itboythings · 3 months
"I think a lot of this fandom is stuck in the past"
That is so incredibly accurate, in so many different ways.
Talking about BTS as if they're still that small group from a broke company that had no opportunities and that everybody would look down on and step over, when that hasn't been true in years.
Thinking Hybe is still the same "We Believe In Music" BigHit, and that they can still talk about BTS's company being so much better than other K-pop companies the way the used to.
Refusing to accept people grow and change, and that BTS is not immune to that. They treat the members as if they're still the same people they were years ago. Some fans won't let go of ideas that haven't been true for quite a while now. They act like something a member said ages ago (and possibly already forgot about) is still relevant and applicable today. But just because something was true at one point doesn't mean is still true. Certain traits or styles, or even the members relationships with one another have changed, and not realizing that gives fans a warped understanding of who the members currently are.
And another problem is that, even if someone is a new fan, they're still might end up like this, stuck on a version of the group they weren't even around at the time to be fans of. And this happens because older fans will basically give news ones a 'BTS History Lesson'. That is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is often not presented as "This is how things USED to be", but as "This is how things ARE". And because fans also have a problem with just mindlessly following something if it's repeated enough times, this problem then continues.
That also happens because new fans will binge watch all past content when they become fans without fully understanding that, while that content may be new to them, is not actually recent, and the things that happen in it are years old and should be treated as such. But the never ending circulation of old content means those ideas can never fully die.
So even if all older fans left and only newer ones remained, the fandom might still end up the same, stuck on the past (very ship of Theseus).
And of course some older things are still relevant, and is good to know the history of the group, but sometimes you just gotta realize when things change and let go of them.
(You should know that I was tempted to make a "Armys be like: I'm (NOT) ready to let go 🎶" joke at several points while writing this, but stopped myself until the end now. Also shout out to that song, good stuff.)
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itboythings · 9 months
I feel bad for "Jimin biased armys" 'cause they're still struggling to understand why "the rest of the fandom" don't support Jimin the way they do with other members.
They don't stream (and when they do, they use the wrong type of playlists which only benefit OTHER members more than Jimin)
They don't vote.
They don't CARE or bother to share any of his campaigns, updates, records, news.
The only time they seem to "care" is when they want to weaponize his words against his solo fanbases (who are actually keeping his songs stable with 24/7 streaming parties on all platforms). Or when they want to flex his skills against other fandoms to create fanwars only to throw him under the bus.
And this isn't recent, I've said it already on X.
As an OG fan, I've been seeing this pattern since before they won their first Daesang at MAMA. Then it progressively got louder when they won their first billboard music award in 2017, 'cause that's when more toxic shippers and kppopies joined the fandom as BTS got bigger in the US.
And you can come here with your sheep mentality and tell me that: "Oh Armys are just projecting the hatred they feel towards his solos on to him---"
It is known IN AND OUT of the fandom that a LARGE portion of it always hated Jimin. The reason it wasn't so obvious (aside from the constant gaslighting from the company's part feeding the "One big happy family" agenda) is that openly hating a member back then was considered hating the group as a whole.
But you could always tell and see the constant microaggressions, the back-handed comments, downplaying his abilities, over-and-hyper-feminization (to an almost fetishizing degree) of his persona in order to project him as "weak", "helpless", "he's nothing without the group" (or certain members).
And even when he proved everybody WRONG before and during his solo debut. That he COULD stand on his own two feet, that he IS more than capable and TALENTED enough to write & compose his own music. Guess what? That LARGE portion of the fandom who always hated him as part of the group, now hated him even more as a soloist. They just found a way to justify the hate they've always felt for HIM by using his solos. 'Cause what do you mean other solos get free passes everyday to hate on him since YEARS ago and still those other members get all the support despite having the worst solos because "its not the member's fault".
And the funny part is THOSE are the people who managed to groom and gaslight the rest of the fandom into this delusion of "pjms are the most vile", "pjms are the devils", "they should all be k*lled".
Why? Because we got tired of staying quiet? Got tired of being just bystanders and decided to take action? Decided that enough was enough and started fighting back?
