istillseeeverything · 2 hours
Unvetted, but highly likely legitimate fundraisers.
Version Date: June 14th 2024.
Occasionally I will update these with new info, including new fundraisers, and the amount of cash that's been raised. Check in regularly on the original post when you see it being reblogged. In all likelihood once its reached you it's already outdated. This post is part of this masterpost series compiling fundraisers for Ghazzah and Sudan. I focus on Ghazzah as I am Palestinian and am more equipped to do verifications as I'm more familiar with my own country and its politics and dialect, but if I know a fundraiser for a Sudanese family is legit I will include it here.
Rasha family (1). 5 family members. 1.3 out of 15k € (EXTREMELY LOW, NEED FUNDS)
Natasha Matar (2). 14 family members. 20.8k out of 200k CAD (140k needed for escape). LOW ON FUNDS.
Islam Daher (3). 6 family members. 2.6k out of 50k CAD. LOW ON FUNDS.
Ahmed M. Saleh (4). 4 family members. 8.3k out of 35k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Salwa Zarifa (5). 4 family members. 2.1k out of 50k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Moutasem Quffa (6). 6+ family members. 7k out of 65k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Alaa Nidal (7). 4 family members. 12.6k out of 22k BP (original goal met, family evacuated ✅. Extended family being helped now, 2 INJURED, 1 OF THEM ELDERLY)
Zeina and her family (8). 3 family members (1 evacuated, 2 NEED TREATMENT). 6.4k out of 90k $. LOW ON FUNDS.
Jamila Begum (9). 7 family members. 35k needed. UNKNOWN STARTING AMOUNT. Zelle 347-738-0257, and Venmo @/merilm
Amer Abdelmalek (10). 8 family members. 14k out of 100k CAD. LOW ON FUNDS.
Ahmed Abdalilah (11). 23 family members (1 INJURED, NEEDS TREATMENT). 29.1k out of 85k BP.
Nader & Haya (12). 4 family members. 675 out of 20k BP. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Osama's family (13). 13 family members. 4.3k out of 69.8k. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Mohammed El Talla (14). 4+ family members. UNKNOWN STARTING AMOUNT. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Fadi Thabet (15). 5 family members. 353 out of 10k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
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istillseeeverything · 2 hours
Hi today's taxi was quite expensive for my wallet, Id appreciate if anyone would help with 10$. I can draw you something like this, if you do. Please message me on here if youd like a commission for helping me out.
My kofi & My paypal (ppal preferred)
Please reblog & Dont tag as anything, Thank you ✌️
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istillseeeverything · 4 hours
where are the girls without boobs drawings. I'm seeing the boys with boobs. but where are the girls without them? like. idk. you're supposed to be drawing transfems, right? why do they all look the same? they all have boobs and big hips. even if they have tummy you make sure to give them a slut waist. they're all always perfectly clean shaven. enough of this shit. draw a fucking brick. give her some stubble. don't give her tits. draw a girl with some laryngeal prominence. do SOMETHING to indicate that you find non-standard gender presentation acceptable in transfems as well. ANYTHING.
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istillseeeverything · 4 hours
They keep deleting palestinians blogs holy shit
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istillseeeverything · 7 hours
🚨Famine is approaching🚨
The prices of goods in northern Gaza are very high and sometimes not available.
We ask you for a small donation to protect myself from the threat of starvation 🍉💔
, with all due respect
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istillseeeverything · 8 hours
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istillseeeverything · 8 hours
could really use some help getting food right now, i am out of work, have no money, and one of my roommates recently tried to physically assault me so i wouldn't feel comfortable leaving my room for long enough to cook even if i had groceries. i haven't eaten much lately, and haven't eaten yet today. if i could just get $20 tonight for a meal i'd really appreciate it. 🩷
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istillseeeverything · 21 hours
I am Mahmoud Hilles, the owner of the donation campaign. The campaign aims to get my family out of Gaza to Egypt. Please share🌹🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🌹😭😭https://gofund.me/53fa2830
This one's legit. Please donate, it's over halfway there.
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istillseeeverything · 22 hours
Im happy to live in a time where angel maxine and other trans people are advocating publicly In africa but id be lying if i said that I wasn't also very on edge about how much being public puts them at risk. The bravery it takes to be open and also knowing that their inboxes become confession booths
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istillseeeverything · 22 hours
I'm Abdelrahman, 22 years old. My journey has been marked by loss and resilience. When I was 18, my father passed away from COVID-19. Determined to build my own future, I pursued an education in multimedia technology, balancing my studies with work to cover my expenses. I was preparing to establish my home and life.
