islandofimmunity · 4 years
Wrapping it Up...
How everyone voted:
All confessions!
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Winner Reveal and POTS
With a vote of 4-3, Ellie has won Atomic Survivor: Island of Immunity.
Maynor comes just short in second place.
Austin is in third but also scores player of the season!
Thank you to everyone for supporting this season and to everyone who played!
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Fire Making Results
With a score of two
Ellie, congratulations you have made it to the final three.
Gwen, I’m sorry but your score of 6 was not enough and you are the final member of the jury.  
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Fire Making Challenge
In deciding the final member of the jury it ended in a tie, meaning that we are going to be going to a fire making challenge. 
The rules for this fire making challenge is simple.
You are going to send a list of those who came before you in order of how they were voted out. 
The one who can do it in the least amount of attempts will continue on to the final three. 
Please number each person. If your list is incorrect, I will simply mark it as “incorrect” without any further explanation. It is up to you to figure out what is incorrect. 
In case there is a tie the winner will be whoever can finish the fastest. 
Here is the list of everyone who was removed from the game. 
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Final Immunity Results Part Three
 Gwen’s score of 1 (due to an uncaught mistake) was not enough.
Meaning that Maynor’s score of 25 was enough to win. 
Congratulations Maynor on guaranteeing yourself a spot in the final three!
Tribal will be tomorrow at 11:30 pm est to see who will be the final member of our jury. 
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Final Immunity Part Three
For this challenge we are revisiting the steps challenge, except this time you are all on your own. 
You will build it as follows: I grab step one. I place step one. I grab step two. I climb up step one. I place step two. I climb down step one. I grab step three. I climb up step one. I climb up step two. I place step three. I climb down step two. I climb down step one. 
Each sentence must be sent as a separate message. Spelling and punctuation IS important! You must fully climb back down the staircase in order for that step to count. If a step is missed or a mistake is made you MUST start over. If you fail to catch the mistake your score will be as far as you got before the mistake was made.
This challenge is due Friday, March 20th at 11:30 pm est.
Create a new chat titled “[Your Name] Steps” and add Joanna (and Joanna only!) when you are ready to begin. 
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Final Immunity Results Part Two
With a time of 43:21, Gwen you are moving on to the next round.
It comes down to Maynor and Austin.
Austin your time of 111:00 was not enough and you will not be moving on to the next round. 
Which means Maynor your time of 43:53 was enough!
Congrats to Maynor and Gwen who will be participating in part three of the final immunity challenge. 
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Final Immunity Part Two
Gwen, Maynor, and Austin, welcome to part two of your final immunity challenge. 
You will be competing to see who can complete a puzzle the fastest. 
You may complete the puzzle as many times as you want, but once you send in a screenshot of your score that score is locked in. 
When you are ready to begin this challenge I will send you the link to the puzzle. 
The two fastest times will move on to the final part. 
This part is due tomorrow at 11:30 pm est. 
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Final Immunity Results Part One
With the highest score is Gwen with 31 points.
The next highest is Maynor with 29 points.
That means it is down between Ellie and Austin.
With 20 points... is Austin.
That means Ellie, I’m sorry but your 11 points were not enough and you will not be continuing onto the next part of this challenge. 
The next part will be posted soon.
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Final Immunity Part One
Welcome to your final immunity challenge.
This challenge is going to be run similarly to the Goldilocks challenge, as there are going to be three rounds. Each round will be based off of a challenge you have previously competed in. The person with the least amount of points will be eliminated and therefore unable to move on to the next round.
The first round will be a scavenger hunt due tomorrow at 11:00 pm est. Each round will be revealed with the results of the round before it. 
The winner of this challenge will be guaranteed a spot in the final tribal council. 
Here is the link to the scavenger hunt:
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Tribal #12
Idol played by Ellie for Ellie
light week advantage played by ellie
first vote: Zoe, cast by Gwen
second vote: Gwen, cast by Zoe
third vote: Zoe, cast by Maynor
fourth vote: Gwen, cast by Ellie
fifth and final vote: Zoe, cast by Austin
Zoe voted out 3-2
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Individual Immunity Results #10
After all day of traveling to every continent, I have the results.
In honorary last place we have Drew and Olivia with one (because we love Drew and because Olivia knows more about Marvel than the rest of us)
Next is Ellie with 6 points.
Austin and Zoe both scored 13 points.
With my honorary points (aka all the ones that nobody got) I come in third with 25 points. 
Gwen is next with 26 points.
Which means Maynor with 40 points you have won immunity.
Tribal will be held tomorrow at 11:30 pm est. 
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Individual Immunity #10
This challenge will be held live.
For this challenge you will be added to a separate chat.
In this chat you will be sent different photos from different places in the world (a way of traveling when none of us can go anywhere). Once you receive this photo you are to guess which continent that photo is from.
Whoever answers correctly first will be awarded a point. The person with the most points wins.
This challenge will start tonight and end at 11:00 pm est tomorrow
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Island of Immunity Update #10
As Ellie leaves the island it sinks beneath the waves.
The Island of Immunity... 
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Tribal #11
Pat with a vote of 4-1, I’m sorry but the tribe has spoken.
Gwen with one vote you remain safe. 
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Island of Immunity Update #9
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islandofimmunity · 4 years
Individual Immunity Results #6
In last place, Zoe with a score of 8.
In fourth place with a score of 10, Gwen and Maynor.
In third place with a score of 12, Austin.
In second place with a score of 13, Pat.
And in first place, with a score of 14 is Ellie.
Congrats Ellie!
Tribal will be held tomorrow, at 11:30 pm est. 
Link to scoring document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tnCyIhtajg_MDG3m7M1hW8IZTOKz5lciPf8DeUAp2_I/edit?usp=sharing
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