ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
A friend and I rewatched some KHR episodes
Which then prompted me to reread some chapters And my feelings for R27 flared up, so have my small headcanons:
• Sarcastic remarks • “Are you admitting you’re old” • Head smacks • Silent holds in the night • “Why do you rest your chin on my head” “Your hair was comfortable when I sat on it and it still applies” • “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU STILL HAVE THE PACIFIER- WWAIT NO REBORN” • Grudging agreement to cosplay • “Why am I the girl?!” • “Dame-Tsuna” as an endearing name as well as a mocking one • Arguing who gets coffee • Surprisingly NOT A LOT OF SEX • Head petting • Quick pecks • Flustered but trying! Tsuna • Reminiscing • Arguing who should leave first • Embarrassingly Drunk flirting from Tsuna • Extra! Reborn • “Reborn why did you get me a room full of roses” • Reborn critiquing Tsuna’s attire • Hand holding and playing around with fingers • Screams of death because Tsuna • Reborn still shaping Tsuna to who he can be • Tsuna still wanting to keep Reborn alive and to never have him think of expecting to die a dog’s death • “Reborn your coffee is shit” “This is why I make you make it, Dame-Tsuna”
We also made a new pairing lmao-
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
of revelations
Here’s the thing: Reborn doesn’t know how to love.
“I love you,” Tsuna tells him anyway, smiling like there’s nothing wrong with Reborn’s responding blank stare - and maybe there isn’t anything wrong with it, because Tsuna waves him closer and starts delving into battle strategies like he hadn’t just confessed his feelings to a hitman five seconds before.
Tsuna is just that type of person, though, the kind who lays their heart bare for everyone to see. Reborn is used to Tsuna shouting his feelings at the top of his lungs, whether it was when he was younger and going up against an enemy or now when he’s older and determined to make Reborn understand the intricacies of his emotions.
Understand what, though, Reborn thinks anyway as he strides up next to Tsuna to look over the scattered paperwork on his desk. Tsuna’s renowned for his empathy - for being the all-encompassing sky that he is - but Reborn is notorious for his cruelty and the blood on his hands. It’s a lost cause, honestly, trying to make Reborn understand something that’s been lost on him for the past decades of his life.
Tsuna is warm, though, where he is by Reborn’s side. They aren’t touching, not anything other than the occasional whisper of their sleeves brushing as they point out something, but Reborn is aware, suddenly, how close they are - how close they have been. It’s jarring, this revelation, so much so that it has Tsuna turning to him with something like concern written in the lines of his face.
“Reborn? Is something wrong?”
Tipping the brim of his fedora lower across his eyes, Reborn says, flippant as ever, “Nothing. Focus, Tsuna.”
When Tsuna’s eyes leave him, reluctant and still tinged with worry, Reborn half-entertains the thoughts sprouting in his mind while keeping one ear on Tsuna.
It’s not so much that Reborn doesn’t know what love is - though, reasonably enough, given his profession, it is a part of it - but it’s that he doesn’t know how to show it in words or actions. He can mimic careless touches, lips to lips and hands on skin, and while people may argue that that’s the proper way to show it - in the little things and touches shared - Reborn doesn’t feel anything from them. They’ve never been anything more than a means to an end - one that usually accompanied death and another successful job stained on his hands, not anything remotely similar to love.
Reborn has never touched someone, never looked at someone, and felt the fluttering wings of butterflies in his stomach, never felt his heart grow three sizes too big for his chest -
But Reborn stands next to Tsuna and feels the aching warmth of his life bleeding into his skin, dripping into the marrow of his bones, settling there like the foundation for something grand and breathtaking to grow within Reborn so that, whenever Tsuna stands beside him, he’ll be able to bask in this full-body warmth as well.
Glancing over at Tsuna, he thinks of all the times he’d outright told Reborn how he felt, the way he’d smile or move on whenever Reborn refused to answer, and of the handful of I love yous that never failed to strike Reborn with its raw sincerity. He’s not daft enough to mouth the words, but he thinks them like a mantra, over and over, tries to get used to these three words that can make or break him, that open him up and make him vulnerable. He doesn’t understand how Tsuna can say them so easily, like handing Reborn - a hitman, a killer - his heart stripped bare isn’t intimidating in the least.
(He wants to know how it’ll be like, though, to offer Tsuna his heart, wants to know if Tsuna will crush it or keep it next to his so that they can beat together, wants to know if there are any pieces of his heart left to actually give.)
“… so I wanted Hibari and Gokudera to start this new regimen with the recruits, and Mukuro and Chrome with security measures around the base, but… ” Tsuna trails off, sighing as something weary crawls up his spine and settles on his shoulders like a burden to bear. He turns to Reborn, lips twitching when he sees that he’s watching, diligent as ever. “Were you listening?”
