isaique · 1 year
Half Decade Anniversary Part 3!
Part 1 posted
part 2 posted
part 4 Thursday
part 5 Friday
(Prepare for a bunch of you to be @ I’m so sorry)
I made these somewhere in 2020 and I had planned on posting them along with the @ of people I drew but for some reason I never did.
 Unfortunately some people changed their usernames and I have no clue what they are anymore. :(
Also I wanna say to everyone including those who’ve been @  I love all of you so much and I enjoy reading your stuff and I’m happy I met all of you.
@sollyraptor @lord-soba @the-end-player @ask-radin-the-enderman @enderscorpio @endermanalbino @ask-enderhybrid-raashi @billysketch @isaique @askravick @runes-and-research @short-enderman
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isaique · 3 years
So I've realized I've made a lot of posts about things I could try to stay active for these boys and they've all fallen through; Whether by life, personal issues, or just me being a flake. I think it's time to let Isai go. I had no further story plans made for him, his brother, or Tarjen and I was having a hard time coming up with anything entertaining to take them further. It may have been easier if I had interacted more with others but that's one of those things that is hard for me for some reason. It's been fun. You guys have made this one of the best ask blogs I've had and I want to thank you all for it. Seriously thank you. I do have one other MC ask blog still, it has barely even begun yet ( even the blog itself kind of looks crap still lol) and you are welcome to find it at Mutants and Minions if you want. I want to make no false promises or plans of post consistency, or at all honestly It's there if you want to see if it goes anywhere and I invite you to join me. TLDR: I'm closing the ask box for good. I'm not sure I want to delete this place yet. Maybe not immediately at least, but I am saying goodbye to I'saique, E'tharin, and Tarjen.
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isaique · 3 years
This goes here. This blog is run by an adult. It has and will feature mature themes. This is an 18+ blog because of this, and will be getting a new warning to go with it. I don't want anyone getting hurt over something that was posted here. Don't lie about your age, it's wrong, and you can hurt someone other than just yourself.
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I can’t believe this has to be made. With EVERYTHING that has gone down. I can’t believe how backwards the world has gotten. That I decided enough was enough, and had to throw up my hands.
However this is simply my take on this whole situation. Any other of my 18+ friends and adult [18+] mutuals can add on their horror stories and two cents about this whole damn topic.
The gloves are off.
Keep reading
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isaique · 3 years
Hey there!
I'm truly flattered to be one of your sources of inspiration! I'll try to offer some good advice, hopefully it's good and not absolute garbage lol. There's already some really good advice given by others, so let's start.
It's already been said, but it's really good, if you're worried about your blog making sense give it some direction. Give your characters a story to follow or some goal to work towards. I did this myself and try to with any ask blog I make. This way I can answer asks in between making art for the story and just making art because I want to. Then when you meet a goal you set for your characters, give them a new one. They don't have to be spectacular and the story doesn't have to be really long; It could be as simple as 'Oh no this letter says my friend is sick, but they live so far away.' so then you could narrate and draw your characters on their journey to help their friend and interact with others and asks along the way if you want./
But.. maybe you don't want to give them a story. You could make your blog heavily interaction based if you're outgoing and don't mind reaching out to others. Personally I am Very introverted and stick to myself mostly, and this is why my blogs are more story driven with all the characters involved being my own.
It's most important to have fun with it, because the blog Is yours and you Can do anything you want with it. Including change anything you want. Add characters, have some leave, literally anything that makes You happy. Followers are great and help by providing asks for you to answer, so understandably you'd also want to entertain them; If you have something for your characters to do between asks, you'll be making content for your current followers and new followers to get interested in. Win win!
And I know I should follow my own advice on this one. Comparing yourself to others will destroy your ambition so try not to do it. It happens to a lot of people, I've had it happen to me and it sucks. Don't worry about your art quality too much. No one is born recreating classical paintings or making masterful sketches from day one. If you like to draw and keep doing it, you'll get better over time; And I won't lie, it's going to feel like it's taking forever and you probably won't notice your improvements. As long as you're trying, you're improving.
If you need help with a certain pose or body part? Use a reference, seriously, it's not cheating. Art isn't a videogame with a Konami code to give you forever sharpened pencils or never draining batteries so don't worry about it. Trust me, find some good references and study them well. Remember how parts connect and their range of movement as you draw. Break them down into easier shapes first then put details in once you get it roughly the way you want. Or use yourself as a reference if it's easier. People might look at you funny, but just tell them you're drawing and need a reference. Need to know how far an arm can bend? Bend your arm and apply any modifications you might need. Your character is more flexible than you? Bend their arm a little bit more than you can yours in the art. A mirror can help with this if you can't or don't want to look up pose or anatomy references online.
