ironicallynyas · 1 day
tumblr is a place where the posts that can't be reintroduced to the wild are cared for
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
midgardsormr in the omega questline: hraesvelgr my weird humanfucker son I'm taking a nap that will last between 1 and 1000 years. Do you remember that guy you helped end the dragonsong war like a month ago. The one with the bunny ears? He is going to die in outer space. Hraesvelgr my weird humanfucker son can you like do me a solid and go pick him and his friends up in outer space so the bunny doesn't die I prommied hydaelyn I wouldn't let the bunny die
Hraesvelgr: :/ ok fine dad
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
"Jeez, i sure need to charge my smash meter quick, lest I be defeated by my opponent!"
The opportunistic smash ball:
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
i made like a vague post about it before but people really have to stop being dicks to people for being overly verbose and using big words because it is literally actually just a textbook symptom of autism. its like the symptom of """high functioning""" autism. you arent hating nerds or whatever youre just being ableist
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
in primary school we had a creative writing assignment where we had to ‘write about a character in a new, strange situation!’ and i wrote about a squid that was somehow teleported from the ocean to the forest floor and slowly choked to death for two pages and i’ll never quite forget my teacher’s face because it turns out she wanted ‘this new school is scary, i hope i make friends!’ and not a graphic description of a squid dying
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
a lot of the people you guys are calling narcissists could easily be replaced with the word “asshole”
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
gen z prosecutor: in the courted room. straight up “alleging it”. and by “it”, haha, well. let’s justr say. Your charges
-- @nyancrimew , 2024-08-16
Video made on objection.lol
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
filtering down ao3 results from 14000 to 6 based on a single tag is foul. im sorry none of you are as enlightened as me ig.
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
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I just realised I never posted this here.
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
i am fixated on this peanuts scene in particular. its so unsettling and dreamlike. lynchian in nature, down to the fucking sound design
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
i love it when fans of a game series that's been lacking a genre standard quality of life feature for no reason for years get rteally really mad about it being added. its like trying to feed a really nervous dog medication and it thinks youre trying to poison it
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
if i were to write an ace attorney case:
Havina Gudtyme - Kid to rich parents who was throwing a party at their parents McMansion. The Defendant. Mark Outline - Ex boyfriend to defendant, Victim. Moe DeLaune - Groundskeeper, Witness Lucy Guisy - Unreliable gossiper, Witness Endova Gudtyme - Havina's father, appears in the second act. Gedma Moneysworth - Butler, Witness Lucinda Marbles - Quirky best friend of Havina Gudtyme. Gets kidnapped in the second act. Tobian Sells - Wealthy Property Manager, Prosecution's Expert On The McMansion Layout
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
Explain how Subnautica is like Outer Wilds in exactly 10 words.
Walk Into Alien Room And Say "Oh My Fucking God"
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
Alphinaud accusing Alisaie of clinging to their grandfather’s legacy in Binding Coils is so goddamn funny. Boy you are the LAST person with the rights to give that critique. Mr. I Pursue World Peace Because My Granddad Did. Mr. I Carry My Grandpa’s Special Book Everywhere. Mr. Hey Minfilia We’re Friends Right? Because Of My Grandpa? (They Are Not Friends)
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
Imagine a person who only consumes Batman-related media. That is, they only watch movies and TV shows that have Batman in them, only read books that are novelisations of Batman media, only play licensed Batman video games, and so forth. This is not so absurd an idea; Batman-related media is sufficiently popular, varied and widespread that restricting one's media consumption in this way is completely feasible. However, I trust we can agree that if you actually do this, you will be left with very strange ideas about what popular media looks like.
The next step in this analogy is undestanding that if the only tabletop RPG you're acquainted with is Dungeons & Dragons, you have the same grasp of the tabletop roleplaying hobby as our hypothetical Batman Guy has of popular media.
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ironicallynyas · 1 day
Come and See Him
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