“Always,” Reborn tells him, half-lying.
Tsuna breathes out a laugh at that, unwinding before Reborn’s eyes, becoming something softer. Reborn doesn’t know when it became captivating, watching this change in Tsuna, watching him slip from mafia boss to someone much kinder and gentle around the edges - like the way his eyes, sharp with power and the will to fight, would turn warm with care and concern.
For the strangest reason, Reborn is compelled to say something. Thoughts pass a mile minute, possible conversations coming to fruitation in his mind, but before he can even finish the most pressing thought - a wild and equally confusing I love- abruptly bitten off by Reborn’s stubbornness - Tsuna speaks instead.
“I love you, Reborn,” he says with the vestiges of a chuckle buoying his words, sincere as always, and Reborn aches, suddenly, with the need to do something. Tsuna, though, seems to understand and continues like he’s reminding Reborn of something: “I love you, okay?”
Like this, like you’ve always been, no exception.
Reborn’s chest aches, aches like he’s finally found something decades lost, like something glorious and painful is unfurling too quickly, overwhelming and… oh.
It’s like his heart is growing three sizes too big, inflated by Tsuna’s unconditional affection.
“Okay,” Reborn parrots, numb all over but refusing to show it.
Tsuna smiles. It only makes it worse.
Fun fact: this was supposed to be - still is, despite it all - dedicated to one user who left me with a wonderful comment over on write it down – but because I put off uploading it, karma decided to bite me in the ass, and I couldn’t find the comment or the user to properly tag and I am honest to god shook. And sad. 
BUT! If you’re still out there, thank you for the encouragement and praise! I hope you live a prosperous life filled with joy and motivation and lots of writing! 
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
Chastity- sneak peek
Hi hi~~ Ok so this is the beginning of a fic I’ve been playing with but may/may not ever be finished/completed or published. 
Sooooo  enjoy~~
The Vongola mansion was surprisingly still and eerily quiet this particular morning. It was a nice cloudy cool day. No fights, no arguments, no unneeded damages.
The guardians for once all sat together, eating their breakfast quietly, enjoying the rare moment of serene pea-
All the guardians paled. Then turned to stare at their boss, still calmly consuming his eggs on toast. They had never heard the hitman like this before. Yes he had been mad before, many times in fact. But that anger was always in chilling low tones, that made them wish they were swimming in the arctic with just their underwear instead. It was like the silence of a snake waiting to sink it’s torturous poison into their flesh. Slow, calm, deadly. 
Never had he ever raised his voice to the point that it echoed across the halls. And everyone had to wonder what the brunette must have done to incur such wrath.
Of course they didn’t have to wonder long as loud furious footsteps were heard till the door to the dining room slammed harshly open, revealing a slightly out of breath but enraged nineteen year old ex-Sun Arcobaleno. 
“Tsunayoshi Sawada.” He growled seething, black obsidian promising murder and a fate worse than death. Even Mukuro felt his usual amused smirk falter and pale. Tsuna however seemed to pay no notice to the palpable anger of the hitman, still nibbling on his toast before turning to said man with a smile that failed to reach his eyes. Gokudera and Yamamoto who were sitting right next to him subconsciously shifted away.
“Good morning Reborn, did you have a pleasant… surprise?”
It was faint but there was a small twitch in the older man’s eyes, more than a few were really afraid the hitman was actually going to snap. Well it had been nice knowing their boss. How long has it been, about ten, no, twelve years now?
“Take. It. Off.” Reborn grounded out, the words almost crushed by the weight of restrained wrath. 
Tsuna looked thoughtful as he sipped his delicious coffee before grinning sadistically. 
The hitman was ready to lunge at the Vongola Decimo still happily drinking his tea when to his surprise and irritation he felt seven pairs of arms restraining him. 
“Reborn-san! Please calm yourself! I’m sure if you and Tenth just talk it o-” Gokudera began pleading only to be cut off by a harsh snarl.
“NO. This is far past talking now.” There was a glint of madness in those black eyes, just waiting to overflow and kill them all right where they stood.
“Kufufu, just what on earth did the bunny do?” The male counterpart of the Mist Guardians asked curiously as he was slowly dragged on the floor by a certain raging hitman’s left leg.
“That goddamn idiota-” Reborn began slowly, darkly, like he was taking his time in shredding the words to pieces, “-fucking chained me up!”
There was a silence after that. Then wordlessly Ryohei pulled up the man’s right sleeve he had been clinging onto before, declaring bluntly, “I EXTREMELY don’t see no chains.”
