seraphina7delacroix Β· 1 year
Music and laughter booms through the bar of unfamiliar smiling faces. Everywhere I turn, there are people crowded around me. I lift a hand to my head as anxiety courses through my veins. I scan the room for the nearest exit and bolt; my legs are like jello as the overwhelming feeling continues to fill my body.
Unsure of where to go, I look around and see a small beach ahead. I skip down the stairs and don't stop running until my feet hit the edge of the water, and abruptly drop to my knees. The crisp, cool, damp air fills my lungs as I try to catch my breath.
My pulse slows, and my gaze wanders to the moonlight dancing off the waves. Almost immediately my anxiety is released. My body relaxes and I sit back onto the wet sand. Maybe moving to a small oceanside town wasn't a bad idea after all.
Not knowing anyone besides my lifelong best friend Trix is definitely shit. But finally seeing the moon wildly dance over the ocean like this urges me to make this town a home. My home.
I let out a long sigh and finally pull myself off the ground. I dust the sand from my knees and my ass and trudge forward back to the bar. After having a mental war with myself about whether to stay and have a good time or go home and unpack and spend my night alone, I finally decide to suck it up and stay.
Before I make it up the stairs, I stop and straighten the red tube top that Trix insisted on having me wear tonight. A band tee would have been just fine, but she made such a fuss about "putting effort into my first night in town" that I just agreed to get her to shut up.
I pull my long, messy mane of curls over my left shoulder and tuck a straggling curl behind my ear. I look down and see that I still have sand all over my new skinny jeans and do my best to brush it all off.
Semi pleased with my appearance I walk up the steps and in the bar where the music seems to be ten times louder than it was five minutes ago. Quickly, I scan through the place to find my best friend's blonde hair and see her parked against a wall. As I get closer I see that she's preoccupied with a guy that has too much pomade in his hair and a beard that doesn't suit him.
I roll my eyes and decide that my first night out has definitely come to end. She definitely forgot her dramatic promise not to leave my side tonight. Whatever, I'm still tired from the long drive and have a lot of unpacking to do.
I walk over to where Trix isβ€”now rubbing her hand on the guy's arm. "Hey, I think I'm gonna go. It's getting late and I need to start unpacking my apartment." I say, loudly over the music once I've finally gotten her attention.
"No! Neo, we just got here and you haven't even met anyone. You're not leaving." She says, placing her hands on my shoulders. Her short blonde hair sways against her face, along with her big ass obnoxious hoop earrings. Her bottom glossy lip juts out and she makes her blue eyes form into a puppy dog look. She's annoying me already and I haven't even been around her for six hours.
"Fine! I'll stay for one hour and then I'm gone. If I'm going to be working here, I don't want to get burnt out on the place." I roll my eyes, and she basically shrieks when I agree. Trix hooks her arm around my neck and we walk over to the bar, leaving Greasy Hair by himself. I can't help but laugh at how ballsy she's become in the few months since she left home.
About four months ago, she was this shy little timid thing that would have never stepped foot into a bar. Let alone easily flirt with a stranger. She's now this fierce woman, who cut her long wavy blonde hair into a short pixie bob and wears six inch heels.
Once we reach the bar, she jumps up and leans on it waving over the bartender. He's short, with olive skin and has brown hair that's shaved into a mohawk. He comes over and flashes a bright toothy smile.
"What're you having, Trix?"
"I'll take a shot of vodka and she will have a shot of tequila." She says, pointing at me.
"No, Trixie. I have to drive home." I say, shaking my head.
"Neo, loosen up. It's one drink. What happened to you?" She instantly tenses as soon as the words fall from her mouth.
What happened to me? Well, for starters my father passed away six months ago. Not to mention my mother basically drank herself to death while she slowly watched her husband die, leaving me to clean up her mess every night. "I'm sorry, that's not what I meant," she hands me the shot trying to change the subject. "It's just one shot, and then I'll have you meet some of my friends and then you can leave. Sound good?" She smiles a bright smile, and I can't help but take the shot from her.
Trix raises the glass to her lips and tilts her head back letting the shot run down her throat. A few seconds later, I follow suit. The familiar burn on my tongue makes me smile, and Trix gestures for another round. After the bartender pours her another shot, she introduces me to him. "Ryan, this is Kat. She's gonna be the new bartender next week. She just moved here today."
"I heard we were getting a new bartendress. How do you like it so far, Neo?" Ryan asks, raising the bottle of tequila to my glass.
"Ask me tomorrow." I mumble as I quickly move my hand over the shot glass.
"Sorry, Ry. She's not very friendly. Hasn't been that way since I met her in the sandbox." Trix says, slamming her shot glass on the bar, face down.
"Maybe I would have been a little nicer if you didn't try to steal my Barbie doll." I retort and Trix burst into laughter. After a few seconds of her laughing, a few people walk up to us and she practically screams. I assume these are the friends she was talking about, just making it harder to get out of here.
"Neo, this is Riley!" She points to a guy that has shaggy brown hair, a lip ring and maybe a little too much cologne. "Hey." He simply says and shoves a hand into the pocket of his tight black skinny jeans.
"This is Lola, she's been my drinking companion since I haven't had my number one trouble maker." A little bit of jealousy takes over, and then annoyance takes its place as I look over at this tall redhead with too much makeup and too short of a dress.
"And this is Miller!" A blonde boy with gorgeous blue eyes and a handsome smile waves at me. "Hi, Neo? Was it? I'm Miller." He extends his hand to me, and I reluctantly shake it. Miller is dressed in a slim fitting pair of blue jeans, a black and white flannel with an ACDC shirt underneath, and a pair of Converse. He's kind of cute.
"I thought Apollo was coming?" Trix asks.
"He's parking his car. You know how he is when it comes to that car. He doesn't want anyone to ding it." Riley says as he rolls his eyes.
Trix calls Ryan back over and everyone starts shouting out their drink orders. He pulls out two more shot glasses and pours the guys shots, then pulls out a glass and a silver mixer. He starts mixing what's-her-face a drink when everyone turns their attention behind me. "Ollo!" The redhead calls out.
Instinctively, I follow their gaze to find a man walking our way. His curly brown hair is perfectly pushed back, leaving one tiny curl hang loose, and the sides are buzzed. When he smiles, one dimple sinks into his right cheek. He's wearing a long sleeve shirt that clings to his broad chest, the sleeves are pushed up to his elbows, and dark jeans, followed by a pair of black boots. My heart starts to beat a little too fast once his hazel green eyes come into full view. I didn't realize how long I was actually staring until Trixie kicks my shin and snaps me back to reality.
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