irulan-corrino · 11 years
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An ambassador from the planet Ix bred and raised with the sole purpose of appealing to the God Emperor Leto Atreides II. But in the end she was too honest and gentle of heart to ever betray the god she’d been raised to serve, or the man she saw behind that title. 
Detailed Information: ( X )
Important Headcanons: ( X )
Who to Contact: beholdmefamily
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
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So, I heard this thing about... Sexual Sunday ? 
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
"As you might have seen earlier, my sisters and I are not inclined to share."
She got slightly distracted when Dalak bent his head closer to hers so he could drop a compliment about the music. She nodded with a smile, answering one of her prepared lines. He was not the one she wanted to focus on now. 
But that distraction was nothing like Feyd's. A wink. 
He was so bold. 
A wink. 
Irulan had to look at his hands for a moment, so she could focus. Now was not the time to be distracted. He was probably doing this on purpose. Wait. Was that another plan ? Make her feel as if she was special, so she would help him ? That would be really clever. How come she hadn't thought of that already ? She had been 'silent' for a moment now, so she quickly signed : "I'm not underestimating you. I know you can be very dangerous."
She needed to end this but her curiosity was gnawing at her. Josifa ended her part and Irulan applauded with the others. Then, she cast a deadly glare to Wensicia so she wouldn't take the next turn. Music might soothe her. She hadn't played the baliset in a while, but she could still make something sound good. She had to try to stay away from Feyd. Who knows what plans he had for her ? She stood up and sat in Josifa's place, where the baliset was waiting for her. She had to think of anybody else who might give her what she wanted. 
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Civilized doesn't mean good (Feyd)
  " Atta Girl," he signed back. Good. She was as smart as she looked. he watched her fluid movements and her final response," Who said she was the only one I was aiming for?" he winked in a way only she would see." No princess, don’t underestimate me. I know what I am doing."
True, his plans got jumbled a bit, and he certainly was throne by the goddess on the other side of the room, but he quickly got himself back on track.
 He could give her that much. The notion to be wary of him.
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
She wanted to slap that smile out of his face. Now, that was childish and violent (well, those two qualities often went together) Who was he to tell her to think ? 
She was afraid she couldn't do it : arrive at the correct answer. The true answer. She was afraid she would disappoint. What a silly thought ! She felt her heart beat madly in her chest. She took a deep breath and calmed herself. She unveiled too much for him. He was playing with her. Nobody did that : she played with people, not the other way around ! 
Now wasn't the time to think about that. Feyd laid the basic informations for her, the first two parts of the syllogism. She had to draw the final line. 
"I see a man seducing my sisters. Any sister will do. You must know by now that the Princesses are not a valuable source of information and won't make good spies so there must be another reason." 
What other reason ? 
"As you said, the Harkonnen hold three planets, the most important planets apart from Salusa Secundus, the Imperial planet. However, power is not something you might want to balance."
What did the Harkonnen lack that the Emperor could provide ? Irulan ran her hands on her dress in order to smooth it back into place. It was already flawless, but she had to mask evidence of their conversation and of her brain working full regime now. 
"The Emperor could give you Caladan, but then, you wouldn't have to seduce any daughter to have it. You... must want a place in the race to the Imperial throne."
Irulan had to bit back a laugh. She felt relieved. She had discovered a small part of the plan. She figured Feyd's actions out. She leant back on the sofa, studying her pose so she could look like she was relaxing to the sound of music. She couldn't be too stiff too long : she had to appear an imperial princess, not an ill at ease young girl. 
"To be honest, if you wanted to ensure your position as an heir to the throne, you should have gone for me. Wensicia is only third in line." She added with a small smile. 
She needed a pause. She had only discovered a small part of the plan. Now, the Baron's presence and the topic of conversation with the Emperor remained to be discovered. 
