Synaesthesia or Savant Autism can produce this profound role where someone is destined by birth or accident to do miraculous things others don’t understand. This version is the original notion of the word and depends on extraordinary traits either imbued by birth or a major life event such as a random mutation or freak confusion. This makes most modern Superheroes a radical depiction of this archetype.
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The Second version of a Sorcerer is a misnomer. Biblically “Sorcerer” is the English mistranslation of “Pharmaceutria” in Greek. The word Pharmaceutria is the original word used in the Bible for those who “Indulged in Sorceries”. This refers in fact to illicit drug use for pleasure, manipulation or poisoning. This. Conjures the beguiling image of the serpent bearer prescribing wierd potions that turn people into zombies and enhance virility. However it is not the use of drugs the Bible was forbidding in these passages but rather the harmful abuse of the body and mind thereby. In other words the Bible was slandering ancient Greco-Roman Drug Dealers. Nonetheless this biblical definition still has a powerful presence in the minds of people and has a whole culture unto itself that is a rich vein to tap.
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
The Mage= The only difference between a Mage and a Magician is whether or not one is practicing Thaumaturgy (The Art of Manipulating the Material Cosmos) or Theurgy (The Art of Manipulating The Spiritual Cosmos) The Magician is a Thaumaturge who can summon fireballs, perform vanishing tricks and conjure illusions. The Mage is a Theurge ushering in new aeons, working on behalf of the clergy or banishing demons from a house. In fact the only difference between a Mage and a Cleric is that a Mage can be its own spiritual agent whereas a Cleric is sworn to a specific order or diety
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The Wizard= Like the Witch, The Wizard is defined by their knowledge and insight with occult forces and principles, however usually Wizard’s are Scholarly Savants who gained their gift not through psychic intuition but through raw intelligence and detailed study and learning of books and knowledge resources. The Wizard is a lore master devoted to figuring everything out and consulting with people about the nature of the universe. It is their enourmous desire to learn that electrifies their minds and opens it up to new abilities, and they are most likely to value divination as a means to power as the more they know the more unique phenomena they can uncover.
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
The True Definition of a Witch
There is tons of obscurity over what exactly constitutes what in Archetypal Magick users. The following constitutes my definition of the popular western types of magical practitioners:
The Witch= A Witch is one profoundly in tune with their psychic intuition who uses their spiritual knowledge to commune with hidden forces and cleverly manipulate those forces with their growing divination abilities and spiritual awareness. Though Witches manifest and master many abilities in their lifetimes in this process, there root capacity is their uncanny ability to sense the forces in play and use them to their best advantage. Thus a Witch’s power depends on their ability to sense and commune with the cosmic forces within and around them and negotiate those forces into place. A Witch is of course a class of person not a religion unto itself. Just like there are good and bad Doctors, there are good and bad Witches in all religious orders and of many gender balances. Generally they are defined by the forces they have the most capacity to intuitively comprehend and channel.
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The a Magician= Sharing the root word “Maghos ” meaning “Great” The Magician is a Spiritual Mechanic who learns Magick by discipline and practice. In fact the word mechanic stems from this same root word. They do not necessarily have any innate magical ability, only the willpower and devotion to train their mind and body to the point that they can do things with mechanisms that seem impossible and miraculous to others. Defined by their fears, magicians depend on honing a skill so mysterious and elite no one else can master it with the same prestige. Many Witches double as Magicians as their spirit guides teach them the art, but a pure Magician is ultimately a brilliantly trained technition of the hidden sciences, regardless of their origins or reason for learning.
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
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As a Gay Pagan with Christian Mystic leanings I do not and have not ever fit the mold. For this reason I empathize strongly with the outrage people are going through in the community over the loss of black lives and other people who have been violently persecuted, including myself. I also spent 16 years under the direct yolk of police brutality so I believe we need reform now so no more lives are lost. Now more then ever in history people need to be standing up for what they believe in and open the doors to everyone not just a select few. We need to problem solve as a nation before corruption in the government and attitudes in people cave in the country we seek to thrive in.
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
By Fade
I am now doing Free Intuitive Spiritual Consultations and readings on Tumblr for anyone who is interested in having a problem solved on a metaphysical level. I am a Remote Psychometrist and Avid Hermetic Astrologer so I might be able to help. Remote Psychometry is the ability to pick up intuitive impressions about people and things from a distance and Hermetic Astrology involves keying the Zodiacal Forces to the Tarot which I also study. Anyone who is interested is welcome.
