italy2018av · 6 years
July 28th and 29th, 2018
Today was our last full day in Italy, and you can bet it was a busy one! We started our day off by heading to Verona. Here we saw Juliet’s house. I honestly thought it was going to be bigger, but I did enjoy seeing all the little love letters there. Our time in Verona was quite short, so we only got to see the house, eat lunch and do some souvenir shopping. When we got back to the hotel, it started. My stress had finally caught up to me. The exam was only in a couple of hours away and I was not ready for it. Matteo, Ally and I spend the whole afternoon studying for that dreaded exam. In the end, I am glad that we did spend that time because it sure helped. After the exam, I was exhausted. So imagine how I felt when I heard that at 11 at night the whole group was going out. I was not as one would say, “ecstatic.” We ended up going to get the last gelato of our trip at around midnight. I got the one I had been getting the whole trip, hazelnut. And was it ever delicious. But I was glad when we made it back to the hotel so that I could finally get some sleep. When I woke up, I was still tired. I think this whole trip has just been an entire non-stop cycle of exhaustion, and I was sure feeling it today. A couple of hours later, we arrived at the airport and I said my goodbyes to my friends since I was not going with them. I was off to the Netherlands to visit my grandmother for 3 weeks. As one adventure ended, another one was just beginning, and I couldn’t have been more excited!
 See you later Italy,
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This is the final blog. It’s been fun, but now its time to say Arrivederci everyone!
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 27th, 2018
Our time in Italy is coming closer and closer to being finished, but every day we still make memories. Today we got on the bus to Venice. I have never been and I was looking forward to it. I was excited to find out that we had to take a ferry to get there. Something about being near or on water just brings me some calmness. So that whole ferry ride over I was enjoying myself. Once we got there, I felt uncomfortable because of the heat that was constantly following us everywhere we went. Although, I think throughout the course of this trip the heat hasn’t been impacting me as much. Its almost as if I’m used to it now. We were just walking around and I noticed that Venice reminded me of some other place. That place was Amsterdam. Just the canals made me remember every single time I walked in Amsterdam by the canals. It was an unexpected connection. So what did we actually do in Venice? We had a lot of free time so we decided to buy gifts and take many photos. However, we finished all that within two hours. We still had two hours. With that, we decided it would be a great idea to just sit down on the museum steps and enjoy the place. We were sitting on the museum steps for only 5 minutes when some city staff told us that was not allowed. Where else were we supposed to sit because everywhere else was full. Then we came up with a strategy. We kept moving around to different places of the museum and sat down until we were kicked off again. This must have happened at least 5 times. Then I figured out a way to beat the system. We would take turns with one person keeping watch and the other two sitting. When we saw a staff member approaching, we stood up and sat right back down once they passed. I will admit, I was pretty impressed with our system.
Stay on your toes,
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 26th, 2018
Earlier this week I asked my friends where the Leaning Tower of Pisa was located. I guess you could say that was one of my blonde moments. So I made one mistake. My friends certainly did not let me forget that mistake. For instance, today they had asked me, “So we’re going to see that tower today, but I can’t remember where it is. Where is it Aylene?” So let me just state this real quick; the Leaning Tower of PISA is located in PISA. So now we got that fact out of the way, let's move on. We arrived at the tower and my initial thought was, “That’s it?” In the pictures that I had seen, it seemed a lot bigger than what it actually was. However, it was still wonderful to see. Once we left Pisa we headed back onto the bus. Along our way, I noticed something. Something insignificant, that it probably didn’t cross anyone else’s mind. I saw vines. They were beautiful in a way. They were along the side of the road and they covered almost everything that it could cover. They spread across the ground and hung down from trees. If the highway wasn’t there, it would be the perfect spot to have a picnic or read a book. Just seeing the beauty in some totally unimportant thing was different for a change. A nice change.
