ithicagrey · 5 years
Love this
health related sigils
part one
i’ve been struggling with my health a little recently, mostly with struggling with motivation for exercise. i decided to try and make a few sigils to help myself and anyone else who may be struggling with the same thing.
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they aren’t my best work but they get the job done.
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ithicagrey · 5 years
Let's travel!
I really want to find a good friend to travel the states with! Any takers? Lol #travelinpacks #whywait? #iwannalive
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ithicagrey · 5 years
Connecting to witchcraft again ~✨🌹
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This for the people who maybe don’t feel as interested in witchcraft as they used to and what to get back into it. Maybe you’ve tried doing a deep dive into all things witchcraft and came out disappointed. 
Firstly ✨🌹
Maybe you need to actually dedicate some time to your craft. ✨
In order to actually get good at something or get back into something, you need to actually practice it and if its important enough to you. It could be time to stop reblogging and scrolling through witchy posts and actually put some things to the test.  
Maybe you’re in a lull 🌹
Literally, a lull is a temporary interval of quiet or lack of activity.
Magically, though, it’s a time where you can’t do something because energetically you’re tired. This is completely normal! Everyone has these energetic collapses, and anything really can energetically stunt you. Stress, anxiety, your emotions in general, burning yourself out, etc. Maybe you’re out of practice and that caused you to have a lull.
For me, lulls are something I just completely pull myself out of. Instead, I typically implement small witchy things into my daily life. 
Take care of your health ✨
Whether it be physical, mental, you need to take care of your health! This can have a massive effect on the flow of energy, how motivated you feel, how spells work for you, etc. It controls a lot.   
Look into yourself rather than others 🌹
When looking for magical healing, we often look to others and what they are doing. we may forget that we are different people and we have different needs. I think that it’s a good start to find help, but you shouldn't rely on someone else to tell you what to do.
Start at the beginning - go back to the basics ✨🌹
Meditation ✨
I think that most people would say that mediation is a good foundation for a practice. I would say that it really helps you be more present and calmer. It seriously will give your brain a break and its great. It’s the only thing that I've found that does that for me. (and I’m literally the easily distracted person ever) You don’t even have to do it every day starting out, because it will be super hard getting into it. I listen to guided ones otherwise I get super distracted. I use Headspace and its great! They have a mediation for like everything! They have 10 meditations that are free, but if you want access to more then you would have to pay for a subscription. If you are a student though, you can get it for $9.99 for a whole year of Headspace okay so this sounded sponsored as heck but it wasn’t lollll
Maybe look over the types of witches/basics of witchcraft again🌹
Starting over is never a bad thing, not to mention it can be a good way to find a new practice. Having a “beginners mindset” is always good. Keep in mind, that you will never be at a place where there is absolutely nothing new for you to learn! You could look back into sigils, everyday witchcraft, the elements, crystals, spell types, the energy points, casting a circle.  
that being said Don’t rely on outside sources like Tumblr to build your practice completely  ✨
Yea sure Tumblr is a great resource for information and for me it is super useful, but it is your responsibility to take information and then somehow adapt it to you and your needs (but this is just my opinion, take this with a grain of salt)
Lastly ✨🌹
Once you finally have gotten more connected to your practice again, don’t spread yourself thin! ✨
What I mean by this is, if you do readings don’t do too many because you’re excited, or don’t take on to many spells….don’t overextend yourself. 
Start small implement a morning or night ritual! 🌹
It can be either or both! if you need help coming up with one specifically for yourself, feel free to message me and we can think of something together. 
Some Extra Things ✨🌹
These are things to spice up your practice, maybe if you just need something more to do. 
Finding a new path of witchcraft to focus on!✨
It could be that you just aren’t connected to the path you are on
Buy a witchy book 🌹
Books like The Green Witch by Arin Murphy, Basic Witches by Jaya Saxena and Jess Zimmerman, The Witch’s Book of Self-Care by Arin Murphy, Wicca By Harmony Nice.
