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saw @0sbrain ‘s post and immediately got to work at 2:25 in the morning!!!
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I love engie he’s my fav such a sweetheart!!!!!!!!!!!! First time drawing him what do we think ?!!!! Did I draw him bad,?? Did I draw him , good ?!! Hmmmmmmmmm,,,,,
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"Thank you, Solly..." Elli smiles, giggling a little at the hair ruffle.
I'm back! Did you miss me?
- Fiorelli "Elli" Bianchi
“Oh hey ellie, how ya doin little fire bug?” Solly ruffles the small boys head before scooping him up in a strong armed hug.
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He nods with a small smile. "Okay.. that makes me feel better. Can I bring my balloonicorn with me?"
I'm back! Did you miss me?
- Fiorelli "Elli" Bianchi
“Oh hey ellie, how ya doin little fire bug?” Solly ruffles the small boys head before scooping him up in a strong armed hug.
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The short Italian squints suspiciously at Solly.
"You promise...? You promise she's good..?"
I'm back! Did you miss me?
- Fiorelli "Elli" Bianchi
“Oh hey ellie, how ya doin little fire bug?” Solly ruffles the small boys head before scooping him up in a strong armed hug.
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"Dentists are evil! Evil, anti-arson sadists!! They cause nothing but pain and I hate them!" Elli starts squirming in order to free himself
I'm back! Did you miss me?
- Fiorelli "Elli" Bianchi
“Oh hey ellie, how ya doin little fire bug?” Solly ruffles the small boys head before scooping him up in a strong armed hug.
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At the mere mention of a dentist, Elli purses his lips and shakes his head.
"Nuh uh! No way!"
I'm back! Did you miss me?
- Fiorelli "Elli" Bianchi
“Oh hey ellie, how ya doin little fire bug?” Solly ruffles the small boys head before scooping him up in a strong armed hug.
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"I lost a tooth!" Elli grins, happily hugging Sally back
I'm back! Did you miss me?
- Fiorelli "Elli" Bianchi
“Oh hey ellie, how ya doin little fire bug?” Solly ruffles the small boys head before scooping him up in a strong armed hug.
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The small firebug giggles at the silly voice.
"Lemme get Polpetta and my blankey! Then we can have sweets and have a nap!"
"I'm baaaack!!" Elli opens his arms with a big grin. - @italian-fire-starter
Solly flings her own arms open and squeezes the tiny pyro.
“Welcome baaaack!”
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"I do get really bad sunburn... thank you!"
Elli tilts his head slightly when Jane whispers to him, processing the words slowly in his mind as he itches just under his burn scar. At the next question he shrugs with a grin.
"I'm kinda hungry!"
Little flames
Jane laughs and ruffles his hair. “Thanks, its that california sunshine, even coldfront cant cant dim my warmth! Its bred into me!” He laughs again and winks an eye.
“So, my sister tells me youve got a little crush on her, she is a cute kid so i can see why. You be a good boy and be nice to her, do t let her tease you too much though, she can be relentless sometimes.”
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He giggles as the soldier ruffles his hair, snorting a little.
"Well, now that I'm back, I think..." He takes a little minute to think. "It think I'll have some cake and sweets and tea with Polpetta, then we'll go for a nap!" A big gap toothed grin.
"I'm baaaack!!" Elli opens his arms with a big grin. - @italian-fire-starter
Solly flings her own arms open and squeezes the tiny pyro.
“Welcome baaaack!”
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He smiles as Jane ruffles his hair, giggling a little. "Thanks a bunch. I really hope you and Solly can meet everyone too one day!" As soon as Jane mentions his burn, he freezes up a little.
"Oh, no, my burn isn't that bad, it doesn't even hurt, it's from ages ago!" He frantically follows, trying to explain that the burn is simply just a scar now as it's from a number of years ago, yet he keeps tripping over his words. He gives Fawn a small wave when he sees her.
"Is Marie the engineer lady..?"
Little flames
Jane laughs and ruffles his hair. “Thanks, its that california sunshine, even coldfront cant cant dim my warmth! Its bred into me!” He laughs again and winks an eye.
“So, my sister tells me youve got a little crush on her, she is a cute kid so i can see why. You be a good boy and be nice to her, do t let her tease you too much though, she can be relentless sometimes.”
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"Oooh! So it's like the apples we use to make apple crumble or apple pie!" He grins, hoping he's got the type of apple right.
"I'm baaaack!!" Elli opens his arms with a big grin. - @italian-fire-starter
Solly flings her own arms open and squeezes the tiny pyro.
“Welcome baaaack!”
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"Well Italy as a whole is either cities or farmland, depending where you are or where you live... Mama and Papa and all me and Ella's sisters live out right on the edge of a big town. Because it's so nice and warm we like to grow fruit out in our back garden! Things like apples and grapes and olives!"
He slowly wraps his arms around himself, speaking softer. As if he were sharing precious secrets with Jane, or even just speaking to himself.
"I remember that I would help mama bake and cook... we would make things like spaghetti and lasagne and pie and brownies... my big sister Celestina would take Ella and I out into the olive and grapes fields and we'd play hide and seek from lunch til Mama called us back for dinner. That's who Solly reminds me of, Celestina, it's one of the reasons I like her so much... Mama would make us all jumpers for winter too so we wouldn't get too cold. She still does and she sends them to Ella and I in time for when it gets cold." The small Italian has a soft smile on his face, brown curls falling over his face, hiding his eyes and burn. Suddenly, he realises that he's spaced out.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to talk that much!"
Little flames
Jane laughs and ruffles his hair. “Thanks, its that california sunshine, even coldfront cant cant dim my warmth! Its bred into me!” He laughs again and winks an eye.
“So, my sister tells me youve got a little crush on her, she is a cute kid so i can see why. You be a good boy and be nice to her, do t let her tease you too much though, she can be relentless sometimes.”
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He tilts his head in confusion.
"Crab... apples...?"
"I'm baaaack!!" Elli opens his arms with a big grin. - @italian-fire-starter
Solly flings her own arms open and squeezes the tiny pyro.
“Welcome baaaack!”
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He runs up and hugs Solly again, extra tight. "Thank you!! You're always so nice, Solly!"
"I'm baaaack!!" Elli opens his arms with a big grin. - @italian-fire-starter
Solly flings her own arms open and squeezes the tiny pyro.
“Welcome baaaack!”
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"I can sure try, but won't be very good though. But I'm glad you guys are doing good! Maybe Jane can help me make Chibi some new clothes!"
"I'm baaaack!!" Elli opens his arms with a big grin. - @italian-fire-starter
Solly flings her own arms open and squeezes the tiny pyro.
“Welcome baaaack!”
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