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
These are the mad inventors of the world who are always tinkering with crazy designs and trying out new theories in a complex new way no one else can fully comprehend. Ingenious at employing mechanism for seemingly esoteric ventures that no one else can fully figure out they are determined to use their genius to engineer something so radical and new it will revolutionize the state of reality they and everyone else lives in. Always on the next phase of their astonishing new project they are the most mechanically inclined inventor types who can both fix and ruin anything they get their hands on in some uncanny way no one has ever tried before. These Tesla Coil Mechanics will spend day in and day out designing and testing brave new theories until they die and maybe even afterwards, having no interest in the ordinary day to day and every interest in reworking the foundational structure of the cosmos with the strange tools and methods available to them.
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
These are the wily cunning rogues of astonishing new exploits who are always starting new and amazing campaigns in the world around them and navigating their surroundings by the seat of their pants without a care for the fetters of the past. Brilliant practical innovators who really get around, they are the most likely to chart out and discover an inspiring new location or ambitious worldly venture no one has considered trying, surviving on their creative instincts and manual dexterity with radical new ways of animating the world and setting the scene on fire. These characters have a knack for ingeniously surviving the wildest situations with sheer innovation of wit and do so with charming panache that takes people off guard. Most likely to be caught in a serendipitous and radical position, there is almost nothing this type will not consider finding a unique ingenious way to do and will probably inspire brilliant debates and debacles of intrigue in the process.
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
These radical philosophers and hairbrained visionaries of the future are always on the forefront of every cultural movement or social zeitgeist capturing the most amazing ideas in the world and running with them regardless of what others think about it. To them raw unadulterated inspiration is the key to life and ideas and conversations must be explored without fetters to unlock the truth of any matter. They are most likely to debate and innovate with any concept you throw at them just for fun and for no other reason then to map out brilliant new creative notions in an uninhibited and thrilling way. These intuitive ENTPS will lead with their minds into the boldest of theories and discussions and will not stop expressing and analyzing creative views regardless of the immediate consequences, being certain that if they can just touch that radical creative vision at its core they can speak the future into a higher existence merely by willing thought into action in a brilliant new way no one has ever considered...and that to them is the real solution: Setting The Mind on Fire!
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
This subtype of the ENTP lives to explore, experiment with and analyze creative perceptions and colourfull personal experiences almost constantly, always trying to understand what is going on and why it is the the way it is with endless curiosity. Always looking and scanning for new sensations and notions and how to access more, they are highly cunning at understanding ideas and creatively juggling what they experience into elaborate form well in advance of others. Highly perceptive, quick and insightful, ENTP Perciever individuals are most in tune to the wild changes of events in their reality. If something weird or phenomenal is going on, leave it to the ENTP Perciever to not only notice it but talk about and explore it with vivid fascination until everyone is exhausted with the topic. They will tune out the mundane details obliviously but will automatically hone in on the next fascinating topic. They love to talk about new ideas and creative thoughts and are very keen at analyzing impressions and traits they are focusing on, having an almost psychic intuition for all things wierd, fascinating and wild...and always talking about and exploring those experiences in depth with everyone they think will listen. If something interesting and new pops up, leave it to this type to explore and innovate with it... to the absolute exclusion of the obvious or the boring. These people are most likely to be considered a major head trip from the Twilight Zone with what they say and do.
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
The Royal Priesthood
We are a Spiritual Knighthood of Liberal Christian Mystics embarking on live action ritual quests for a New Age of Enlightened Cosmic Exploration. Rallying to the banner of The Royal Star Cross, we seek to unite all walks of life in the path of love for the following causes:
1) To put an end to suffering, poverty and disease in the universe around us through good karmic efforts of industry.
2) To build an environmentally sustainable Social Libertarian Free Nation where all people can live and worship as they truly feel best.
3) To use sacred arts and sciences to assist one another in evolving towards higher states of successful wellbeing according to our own unique values.
4) To fellowship with others to expand our movement and establish healthy charitable alliances in the world around us.
We accept people of all types and backgrounds who truly wish to serve these noble causes, regardless of where they have been in the past. Join The Knights of The Future Now!
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irisbelarionfade · 4 years
Exu in rootworking is a type of family spirit that serves as a creative guide through dark and complex topics and situations and operates at the crossroads where all paths meet. They are usually people who have extraordinarily unusual experiences and insights who serve as intuitive guides to the universe. Exu is very similar to Raven in Native American lore and is essentially the same type of character, a creative genius that serves as a guide to the universe for people in challenging situations.
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