Enjoy this VINE day,
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 25th, 2018
Our time in Florence is flying by. This was our last full day in Florence and we made the most out of it. In the morning we went to the Uffizi Art Gallery. One little problem, I don’t like art. I mean I do appreciate it and respect what individuals can do with their hands, but I don’t find it interesting. Maybe the only plus side is that I can say I saw a Da Vinci painting. So the art gallery was not really my thing, until I saw it. A wall. A plain wall. As one might walk by it and think nothing of it, I found beauty in it. The tiles up the wall were aligned perfectly. It had a sleek, modern look that initially made me notice it. When we left the gallery I was thinking, “Are you crazy?” I just went into a gallery and saw priceless pieces of art that most people would wait hours in line for and all I could appreciate was a wall that was not even an exhibit. Well, I guess to each their own. After the art gallery, we had some free time. My friends and I decided now would be a good time to grab some lunch. We decided to sit on the terrace beside the beautiful gothic church. I ate some lasagna that was delicious. In this terrace, there were people of many nationalities. Beside us was a Russian couple and while I was eating my ever so lovely lasagna, I got distracted by a scream. The Russian woman stood up so fast that it made all our heads turn. She came closer to us like she was running away from something. I looked to see what it was. And what was it? A pigeon. A small pigeon. Her boyfriend made it leave and she sat down. Then she said to us in English with the biggest Russian accent, “I’m sorry, I have a phobia of birds.” I was laughing internally and thinking, “Really, I couldn’t tell.” That accent of hers also made me laugh. Imagine any movie you have watched where someone is speaking English with a Russian accent. It sounded so exaggerated, that it could not have been real, but it was and that made our lunch experience ever so much funnier.
Laugh a little,
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 23rd, 2018
Off to Florence we went! Well, that was the majority of the day anyway. We started our day by getting an early wake-up call that I, of course, didn’t like because I am absolutely not a morning person. Then a bit later we got on our bus where I took a long nap. Since I was sleeping, I hadn’t even noticed that we stopped because the bus broke down. So imagine my confusion when I woke up and saw that we were stopped when we were supposed to be on our way to Florence. After that, I didn’t really fall back asleep. Instead, I looked at the beautiful countryside while we were driving. I took it all in and it brought me some joy. During the drive, we stopped in Assisi. Here we saw the Basilica of St. Francis. If I’m going to be honest, yes the church was nice, but we’ve seen so many churches now that I have kind of lost interest in them. Also, I think going to the basement of a church just to see a tomb of someone’s remains is kind of creepy, but since I’m here now, why not? I guess that can be crossed off my bucket list. We arrived in Florence in the early evening and got to go out and explore in groups later that night. We saw the cathedral of Santa Maria and my interest in churches came back. This church was nothing like I had ever seen before. It was a gothic style church and it was fascinating to look at! At the end of the night, I was ready to go to bed and that is exactly what I did. Not bad for a day that we mostly spent on the bus.
Don’t lose interest,
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 22nd, 2018
Whoever thinks it a great idea to do hikes in 35-degree weather seriously needs to reconsider. By that opening statement, I assume you have figured out what we did today. Let me start from the beginning. The group headed on the bus and we made our way over to the Morrone Mountains, but not all the way to the mountains. This was because our bus was too long to manoeuvre through the path up to the base of the mountain. So at the end of a street, our sweaty hike began. It seriously was a workout, as my calves were burning the whole time we walked up that steep mountain path. Although, that might have just been because I’m not in shape… That took at least 30 minutes. Then we reached the base of the mountain and took the dirt path up. That path seemed impossible, the steps were very big for my short legs and the rocks were a bit slippery. It felt like I could’ve fallen down that mountain at any moment if I was not careful. After about another 30 minutes of that path, we had reached our destination, the Hermitage of Sant'Onofrio. To be honest, I was quite shocked that I didn’t quit that hike halfway through because it certainly was not easy. As horrible as that uphill hike was, the view made it all worth it. I had never seen anything like it. Words cannot explain how incredible it was. But all things must come to an end, and down that mountain we went again. Downhill that dirt path was not fun. However, my friend Ally made it fun. I commented that every time she went down a step, she raised her arms. It looked like a chicken lifting its wings getting ready for a flight that would never happen. It was absolutely hilarious! Then she took a stab at me and mentioned that that was not as funny as my nervous pacing. We agreed to call it even and that was the end of that. Today just showed that sometimes you have to go through something horrible to get to something beautiful.
