ishasal · 4 years
I feel like we don't talk about Henry's kissing techniques enough hehe from the gifs we've seen, do you thing he's a tongue darter or circler?
OOF, girl, we sure don’t. But this answer is easy. I’m gonna refer to my two favorite gifs that span the length of Henry’s acting career:
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Henry is a tongue circler. He nearly always tilts his head to the left first even for a peck, unless he’s been directed to do something else. 
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But still. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I could watch that man snog all. DAY.
Cause damn.
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ishasal · 4 years
some of the rawest quotes from the priory of the orange tree are:
“No woman should be made to fear that she was not enough.”  
“We may be small, and we may be young, but we will shake the world for our beliefs.” 
“That is the problem with stories, child. The truth in them cannot be weighed.”  
“You have not seen death, my lord. You have only seen the mask we put on it.”  
“Piety can turn the power-hungry into monsters,’ Ead said. ‘They can twist any teaching to justify their actions.”
and my personal favourite:
“You wear so much armour by daylight that, by night, you can carry it no longer. By night, you are only flesh. And even the flesh of a queen is prone to fear. In darkness, we are naked. Our truest selves. Night is when fear comes to us at its fullest, when we have no way to fight it. It will do everything it can to seep inside you. Sometimes it may succeed - but never think that you are the night.”
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ishasal · 4 years
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Ead when Sabran tries to confront a dragon by herself
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Anyone when they learn Niclays’ backstory
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Tané when Niclays tries to blackmail her
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Loth at the end of the book
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ishasal · 4 years
listen, if you’re for everybody, you’re not for me
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ishasal · 4 years
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5K notes · View notes
ishasal · 4 years
am i being a little bitch about it or am i actually allowed to be hurt by that: a novel by me
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ishasal · 4 years
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The late 70s were a difficult time for the Winter Soldier… 
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ishasal · 4 years
just the girly things
forcing an earing through a closed piercing
taking off tight clothes and rubbing the indents they left on your skin 
human sacrifice
homemade face masks 
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ishasal · 4 years
do you ever
do you ever just have
that one class
that one freaking class
that just depresses you when you think about it because
oh god you hate it so much
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ishasal · 4 years
every appearance of Steve Rogers in the MCU
Captain America: The First Avenger
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The Avengers
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier
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Avengers: Age of Ultron
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Captain America: Civil War
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Spider-Man: Homecoming
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Avengers: Infinity War
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ishasal · 4 years
A fun thing that happens to you when you get Old is that you get really emotionally invested in the workplace dynamics of the ridiculous tv shows you watch. Like, the first time I watched Bleach, I was like, yeah, kick some ass you crazy teens. And then I watched it again when I was in my 30s and a software team lead and I was like, God, I wish my boss was a super-powerful sword bro who trusted me to hold off some super powerful monster with my zanpakutou while he chanted out a level 90 kidou seal. This is probably also why I write so much fanfiction that revolves around paperwork. All this is to say, in addition to OTPs and BroTPs, I want to talk about my Captain - Vice Captain TPs (I am open to better acronyms). Here are my top 3.
3. MY BEAUTIFUL BOYS OF SQUAD 6 Kuchiki Byakuya and Abarai Renji
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First things first, these dudes are monsters. If I’m some third-string Arrancar rolling up to the fight and I hear Abarai bellowing “You’re a million years too early for me!”, I am *leaving*. Just immediately.
Their relationship started off kinda rocky, what with Byakuya trying to fire Renji, and then throwing him in jail, and then almost killing him, and then dropping a scarf on him, but now, I honestly think Renji is the closest thing Byakuya has to a friend. There are just so many omake about Renji buying sunglasses for Byakuya or Renji helping Byakuya workshop his stand-up or Renji going to calligraphy club because Byakuya makes him.
What, exactly, does Renji get out of all this? The thing Renji really needs in his life is validation. He works super hard and he’s among the more powerful lieutenants, but he still goes around with this huge inferiority complex. He could be the lieutenant for some normal captain like Komamura or Ukitake, and they would love him and it would be great, but what Renji really needs is to work for the most judgey, critical bitch in all of Soul Society, and once a decade, get an extremely grudging, half-assed compliment. I feel this, Renji. I understand.
Also, the episode during the zanpakutou spirits arc where Senbonzakura and Zabimaru get trapped in Squad 12 is a goddamn masterpiece.
2. Hell Yeah, Squad 10 Hitsugaya Toushirou and Matsumoto Rangiku
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I will start out by saying that I love Matsumoto very, very much. She is a not-young woman who loves looking good and she’s very smart and powerful and she takes a lot of naps and drinks heavily. I am maybe one of those things, but I admire her Whole Deal. She is living her best afterlife. There’s a fight in one of the filler arcs where she has to fight Kira, and she tricks him into hitting a pipe a bunch of times with Wabisuke and then she drops it on his sword so he’s stuck, and I think about that all the time.
