italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
Goodbye Italy, all though today is not when we leave today is the last day we are here tomorrow is wake up and go.... it’s so sad:( the day started with a debate (I think we won but idk it was close) then some cold rice and hot dog for lunch followed by studying for my exam that took place at 5pm. The exam wasn’t to hard but let me tell you I don’t have feeling in my right hand anymore. Now to bed, the last sleep in Italy. I want to cry saying that, this trip was so fun, I have shared so many fun times and laughs with so many people, saw so many cool things, ate some of the best food iver ever had, got a tan, went shopping and so so so so much more. Saying ciao is not easy (not because I’m not Italian because it’s hard to say bye to soemthing this amazing) I am going to look back at this trip in day, months and years wishing I was back. I am so happy I came !! Now back to reality and working to make back all the euro’s I spent. Thanks for eveything, ciao Italy 🇮🇹
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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VENICE!! The last day of shopping and my favourite day of shopping ! For the third time this trip I bought myself soemthing, I’ve been buying so many gifts and food I’ve never actually got myself soemthing untill now! I finally pulled the trigger and bought myself a Burberry card holder, my girlfriend pitched in quite a bit too ! Beside the shopping we had a tour that was quick and efficient I was a fan. Miss always makes our tours fast and I’m very thankful for that, you know what I’m actually very thankful for miss in general she is the best at eveything like omg she is amazing !!!
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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Our first visit to the class room! It’s pretty cool not too different then ours back home other then a lot smaller, our class of 15 took up quite the amount of room. But we learned a lot and it was a good day, miss let us out early as there was a market going on that was closing soon. I ran to the market and bought two pairs of ripped jean shorts and I love them both so much. I only paid €20. After the market we had lunch back at the hotel and then free time untill dinner then more again after dinner. On my free time I did Landry lucky I was the only one so it didn’t take to long. Chetti is very small I am getting to almost know the entire town. I’m loving this trip so far
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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Just like when I pray every night not only am I letting god into my home but I also feel I am letting the pope in too, and today the pope let me enter his beautiful home. Just kidding I don’t pray, but I did go to the Pope’s home and it was massive and crazy. I saw so many cool things including this picture, the funny thing about this picture is that I actually had to draw it in grade 8 art class so seeing it in real life 3 years later brings back that memory and I find it very cool
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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I GOT IT I GOT IT!! Hey guys just your typical tourist here holding up this small leaning thing.... this is me holding up the leaning tower of Pisa, the thing that I was most excited for since I booked this trip in December and it happen today. I find it so cool, so funny looking at these pictures and I always wanted to do it and I finally got the chance and am happy I did ! After taking hundreads of different pictures I went to McDonald’s for lunch (never thought I’d do that in Italy) and well eating outside a man selling fake designer came up to us. I really wanted a belt and hat so I asked how much, he wants €65 for both. After a lot of talking I bought both for €20 I love barging
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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Today my girlfriend and I shared an amazing couple moment as we got to put a lock on the wall at Romeo and Juliet’s house it was so cute it came with three locks one for her one for me and one to throw into the River on the walk back to the bus. Soemthing about this moment just made me so happy and it was awesome, following that we got free time to shop and eat untill we had to meet back at the colosseum to go back. I don’t know how this hit me today and not in Rome but I can’t wrap my head around the fact that humans fought and killed one and other in these colosseum’s
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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Sulmona... the day of rest, well for me at least after hitting my head last night off a marble table all my day consisted of was sleeping and laying looking at my roof in a dark room, I’ve been concussed. My head was killing me today if it wasn’t then I would have gone and got this tattoo above ^. After I wasn’t allowed to join my class on the hike I decided I was going to get this tattoo that is a open book with the title “my mom is a survivor” and the second page would be a breast cancer ribbon saying “live, fight, live” and the tattoo would show many more pages after that showing that this is a book of my moms life with many more pages to be filled. I never ended up getting the tattoo which was probably a good thing because I don’t think I would have been a survivor if tree or my parents found out. I think my major headache saved me from a major surgery..... today was a good and much needed rest day.
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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This is Florence. This map right here is exactly Florence and without it omg I’d be lost. Today we got to tour Florence and all though I am not much of a tour guy after the tour I loved it. I went shopping, bought so many gifts for everybody and myself. Ate the best pizza I’ve ever had and got a great tan. Followed by a great dinner and some fun free time. Today I learned that the catherdeal of Florence is made of marbale and took 180 years to build! Imgine how many different people pitched in to build that! Construction workers in that heat ! There career would littlerally be building that and they would sadly pass away before it was ever done. Generations of people probably built that I find that crazy. 180 years!!!!!!