  There’s always light at the end of the tunnel,
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 21st, 2018
Laundry day was upon us again. Let me tell you, it went about as smooth as the first time, so not very smooth. We wanted to be out of the hotel at 4:30, when our class ended. That didn’t happen. Before we got out of class and got our laundry, it was 4;45. Then we had to walk over to the guest house so Matteo could grab his laundry. By the time that was done, it was already 5:00. Then we had a choice, there were two laundromats that we could have gone to. Matteo suggested we go to the one closest to the school. That was a 10 minute walk. Every minute that passed, I was getting more agitated that we were not at the point of where I had planned we would be. Finally we arrived at the laundromat called soap and shampoo. We were looking at the place and all knew that this was not a laundromat, it was a store. We had just wasted 10 minutes getting there. This was making me livid. So livid that when we were walking back, I checked the time on my phone. I looked at it and loudly said, “Oh my God, it’s already 5:17!” Right when I said that a nun passed us and I guess she knew English, because she gave me one of those evil looks. Whoops... Anyways, we finally arrived at the laundromat at 5:30. We were an hour behind schedule, which put me in a bad mood. What was the worst part? We had walked 5km just to arrive at a laundromat that was 500m away from the hotel! I can’t even express how frustrated I was at that point. Good thing the laundry part went quite fast, because I swear I could have lost it at any moment. We even bought an ice cream when we were done and that immediately brightened my mood because hey, who doesn’t like ice cream? What was the best part of laundry day? My clothes didn’t smell like vinegar this time!
 Go the extra mile,
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 20th, 2018
Sulmona has finally come to life! I feel as if the last couple of days the town has just been this simple, ordinary place. Now the beautiful town surrounded by mountains has been filled with festivities. Today my friends and I went to the centre of the town to look at the soon to be penitentiary police officers graduate. This brought much excitement for both them and myself. To them, it was a new stage of their life beginning. To me, it was just a factor that made my life just a little bit more exciting. It was wonderful to watch how they all marched at the same time. It just brings me happiness to see how so many people can put so much effort into something to become organized. One downside, there was a large crowd. Now I’m not the tallest person, in fact, I’m one of the shortest in the whole group. At least I can say the officer’s hats were quite lovely! Once it became night time, Matteo, Ally and I headed out to town again. This time all the nearby town came in for the annual jousting festival. Here we saw many people cheering on their town with air horns, whistles, flags, banners and balloons. The whole thing was quite lovely and with everything going on, it reminded me of when I celebrated carnival when I still lived in the Netherlands. Just the amount of people and loud noise reminded me of all the fun I used to have with my friends every year at carnival. Although, tonight there was one element that this festival had that carnival did not, smoke grenades. There we were, just enjoying the whole scene when someone released a smoke bomb. I bet it was really pretty for the people standing far away to see the combined colours or green and yellow. I, however only saw yellow because the grenade went right off in my face. Not that I don’t like yellow, I do, but not when it comes right onto my face. So now I am partially yellow and smell of smoke, but I had a blast!
 Stop and smell the roses smoke,
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 19th, 2018
Today was another hot day in Italy. So in my opinion, a hike was not the best idea, but we made the most out of it. We had made our way over to a beautiful location, the Abruzzo National Park. The mountains were so large and astonishing to see, but today we were going to hike to see a waterfall. We first walked for about 40 minutes towards the mountains on an asphalt path. We were about a quarter of the way on that path when a train passed us. This train took people to the dirt path. I just mumbled under my breath, “Take me with you.” It did not, unfortunately. After that 40 minute uphill walk, we had another 20 minutes uphill on a dirt path. During that walk, I was telling my friends that the waterfall better be the most wonderful thing I would ever see because that hike was brutal. It wasn’t, so that walk was kind of unnecessary if you ask me. So we headed back, downhill this time. That was when the excitement really started. Matteo, Ally and I were just casually walking when Ally noticed what must have been 7 bees following us. I had never seen Ally and Matteo run, but let me tell you that that was the funniest thing I had ever seen. They both did this half run, half prance. To add to that excitement, Ally said, “I don’t want to be here anymore.” To which I responded, “Ha-ha, BEE here anymore.” She was not amused. We finally escaped those bees after about 5 minutes of running and we were all out of breath and sweaty. Matteo and Ally’s running made the whole 3-hour hike worth it.