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My mother: the princess whom we strive to make happy and satisfy. ❤️️
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However, the war in Gaza, especially in the north, brought devastating tragedy. My home, university, job, and family were all destroyed in the conflict. While my family moved to the south, I was in the north, facing famine and moving from place to place, trying to survive.
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Our street used to be lively and full of people, but it is no longer like that.
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I have witnessed countless difficult and painful scenes while escaping death multiple times. In northern Gaza, life is reduced to a cycle of fleeing from danger and searching for food amidst the rubble of destroyed homes.
I have survived many times,I was hit by a missile in previously destroyed house
This picture is enough to show our suffering in getting flour to survive.
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My dream is to travel abroad with my mother and sister to continue my education and develop my practical skills. For the past eight months, I have been unemployed, focusing on self-improvement and hoping for a better future.
Your help can save a family from death, it can save a dream, an ambition, or a success, so please help me by donating or publishing my story so that I can save my family.
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istillseeeverything · 22 hours
If you could kindly share my account and story, or donate, it would greatly help my family. We are living under difficult conditions in the Gaza Strip and urgently need your support. Your assistance will make a significant difference in our lives.
Thank you very much,
This is a legitimate gofundme with few donations, please consider helping Samer and his family
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istillseeeverything · 22 hours
now more than ever, please vet gofundmes before you donate.
copy and paste descriptions into google to see if there are scam accounts reusing the same story, check to see if there are any images/updates on the fund with faces. go to the original blog, check if the post asking for help is only an hour old, or even less than that. refrain from donating if all it links to is a PayPal account, without any further confirmation of identity.
it’s horrible to say but it’s never been a better time for scam artists to exploit your generosity, when things seem so dire, and I’ve donated to campaigns before only to realise later that the entire story was stolen from an actual family in need. due diligence might take a few more minutes out of your day but at least you won’t be sending money to an opportunistic scumbag.
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istillseeeverything · 23 hours
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istillseeeverything · 24 hours
el-shab-hussein didn’t vet exactlyqualityqueen, they just stole their entire post off a fundraiser that was shared and are trying to look like an alternate account now. They are NOT an alt. They are NOT legitimate or verified. The one their copying is verified however.
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Verified Palestinian gofundme’s Masterlist
Rightfully so, I have gotten messages worrying if everything I post is legit (I try my best to make sure the answer is yes), but here’s a masterlist of ones that one or more people have confirmed are legit Palestinians. Most are from the blogs @el-shab-hussein, @ibtisams, @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc ,@90-ghost, @nabulsi and @palipunk
I will also be making individual posts for most of these
Help Khaled and his family escape Gaza
Help lara and abdalla Family to be safe in Gaza
Emergency: Help Ibrahim's Family Find Safety - $50 is 500kr
HELP Ezzideen & his Family to EVACUATE Gaza
Your help is the only hope to save us from war.
Hope : Help Little Elen Fetch a brighter Future
Help Aseel’s family evacuate from Gaza.
EMERGENCY: HELP evacuate Bashar from Gaza
Help Mohammad Hammad evacuate his family from Gaza
Help Madleen's Family From Gaza
Help Jehad Evacute From Gaza
Help a med student & his family evacuate to safety
Help Fadi's Family Rebuild Their Life Amidst Crisis
Help Us Safely Evacuate a family from Gaza
Help child with Cerebral Palsy evacuate
Protect an open source engineer and his family
Help Bring Ayah’s Family in Gaza to Safety
Call to Action: Keep Gazas Talent Alive
Help Belal and His Family Escape the War in Gaza
Urgent Rescue Mission for the Mortaja Family
Save my family from the war in Gaza
Urgent: Help Evacuate My Family From Gaza War
Urgent help to evacuate my family out of Gaza
Help evacuate Safi’s family from Gaza in warfare
emergency : Help Support the Khalaf Family in Gaza
Help AbdulAziz and his family
Help Yousef escape Gaza and treat his cancer
Help my family rebuild home und evacuate Gaza
Please Help Me Evacuate My Children To Safety
Escape From War Nightmare: Support Gazan Family
Help my family in Gaza
Salaam Animal Care, find a safe home for animals
URGENT HELP help my family to evacuate Gaza
Help me & my Family Evacuate from Gaza
Urgent Appeal for Support: Help a Photographer
Help Jana's Family Find Refuge and Peace
Help me to save my family from the war in Gaza
Help evacuate my brother and his family from Gaza
Urgent apeal to help Elzomar family leave Gaza immediately
Help my mum to travel to a safe place
Help Afnan to find safety and to complete her education
Support getting Linda and her family out of Gaza
Support Mohammed and His Family Affected by the Gaza War
Help Ala's Family Overcome Crisis in Gaza
Freedom and home repair for Aesha an family
Help us evacuate and rebuild what's left of our lives
Help Tamer and his Family in Gaza!