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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On our way to Florence ! It’s quite the long, hot bus ride but it’s still fun. Today we left bright and early for Florence, stopped to see Assisi and it was beautiful, all thought I had to sit down and feel like I was going pass out it wasn’t an easy day on my head but.... it was a great day at in memory. I will never forget how beautiful the sites were. I learned today that St. Francis of Assisi is from there, makes sense right LOL. My most memorable and fun moment of today was the restaurant we went to for lunch it was delicious I got the best gnocchi I’ve ever had after that I walked across the street to get my grandma a rosary. It is so beautiful it looks like diamonds and it was only 5€ and the lady at the store gave me another Necklace for free!
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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Today was a chill but much needed day. After waking up and going to class we had lunch and then free time untill dinner. On my free time I played basketball with all the guys and then worked on some homework. Dinner was delicious as always and then free time again untill 11. Today I worked on my group assignment on selfishness I got I’d say roughly 80% if it done! Today was a chill day so this will be a chill tumble, I didn’t learn much today other then the obvious that I have the best teacher ever but I already knew that! #TREEISTHEBEST
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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Today was the first day we got to Sulmona in the morning we got onto a bus went to a mall I did not end up getting anything for myself but I did get my grandma who lives with me a heart shaped container of mints titled a heart a day keeps the doctor away. Once arriving in the beautiful hotel at Sulmona we got some free time and I finished all my work. And then it was dinner and I don’t just mean any ordinary dinner this was the best pasta I have ever had or should I say ever made because the owner of the hotel tight and let me try to make homemade pasta. I was absolutely fascinated by the technique to get the job done I will be taking those skills and that lesson learned home to teach my family. I also found out that the pasta that I am eating was one served to the pope. His chair is located right outside of the cafeteria I took a picture of it so I never forget but it’s also in my mind forver. I am rooming with three guys so it is a bit of a hassle especially in the morning but we’re all friends we are figuring it out and I’m having a blast I’ve gone on a lot of vacations with my family and with friends but I think Adalee 2019 is the best one yet
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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Today we went to Pompeii it was amazing I had to teach our tour guide what a selfie was. In Pompeii I saw so many crazy things I didn’t actually know what Pompeii was until today. I learned so much and saw so many crazy things. The amount of stray dogs there was insane I saw about four and petted about two. The fact that the bodies of the past the way people are there in the shape that they did pass away in is unbelievable I find it so fascinating. And then we had free time until eight I needed a nap after a long total of six hours uncomfortably on a bus. The amount of awesomeness my day had today was unbelievable it had to be one of my top days #ILoveSulmona
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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Today we saw the fountain of love, I drank from it, turned around, and saw my love 😍. After a good time at the mall we made it to Sulmona. Well I was walking early after noon Nono DiIanni pointed out that if you walk all the way down under the curve you will get to Napoli A.K.A. Naples. That was my fun fact for the day and it was fascinating. The city of Sulmona is beautiful and the creator of confetti! I am going to buy a few bags to bring back for my grandma and mom. So far my stay here in Sulmona is a blast!
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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A wonderful surprise before dinner 🐑 the owner of this hotel with the name that meant “big house” In English had a musical instrument made of an actual sheep!! He walked around the tables before dinner playing his wonderful tunes. After he was done I asked him for a picture, he asked me where I was from and I told him Germany. He informed me that they do the same thing in Germany! I find out soemthing new and exciting everyday. Chetti is filled with fun facts and I’m loving it! The food is served 3 times a day in this hotel and all meals are great. My time here is amazing all though I did like Rome a bit better
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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🎼🎼 Today before dinner was served a band from the local town came to sing to us. I loved every second of it! Italian music is honestly beautiful to listen to and I feel I undertand more through music then sitting there having a conversation. The one man in the band (last on the right) was the cutest man ever, he reminded me of my grand father who was a short Maltese man that also loved to sing. The band made me realize when I am older I want to get involved I do not just want to sit on my couch from retirement - death.
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italy2019ec-blog · 5 years
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Today, Monday, July 8th, 2019 was my favourite day so far! We woke up in the morning and went to the Vatican. It was beautiful! When we got our free time my friends and I went to lunch at Ristorante... I mean this when I say it, might seriously have been the best meal I have ever, EVER had!!! I learned at lunch that Thank you in Italian is Gracie and not gracious after embarrassing myself largely. After that I learned that the pope works untill they die or step down there is no retiring and only comes out one Sunday every month for a mass. I learned a lot that day and saw a lot it was a very good overall day.
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