isadvras · 7 years
“Didn’t you just hear me? It wards off bad vibes, so it’s healthy for the soul.”
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" hey, whatever, dude. to each their own, i guess. "
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isadvras · 7 years
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“ no no , i just kinda just— i don’t have an excuse. i just wanted to venture, i guess… but if it’s gonna do me harm, it’s probably best if i head back to my ‘safezone’. ”  
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isadora tilted her head to the side, chuckling slightly. she wasn't ever someone to turn away from trouble-- she's had more detentions than she could count, and if that didn't send a message, she wouldn't know what would. " safezone? sounds...boring. "
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isadvras · 7 years
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Milo’s face fell into the saddest look imaginable. “Oh no…” Then he heard the punchline and his smile came back to his face. “Wow, you really scared me! Dogs are literally my favorite thing.”
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" i've always wanted a dog, but my parents are...very against the idea. "
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isadvras · 7 years
(( &. @lrenzos ))
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" you lost, mate? the slytherin dungeons are in that direction. this is the way towards gryffindor tower. wouldn't want you t'get in any trouble. "
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isadvras · 7 years
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isadvras · 7 years
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isadvras · 7 years
“It’s a rule I made when I was a little girl. I must have a chocolate milkshake everyday at 8:45 a.m. to keep all the bad vibes away,” Beulah said and then took a sip of her milkshake as she smiled.
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" that doesn't seem very healthy. "
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isadvras · 7 years
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“Does anyone else wish they allowed dogs here? Can we change that rule?”
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" i'm allergic to dogs, so no. " she held a straight face for a few moments before a grin broke out, lighting up her features. " i'm kidding-- i love dogs. i wish we could bring them to school too. "
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isadvras · 7 years
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isadvras · 7 years
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isadvras · 7 years
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isadvras · 7 years
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      she  traced  her  fingers  over  the  lip  of  the  bottle  before  answering,  ❛   being  at  this  school  is  bloody hard. living  with  all  of  these  hormonal  people  who  can’t  decide  whether  they  want  to  hop  someone  & snog  them  or  get  perfect  marks  in  class  is  starting  to  get  on  my  nerves.  i’m  finding  that  alcohol  helps  when  i’m  feeling  really  over  it.  ❜      
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isadora tilted her head as she listened to margot's little speech, nodding thoughtfully towards the end. " understandable. " she mused, gripping the grass tightly. " so i'm assuming that you're a litle beyond feeling over it then? "
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isadvras · 7 years
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“well, if it isn’t the batman to my batman!” aurora beamed upon spotting isadora, even though those words might not have made much sense to anyone else ( or to someone that didn’t know who batman was, and nother cat batman. ) or someone who didn’t know how close she and her fellow gryffindor was. “how are you, izz? i’ve actually been looking for you believe it or not, so how lucky of me!”
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" looking for me? uh-oh, that usually means i'm in trouble. " the gryffindor chuckled, chocolate hues alight with amusement. " hullo, rory. how're you t'day? " she grinned, nudging her housemate playfully.
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isadvras · 7 years
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          usually,  she  would  be  slightly  disturbed  by  the  presence  of  a  greengrass,  however  she’d  grown  somewhat  used  to  seeing  isadora  around  now  & she  welcomed  her  intrusion.  though  it  was  silent,  it  only  made  sense  that  margot  would  break  it. ❛   it’s  stupid,  i  know,  to  be  putting  balls  of   light  over  the  lake.  what  kind  of  magic  is  that  ? i’m  just  bored,  i  guess.  ❜
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"not stupid," isadora assured, her voice soft. "rather pretty, actually." the gryffindor tilted her head to the side, shifting a bit so that she was angled more towards the slytherin. "what's with the booze?"
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isadvras · 7 years
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“pretty sure that minx moaning myrtle was trying to hit on me yesterday in the second floor bathrooms.” dean starts, his signature smirk pulling at his lips. “i mean — not that i blame her. i guess even ghosts can’t resist the hot, popular prefect jock.” he’s laughing by now, though it’s clear to everyone that knows him ( or OF him… ) that he believes his words entirely. “maybe i should give her a chance. bring her on a date.” he finishes his story as he stays laying in the grass by the shores of the black lake, throwing a quaffle high in the air then catching it, over and over again as he soaked up the rays on the sunny spring day.
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isadora cringed -- physically c r i n g e d -- at the words that had just left the opposite's mouth. "popular, perfect jock?" she questioned, glancing around. "point me in said popular, perfect jock's direction would you? i'd love to meet them." the sixth year rolled her eyes in slight annoyance, sparing the boy a look of utter distaste. this right here was the type of guy her older sister would tell her to stay away from-- which would make no sense, considering whom zahrah spent most of her time with. either way-- "you just made yourself sound like scotland's biggest prick."
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isadvras · 7 years
   usually  she  had  a  strict  policy  of  staying  in  the  castle  when  there  were  no  stars  in  the  sky & the  moon  was  covered  by  the  thickest  of  clouds.  however,  tonight  was  different  based  on  the  fact  that  she’d  had  an  awful  day.  what  with  the  fact  that  a  certain  relationship  was  brewing  in  the  background  of  school  beginning  to  become  something  she  was  actually  worried  about.
    it  wasn’t  hard  for  a  slytherin  of  her  age  &  notability  to  get  alcohol  into  hogwarts.  thus  she  sat  outside  perched  on  the  dock  of  the  black  lake.  (  &  maybe  she  wasn’t  supposed  to  be  here  but  she  also  wasn’t  really supposed to  have  alcohol  so  at  this  point  she  was  ready  for  anything  coming  her  way  )  she  was  drinking  away  her  cares  as  well  as  practicing  some  little  bits  of  magic.  using  her  wand  she  produced  small  balls  of  light  &  made  them  dance  over  the  dark  water.  she  knew  what  lurked  beneath  & part  of  her  wondered  if  the  light  would  lure  it  to  the  surface.
      she  wasn’t  looking  for  company,  but  if  it  came  she  wouldn’t  be  opposed.  depending,  of  course,  who  it  was.
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wandering campus past curfew was not an uncommon past-time of izzy's. there was always somewhere to be, something to do, or something to avoid that led to late night 'explorations' as she liked to call them. usually, though, those late night walks were just to clear her head after a long day (( and for someone like her, a long day was the equivalent of a regular school day )).
the witch inhaled deeply as she lightly tiptoed through the grass, enjoying the feeling of the dirt shifting beneath her feet. there was something about the fresh air, and the ground beneath her that always brought a sense of..well, COMFORT to the middle greengrass child. she knew that she was nearing the black lake as the soil began to grow damp beneath her toes. she'd expected for it to be dark, as usual. what she had not expected was to spot lights dancing along the murky, glass-like surface of the lake.
inching closer, isadora found herself slightly enthralled by the dancing lights, finding their glow to be somewhat soothing in the midst of the suffocating dark surrounding the two witches. quietly, so as to not disturb what looked like margot voclain, isadora sat beside the witch, not yet making a sound, for she was afraid that if she spoke, it would ruin the serene silence that had woven itself into the atmosphere.
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isadvras · 7 years
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moodboards: Vincent Van Gogh
Normality is a paved road: it’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.
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