Help my family escape death and reunite with me.
Help me and my family escape the Genocide in Gaza
Help rebuild Ahmed's family life in Gaza .
Emergency : Saving My Mother and only brother From War Zone
Rescue Mahmoud's Family: A Call to Escape Gaza's Devastation
Help Mohammed & His Family To Safety
Help Almoghrabi family to evacuate Gaza strip
Urgent Appeal: Help Save Ruba & Muhammad in Gaza!
Urgent help to evacuate my family from Gaza
Help Alia's family and their children get out of Gaza
Urgent Appeal: Save Little Yusuf and His Family Amidst Gaza
Support My Family Escape War in Gaza
Help me get my family out to safety
Help my family out of Gaza
Help me get my family out to safety
Help my children and family from the Gaza war !!
Please Help Evacuate Fadi's Family from Gaza
URGENT: Help Hayam and her Family Escape the Genocide
For what remained in us من أجل ما تبقى فينا
Please Help Restore The Sharifs home & Help Leave A War Zone
Help Shymaa's Family Reunite in Egypt
Help Mahmoud’s family evacuate from Gaza
Donate to help Deyaa and his family escape Gaza
Fatima’s Journey to Restore Artistry in Gaza
My family under fire, help them evacuate Gaza.
Help me to evacuate from the genocide
Help Mahmoud to evacuate from Gaza to continue education
Help my family evacuate from Gaza
Help Sana’a and her family evacuate from Gaza
Haytham needs your help to support his family
Help my family survive and evacuate from Gaza
Help me rebuild a shelter for my family in Rafah
HelpYoussef and his family get out of Gaza for a better life
Let my family be safe and live in peace!
Relief Appeal: Secure Evacuation from Gaza War
Please Help Tahani save her children and husband
Urgent Help Appeal: exit the war of Gaza"
Help My Family Get Out Of Gaza
Vegetables, food, and water for Palestinian families
HELP Muhammad evacuate his family out of GAZA
Secure a Safe Future for Youssef’s Family - Act now
Support My Journey to a New Start
Help Shymaa's Family Reunite in Egypt
Help Me and my Family to evacuate from Gaza ASAP
Saving My Family from the Horrors of War in Gaza
Help the Allahawani family escape genocide
URGENT - Help Azzam evacuate his family from Gaza
help my children get out of gaza safely
Emergency: Help Evacuate My Family from Gaza
Help Safaa secure her children‘s lives after war
Help Kareem get his family from Gaza to safety
Help Karim and his family get to a safe place
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Instead of getting ready for Eid festivities like they used to every year, my friend Bilal's family are still living in a makeshift tent in this sweltering heat, striving to secure the inadequate amount of food and water they can hardly come by. Since October, Israel has imposed a tight siege on Gaza, severely limiting the flow of life-saving essential food and medical items. Now, with the seizure of the Rafah crossing border which has been closed since May 7, the situation is worse than ever. Vital goods are scarce in the markets, and when they are available they're sold at exorbitant prices.
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Bilal's family had to leave Rafah and go to Khan Yunis again to escape the recent massacres. It is now harder for them to provide basic needs for themselves and the children including the three newborns. The little water they manage to obtain with great difficulty is often polluted and salty. It's not even suitable for cooking regular meals for adults, let alone prepare baby bottles for three newborns if ever formula is accessible.
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Every single day is a struggle for survival for Bilal's family. Their lives are constantly threatened by acute malnutrition, infectious diseases, and indiscriminate bombing. Your support has truly made a difference, but it is now needed more urgently, as the situation is getting more dire.
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Please help Bilal keep them as safe as possible until the border reopens and they are hopefully able to evacuate.
It would mean the world to them if you donated or reblogged.
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Lolo the only survivor after the bombing of her house. All we are left with is my niece. I cannot bear losing her after I lost my brother. Please, we suffered from bombing, hunger, and displacement. Help me get out of the war zone to safety. You are our only hope for survival. Please donate or share the link.
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