I hope something in this long wall of text is helpful even a little bit for you. Use what you want and throw out the rest lol. Stay safe and take care of yourself: mentally, emotionally, physically, meta-physically.. All the ways. Have fun and keep going!
Pleas read all (Ik thats long but pleas)
I know that's not the typo of post that anyone would expect but I need to make it
I feel like my blog don't have any sense Am I doing something wrong? I need help I feel like my characters don't have sense I missed some things that I should do on/for my blog I don't have a style and every of my art look different and without proportions also I'm surprised that much of blogs which stared much after mine have already 100 followers... but I understand that all Other artist have experience and they are older than me They are better at planing than I am They been practicing art for weeks, months and most of them probably even years and most of them was posting art on the Internet much before starting Enderman ask blog so They been bit popular before that an I know there's also been much comebacks but on others blogs than the main ones My blog was my first ti me when I started posting art on the Internet but it doesn't change that I feel like in comparison to others my blog is boring The main reasons that I joined this community was because I love Minecraft and I seen blogs so I just wanted to join this community
other one was that I got inspirated by @shaden-thezombieslasher , @isaique and most of all @askendy I always liked drawing but I wasn't sure does I should make my blog but @askendy inspirated me to make it because Artist of that blog is the same country as me so like normally I hate my country for many reasons and I want to move to other country in future that I have one reason to love it because one person from it created something that wonderful and amazing so.. the thing I wan to ask about is Does other blog can give me some advices about drawing managing a blog? I know that much people would say "its your blog so do whatever you want" but I need some help If someone will give an advice by rebloging then it will help not only me
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isaique · 3 years
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M!A: E'tharin is a Corvid 3/5
Tharin inspects the rock in his grasp. "Nope, I miss my arms.." he hops away.
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isaique · 3 years
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M!A: E'tharin is a Corvid 2/5
E'tharin screeches forbidden words at the immovable sheep.
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isaique · 3 years
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M!A: E'tharin is a corvid 1/5
E'tharin proceeds to shove the gold nugget into the ground in a very specific spot.
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isaique · 3 years
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Isai: “It was all certainly interesting and new, but it is nice to be myself too.”
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isaique · 3 years
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(( Ah man, Des is still around with all of his family they’re just not enders anymore over on the main. The little guy was Tanza, he’s still around too with Izzy in the same place. I don’t think anyone else here knows about them heheh ^^; ))
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isaique · 3 years
M!A someone gets turned into a corvid type bird for 5 asks! Bonus if they want to hoard shiny things
(( I have been gone from here for so long.. dealing with life stuff, school stuff, personal stuff, mental stuff... all the stuff.))
I really, Really like this M!A ((I’ve just been looking at it sitting here for ever..)) Different and creative. Thank you whoever sent this! I’m cancelling any M!A I had and putting this one into effect immediately for any asks sent to Etharin. I currently have seven asks sitting in the box that I never got to before I just needed some time. I will prioritize those over new ones sent. Please be patient with me is all I ask.
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isaique · 5 years
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M!A - Robot Isai - 4/4 Done!
( other asks with the boys’ hands and feet One Two Three )
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isaique · 5 years
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M!A - Robot Isai - ¾
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isaique · 5 years
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Isai wiggles his sharp metal claws.
“I am going to find him and talk to him to find out what exactly he wants to say, if he wants to say anything at all. I hope that we can go back to the way things were, before my memory came back. ”
M!A - Robot Isai - 2/4
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isaique · 5 years
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Isai plugs a cable in a socket in the back of his head and connects it to the computer given to him to search for cars. “I’m not sure what to think, they are indeed strange, like nothing I've ever seen.... except minecarts. A little bit like minecarts...”
M!A - Robot Isai - 1/4
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isaique · 5 years
How about Isai as a robot for 4 posts? Oh yeah *flails hand around with a wand* Magic anon thingie time.
(Aight, I’m not great at robots but I will try!)
Isai is a robot for 4 posts!
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isaique · 5 years
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Isai puts on the stone to offer dragon bleps.
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isaique · 5 years
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(( You are welcome to ask pretty much anything. I thought this was a rather touching ask. ))
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