Have a BEEutiful day,
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This picture was taken before Ally and Matteo got sick of my puns. 
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 18th, 2018
Today was the day we went to Pompeii. I think that everyone was really excited to go see it. I, however, was not excited. I guess this was due to the fact that I must have been the only one in the group who did not know what Pompeii was. I couldn’t be excited about the unknown. When we got there, I still was not excited. It was really hot outside and I didn’t get that ‘wow’ factor, but I did manage to learn a few things about Pompeii along the way. I had finally learned that Pompeii was a Roman city that was ruined when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D. The tour guide had also mentioned that the volcano erupted again in 1944 and that scientists believe that the next eruption will be worse since it has been a while. Then it clicked in me, it could erupt at any moment. The tour was as exciting as it could be with the heat, but all I could think was, “Let's get out of here because I don’t want to be the next body in the museum for tourists to take a picture of.” Thank goodness we got in and out within 3 hours. I didn’t die, so that was a plus. I also learned some new Italian words today. I had learned the words for women and men due to an unfortunate event; I walked into the wrong bathroom. To be fair, I just woke up from a nap and was not fully aware of what I was doing. So then I walked into the men’s bathroom and my friend Ally was yelling my name for some reason. Then I saw someone walk out of the stall and then I was suddenly not so sleepy anymore. The person was a man and Ally’s yelling suddenly made sense. So let's just say I walked out of there faster than an Olympic speed walker. So that is how I learned the words donne (women) and uomini (men). Maybe I should have paid attention to the washroom symbols and this would’ve never happened.
 Goodnight uomini and donne,
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 17th, 2018
This morning I woke up and opened the curtains. I was overlooking Sulmona. There were traditional Italian houses, cobblestone streets and mountains that were covered with clouds at the top. It was as if my window frame was the frame for a painting. That is how beautiful it was. Sulmona altogether is beautiful. Everywhere I go, every corner I turn, there is something beautiful. The one aspect of Sulmona that really amazes me the most, I have already mentioned. The mountains. Prior to coming to Italy, I had never seen mountains. Now that I am here, I can’t get enough of them. As boring as they might be to one person, they are delightful to me. I could look at them all day, but I can’t. I have schoolwork to do. Today I wanted to get a few more photos for my photography class. The photo I wanted to get today was an action shot. So I thought I could get one of my friends to jump for a photo and then I would capture it. One problem, both my friends are camera shy. So lucky me. Again, I whipped out those convincing skills and my wonderful friend, Ally, volunteered to jump for my picture. I took the first photo and she was already getting ready to leave, but no, I needed the perfect picture. That one picture would not do. I took five more, not happy with any of them. I swear after every picture I could hear Ally groaning. I must have taken about 25 pictures before I got the perfect one. I really appreciated that Ally stepped out of her comfort zone to help me. I’ll be sure to treat her to some gelato later this week.
Capture your perfect picture,
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Ally and I standing in front of the mountains. That smile of hers will be bigger when I buy her gelato!
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 16th, 2018
This is the day it finally happened. All my fatigue had finally taken over my body. I woke up groaning, not willing to get up. Everything seemed to be ten times harder than usual, taking a shower, getting dressed, eating breakfast. So what did I do on the bus to Sulmona? I slept! I will just say that I was energized from that. Energized enough to go shopping. I usually don’t enjoy shopping, but today was an exception. It was interesting to see all the different Italian stores. In the end, I snagged some great deals. I paid 5 euros for a shirt and 3 euros for a sweater. Not going to lie, I felt accomplished. The only downfall of that nap was that the energy from it only lasted about 6 hours. So at dinner, I was right back where I started. Everything was difficult again. My dinner experience consisted of me cracking my empty plastic cup. Of course, me being so tired, I forgot there was a crack. When I poured water into it, it was fine. Then I picked it up. I swear it was as if someone had teleported Niagara Falls right to Sulmona. Only my little Niagara Falls lasted about 3 seconds, not quite long enough for my tired brain to process what was happening. I just sat there, staring at what had happened. I was too tired to even be upset about the fact that it had completely drenched my meal. So what was on today’s dinner menu? Soggy veal, my favourite.
