itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
Alrightyyy guys! This is the last blog post for “itgetsalittleweird”. Welll my last graded post, I plan to still post some on here lol. Having this blog has honestly made me more comfortable with my email etiquette. Which I know seems weird because nothing about any of my blog post have been formal 😂. But rereading and planning out my post have made me put more thought and depth into my emails lol. But it was a pleasuring entertaining all readers and you are GREATLY APPRECIATED. I hope my random thoughts and videos affected u in a positive way and brightening your day in some way. Always feel free to message me or comment about anything. Remember to protect your energy and radiate positivity :) it’s the season of giving and generosity so give back, still put yourself and feelings first tho babes…stay happy, stay safe, and stay authentically you <3
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
Hey guys! This is the last week for blog post 🥲. Since it is the season of giving I want to talk about how important it is to give back during the holidays. Yes receiving gifts is fun, but it’s also important to give back. This week during thanksgiving break I volunteered at a church and helped make bags to be handed out. One of the bags has canned goods and the other bag had pork chop, chicken and other meats. Volunteering is also a really fun experience and a easy way to meet new ppl and make friends. While at the church I made two new friends and got to get volunteer hours as well. I also got to hand the bags out which was really rewarding. Seeing how something that I didn’t really think much about affected their day so much really made me want to keep volunteering.
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
Okay guys I have some bad news and every more bad news. First the blog is almost coming to a end and second the class is coming to an end. Through out the class I’ve actually learned to like it lol. I now actually like doing blogs, blogs, and even podcast. The podcast were my favorite though, It felt professional but casual and natural at the same time. It was something new for me and usually I don’t like doing new stuff but i actually enjoyed it. The class in general was a little nerve racking at first because I thought the class would be really hard. But I can definitely say I learned something from the class.
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
Hey guysss. Just wanted to do a lil life update. This week we got out for thanksgiving break and yeaaa it was stressful. I had a lot of work to get done for my classes and honestly I’m so tired of school. I worked like 5 days this week and not on purpose. People can be so inconsiderate and not want to come to work, at-least let someone know. I wasn’t scheduled to work today or yesterday but still worked because they needed help. The only reason I helped was so the person working 10 hours could leave because that’s so unfair to them. Also it should be illegal for someone to run the store by themselves, yes just one person. Especially on a Saturday when it’s really busy. But other than that I’m looking forward to the break. I’m going to get some breakfast with some friends tomorrow so that should be fun.
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
Protecting your energy is extremely important. That’s the main focus for this week. It’s important to stay positive and keep negativity away. Set boundaries, anytime someone is compromising your energy get away from them. Also finding your peace helps. You need to find a place where u can relax and be you and persevere your energy. Also keep your space clean, a happy space is a happy mind. It’s not good to live in clutter, your mind and energy needs room to live and improve. Get rid of toxic things and people who might be affecting how you feel. Put you first, no need to think about everyone’s feelings all the time. It’s important to put your feelings first and to do what makes you happy.
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
Hey guys!! I can’t remember if I told y’all or not but at my old job the manager that I didn’t like got fired so I went back. The new manager is a lot more relaxed and appreciative. Soo I went back like two weeks ago and it’s a lot better. But I’ve just been stressed in general. I’m currently writing a synthesis paper on how a toxic family environment can affect a child’s development and their life when they get older. I think me having to add some of my personal experience to the paper for evidence is making me realize how toxic the environment is that I live in. My parents prioritize my grades over my mental health. I could be having a bad day mentally but they would rather me make good grades. But other than that I think my week has been pretty good.
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
Ok so telfar released a new bag….and I’m feeling it. It’s a nice pretty sage green color. But then again im waiting on my two bags from the pre order so I guess I’ll just wait for those. This past week was definitely a little hectic….that’s all I’m going to say. But I’m not as stressed anymore as I was at the beginning of the week. Really just tired of school and ready to graduate honestly. I’ve gotten into all the schools I’ve applied to and I’m really proud of myself. But other than that I’ve been chillin. Tryna make new friends and honesty just been talking to anybody. It’s nice to hear and see how other ppl see things for a change.
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
Hi love bugs! This week we’re gonna talk about the most common emotions, anger and happiness. It’s the most common ones humans experience daily, multiple times a day. What’s interesting is the things that makes us feel these emotions and how we let them effect us. One thing can take a person from feeling happy to angry in .2 seconds and could mess up a persons day. We tend to let our emotions also effect decisions we make which is not so good. Most bad decisions are made based off of how we feel at the moment, not when the feelings are thought out and expressed correctly. Which is why most irrational decisions are made when a person is angry, their acting off of current emotions not permanent ones. The importance of this lesson is don’t make permanent decisions off of temporary feelings.