The brunette added a spoonful of sugar into his coffee absentmindedly as he replied rather nonchalantly, “It’s not somewhere you can see.”
All his guardians stiffened and stared at their boss who just smiled that unnerving smile.
“You don’t mean…” Yamamoto began slowly, the smile long gone from his face.
The growl from a certain hitman only confirmed their disturbing suspicions.
“Hibari I suggest you stop staring at my groin or I will rip out your retinas and stuff them up your stupid boyfriend’s ass.”
The skylark grunted but quickly complied. Mukuro was extremely grateful. Reborn did not give two shits. His anger again refocused on his own lover.
“Now Tsuna if you take this off now I will be extremely generous and let this off as a very, very bad joke you pulled.”
The brunette smirked triumphantly at the offer. “No dice Reborn. This is a punishment after all.”
The hitman’s anger faltered, replaced by slight confusion, then stoned his expression. 
“I don’t remember doing anything to incur any sort of punishment to this degree.”
Apparently that was not the correct answer.
The Vongola Decimo’s serene, graceful features contorted into deep barely restrained anger, eyes burning a blazing orange that threatened to destroy all in its vindictive path. “Don’t remember Reborn?! Don’t remEMBER?! WELL LET ME HAVE THE FUCKING HONOURS TO REFRESH YOUR SHITTY MEMORY THEN-”
At was at that moment Lambo chose to escape, no one stopped him, they were too fucking scared to even tear their gaze away from the train wreck happening before them. It also helped that it was becoming increasingly obvious that the conversation was going to head down a path not meant for their youngest guardian’s ears.
Yep. Definitely not meant for their youngest guardian’s ears. 
Actually Gokudera looked like he was close to a stroke. Reborn however smirked, obviously proud of that moment.
“I do not see your point.“
“Now that wasn’t that bad.”
Reborn winced. That had been… an unexpected visit indeed.
All the guardians still present paled, even Mukuro looked a bit sick. They eat food cooked from that kitchen!
“Ok so maybe that crossed the line a bit but-“
Everyone just stared dumbly at their raging boss. All immensely uncomfortable just being there. Actually they were feeling uncomfortable just existing at this point. Fellow guardians choosing to be fascinated by the ceiling, the floors or the wall closest to their vision, anything to try and ignore the argument before them.
Yamamoto, ever the peacemaker tried to give a reassuring grin. “Maa maa Tsuna, don’t you think the punishment is a little harsh not to mention… unusual? I’m sure Reborn’s learnt his lesson now, maybe you should take it off?”
The Rain Guardian of Vongola flinched as the fiery intense gaze was now boring into his being. If those vivid orange eyes glared at him any harder Yamamoto was sure he’ll combust. Then suddenly the fire died down, the anger was still palpable but instead of a roaring forest fire it had gone down to a burning simmer. For a brief, hope filled, beautiful moment all thought they were finally in the clear.
Then he smiled.
And the room dropped to a spine chilling degree.
“Oh Yamamoto,” Tsuna laughed softly, it held none of it’s usual warmth and affection though. If anything the out of place laughter made the whole situation so much more terrifying. “You and your jokes.”
Sadistic amusement twinkled in brown orange orbs. Reborn hated the fact he knew just exactly where the brunette had picked it up from. The hitman did not deny that the moment he saw that all too familiar glint his stomach dropped and a feeling of foreboding hit him like a bag of bricks. Personally he’d rather the bag of bricks to his current dilemma.
"No, see, Reborn is much too stubborn to have learnt his lesson in just one morning." 
Another giggle. It was eerie. "However if he truly apologises and repents for his previous actions then I promise to take it off.”
The guardians gaped. The hitman silently fumed. 
There were many certainties in the Vongola family; Gokudera would always be incredibly protective of his boss, Mukuro and Hibari will always fight, no one ever approaches Tsuna before his second cup of morning coffee unless absolutely necessary. 
And possibly the most important and stubborn of them all- Reborn does. not. apologise.
The brunette knew this better than anyone, though he merely smiled a sickly sweet obviously fake smile at his furious lover. “I see.” Caramel brown flashed vibrant orange for a split second indicating that the all-knowing hyper intuition had flared. “Well then,” Tsuna nodded dismissively at his guardians and lover as he picked up his cup to drink from. “Have a pleasant morning. Now if you excuse me, I have a nice cup of coffee that needs drinking and paperwork to be filed.”
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
I am AU trash
R27 probably. College (?) AU, with supernatural stuff thrown in. Incubus!Reborn.
“Let’s summon a demon!” Tsuna’s stupid roommate suggested eagerly.