 Get some sleep,
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(This was before I ruined my dinner).
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 15th, 2018
Ortona, what a place. In grade 10 history, we had learned about what happened there in WWII. We got a few notes and a couple of pictures. Let me just say, the pictures don’t do it justice. As tragic as the military cemetery was, it was astonishing. Getting to see the cemetery with my own eyes was an opportunity that I probably will never have again. It was amazing to see how many Canadians from all over Canada came together as one to complete a task, but yet it was also upsetting to see how many had lost their lives in the process. I had read the gravestones and noticed that the youngest soldier was 16. All I could think of was, “What if that was my family or friend?” I think it would be unbearable to lose someone that young. Like I said, the pictures don’t do it justice. I noticed that when my friends and I were standing on the boardwalk by the sea. I had never seen water as blue as that. It was mind-blowing. However, I feel like every day we are in Italy, something wrong always happens. Me being the adventurous person that I am, I wanted to go all the way to the end of the boardwalk. This was quite a distance. My friends didn’t want to go, but I forced them with me with my excuse of “When will we ever get the chance to do this again?” So we went, and we had made it to the end of the boardwalk, took some lovely photos and then realized that we had to full-on sprint back to the bus if we were going to make it on time. So there, Ally, Matteo and I were running down the boardwalk in 30-degree weather, with our heavy bags and probably three coats of sunscreen on us. Imagine this like a scene from Baywatch when they all run on the beach, only we were huffing and puffing, and we certainly did not look fit. The lack of athletic ability could be seen by the amount of sweat that was pouring off of us. All in all, we made it to that bus, more out of breath than the rest, but we made it.
 SEA you later,
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 14th, 2018
Today was an ordinary day. If one can even consider a day ordinary while being abroad in Italy. Today we went to class and after class, I worked on our homework. This English course has gotten to the point where I am starting to feel a bit stressed. Having assignments due the day after we get them is all a bit new to me and it’s something I need to get adjusted to fast. Anyways, my friends and I had spent the whole day working on our assignments, so after dinner, I suggested that we needed a night out on the town. They refused because they wanted to finish their work, but I told them to live a little. So what happened next? My convincing skills won them over and we headed out. Of course, our first order of business was to get a gelato. I got my favourite, hazelnut. The creaminess was lovely and I was lost in the moment every time I scooped up another spoonful. Since it’s the summertime, there were multiple people on the street making music. Some were singing, some were playing instruments and some were doing both. It was nice to walk down the street and be accompanied by music on every street that we turned on. It gave a feeling of a more graceful evening. As we noticed in both of the cities we visited, the streets come alive with people at night. It really brings a sense of happiness to see how many people are there experiencing the same beautiful evening as yourself. I was only outside for an hour, but it took away all my worries and let me focus on something other than school work.
Don’t worry, be happy,
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 13th, 2018
The Mozart Music Festival has arrived in Chieti, and if there’s one thing I like, it’s music. Luckily, my friends also like music, so we ended up going to a look. Today there was an orchestra playing both modern and classic songs. The concert was supposed to start at 9:30, but if I have learned anything in the last couple of days, it would be that Italians like to take their time. So the concert actually ended up starting at 9:50. I will just say this, it was definitely worth the wait! The songs were played so beautifully that I could really just enjoy them. It was also very satisfying to watch how all the violinist were synchronized when their bows graced across the strings of their instrument. The orchestra ended up playing a total of 7 songs and of all the songs they could have played, they played Jurassic Park and Star Wars, which I play at my school in the band. It was nice to be able to compare how we played the songs to how they played the songs. Of course, they played the songs way better than us. To be fair, our school band consisted of 15 people, so not nearly as many people as they had. Throughout the concert, I was lost in the music. Then I heard a little squeal out of somebody. I snapped back into reality and noticed at least 5 cockroaches on the church steps we were sitting on. They moved their little legs so fast that it reminded me of when someone goes to fast forward a movie. Since it was the evening, my reaction time wasn’t so fast, so it took me a few seconds to actually realize what was going on. My reaction was neutral, I didn’t really get grossed out by the bugs, but they did add some excitement to our already wonderful evening. Overall, the whole evening was beautiful, and we had stayed right to the very end of the concert. I wanted to make sure we didn’t miss a thing. Sometimes you need to just go out and enjoy yourself in the moment.
