isolatedbiped · 6 days
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artist: emma currie
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isolatedbiped · 6 days
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julian merrow-smith
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isolatedbiped · 6 days
“While I can’t have you, I long for you. I am the kind of person who would miss a train or a plane to meet you for coffee. I’d take a taxi across town to see you for ten minutes. I’d wait outside all night if I thought you would open the door in the morning.
If you call me and say ‘Will you…’ my answer is ‘Yes’, before your sentence is out. I spin worlds where we could be together. I dream you. For me, imagination and desire are very close.”
— Jeanette Winterson
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isolatedbiped · 6 days
I confuse people. i have a happy personality and a sad soul. i'm bold but shy. i love deeply but sometimes i feel heartless. i'm healing and hurting at the same time. i'm dedicated to growth, but i self sabotage
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isolatedbiped · 1 month
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Quote to Owner / Somewhere, There's a Party by Holly Warburton / "The Prophet" Book by Khalil Gibran / Quote to Owner / Spirit Hold by Holly Warburton / "Freak" Book by Jonathan Harnisch
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isolatedbiped · 1 month
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They say that those who have gone through the most are the strongest of people, yet they fail to realize that the strength comes from the disassociation from reality.
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isolatedbiped · 1 month
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The lake town
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isolatedbiped · 2 months
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I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close. - pablo neruda
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isolatedbiped · 2 months
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– Noor Unnahar, Instagram account "noor_unnahar"
[TEXT ID: / [Lemons] / My father's mother loved lemons. Years after her passing, / we run out of everything, but never / lemons. / Nothing else shelters grief / better than memory. / It's my father way of saying, / even in your absence, you will be / cared by me. / END ID]
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isolatedbiped · 2 months
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Spotted Spragueia Moth (Spragueia guttata), family Noctuidae, Bexar County, Texas, USA
These moths are usually less than 1 cm in length.
Photograph by Graham Floyd
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isolatedbiped · 2 months
Cloud Watchers
Through a field of overgrown grass we run Laughing at jokes only we know the punchline to And I watch you as you watch me Our eyes seem to share on what they want Who are we to deny them the simplest pleasures of looking on someone who is so perfect Surrounded by white and purple flowers The scent of the clover fills this field with rabbits And they see you first, there is no warning as you take chase into the underbrush I can't catch my breath when you come back empty handed and a frown upon your glowing face
Collapse with me come lay by me, buried within the green We'll watch clouds and claim shapes hands touching the sky that we see And in catching breaths we swear we can taste it the wrath of god is never real in our world Let me be your sustenance, let me dance upon your tongue Hold me close in the humidity of your kiss I'll take the heavy heat at any chance I get
It's only a matter of time before a wound reopens So let's just enjoy the seconds that we have We'll know when we've reached the finish And in the desperate hours we'll once again learn how to sleep alone But I can't do that without the chemicals I've had The empty spot in my bed will cause dreams to be nightmares And I watch you walk away, out back into the clover fields and this time your hand is closed against mine
The taste of clovers and the heat of our stars will always bring me back to this field of forgotten feed And I'll watch the clouds take shape but they only come in the shapes of you I laugh and cry at the same time As a rabbit races off into the underbrush
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isolatedbiped · 2 months
tell me how many pieces you were broken into;
i want to know how many versions of you i will have to love.
Fernando Machado, "The Epitaph of Our Love".
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isolatedbiped · 3 months
its miserable having online friends i would help you clean and paint your room and fold your laundry and move furniture and cook mostly edible food for you and generally do tasks for you and drink with you and smoke with you and go on walks with you and see you smile when i make you laugh. but the distance
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isolatedbiped · 3 months
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Amare le persone come si ama un gatto, col suo carattere e la sua indipendenza, senza cercare di domarlo, senza cercare di cambiarlo, lasciarlo che si avvicini quando ha voglia, essendo felice con la sua felicità.
Julio Cortázar
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isolatedbiped · 5 months
hey guys do the allos know that they can have qprs too? like do they know that being alloromantic doesn't mean they can't choose to be in a qpr anyway? because qprs aren't "romance-lite" for aros, they're an entirely separate kind of relationship that anyone can have. you can do this with fictional characters too. you can put characters that aren't aroace or are even canonically dating in qprs with each other just because you think that would be a cool way to play with their dynamic. it's actually very cool and you totally should.
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isolatedbiped · 5 months
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theatre of the absurd
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isolatedbiped · 5 months
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"A Letter That Will Never Reach You", Hovhannes Grigoryan (translated by metamorphesque)
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