So really, wtf are ya'll still acting surprised for?
If 'FACE' era didn't open your eyes, then I'm afraid you're a lost cause atp as a Jimin biased.
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itboythings · 9 months
Armys indifference towards jimin is eye opening to me. Has it always been this way? I think ever since I became a solo I’ve started to see things a lot differently that’s why I don’t outtightly judge the Armys that make it seem like they’re making it up because I was them at one point and unless you’re heavily biased towards jimin or a solo stan you’re just not going to see the vitriol hate he receives. I used to be a shooter account in 2020-2021 I had a large platform defending the members all the time and even though I biased jimin, I never saw even a fraction of the shit I see now as a solo. That’s why when armys say “they all get hate” it’s coming from them only seeing what their timeline provided to them, they’re not going out of their way to see what Muri or people like him say about jimin and no one is bringing it to their timeline and this is not me defending them because I think it’s ridiculous to not even acknowledge it but in a way I understand why they are the way they are. But the part where you said they’re not to6 and most bias the two youngest members is true, taekookers are the majority of the fandom and a lot of them see jimin as the big threat not only in the fake relationship they have made up but musically too, jimin does nothing and you’ll have people constantly name drop him and his music is loved but fans even though I’d say he doesn’t have nearly as many solo stans as the other two. I think the fandom in general hold Jungkook to a much higher standard than the rest especially jimin, I remember when jimin got a #1 and a lot of them were saying “wait until Jungkook comes” like it was a threat and how he will outdo jimin like they have something to prove. It’s pathetic to witness it everytime. Ot7 is a myth no matter how much they sugarcoat it, even the members are liars, they do see each other as competition maybe less of jimin and Jin but most of them care about the charts and how they perform
No, the current indifference was a recent change. Mostly because of how well face and lc did in comparison to dday which was the catalyst. Armys have always been “fine” with jimin but almost purely in the context of bts. He’s the only member that they never allow to be anything but an extension of bts and they’re pushing him even more into that role now because they find him digestible as the group cheerleader. It’s always “jimin and his brothers” as way diminish him as an individual or use him as a prop. It’s also why Jimin can’t have anything to himself. Not even the hate that he gets because armys always have to trivialize it by making it a maknae line issue and it’s done purposefully.
They’ve crafted the narrative that pjm solos are the worst, so whenever something proves the opposite they have to derail it. And that’s why I can never give armys the the benefit of the doubt of them not knowing about the hate jimin receives at the hands of jjks/tkkrs/kths because I know they see it. They follow their accounts and they interact with them (which is why I curse the day hybe hijacked the 7 symbol and made it jk’s brand)They just do their best to shield those groups from callouts because in doing so they’d be attaching th and jk’s name to them and they don’t want those two to get dragged. But anything with jimin attached to it? Automatically in the wrong and gets witch hunted.
I’ll never forget when a jimin biased army exposed a shooter on twitter for being a giant kth solo and jimin anti and armys outright defended them despite overwhelming proof that it was the truth. They even ran the jimin biased person off site because that account being a blink doxxer was more important. That’s when I knew that the bulk of armys do not care to “defend” jimin past blinks or the kpop stans who attack him from the outside. And even when they do that, it’s still to his detriment cause a lot of times they’ll offer him up as bait using his achievements unprovoked and get him dragged in the process.
That’s another thing in itself too. Armys are also only okay with what jimin has accomplished if they can lord it over kpop stans because as soon as we bring up the fact that jimin achieved what he did with no payola or label aid, all of a sudden it’s shade to jk. I used to HATE whenever armys would be under jimin’s chart tweets with that “just wait until jk debuts” BS because it just shows how desperate they were to restore that status quo and the hidden rule in the fandom.
Jimin is allowed to be good but he can’t be better than anybody else. He’s popular but tk are the most famous members. He can dance but hobi’s the best out the group. He can have writing and composing credits but it will never compare to rapline. Jimin has always been the outlier in bts because he’s always underestimated and put into a set role. Imagine he’s the only one out of maknae line that put any effort into his album and armys still ended up centering face around joon when that documentary came out just because he gave jimin advice. Not only that, but armys also do the most to find any way possible to give tk credit for those two albums that they don’t deserve. And all because those two didn’t live up to their own pretentiousness.