“Let’s not do that,” Tsuna replied flatly, warily eying the Ominous Black Book in his roommate’s hands. Why was he friends with his roommate again? Oh right, because his roommate was one of the only people in the school who didn’t look at Tsuna with disdain.
Sometimes, Tsuna felt that the nice company his roommate occasionally provided really wasn’t worth the trouble that came with it.
Keep reading
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
His fists clenched as if in prayer.
…That is the Vongola Decimo.
Uni used that line to describe Tsuna when she saw him use his Dying Will Flames.
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It’s kind of a comforting thought to realize that Tsuna retained this trait even several years into the future… because Tsuna already had that reputation even before the Future Arc.
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Nono said that line to describe Tsuna during the Varia Arc.
But, you know, I don’t think Nono had ever seen Tsuna fight before that. Nono was stuck inside Gola Mosca while Tsuna was training his Flames. How could Nono say he knew Tsuna “never fought in a battle willingly”?
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Through Reborn, of course.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, I think it was actually Reborn who’s the very first person to describe Tsuna as someone who never fought willingly, who always had his eyebrows furrowed and his fists clenched as if he’s praying.
I could imagine Reborn writing Nono a letter using those words… maybe he’s secretly a romanticist.
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
non-mafia AU where businenessman Reborn and student!Tsuna somehow become friends and Reborn likes to buy him gifts and spoil him rotten because tsuna is so useless and cute.
Only later do they realize to their horror that reborn accidentally became tsuna’s sugar daddy.
This would be so hilarious.
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
OTP Headcanon
Person A asked Person B how much B loves them, and B replies “From Here”.
A didn’t understand at first
Many many many years later, A sits near a tombstone under which B is buried.
The inscription says “To here and till I meet you again”
[Inspired by Facebook posts]
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
Hey you should totally ,,, *sticks leg out* ,,, tell me ur favourite snarry fics because i've run out of good fics and it made me sad
I most definitely ,,, *sticks leg out* ,,, will tell you my favorite snarry fics but I make no promises that they’ll be anything you’ve not read before. Also, because I’m very opinionated, imma give a brief little blurb of my opinion for each.
My Favorite Snarry Fics (in no particular order):
Because I Love You, You Idiot by TheMightyFlynn
I’m rereading this at the moment, actually. It’s so so so so wonderful. It’s a creature fic with Sev as a Veela. It’s arguably a little OOC, but it’s so full of sexy smut and warm fluff that I just can’t stop rereading it. I highly recommend it. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve reread this thing. I love this Severus because he’s still him, but it’s like an indulgent him, if that makes sense. My favorite line in any fic ever comes from this fic. 
With Eyes Wide Open by suitesamba
This one kind of frustrates me at times because I wish it was a bit more… emotional? It’s a forced marriage between Harry and Sev, and I’d say it’s a little more realistic than some in regards to their relationship. I just sometimes find myself so desperate for them to get super emotional at the end, but this is not an extreme fluff fic. I LOVE the subtleness of how Severus is shown to be so attracted to Harry (all I’m going to say is rutting. you’ll know when you get there). It’s a lovely fic. Also it has touches of jealousy in it which are delicious.
The Courtship of Harry Potter by Diana Williams
I’d recommend this for anyone starting out in courtship fics. It’s rather tame as courtship fics go. Not smutty (though, if I remember correctly, there is some sexy times). It’s a wonderful and easy read. Severus is great, and it’s quite funny.
Nature’s Changing Course by Durrant
I’m not too much of a fan of de-aged fics, but this one is so sweet. Sev (who is de-aged) and Harry are in their last year of school post the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry is so sweet and innocent. Sev is unsure and adorable. It’s also got amazing teenage lust that leaves you gushing kudos for the author for writing such hotness that somehow is the utmost of cuteness.
Changed and its sequel Claimed by Sablesilverrain
Omegaverse. These are sort of my guilty pleasure. I’ve not actually read these in a good while. Harry is an Omega and Sev is an Alpha and it is hot hot hot. Like I said, my guilty pleasure.
Secrets of Midnight by Lizzy0305
Definitely OOC. Severus just… doesn’t act like that. But I love it so shhhh. It’s hot and fluffy and SO AMAZING OH MY GOD IT’S LIKE TWO FICS IN ONE. I see it as broken into two parts. The first part is student-teacher relationship. It’s hot and fluffy and makes my heart happy. The second part is post Battle of Hogwarts. It’s delicious and wonderful and my heart soars. Some of the lines in this are just so funny I can’t even. I don’t want to spoil it for you but AHHHHHH. Read it. You gotta. 