Find a group of witches ✨
Online or otherwise! Tumblr is crawling with witches looking for a community maybe contact one of them to create one! even me tbh!
Possibly get a mentor(s) 🌹
Sometimes having someone who holds you accountable and checks into your progress can make you want to do good! It could be very good for productivity! 
Incorporate what you love in your mundane life into your magical life!  ✨
ex) tea, technology, books, music, journaling, video games ( one that I incorporate is animal crossing etc. 
Sometimes its fun to have a witchy idol!  🌹
What I mean by this is a character from maybe a cartoon that was a witch or someone that has powers! I’ve heard of people using Hermione, Elaine from the Love Witch, Akko, Sucy, Lotte, and Diana from Little Witch Academia. Recently, I’ve been finding inspiration in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, the witches in it just seem too cool!
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ithicagrey · 5 years
Sigils are used where conscious will finds its aims frustrated. We use sigils to bypass adverse conditions, to avoid the censorship of identity, to achieve our will through avenues which we do not even know about. If you think about results while transmitting, you effectively bind your mind to find a solution along the desired channels, and this is frequently a hindrance, as the ‘desired channels’ are usually the very approach that does not function. Our conscious selves are often the greatest obstacle to the sigil’s manifestation.
The active agency of sigil magick is the subconscious self. We need not ‘charge’ a sigil with our power — the power we can raise consciously is nothing compared to the power that moves under the surface of our conscious mind. The sigil need not be energized — given proper transmission, it will find its way into the deep currents of true will and dynamic instinct, and imbue these with its message. Such a sigil will become irresistible.
Jan Fries, Visual Magick
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ithicagrey · 5 years
I kinda learned this along my path, but still very good.:)
my mom taught me the therapeutic power of cleaning. open all the windows. throw out the old. wipe down the entire house. burn some incense. roast some coffee. then rest. that way the tears from last night don’t feel as heavy. 
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ithicagrey · 5 years
Symbols Chart.
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ithicagrey · 6 years
Basic ideas for kitchen witchery
These are not recipes, but ideas - what meal could serve what purpose. They are simple, so you either should have your own recipes for them, or find them on the internet easy enough. 
Happy cooking!
chili (cayenne pepper, black pepper, chili - generally spicy things)
lemon-infused water (lemon is a repellant, and water is uncrossable for some entities)
sugarfree coffee with cinnamon (coffee and cinnamon are both banishing ingredients)
curry (cayenne pepper, black pepper, chili - generally spicy things)
caprese salad (basil, tomatoes)
margarita pizza (basil, tomatoes)
apple pie (apples)
corn-on-a-cob (corn)
mint tea (mint)
herb soup (rosemary, basil, mint, thyme, bay leaf…)
apple pie (apples)
golden milk (milk and turmeric)
elderflower tea (elderflower)
mint tea (mint)
onion syrup (onion and honey)
chamomile tea (chamomile)
lemon-infused water (lemon)
ginger tea (ginger)
nettle soup (nettle)
pumpkin soup (pumpkin)
pumpkin cookies or bread (pumpkin)
curry (turmeric, garlic, onion)
cinnamon rolls (cinnamon)
orange juice (orange)
chamomile tea (chamomile)
corn-on-a-cob (corn)
pineapple juice (pineapple)
poppyseed buns or bread (poppy)
orange juice (orange)
honeyed tea (honey)
mint tea (mint)
lemon-infused water (lemon)
vanilla-flavoured ice cream (vanilla)
sunflower seed buns or bread (sunflower)
sugar cookies (sugar)
lemon balm tea (lemon balm)
lavender-infused water (lavender)
cucumber-infused water (cucumber)
vanilla-flavoured ice cream (vanilla)
milk with honey (milk and honey)
apple pie (apple)
pumpkin soup (pumpkin)
pumpkin cookies or bread (pumpkin)
chocolate chip cookies (chocolate) 
sandwich - any (bread)
fried rice (rice)
curry (rice)
fries (potatoes)
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ithicagrey · 6 years
Please rb this if you’re a witch?