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Civilized doesn't mean good (Feyd)
   The corners of his lips turn upward. Well now, he had some sort of an advantage. Didn’t he? he watched the other sisters listen and swoon to the sweet notes of the tune, and he thought on how something like that could emit a sound so gentle. ” What do you see Princess?” he signed,” Don’t disappoint me so. You’re a smart girl, you know what this is about.” He toyed with her, let her think. she had the capability and the power and he knew, just from their short interactions that she wasn’t just a pretty face.” Think… What does the Emperor.. need…for the future of his empire. What does My Uncle need to stay in power? The Harkonnens control three planets one of them being the thing that basically runs the universe. Don’t you think the two of them wish to …balance things out?” It couldn’t have been some damned Bene Gesserit trick. she was smart, cunning, and all the other things he wanted to believe to be true. he’d be disappointed if it all was a lie.
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
Was he playing with her ? Perhaps he genuinely didn't know what was so special and secretive about this visit... Did that happen often, then ? Irulan looked at her sister playing in order to think. She knew the song : her sister played it again and again and again in ordre to master it. The flow of the notes guided the flow of her thoughts. There was something the Emperor did not know about this delegation... She highly doubted he would have let Feyd with his daughters had he known the Harkonnen's intentions. 
"Why exactly are you here ?" she signed, still looking at Josifa before turning her head slightly to watch Feyd's hands. Damn, even his hands were beautiful ! She tried to emphasize on the you by signing it twice. She had to start with what she could see : Feyd-Rautha. 
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Civilized doesn't mean good (Feyd)
  Curiouser and curiouser. The princess didn’t know. ” That all depends. I wasn’t informed of the bigger picture. Just  the common knowledge….i see now it is not so common.” he signed and  watched and/or studied the others about the room. sure the music was nice but why were they so…enthralled with it?
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
Irulan tried not to show how unnerving it was for her not to know. It was one of the most mysterious situations she ran into since the beginning of her Bene Gesserit training. She felt thrilled at the same time : she had her own agenda and wasn't merely following Mohiam or her father. 
She thought about it a moment : she was supposed to know what was going on. So, had it any link with herself ? Did the Harkonnen had a place for her in their manipulations ? For her and her sisters... 
Then, she signed : "No, I don't. I've rarely seen something so secretive in the Palace. What am I supposed to know ?" 
Josifa started playing, providing a welcomed diversion for both their companions. 
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Civilized doesn't mean good (Feyd)
   The younger one talked, so. Much. How could anyone put up with such a silly girl? Well, he had to. and he was charming, and alluring, he danced the dance she wanted to, yet he lead it.
 he was more than glad for some decent conversation when Irulan prompted it. ” Don’t you know?’ he signed back. interesting. Very interesting.
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
Of course, Irulan would have preferred to have Feyd talking to her about poets, but she couldn’t allow herself to be fooled so. He followed her advice and set up to seduce her sister. So, that was why he was here : seduce a princess, get as close to the Emperor as you can be. The House Harkonnen was rising : economic power wasn’t good enough anymore, she guessed.
But there was more to that. If it wasn’t only a marriage contract, it could be dealt with formal demands, a formal meeting between the two parties. Unless it was for Irulan then, longer discussions would be needed, but she was sure her father would have spoken to her before. No necessarily for her agreement but to warn her.
There was something else and she couldn’t even begin to guess what it was and it was so frustrating. She hated to feel stupid.
They went into the music room and she sat in a sofa with Dalak, allowing him to sit as close as one can with a princess. He was ranting and ranting on and she couldn’t bring herself to smile as often as she should. In front of her, Wensicia led her own conversation as Josifa accorded the baliset under the careful eye of their mother. Now that the scene was set, she signed again : “Why is the Baron here ?”
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Civilized doesn't mean good (Feyd)
  He let the following actions take place. clever girl. The younger so desperately wanted his attention that he just had to give it to her.
 he couldn’t be distract By the one Irulan took on his arm, but he noticed what she sighed. She was helping him? Why? and what was worse, was when he was able to fit it into conversation what she had suggested- it worked.
he was very please by this, yes, but also very very wary. What was she playing at? Oh, Great Mother…Politics. it couldn’t be anything else. Did she not know what they could be discussing? Oh ho ho. Very interesting.
Dammit. This girl was smart. Cunning, and a danger. he just had to invoke this one. If anything It was deemed a good and a bad thing. if she fancied him. And from this standpoint… He highly doubted she would.