The Unexpected Omega by Nagabelle
Omegaverse (obviously). It’s an au in more ways than having alphas and omegas in it. The smut will steam up your windows, so watch out. The sequel The Unexpected Heir is still incomplete and it kills me because I need to know how it ends. It’s another guilty pleasure fics. I love a good omega fic.
A Convenient Marriage by Diana Williams 
OH MY GOD THE JEALOUSY IS MOUTHWATERING. I love, love, love, love the latter half of this fic. Oh it’s so delicious and wonderful. Severus is so *swoons* with his jealousy and his protectiveness. Ugh. If you’re looking for a realistic forced marriage thing but with fluff and sexiness, I recommend this wonderful fic.
Of The Passion of Potters by Brego_Mellon_Nin
Sometimes you just gotta read a smutty fic. This is deliciously smutty right from the start. It’s quick paced, and an easy read. Oh, and there’s this scene which involves Flitwick that I just love to bits. Oh, Severus. It’s so so funny.
A True Match by LilRinnieB
Fluffy happiness with some lovely smut thrown in. It’s another indulgent fic of mine that I love to reread when I want a confident and forward Severus that knows exactly what (read: who) he wants and an oblivious Harry.
Between the Lines and anything else by Dementordelta
Harry gets to know the Half Blood Prince by communicating how he did with Tom in that diary. Harry is so cheeky and I love reading Sev slowly losing his self control around him. Also, everything Dementordelta writes is just wonderful????? 
Addiction by Lizzy0305
Vampire!Severus is lip licking good. Oh this story has everything I love. Jealousy, mates, smut, teasing, possessiveness, humour, fluff, and Severus losing his tightly held control because Harry James Potter is a sexy little fucker whom he loves very much.
Jealousy Is the Best Policy by Lomonaaeren
I honestly read this fic over and over again just to get to the end of it where Sev is an absolute savage and Draco is told to fuck off in the most wonderful (and luckily for Harry, pleasurable) of ways.
Arbitrium Liberum by Lizzy0305
Sev’s ego and smugness bite him in the bum and it is GLORIOUS. Professor Potter is having serious issues with this free spirited Severus. Honestly, what I wouldn’t give for a day with Sev under the affects of this potion. 
Playing With Matches by Emynn
Harry, Harry, Harry. My poor little oblivious Chosen One. When will you ever learn. Severus needs to also get it through that cute little skull of his that Harry doesn’t take subtle hints. Smash him against the wall and kiss him dizzy, Sev. This match making fic is so entertaining. Sometimes I like to hurt myself with reading pining, and this has got glorious pining in it.
Sudden Urges by lilyseyes
Sev has no self control and it’s just great. SHAG HIM SEV. SHAG HIM SILLY.
Parable of the Talents by Lomonaaeren
Another guilty pleasure fic. Jealousy and some poor misguided soul thinking he can get Sev who is clearly Harry’s and we all know it. Sev has no mercy and no chill. Oh, Severus. Oh, Harry. 
Going Green by Emynn
The ending always has me like !!!!!! Severus you idiot. You of all people should know the importance of word choice. Also: Miscommunication can FUCK OFF. 
Tempus by Suziesu74
Guilty pleasure. Student-Teacher fic with Harry back in the past and Sev is the student. It’s got lots of smut, and I’ll tell you now can be a bit… problematic if I’m honest. Sev is underage (I’m pretty sure) and Harry does some questionable things. But it’s just one of those fic’s I keep coming back to. Also, I love the plot. It’s a unique execution on time travel fics. 
One of a Kind by Emynn
OH MY GOSSHHHHHHH. It’s so short but it’s so sweet. I wish there was so much more. The jealousy in it kills me. I LOVE how protective of Harry Severus is. I don’t want to ruin it, but Sev’s reaction during the dueling? Oh. I can’t. He’s so wonderfully protective. I love him so. I just love the premise. I want more.
The Boy Who Lived a Bit and its sequel Care of Magical Creatures by Barbarella
My literal favorite fics of all time. This is SO in character. I think that’s why I love it so much. It’s got heart stopping smut and fluff. The plot if AMAZING. They are completely themselves. It’s so wonderful because it’s everything you want in a fic and with our beloved otp of snarry, and yet it is so realistic that you can totally see this being real. I love it. SO SO SO SO SO much. I mean this is my favorite of all time. In any fandom. These two fics are just THE BEST. 
The Fire Call Series by Flic
Made up of several shorter fics as chronological order sequels. It’s a great mix of sexy and fluffy. You know how sometimes you find a wonderful series but the last fic in it kind of makes it end ‘meh’ like? Skinny Latte, which is the last fic, is a super sweet ending to the series. Which I was so happy about. 