Especially if you:
🌻 are not Wiccan
🌻 are a green witch
🌻 are a kitchen witch
🌻 are a lunar/solar witch
🌻 are a pop culture witch
🌻 are LGBTQ+
🌻 do divination
🌻 do tarot
🌻 are looking for more witchy pals
🌻 like musicals
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ithicagrey · 6 years
here’s my take on himalayan pink salt: it tends to be listed as associated with love and friendship and positivity because it’s pink, but do you know why it is pink? because of the high iron content in it. iron, as in blood and rusted swords. think of it: blood salts. warding against fae tricksters, perhaps a blood substitute for some workings, an ingredient for binding oaths and for curses, a powerful but personal protector. strength, revenge, rawness. nothing wrong with the original associations, just a thought. i personally wouldn’t consider it as strong a purifier/energetic cleanser due to iron technically being an impurity
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ithicagrey · 6 years
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Apple: spirit work, offerings, love, healing, beauty, wisdom, harvest
Apricot: love, self love
Avocado: beauty, love, lust, fertility, spell work
Banana: wealth, luck, spirituality, religion, masculinity
Blueberry: protection, banishment, curses
Blackberry: protection, fertility, femininity, funerals, afterlife, moving on
Cantaloupe: spell work, protection, grounding, energy work
Cherry: lust, love, fertility
Clementine: childhood, dreams
Coconut: protection, cleansing, femininity
Cranberry: holidays, blood magic, spirit work
Date: fertility, luck, money
Dragon fruit: lust, passion, spell work
Durian: curses, cleansing, protection
Fig: happiness, divination, love
Grapefruit: cleansing
Grape: money, spell work, fertility, offerings
Guava: love, self love, lust
Honeydew: cleansing, energy, love
Jackfruit: divination, spell work, happiness
Kiwifruit: health, love, lust, happiness
Kumquat: luck, health, money
Lemon: cleansing, purification, protection, curse breaking
Lime: cleansing, protection, love
Lychee: love, self love, femininity, beauty
Mango: love, lust, fertility
Nectarine: love, self love, spell work
Orange: cleansing, protection, divination
Papaya: curse breaking, banishing, spirit work, love
Passion fruit: lust, love, passion
Peach: fertility, love, happiness, spirit work
Pear: offerings, happiness, luck, money, confidence
Persimmon: healing, love, luck, protection
Pineapple: protection, health, offerings, money, luck
Plantain: fertility, masculinity, lust, passion
Plum: love, healing, offerings
Pomegranate: offerings, blood magic, fertility, divination, spell work
Prune: cleansing, protection
Raspberry: love, dreams, health
Strawberry: love, wishes, dreams, happiness
Starfruit: lunar/solar magic, spell work, cleansing
Tangerine: solar magic, strength, energy work
Tomato: protection, cleansing, love, passion
Watermelon: healing, femininity, lust, love, spirit work, cleansing
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ithicagrey · 6 years
magick spiced hot cocoa
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during the colder months, a cup of hot cocoa can bring wonderful warmth and coziness. you can add a few spices to bring magick into the mug that inspires happiness, healing, and self-love. you will need:
☾ ¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder (self love and grounding)
☾ ½ cup granulated sugar (granting wishes)
☾ 1/3 cup hot water
☾ ¼ tsp salt
☾ 4 cups milk (dairy or non-dairy)
☾ 1 tsp vanilla extract (love, restoring lost energy)
☾ 1 tsp fresh orange zest (abundance and happiness)
☾ a pinch of ground nutmeg (attracting prosperity)
☾ a pinch of allspice (warmth and healing)
combine the cocoa, sugar, salt, nutmeg and allspice with the water in a pot over medium heat. stir constantly until the mixture boils; continue stirring constantly for 1 more minute.
stir in the milk and continue to heat the mixture, without letting it boil. remove from heat and add vanilla and orange zest. serve immediately.