This isn’t news cause I’ve shared this same sentiment before but I never believed that jk deserved the high pedestal people put him on. He doesn’t do anything significantly better than anyone else in the group but because of his looks he gets that extra boost. I’ll never lie and claim that he’s not talented but that’s about it. He’s given more room to not live up to expectations while still getting heralded as the group prodigy. And it’s like, okay? But how long will you wear that out before you actually do something worthwhile to live up to that title?
There’s plenty of things that have made me realize that outside of the group, some members just don’t appeal to me. So it’s not that they potentially see each other as competition that bothers me or makes me think that they’re liars but some decisions that have been made that has made me resentful to some degrees towards them. And I don’t think that’ll change tbh.
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itboythings · 10 months
I can't shake off the JK is the BP and Jimin is the BTS of the next gen theory. I think we've already talked about the parallels of BP getting everything handed to them on a silver platter with Spotify deals and payola while BTS were well received from the beginning but had to slog their initial years and were screwed over a lot due to their lack of connections. But even apart from that, something I noticed is that kpop stans have never given BTS their due and have always acted like they're overrated only to turn around and salivate over BP doing the most basic sh*t and I'm noticing the exact same trend replicate with JK and Jimin. I'm actually surprised how easily kpop stans have embraced JK because the other members (except maybe Tae) get dragged through the mud by them even now.
I've also noticed that ARMYs have now entered the blink era because as JK has dismantled everything BTS used to stand for, ARMYs have started spouting the same circular logic blinks were famous for. While pjms are getting more and more like ARMYs - the good bits like becoming more organised about their support and the bad bits like jumping into every fanwar because like BTS in the past, Jimin gets dragged for the dumbest reasons by kpop and solo stans. Just like they couldn't keep BTS out of their mouths and dragged BTS into every issue for no reason, so does Jimin live rent free in the minds of every solo and kpop stan on twitter. It goes the other way too. Just like ARMYs couldn't help themselves dragging BP, so we as pjms find it hard to ignore the various things JK does and compare to Jimin. Of course it makes more sense for us since both of them belong to the same group and agency but we are definitely toeing the line to becoming like ARMYs by being hyper focused on JK since he 'rivals' Jimin the most.
Pjms are literally like armys though, the only difference is that they Stan one member. And as long as jk Stans continue to be obsessed with jm, pjms are gonna be focused on him.The only way pjms are going to let this go or at least limit their focus on jk is by jimin getting the promo and support he was denied.
I wish it was just so easy to ignore. It's so easy to say "ignore and focus on jimin" but it literally isn't. As long as we continue to exist in a reality where this whole thing happened, this is how it's going to be, not unless his next project gets enough support. I've made multiple posts about not being too focused on the whole thing but I find I always have something to say because there's always something happening that reminds you of the company's incompetence when it comes to some members vs others.
Everything that has happened after face has only served to remind pjms how jimin was treated. It's actually less about jk and more about face era and all the shit that hybe did and did not do, while jk was given everything on a platter.
All that aside, this analogy is spot on.
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itboythings · 11 months
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It’s mind numbing how armys pretend like jk is not getting a plethora of industry aid and buying into bighit’s own agenda of making him out to be bigger than the rest of the group. he has 3 singles that were added to that album that already had combined covers and TTH top ten playlisting. the other members had none of that. and then to compare him to jimin and taehyung who had HALF the amount of his songs? they’re not even trying to think on the reasons for the differences in numbers. they were able to discern exactly why bp were performing better than bts in some aspects concerning industry support but here? jk’s the only one with gp interest and the rest just don’t match up to him.
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itboythings · 11 months
hybe doing all that only for jk to still end up in the kpop category (and with only one nom) is sending me. i lowkey feel bad
Well there was tons of real hits throughout this year's tracking period, songs that actually did well in the west, been out for way longer and stayed longer on the bb hot100.