Sunrises and its sequel Happily Ever After by Julia the Younger 
Oooooooh. The angst!!!!!! Let me tell you how much I do not like super angsty fics. hella. I hella don’t like them. But the angst in this is worth it. It’s a more realistic fic, and unlike Barbarella’s two realistic fics, it takes the realism in a not-as-blissful-and-fluffy-but-still-quite-happy path. Also the jealousy provides a grand moment in Sunrises and Happily Ever After’s ending is so sweet.
So as you can tell, I really like jealous!Severus and Possessive!Severus and Protective!Severus. I think it’s because I feel like Sev is a jealous, possessive, and protective man. So, it sort of makes sense to me that he’d be like that and to see him put those to Harry out of love and lust makes me feel all warm and tingly inside. I also love mates and bonds. I think it’s so romantic when they’re fated
Anyway, these are my favorites. I hope you like them! Also, you can always give my fics a read :D I’ll be writing more soon. My inbox is always open to prompts (I’m working on fulfilling some right now actually), so feel free to send me them!
Happy reading!
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
Snarry fic recs - happy stuff
Because of the extremely heavy vibe of my blog lately I want to bring back the good stuff - fanfics in which Harry and Snape are happy. Yes, we all want those. (Also, you can find a wider range of fics on my FIC REC page.) Moving on, FLUFF ALL AROUND ~~
Starched cuffs  (and the last chapter)
Author: RussianWolf7 Words: 51,908
Draco trips Ron, who trips Harry, who is knocked into Snape and accidentally brushes his cuffs. Such a little thing, yet it’s all he can think about. Everything he’s been holding back since the Final Battle comes bursting forth, and Harry is determined to get Snape to stop ignoring him and actually talk. Unexpected allies, botched potions, detention, and Legilimency afoot! 
[Super cute fic. Some hurt/comfort because it’s Snarry obviously, but an overall very good development of their relationship.]
One Crazy Long Day 
Author: Lizzy0305 Words:  28,119
When a Muggle family arrives to the town of Mull, which is inhabited only by witches and wizards, Severus and Harry are forced to put aside their enmity to prevent the Wizarding World from exposure.
[This fic is just lots of fun and adventure. Also bottom!Snape because hell yeah.]
The unbearable softness of a potions master’s lap
Author: Sister of Mayhem Words: 8,453
Nothing is as burdensome as a secret. But Harry thinks this particular one might just snowball into something good.
[Very cute, spans across all 7 years of Hogwarts. I admit I’m quite sentimental about this fic because it’s one of the very first Snarry fics I ever read. Also, Harry ends up in Snape’s lap a lot. Which is 10/10 in my book.]
Getting familiar
Author: gingertart50 Words:  15,171
Snape has watched over Potter for so long that nothing from poisonous snakes and assassins to amorous doppelgangers can stop him. Eventually he’s going to figure out why.
[Snape’s animagus form made me want to have a scorpion as a pet. And his inner dialogue is hilarious. So much sass, lots of humor, protective!Snape for the win. Harry will take him - claws and sting and all.]
Two Left Feet
Author: Ms.Freestyle Words:  47,239
Defines a person who is clumsy or awkward, especially in dance and if his inability to dance continues, Harry will force himself to accept Snape’s offered help.
[This fic makes me want to happy cry because 1) I love dancing 2) I love Severus and Harry dancing and the sexual tension and falling in love. Did I mention the sexual tension? And falling in love?]
Back in Time
Author: Snarry5evr Words:  26,824
After Nagini’s attack Severus wakes to find himself in an impossible future. Married to The Boy Who Lived, Severus sets out to discover a way to keep himself from making the same mistake twice, because surely no sane version of Severus Snape would EVER fall in love with the arrogant brat.
[I’d just like to send a huge kiss to the author because it is such a nice time travel fic. Made my head spin because it’s still confusing, like usual, BUT HARRY AND SNAPE IN A HEALTHY AND HAPPY RELATIONSHIP WITH KIDS. They’re happy and it’s just so fucking awesome. Husbands and daddies for the win.]
Hints from Severus
Author:  cruisedirector, Dementordelta Words: 20,922
When Rita Skeeter seeks Snape’s help with a household advice column, Snape reads a letter from a correspondent with a familiar problem.
[This one is such a hilarious fic. Very kinky and perverted, but what do you expect from those two anyway. Lots of sexting, although wizard sexting because owls and stuff. A honest pervert is hard to come by, and fun to come with. Am I right, boys?]
