isaiahxm · 4 months
A bit of smirk comes over the man's lips as he hears her talking, Isaiah nods his head, "Sure. You know I'm always down for drinkin' in silence anyway," with a shrugs of hs shoulders he takes a sip for his own drink.
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"Whenver you're ready."
It had been a long fucking week. And it was only Wednesday. Not that Allegra worked a Monday to Friday job - the horses still needed to be fed on the weekend after all. "Can I finish this drink first, and then decide?" The brunette asked, also sitting back in their chair, taking another swig. Having a good rant always helped, but sometimes drinking in silence without the expectance of social interactions was even more appreciated. @isaiahxm
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isaiahxm · 4 months
"Nu-uh!" Isaiah shakes his head, my back was turned! Tur--ned!" He Said showly In case the guy was not understanding what he was meaning, "So, its clearly your fault," the man shrugs. "I can handle it just fine, thank you very much!" Who did this man think he was? The audacity, Isaiah fixes his shirt, eyebrow raised at the other, "ain't my fault you aren't looking where you going!" He huffs. "I got nothing to apologize for. This is your fault. You bump into me," he insisted.
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Axel turned around, annoyed. The audacity of this man. "Excuse me? I didn't make you waste anything. You're the one who bumped into me and spilled your own drink." He rolled his eyes, clearly not in the mood for this nonsense. He had come to the bar to unwind after a long day, not to be accosted by some random guy looking for a fight. "Look, I don't know what your problem is, but I'm not interested in settling anything with you. If you can't handle your own drink, that's on you." His jaw clenched as he tried to keep his temper in check. He had no patience for people who couldn't take responsibility for their own actions. "So, are you going to apologize for falsely accusing me, or are you just going to keep making a scene?"
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isaiahxm · 4 months
"Thanks," Isaiah says as he makes his way to the kitchen, placing the bottle on the counter, maybe he was making himself a little too comfortable, but he figured She'd kick him out if She felt like he was. "What we're you going to watch?" He aks her, the shrugs at her quesiton, "Told you. I was bored. Figure i come check how you doing and have a glass," he says as he goes over to grab a couple of glasses for the wine.
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"Sure, come on in," she replied, humor laced throughout her words, "I was just about to put on a movie." She had gotten used to Isaiah dropping by, ever since the two had become neighbors they had formed a close bond. He often came by, always toting a new bottle of wine, and she always welcomed him with open arms. Despite being from Wilmington, the four months that she had been back hadn't been filled with a lot of time with friends. She had been gone for over ten years, nearly twenty if she included college, and things had changed. She had changed. "What do I owe the unexpected pleasure of your company to?"
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isaiahxm · 4 months
@allegra-mcleod Isaiah wasn't much for company nowadays, people made things complicated, getting close meant people could get hurt and that was the last thing he wanted happing again, however he did enjoy Allegra's company, seemed like very much like himself, she also didn't care much to be around other... "So what we doin' today?" he asks as he sit back with his drink, "Drink in quiet or compain how life sucks?" he half jokes, "'cause I'm down for both."
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isaiahxm · 4 months
@lilyxjohnson Ever since he's gotten here, Isaiah did his best to lay low, he didn't really think he'd run into any face from his old life, not until he noticed her, of all the people he could run into...the man just stood there unsure what to do, running was probably gonna look back, but what if she told on him? what if she was in contact with the guy and would end telling where he was? his mind was a mess... heart racing...
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"Sorry, I'm..huh just trying to--" he reaches over to grab his shooping bag he left resting at the bech while he took in the view, it felt like a nice day for a walk after some light grocery shopping , but now, now it felt like hell...
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isaiahxm · 4 months
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"Excuse me, asshole!" Isaiah calls out, "When someone accidently spills someone's drink, you pay for it!" he says, though he's a unsure if this guy really did it, his back was truned, it could had been someone else, he didn't care though, "So what? ya gonna pay for what you made me waste or we need to settle this some other way?" okay, he was escalating thigs, but he couldn't help it, he wasn't here to make friends, anyway, can't a guy just come to a bar, have his drink in peace and leave?! @axelhughes
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isaiahxm · 4 months
Isaiah haven't made too many friends, he was mostly working or home, the man was still too scared to get close, after everything that had happed, Isaiah would still look over his shoulder, he had run far away too, but how far was safe enough? He had taken a liking to the woman, though, she was probably his only friend, and Isaiah would get lonely from time to time so here he was now...at her door.
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"Huh, hey" he says as she opens up her door, "I got bored" (lonely) the man says just walking in, not waiting for her to invite him, "What you up to? I brought wine..."
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isaiahxm · 4 months
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Name: Isaiah Monroe
Faceclaim: Lakeith Stanfield
Gender & Pronouns: Cis Male, He/Him
Age: 32
Occupation: Computer Tech
Neighborhood: Wrightville Beach 
Tw : Cheating, Harassment, Murder, Violence Isaiah grew up in a loving family both his parents where always present as well as his grandparents, Isaiah himself though, never felt like settling down, and in all honesty this was the start of his down fall... Isaiah would keep his relationships casual, one night stands, sexual partners, never much more than that, one day, he met a woman and began a sexual relationship, they'd see each other when they felt like it, no strings attached, what he didn't know at was that the woman was married, not until her husband found them together... and so Isaiah's nightmare began... The other man went out of his way to make Isaiah's life a living hell, even after he left the woman (which he did the second he realized what was going on) it didn't matter to the other, he messed with his wife, he had to pay. He began to harass Isaiah, following him around making sue he'd get in all sorts of trouble, leaving threatening notes for him, for his family, Isaiah felt he needed to look over his shoulder at every turn, and it was not like he could go to the police, the guy WAS the police! This went on for a while and then, he fell in love, for real this time. Things were better, he was happy with his partner, and the threatening notes had stop, Isaiah haven't seen the other man in a long while and then... one night he got home to find his partner dead, he knew right away what happened, the man come back, and this time he wasn't playing around.... Grieving and scared, Isaiah packed his things and left, he couldn't bare if something like that happened to anyone else in his family! No one knows where he is, and perhaps that's for the best...
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