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
So this is the project “FIRST KISS” by Tatia Pilieva. She asked 20 strangers to kiss for the first time, and the result is absolutely lovely and funny.Enjoy!
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
“Sweeping ?” That surprised her. She reflected on her own surprise for a moment, allowing herself to frown a little. “Maybe the people never actually thought about it, considered it too small to actually consider changing it… And then it becomes a… tradition…”
She found it beautiful but hid her dreamy look. And Leto’s next answer had the effect of a cold shower. They had suspicions on Alia ? She never considered herself very objective towards the Regent, so she never tried to find anything stranger than usual about her, for fear that she might end up accusing her of everything… But the twins’ suspicion changed a lot of things. She did not press the matter further : if he hadn’t told her more, she doubted he will if she asked.
“I trust you to come to me if you find anything that might put you two in danger…” She added still. One is never too careful.
She wasn’t as strong as Alia, she had no Other Memories, she had little fighting skills but she always thought that, in front of a dangerous situation, humans developed extraordinary abilities.  
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"Sweeping," He said quickly. "We noticed it for the first time today. The way the city Fremen sweep out there homes is the same way people have since as long as we can remember … Its strange, such a little thing and yet it hasn’t changed in all that time. 
Leto was silent for awhile. “There is no definite problem with our aunt. We have our suspicions but are waiting to see if they will be confirmed.” He said but in the pit of his stomach was cold feeling of knowing. The woman they called ‘aunt’ and remembered as a sister succumb to abomination if she hadn’t already. 
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
Chtulhu knows why but I was reading Irulan's Wiki article and, at the end, they have a very friendly reminder that "Though the other rebels are massacred, Irulan and Stilgar are imprisoned upon their capture,"
The feels. 
Irulan and Stilgar in prison together. 
(And I need to re-read Dune again) 
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
Irulan turned to gather her remaining sisters. As soon as she was up, Wensicia went to Feyd and nearly grabbed his arm. What a lack of self-discipline. The princess looked at her father retreat from the feast with the Baron, the Mentat and Count Fenring. What an odd conversation that will be, Irulan thought. Meanwhile, her thoughts raced : she had to find a way to converse with Feyd without being noticed, so the two had to remain within eyesight.
So when Anuril came back to her and the small party she had just formed, Irulan declared with a false obedient smile : “Mother, why don’t we just sit around in the parlour ? There is a baliset there and Josifa could play something. Plus, I think everybody already had a tour of the palace, except for the Na Baron whom Father may need at one point…”
She heard all her sisters approve eagerly behind her. They had all quite enough with tours of the Palace. Anuril seemed to approve for now and ordered refreshments to be brought to the music room. Irulan turned to capture Feyd’s arm again but he seemed to be the prey of a very eager Wensicia. They were in small committee, so she let it go for now. She took Dalak’s arm as she was meant to do the first time. But she had to avenge her trip to the music room and signed to Feyd : “Recite her something from the old poet Ronsard and she’ll be yours.”
And as she smiled to Dalak who just complimented her eyes, she added with her hands : “Now, you owe me.” And followed Dalak in the music room
She could sacrifice her sister for more information.  
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Civilized doesn't mean good (Feyd)
  " Thus far, I am not." he signed, " But that could change." there was no use fooling her. There was the basic negotiations and the one that under-lied it all.
 he had to stop signing for a moment when everyone stood. he caught the look the Baron shot him. The one that so obviously told him not to mess anything up. Certainly, Feyd was needed as his heir, but if something didn’t go the way the Baron wished ( that could be even subtly related to Feyd’s doing) he could be replaced.
 he gave his uncle a subtle nod, registering that he understood.
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
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irulan-corrino · 11 years
Paths of Vision
Irulan was always a favorite of the twins much of this had to due with the fact neither of them carried any of her memories. Which made it easier for them to relate to her without the usual awkwardness that comes from interacting with people about whom they have somewhat intimate memories. (And yes in the book Leto has an entire conversation with his Grandmother Jessica about how he has his Grandfather’s memories and what that implies that almost comes across as flirting which is one of the most terrifying viewing/ reading experiences I have ever had).
Irulan was also a great deal of fun to tease so that also contributed to the twins fondness for her. 
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