Hitsugaya is a prodigy and very serious and very neurotic. I feel like he’s constantly getting assigned shit jobs because he’s the youngest and also he’s bad at saying no. It seems like Matsumoto is going to be the one who finally makes that vein in his forehead explode, but I think we all know that she’s the only thing keeping from vibrating his way into the Anxiety Dimension. Ugh, I could really use a chill boozer pal to keep me from vibrating my way into the Anxiety Dimension.
Hitsugaya and Matsumoto get so much screentime of bickering and picking on each other, and the minute they start fighting, they just go to work, they are RIDE or DIE for each other, and it’s great. It’s perfect.
They even have a special combo attack that is basically Pykrete, I will never, ever stop howling about this.
1. Therapy Pals, Squad 5 Hirako Shinji and Hinamori Momo
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I never would have come up with this in a million years, and yet, when I heard about it, I thought, yes, YES. Here they are, two people who don’t really even belong in the same anime, and they are both in this really weird headspace where they are trying to rebuild their lifes after getting done dirty by Aizen, and I love the idea that they are just…there for each other. Like, Momo goes around haranguing all the Squad 5 seated officers into attending Shinji’s John Waters film series, and Shinj makes four accounts so he can like Momo’s Rupi Kaur-esque Instagram poetry. Some day I am going to write that fanfiction where they hold an extremely awkward dinner party that’s like Nadia’s birthday party in Russian Doll.
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ishasal · 5 years
Probably not taking prompts anymore but can we tall about Victor Krum who was famous the world over for flying a broom and who ended that game on hos terms but got pushed into more glory by the cup who saw more in him than a wronski feint, who wanted to be known for more. Who fell for Hermione when he could have anyone, who saw her way before Ron did, and still lost her to him, watched her apparate away and waited for news and heard nothing until after it was all over. Sorry. But yeah. Krum.
Let’s talk about Krum, who danced with a young Ginny at her brother’s wedding, the beginning (I like to think) of a long friendship between two souls who come from dark places and love to fly; Krum, who finally connects with Ron not over loving Hermione or respecting Harry or over their mirrored war stories, but because as children they both went to bed hungry. 
After Bill and Fleur’s wedding, when the war really started, I like to think he stayed. Krum was a message runner. He was a smuggler, flying beyond the enemy lines, with quick wit and eyes that can spot a Snitch from hundreds of feet in the air. He risked his life and what he got for it was hard stares.
In the war, in the little resistance movements listening to Fred/George/Lee Jordan radio around blue-bottle fires, they looked at Krum the way they looked at Lupin the night before full moons (and, honestly, all the other nights too). They looked at him the way they would have looked at Ginny if anyone had ever thought about exactly what she had been through and what exactly had lived in her bones.
They looked at Lupin with pity, with fear, with disgust and, on bad days, with a little bit of hate. Krum got all those parts, too, everything but the pity: suspicious looks in the hallways from people who were fighting the same war he was,  from people who didn’t understand that this stocky frame with his accent and his careful speech saw more than anyone they would ever meet.
Let’s talk about how he and Lupin would have gotten along well: both quieter, both kind, both a bit outcast with their unasked-for darknesses hanging over their heads. They both understood what it was like to be the kind of people who have to hold their worth bright in their own chest, because everyone else will lie to them about it, or not see it at all.
Because this was a story about sight, isn’t it? Krum was the Seeker, the best eyes and the swiftest flight. People saw the stocky frame, the fame, but he saw the bright center of the bushy haired girl in the library, and she looked back. Quidditch wasn’t Hermione’s game, but she could see the strength of flight (by broomstick, by thought, by strength of character) in those heavy bones. 
It was about words, too, though, accents and care, names pronounced slowly— Her-my-oh-knee. Did they say Viktor right? All those announcers, all those people who wanted his name scrawled on their playing cards but not to listen to him stumblingly speak?
Yes, let’s talk about Krum, who expected nothing from Hermione or Harry or anyone else, who flew and lived and loved on his own terms. Let’s talk about Krum, about names, about how English was his second language, and how he fell in love with a girl in love with words. 
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ishasal · 5 years
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Tony Stark – King of making 100% relatable faces
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ishasal · 5 years
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Keep reading
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ishasal · 5 years
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ishasal · 5 years
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‘Marina lay upon a couch … and fondled a fiery dragon with her right hand’
The Russian Story Book: Containing Tales from the Song-Cycles of Kiev and Novgorod and Other Early Sources
Illustration by Frank C. Papé
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ishasal · 5 years
Remember in 1993 when Jurassic Park was like…the end all, be all of special effects?
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