Take away the Spotify streams and seven has nothing compared to a lot of other songs released this year. There's no way this song has been number 1 on global Spotify for months and is still top 2, yet it's out of the hot100... He broke a lot of "first Asian act" records and "fastest song" records, but it's literally only on Spotify and nowhere else. You'd think seven would at least spend multiple weeks at number 1 or top 5 since it's been number 1 on Spotify, but no. And that's because most of his streams are coming from Asian countries where the same fans he had before seven are the same ones streaming these combined versions nonstop. So if you really look at it there's no growth and it's not the hit they want us to believe it is. He's getting 1m+ Spotify streams from counties where not even 1 million people use the app. Excluding the kpop and global categories, these nominations armys were expecting him to get are based on the us, but he literally did not do anything phenomenal there so why would seven be top 5 over tons of other songs that did better there? If LC hadn't had those big first week sales, it wouldn't have been nominated in any of the major categories because tons of other songs from western artists did better on the billboard hot100 in terms of longevity.
When jk is up against artists and songs like that, the only thing that's left for him is the kpop category. The one time we have an award that's solely based on data, this is how it turns out.
Further proof that the vma nominations were a joke, because they had no criteria for nominations.
They've been releasing these western collabs for a reason, because they do not want things like these to happen to him. But when his stats aren't enough to go against these western singers, he'll be nominated in these kpop categories because at the end of the day, he's a kpop idol. No matter how hard they try, jk will never be able to shed that image, even Korean American artists who are not kpop and barely even release Korean songs are still called kpop idols . So he might as well embrace it and be proud of it.
Yes, billboard creating these multiple sub categories reeks of xenophobia and racism, but without these categories none of these k groups would even dream of being nominated anyways. Like I seriously doubt a group like stray kids would even be getting considered for a nomination in a main category when there's a gazillion other popular artists that released music that year and actually entered the hot100. It's either you accept these nominations or you get none at all, because all the major noms will be going to songs that actually performed well according to billboard's data.
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itboythings · 1 year
The weird phenomenon I see on twitter is curious regarding member stans and akgaes. The way fandom as a whole protect jungkook is baffling - well maybe not because fandom wants to brag about numbers to other kpop fandoms. There are so many arguments with PJM akgaes and PJM fans from other members’ akgaes using 7 streaming numbers & “achievements” but they won’t use their own biases’ achievements. Then they devolve their arguments into animal name calling, using 2 vocal videos out of 10 years to show that jm can’t sing and then citing the number of likes to show validation, and then the LC free fall from billboard when some of their biases haven’t charted above the number it dropped to during all their solo releases. I’m trying to figure out if it’s projection or can people just be that stupid? BTS chapter 2 has revealed the fandom doesn’t care about anything BUT numbers. They’d rather support payola than any “artistry” they’ve always bragged about to other fandoms. I just saw kth biased tkrs blaming LC streaming numbers on PJMs streaming to block kth but not the 120x 7 playlists from big army accounts. This era is just revealing more and more that the fandom favors jk and his stans over anyone else and jm’s achievements are more from his fans and gp and maybe some “true” army (yet I remain skeptical of that one since I have yet to see that).
I’m trying to figure out if it’s because they don’t like his fans so then they target JM or they don’t like JM and so they target his fans. This has been a cycle that I’ve been witnessing for the past 6 1/2 years.
The stans of the other members, have always disliked Jimin for different reasons(although, I think Yoongi and Joon Stans were the only except... Not completely though. But now they focus on him just as much as the other akgaes), while it was always the norm to like jk. So now it's being transferred onto solo era. It's easy for them to hate jimin, while they can't bring themselves to go against jk who's actually the real problem.
It all goes back to what I said before, about how people tend to see them differently. They see Jimin as a problem and a threat, while they think nothing of jk.