Walk to the beat of your own drum,
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 12th, 2018
When you go to visit a different country, usually most aspects are different than that of your own country. This is a great opportunity to experience and try new things. That’s not what my friends and I did today. Let’s start at the beginning. Today the whole group went to visit the city of Pescara. The temperature was really hot today, so my friends and I decided to get something to drink and get a little snack along with it. We must have walked past 10 restaurants before we decided to go with the restaurant named “American Graffiti.” Notice how this restaurant was not called “Italian Graffiti.” We thought that it would be nice to be in a place that was new, but familiar to us. We walked into the restaurant and waited to be seated, only we were not seated. We were very confused on how the whole restaurant system worked in Italy. Anyways, we stood there for five minutes before one of the employees came over and got us a table. When I opened the menu, I saw something different. I saw my favourite drink. However, this is not any regular drink because it is not widely available in North America. It was the European orange flavoured Fanta. I hadn’t had one in 2 years. I was ready to order that one, but our waiter was not ready. The restaurant was not busy, it only had 5 other people in it, so the waiter took his sweet time. He even walked slowly, at a snail’s pace it seemed like. Then he finally came up to our table to take our order. I ordered my drink and I was preparing myself to be amazed by the wonderful taste of orange Fanta. By the time the waiter came back, my amazement had faded since he took so long to come back, I’m taking 10 minutes just to grab drinks. That amazement suddenly returned when I took a big gulp of it. Memories of summers with my friends in the Netherlands came back to me. It was a pleasurable experience. It was pleasurable, although, we were not seated at a nice table. We sat in a booth that had this clear tarp around it. I would compare this tarp to jello, when you touched it, it would jiggle around. Since the tarp was clear, people walking by could see everything we were doing. It was uncomfortable for me because I don’t like it when people look at me. I felt as if I was an exhibit on display at a museum and many people wanted to see what it was about. This day just goes to show that even if you stay in your comfort zone, you can have uncomfortable or frustrating moments.
 Enjoy this FANTAstic day,
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italy2018av · 6 years
July 11th, 2018
Today was laundry day. As boring as that sounds, it was exciting. All the problems we came across made it exciting. My adventure with my friends of course began in a laundromat. This laundromat was very small and cozy. It reminded me of the comforts of home, only it was filled with machines. This was our first problem, the machines. We could not read the instructions on how to work them. I will admit after 5 minutes, I was getting frustrated. That was until I moved my eyes slightly down and saw the instructions in English. The instructions instructed us to insert money. That was our second problem, money. The machine only took coins, and guess what we did not have enough of? You may have guessed it, coins. Unlike the machines, we sadly could not move our eyes slightly down to see coins magically appear. Luckily someone else came in and helped us out with exchanging our money. All I could think of was, "It will only be a matter of time before our next problem occurs." Guess what happened next. Our third problem happened. It was time. We had wasted so much time time in figuring out home the machines worked and exchanging our money that we completely lost so much needed time. It was 3:45 and we needed to be back at the hotel by 4:00 for a head count. The walk was ten minutes, so we needed to hurry. I shoved my load in with my friend's and then all together we speed walked back to the hotel. My legs were burning and so was the sun. It was quite horrible. I just kept thinking that this would never have happened if everything went according to plan. I guess we had finally had our Murphy's Law moment where anything that could go wrong, did go wrong. We had made it back to the hotel and we were so relieved, sweaty, but relieved. That feeling of being relieved, however, was short-lived because after the head count we had to speed walk back to the laundromat because our loads were almost done. I was dreading that walk the whole way there. Don't get me wrong, during the walk there was some pleasant music and a nice smell of food that made it enjoyable. That leads us to our last problem, the smell. We took the laundry out of the machines and our clothes smelled an awful lot like vinegar. So I guess my friend and I will be smelling like vinegar for the next couple of days. Even though we faced many problems, it's was an experience to remember. We even learned a valuable lesson, smell the inside of the laundry machines before you put your load in.
Have LOADS of fun,
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