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
The importance of friendship is priceless. Friendships may come to an end but the once worth fighting for won’t end. Especially petty ones, it’s extremely important to realize when someone is using u and draining your energy. Cause those “friends” are toxic and not good for you mentally and physically. I recently stopped being friends with someone for this reason. The person would always send lowkey hints of what they were doing but I always swept them under the rug because I thought she was my friend. She would hide her rude comments as “jokes” and when I would question them I was being extra or overreacting. Also never let anyone tell u how to feel or that your overreacting. Your feelings are important and should be respected by others.
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
Hey guys ! As u know this is a safe space so feel free to comment or ask any questions. My week was pretty good but was stressful. I was the chair of my schools harvest festival and was a little nervous on how to plan it and how the turnout would be. But towards the end of the event I felt very relieved, a lot of people actually came and I even had time to have some fun. It was a lot to plan thought but my co chair and about 5 committed committee members really helped. Yes, it would’ve been nice to have more help but we made due with what we had. We faced some issues preparing the haunted house because all the supplies we requested wasn’t available and we couldn’t turn the lights off all the way. But with a good fog machine and 10 ppl figuring logistics out it turned out very well. This shows the importance of team work and working with what u have. I hope y’all had a happy Halloween and have a great week !
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
This weeks quote is definitely special. “The purpose of our lives is to be happy” - Dalai Lama. Let’s read that again. The whole purpose is for you to be happy not to make others happy. Also don’t let your happiness depend on other people and their actions. YOU make yourself happy and control YOUR life, no one else does. This is something I personally had to learn due to things I’ve been through and different experiences. It’s an important and valuable lesson to learn. Everything YOU do should be for YOU and should make YOU happy. Think positive thoughts and positive things shall come. When you worry you may be bringing those things into your life. Which is why you should stop overthinking negative things and only hope and think positive thoughts.
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
heyyy my favssss. This week has been pretty stressful not gonna lie, but I’ve also been chillin. I’m the chair of harvest festival at my school this year and…..yea that’s all I’m going to say. I honestly don’t know what I’m doing and feel like I’m getting no help but it’s next Sunday so I’ll update y’all on that. But other than that I feel like I’m growing for mentally which is good. Cut some ppl off and I feel my energy growing, cause tbh I feel like that person was draining my energy soooo it’s good their gone. But school is going pretty good. Next semester I only have 3 classes so I’m really looking forward to that. I’m also going to start looking for a job. I took a little break from when I quit the coffee place and now I’m honestly really bored cause I get out of school at 12. I kind of wanna work in a nail salon like at the front desk, maybe get a cute little employee discount…😝. But other than that everything’s chillin and going. I hope y’all have a great week and find inner peace with yourself ☮️.
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
The quote for this week is “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou. I love this quote and this is my favorite quote by her. Maya Angelou is definitely a poet that has left her mark and will always be remembered. This quote is so powerful because of the severity of it. People are so easy to forget but they will never forget how they were treated and how u made them feel. I definitely always remember strangers based on if they treated my nicely or were rude to me. That’s why it’s sooo important to always treat people good cause you never know what their going through! I hope y’all have a great week filled with abundance and positive energy.
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
Hey guys ! My week has been pretty crazy. So today something happened to my dog and we’ve been at the animal hospital for 3 hours now. About to be up all night finishing homework. But my dog passed out and wasn’t breathing. But $428 later he’s fine and we’re waiting for the discharge papers. But this experience made me realize how much I love my dog and what I’d do for him. He’s really my bestie and has made the past 3 years very crazy and exciting. A lot of people don’t really appreciate their dogs but it really shows when you see a homeless person with an dog or animal. I notice they are always really well taken care of and are always fed. Which makes me appreciate my love bug (kash) even more.
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
The inspirational quote for this week is “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” I just want to analyze that for y’all. Believing you can do sumn is the first step and once you do that you’re set. After that you have the opportunity to plan everything out and make it work for you which only makes the situation better. Having a plan is essential to the process and will help you be more successful. Which will be more beneficial in the future when you are hyping yourself up to try something new. You’ll already know what to expect and how you already have a great plan!
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
Hi guys! I hope everyone had a great week and is ready for the upcoming week. My week has been pretty hectic, we finally finished moving everything out of the house. I’m still adjusting to our new living situation but other than that everything else is going good. Honestly I’ve been stressed, it’s just been a lot going on. I’m just gonna blame it on Mercury being in retrograde. I also need to find someone to do my hair ASAP cause….I be waking up like 30-45 mins ahead of time then what I’m suppose to just to do my hair, which is really aggravating. I could be sleeping during that time. But anywhooo happy Sunday and I hope y’all have a great week !!!!
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itgetsalittleweird · 3 years
Heyyy guys! I just want to reflect on the week I had. So we just finished moving and it was beyond stressful, I was just aggravated in general to be honest. From school and other stuff it’s just a lot. But school has been good, this week is our homecoming and all of the spirit days seem fun. So I am looking forward to that and other events like the tailgate and the game. But I hope y’all have a great week filled with joy and abundance ! Remember to be your authentic self and to always work on self empowerment. Your feel your best when you are yourself!
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