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itboythings · 1 year
lc getting 400k on spotify us and 500k on pandora months from release is wild. people can talk all they want about how jk is destined to get huge american pop boy career but take away his privilages and see how it really looks like
No cause how is 1 version of like crazy pulling more than half the streams of 2 combined versions of seven...its hilarious. And 1 version of like crazy is pulling 4 times the streams of 2 combined versions of seven on Pandora.
Take away those covers and versions, and it has nothing else. And his Stans are talking about "x and x played or listened to the song"... Like of course idols and what not will be singing to a song when it's everywhere they turn and in every app they open that's literally how promo works... it's what we've been trying to tell y'all for weeks.
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itboythings · 1 year
I don't know why but I feel everyone's coming around to realising that Alone is the best song from Face.
I don’t think you’ve realised that you made a big mistake bringing up any song of FACE to me.
Alone starts with such melancholic instrumentals. His voice is lower in this song so it almost gives off the feeling that he’s speaking to you and it feels so much more personal that way. Jimin is someone who is naturally exemplary at communicating emotions in his art — he does it with a blend of facial expressions and the unique flare he gives his dance moves during choreographed performances to the sound of his voice in songs.
And I feel like that’s really evident in Alone because his tiredness and mental exhaustion can be felt so vividly when he sings “When I fell asleep, drunk, not remembering any of it.” When he stops for a second and thinks, “I thought about it: what am I doing right now? Why am I the only one like this? No, everyone's like this”, there’s this ever so slight change to his voice where you yourself feel like you’re pondering with him. And then it ends off with “Seeing myself always pretending to be okay feels pathetic.” His voice becomes even quieter and he almost whispers those last couple of words, it feels like you’re right there with him as he mutters something self-deprecating to himself. This entire first verse is just so sad sounding, so quiet, like you can almost visualise being beside him in an empty room and the vulnerability and loneliness that comes with being alone to your thoughts and being tired of them and of yourself.
Pre-choruses are used as a buildup but it feels like a buildup of emotions here as well. As it goes on, his quiet but levelled voice suddenly starts tearing up and a more raw, higher vocal tone keeps escaping through. It’s like an unravelling. The “Until I can go back?/Na doragal su isseulkka?” is incredibly painful because it’s like he goes from silently asking himself these things to just screaming it out. There’s so much desperation and impatience in his voice. I’m sure we’ve all had moments where we wonder “when is it going to end?” and that climatic breakdown point feels summarised by the change in his tone.
Pre-choruses are used as a buildup but it feels like a buildup of emotions here as well. As it goes on, his quiet but levelled voice suddenly starts tearing up and a more raw, higher vocal tone keeps escaping through.
He voice then instantly goes back to being in that lower register, but after that moment of desperation, the quietness feels so much louder and cutting than it did in the first verse. I love the little run he does at the end of “But feels like I'm losing myself little by little/jeomjeom nal ileoganeun geonman gata”, because it fits those lyrics so well. It’s almost like the note he’s holding dissipates in the same way that he’s describing the feeling of losing himself.
AND NOW!!! The second most insane part of the whole song which makes me praise Pdogg’s skills and his redemption era that was this entire album. I’m obsessed with music production that is made around the lyrics and the meaning, and it’s done so hauntingly here with the vocal effect distorting his voice at the “fall”: Day & night the repeating fall. You can almost visualise his voice falling. And the most insane/best part of the song for me comes when he reassures himself, only to have this absolutely haunting callback to Lie with what sounds like a bunch of children mockingly singing “Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie”. This moment reminds me of when some people use innocent children rhymes in disturbing moments to give that creepy, unsettling feeling. Besides this, another reason I love this moment is because Queen Lie is referenced in such a messed up way — years later and the concept of lying to one’s self about one’s mindset is still haunting him. Perhaps in a different way now, but the feeling is familiar. It feels so messed up because we KNOW that song was a heavy one, not just generally speaking but also for Jimin personally. It’s just overall an unpleasant experience but really excellent storytelling/production skills.
Live footage of me hearing lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie for the first time:
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I screamed, my eyes started twitching, it was a bad moment for me. I thought I had already been through all of her demonic ass’ references in SMF pt.2 but Jimin decided to sneak another one in for extra measure. As a treat.