Not Puppy Love
Author:  Lizzy0305 Words:  7,385
It was like one of the oldest stories, really. Even though they were from a different caste, they fell for each other, it was love at first sight. But their families hated each other, and therefore their love was doomed. Could puppy love win over years of hatred or will Applesauce and Winston be forever separated? Or in other words, Severus’ greyhound falls for Potter’s mutt. 
[Fluff and cute puppies. What else do you need? Amazing.]
Author: htdcd Words:  72,967
Harry gets a unique opportunity to get to know Severus Snape. Who knew Snape would turn out to be a cat person?
[I ! LOVE! THIS! FIC! SO ! DAMN ! MUCH!! !! Honestly, this is my favourite animagus fic. It’s cute and hot, Harry’s friends are not villianized (especially Ron!! I love Ron I hate fics that make him a total asshole), Harry and Snape’s relationship development is very beautiful, and I like the way it handles sex.]
Author: abstractconcept Words:  7,504 + 3,884
Another of my humorous takes on a cliché fic idea. Harry is determined to learn the Animagus Transformation, and the results are…unexpected.
[I put this here purely because I DIE every time I read this fic. It’s my ‘feel good’ fic. It’s just so funny. I can’t keep a straight face even when just thinking about it. Cracks me up every time. Both Pink and it’s sequel Teacher’s Pet are gold, I want this read out loud at my funeral.]
That Place in the Dark
Author:  Dementordelta Words: 15,811
Severus Snape has survived the war and the Dark Lord but he may not survive Harry Potter.
[Harry being the hero he is, protective and fussing over his favourite Ex-Death Eater. Some hurt/comfort aspects but otherwise super sweet. Also a badass pregnant lady, the cool OC I never knew I needed, but am very thankful for.]
Have fun! 
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
Do you have any animagus fic recs?
Hell yeah I do!!
Unregistered by htdcd (this is one of my fave fics ever tbh)
Getting Familiar by gingertart50
Pink + the sequel Teacher’s Pet by abstractconcept
The Snigdet by ac1d6urn, Sinick
Love Potion No.13 by riffraff84
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
Do you like Skull from KHR? Do you have any fic recs with Skull as a central character?
This Is Gospel
Four Things that Come Not Back
It’s Too Late(We’re Building A Monster)
Unpausing Life
10 sentence meme
The Meaning of Immortal
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
Do you have any Time Travel AU Fics for KHR?
Something Small (with Teeth)
A Sky’s Charisma
Relative Free Falling
Bandaged Hand
The Tempest Temptation
Connecting the Past and Present
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
Do you have any gen khr fic recs? Thanks for all your hard work! You're so amazing and I'm always really impressed by you!
Uchiha Kyōya
The Bloody Boys
Something Small (with Teeth)
For the Love of the Game
Generation Cross
It Takes a Village
and pins scream as they fall to the floor
The Dead and the Forsworn
Don’t Kiss and Tell
A Sky’s Charisma
On the Outside
If You Can’t Beat ‘Em
Say Boys Don’t You See Them Bones
Does Your Amber Heart Bleed Purple Gold
Dead-Eyed Tsuna
What We Fought For
It Takes Two || You Can’t Abandon Me
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
Any R27 authors that you recommend? I'm starving for some fics (〒︿〒)
my go to is always metamorcy [ AO3/ ff.net]because holy f uck are they good. Like any r27 one 
if you good with gore i 10/10 recommend The Unexplainable [ao3/ff.net]want a slow burn? they got u with Contract [ao3/ff.net]want a one-shot? they have so many good ones tbh. 
i highly recommend their Abuse one-shot. It does have some physical abuse, as u can tell, so if u ain’t good with it don’t touch it. but its on ff.net and ao3
moving away from metamorcy tho
cywscross wrote Fifty Snapshots of The Sky but idk if she’s written anymore r27 ;; but its on ao3 and ff.net and it is a slow burn and painful as hell bUT SO WELL WRITTEN
ToraTsuin [theanimetrashqueen on tumblr] - 30 Precious Moments [ff.net]rip@ao3 users it ain’t on there but there are 14 chapters so far and tbh if they updated id self-combust
and as i was making this list, i stumbled over an r27 story [x] they wrote and im crying now i love this 
pinkiedoll on ff.net has written some nice ones. there are some im iffy on because they are boderline sexual assault so yeah if u not chill with that, dont touch the m-rated ones she has. 
i recommend this one at least because from what i remember, there isn’t any smut yet but she stopped writing so it hasnt been updated in a while ;-;
FullmetalReborn [ff.net] has a couple too. If they updated this story, id most likely start sobbing lmao its so well written ffff
they only have fanfiction tho so again, rip@ao3 users
can i put myself in here? like you must know i only write r27 lmao. 
but ayyy i have an ao3 and fanfiction but i changed my fanfiction name to my tumblr username because i fucking cringe at what i had it at like pls never mention it again. 
i only update frequently on ff.net tho its weird but im trying to transition to ao3
those are all the ones i can remember atm. most of what authors ive read r27 from i wouldnt remember because i read them two years ago or smth when the fandom was still kind of big. by all means, if anybody has anymore recs, add on to this post because i probs missed some
there is one story i cannot remember the name for and i know for a fact it has the same icon as my ao3 profile but i cant remember its name because it was in fucking italian or latin
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
Any KHR fics you can recommend?