Undoubtedly one of the most painful sounding moments of this song is “You know it, that you're already broken/Aljana imi manggajin geon, doedollil su eomneun geol”. It’s incredibly hard to hear that Jimin has ever felt he was “already broken”, especially when you think about all of the struggles we’ve seen him go through and that which was highlighted in the BTS book. It’s just one of those too real moments, those too honest lyrics that you puts into words some difficult thoughts that you may have felt yourself at one point. His voice sounds absolutely beautiful here, just gorgeously thinning across this really heartbreaking block of emotion.
The rest of the song is the chorus we know. It’s a really nice melody even if the lyrics and his voice is painful. And the song ends with lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie again, and the music builds up to something and then goes blank. There’s no resolution, it’s just a sad song about a sad moment and that’s it. It’s beautifully sung, beautifully written, beautifully told and beautifully produced. It’s absolutely an underrated gem.
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itboythings · 1 year
nobody loves and supports jimin in the way hobi does, sorry. he went there to visit him, got him a bouquet of purple flowers, and handwrote such a genuine, reassuring letter. it's such a "jimin" way of showing affection. hobi's support for all of his members is consistent but jihope's friendship is just something else.
this part got to me especially:
Even if there’s [ever] a lot of pain or hardships [ahead], I hope you don’t forget that “passion” of this time and continue to show [us/people] cool sides/appearances [of you] a lot in the future as well. I will always support/cheer for you! -your hope (X)
we know how much jimin values his hyungs as people and looks up to them as artists - it's clearly he holds a lot of weight in their words, looks up to their abilities/mindset, admires their experience, etc. this solo debut was such a daunting moment for him and from his own words alone it's obvious how nervous he was all the time. it just says so much how hobi ended the letter with a gentle reminder that hardships/pain are still a possibility for the future as well but to not let that dim his passion for what he does. it felt like words that came from experiences that jimin has yet to go through, so for him to pass that small sentence of wisdom/advice to him was just so heartwarming and brotherly to see. also, "your hope" :(
this whole thing also kind of reminds me of how the in-house producers who worked on FACE will post something in support of jimin's release - from his album to his achievements to even the letter live performance. jimin is SO loved and supported and i hope we don't forget that fact in the midst of the negativity and discourse.
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itboythings · 1 year
why does it seem like jimin is distancing himself from fans like doja cat? she is purposefully ruining her career rn and even her new song is about it. I know this sounds absurd but what if he is asking the company to sabotage him cause he doesn't want supporters who obsess over everything he does anymore? he even said he released face cause everyone else was doing it so he had to, it didn't seem like he was passionate about this project, it just felt like something he wanted to get over with, which explains the 9 days of promo which i think was pre decided and had nothing to do with Yoongi's album.
I'm not even going to address the second part about how passionate you think he is, but not everyone is chronically online like your fave. Jimin knows how to set boundaries, jk should learn a thing or two from him because he's practically a "Doja cat situation" waiting to happen.
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itboythings · 1 year
Comparing jk and tae to jimins messy/swamped rollout and then comparing tae's rollout to hyung line has got to be insane lol
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The way Taehyung literally got way more than Jimin got. Anything to make those numbers palatable I guess.
And it doesn't even matter how much promo he got, Taehyung gets like 16m likes on Instagram... These numbers are not good.
Let's say individual fancams for bts are released, its mostly always like
Jk- 4m
And they always brag about it, so why are they suddenly looking for excuses?
Also, I believe if like crazy had got even half of the promo that jungkook got before and on the day of it's release, the original version alone would have debuted with 8million+. And I'm serious about this.
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itboythings · 1 year
Even if jungkook does get #1 on hot100 he'll be following jimin. Jimin is the first one to achieve it. Jungkook will always be second to jimin in this. No matter what dirty articles they put out there, it wouldn't change the fact that jimin got this historic achievements first on his OWN. He wrote the song, he had creative input in the song, he didn't had any payola, no big industry guy was backing him up, his own company was sabotaging him, every kpop stan hated on him, so many other external sabotage, literally 9 days of promo.