The Bloody Boys
Force of Nature
Even the Best Fall Down
Something Small (with Teeth)
Uchiha Kyōya
Fifty Snapshots – Sun and Sky
A Murder of Crows
What We Fought For
For the Love of the Game
I Hold With Those Who Favour Fire
If You Can’t Beat ‘Em
On the Outside
Does Your Amber Heart Bleed Purple Gold
and pins scream as they fall to the floor
On Courting Severely Scarred Assassin Organisation Bosses
Close to Home
dead anime moms
Say Boys Don’t You See Them Bones
The Dead and the Forsworn
Target Practice
Four Things that Come Not Back
This Is Gospel
The Domestication of Yamamoto Takeshi
A Not-Quite Sixth Sense
Fortune Favours the Vindictive
The Piano Room
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
Any R27 authors that you recommend? I'm starving for some fics (〒︿〒)
my go to is always metamorcy [ AO3/ ff.net]because holy f uck are they good. Like any r27 one 
if you good with gore i 10/10 recommend The Unexplainable [ao3/ff.net]want a slow burn? they got u with Contract [ao3/ff.net]want a one-shot? they have so many good ones tbh. 
i highly recommend their Abuse one-shot. It does have some physical abuse, as u can tell, so if u ain’t good with it don’t touch it. but its on ff.net and ao3
moving away from metamorcy tho
cywscross wrote Fifty Snapshots of The Sky but idk if she’s written anymore r27 ;; but its on ao3 and ff.net and it is a slow burn and painful as hell bUT SO WELL WRITTEN
ToraTsuin [theanimetrashqueen on tumblr] - 30 Precious Moments [ff.net]rip@ao3 users it ain’t on there but there are 14 chapters so far and tbh if they updated id self-combust
and as i was making this list, i stumbled over an r27 story [x] they wrote and im crying now i love this 
pinkiedoll on ff.net has written some nice ones. there are some im iffy on because they are boderline sexual assault so yeah if u not chill with that, dont touch the m-rated ones she has. 
i recommend this one at least because from what i remember, there isn’t any smut yet but she stopped writing so it hasnt been updated in a while ;-;
FullmetalReborn [ff.net] has a couple too. If they updated this story, id most likely start sobbing lmao its so well written ffff
they only have fanfiction tho so again, rip@ao3 users
can i put myself in here? like you must know i only write r27 lmao. 
but ayyy i have an ao3 and fanfiction but i changed my fanfiction name to my tumblr username because i fucking cringe at what i had it at like pls never mention it again. 
i only update frequently on ff.net tho its weird but im trying to transition to ao3
those are all the ones i can remember atm. most of what authors ive read r27 from i wouldnt remember because i read them two years ago or smth when the fandom was still kind of big. by all means, if anybody has anymore recs, add on to this post because i probs missed some
there is one story i cannot remember the name for and i know for a fact it has the same icon as my ao3 profile but i cant remember its name because it was in fucking italian or latin
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ishipsebandi-blog · 7 years
So after throwing the idea around for a while, I finally decided to make an attempt at getting into KHR. However the idea of how much time it would take to start a new series from scratch right now is already exhausting me, so I wanna be a bit lazy. Do you have any recs that would serve as a good intro to the series? I got into FFVII that way from esama's fics and now I am comfortable reading anything in that fandom, so I'm hoping there won't be any issues with using that method for khr.
KHR has an excess of time travel fics and canon!AUs, which really does help, so… (These are mostly ‘wow I love this characterization SO MUCH fics, in case you were curious)
Vigilante Tendency
Phantom Thief Decimo
Vivi memor leti
Strange Logic and Common Sense
Something Small (with Teeth)
Top of the Food Chain
Fifty Snapshots – Sun and Sky
A Murder of Crows
6 Times the Guardians Came Back Injured
For the Love of the Game
What We Fought For
If You Can’t Beat ‘Em
A Sky’s Charisma
On Courting Severely Scarred Assassin Organisation Bosses
On the Outside
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