But he achieved it on his own. He worked his ass off for 10 months and gave us a masterpiece of an album. And he got #1 purely by his hardwork and because of his dedicated fanbase.
Whereas jungkook will always be at second to jimin in this. No matter in which way they try to gaslight people into thinking that jk is more successful than jimin. It wouldn't change the fact that jk needed all that fraudulent methods to make himself successful.
Remove all the fraud ways that the company used for him and then compare it to like crazy. That mediocre ass song wouldn't hold a candle to like crazy.
I'm proud to be a jimin stan. Atleast he didn't stoop so low to use all that fraud methods to get that #1. No matter how much the company or jjks try to gaslight people it wouldn't change the fact that jk getting that #1 will NOT be organic at all. And he would always be second to jimin in this.
Jimin achieved it first and with his own hardwork.
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itboythings · 1 year
i'm very proud of what jimin achieved, honestly seeing that people really have to buy to be in the positions where he was and to see that he made it without any of it, it makes me smile because he did it on his own
in the top of that, it was his debut as a solo artist, and I think it's the coolest thing ever. I know that what comes in the future will be very nice, I am waiting to see how he grows as an individual artist because face is masterpiece but I want to hear more of his music, to see his performances, to see his art
and he was also so happy 😭
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itboythings · 1 year
i’ve been observing everything this week……i’ll make a new post soon
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itboythings · 1 year
You SHOULD be mad and that's Okay.
If you bias Jimin in any way.
Be it as an OT7, a Solo stan, a Shipper or a Casual Fan.
You SHOULD BE MAD after everything that's been happening to Jimin since last year.
You SHOULD BE MAD at the injustice, the inequality, the blatant sabotage and hypocritical/double-standard bullshit attitude the Army fandom has towards Jimin compared to other members that even other fandoms know and like to point out from time to time.
Because "#BTSis7", but only when its convenient to the "true/real army" agenda and Solo Era has cemented this statement every day since that last 2022FESTA dinner.
You SHOULD BE MAD and its Okay, your feelings are valid. And NOBODY should have the right to tell you that you are wrong for feeling this way.
Because lets not forget that THESE are some (of the MANY) comments that "Armys" & Akgaes kept leaving under every post by Jimin stans & fbs wanting "Like Crazy" to have a fair chance to remain stable on the charts by asking for radio play:
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"With dignity" they said... Jimin to this day is STILL being referred to as "a fraud" by these people for the success that his album and songs have achieved thanks PURELY to the love his fans and even GP have shown.
Because apparently now its considered a Federal Crime to support Park Jimin.
But what makes me laugh the most is that those same armys that condemned the idea of "Like Crazy" being sent to radio. Y'know, cause "payola = illegal/inorganic/flop", are now the SAME ones sucking the company's DICK, and also PRAISING every single DJ that got PAID in advanced to promote 7 a week ahead of its release (which also includes PAID adds).
Because NOW Payola = Organic = Achievements gained with Dignity.
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itboythings · 1 year
If you're happy for Jungkook you don't love Jimin. Jungkook will break all Jimin's records because of payola and company support. This "competition" is not fair. Everyone that love Jimin should support him only and boycott Seven. But nobody cares.... Jungkook is the fandom favorite, the company favorite.
the mere fact that he has an entire LEAD single with an album that is more than likely not done was just unbelievable. this means that when his album comes out he’ll have a pre release and a title track.
his lead single being a collab means that eventually there will be a “jungkook version” with his vocals only (another scheme).
hybe ignored jimin making history but suddenly scooter is courting jungkook in LA and he’s hanging backstage with justin bieber at coachella.
as someone that was ot7 and hangs in the balance at this moment, i can not be happy for him. it’s unfortunate that they’re even compromising artistic integrity for an inorganic hit song.
breaking jimin’s records is nothing to me but jimin has excellent karma and him going to new york more than likely to support jk is an example of that. supporting him in spite of the way hybe is behaving.
just for that, jimin will always be more successful.
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