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ithicagrey · 6 years
Teas for Witches: the Basics
I can talk about tea literally all day (and I have because I’ve worked in a spice and tea shop for years), and there is SO much to talk about with both health and magical benefits. Teas are made from tea leaves called camellia sinensis, with the exception of herbal teas/infusions. For this, I’m going to list magical and health benefits by type of tea.
Black Tea
Feminine * Earth * Winter * Strength * Stability * Death * Expelling Negativity * Alertness * Energy
Black tea is the most fermented and oxidized of all teas. Its tea leaves look shriveled and black. It combats heart ailments, digestive problems, high cholesterol, asthma, and breast/menstrual problems. Black tea also has a lot of caffeine (47 mg, still less than coffee) and too much of it can cause acidity issues in the stomach.  
Examples: English/Irish Breakfast Tea, Assam, Darjeeling, Lapsung Souchang, Ceylon, Earl Grey
**There is a subset of black tea called Pu-erh, a post-fermented black tea. Some consider this to be the “purest” of all teas and connect it to the aether, as it is rare and valuable.
Green Tea
Masculine * Fire * Summer * Passion * Healing * Conscious Mind * Sexual Health * Love * Energy * Progress * Magic
Green tea is slightly steamed but not fermented, which maintains its green color. It has many health benefits, such as detoxifying, reducing cholesterol and weight, boosting immunity and stamina, and reducing blood glucose. It has less caffeine than black, but still some. 
Examples: Jasmine, Sencha, Matcha, Gyokurocha, Genmaicha, Hojicha, Gunpowder, Dragonwell
Oolong Tea
Feminine * Water * Autumn * Reflection * Meditation * Wisdom * Serenity * Concentration * Romance * Friendship
I always describe Oolong as being between Green and Blacks, since it is half fermented. It can help manage weight and stress, balance blog sugar levels, remove free radicals, and promote healthy skin and bones. HOWEVER, too much can actually speed up bone degradation because it sweeps away excess calcium. And beware of its high caffeine content (I used to drink Raspberry Wulong to pull all-nighters).
Examples: Milk Oolong, Formosa, Wulongs
White Tea
Masculine * Air * Spring * Happiness * Wisdom * Moon * Purification * Protection * Clarity * Cleansing * Beginnings
White tea is a little harder to find. Either the tea leaves are plucked as immature leaves and steamed, or the leaves have not been processed (there seems to be little consensus across cultures). Some have a small amount of caffeine. It’s a great antibacterial and antioxidant, and it improves the heart, oral health, and skin. Drinking a couple cups works better than one, and you can reuse the tea leaves, granted that the second cup will brew longer.
Examples: White teas come in many flavors and are usually labeled as white tea. You may need to seek out a tea shop to find some.
Herbal Tea
Magical properties depend on which herbs are used
This tea seems to be the most popular for witches on tumblr, because it is composed of dry, unprocessed herbs, seeds, fruits, or roots, and has no caffeine (as long as the herb doesn’t!). There are many recipes online as herbals are easy to make. In general, herbal tea promotes calm, reduces cholesterol and risk of heart conditions, cancers, and diabetes. Due to its lack of actual tea leaves it has less antioxidants than other teas. Some don’t even call it a tea, but dub it Herbal Infusion.
Examples: Rooibos, most Chais, Ginseng, Chamomile, Peppermint, Spearmint, Hibiscus
**Yerba Mate is an herbal tea that is notorious for its high caffeine levels (you’ve probably seen the energy drink). It also zaps one’s appetite and can become addictive, so be careful around this tea!
As always, feel free to add/message me of any corrections, and I hope you find your cup of tea!
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ithicagrey · 6 years
I love these ideas! This is perfect for a kitchen witch.
Gardens of the Witches
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Already starting to plan this years garden so I thought I should do a post on Witch Gardens
Moonlight Garden
A garden that blooms in the moonlight, a great place to perform night time rituals, meditations, or to just take a midnight stroll. A garden that is full of magick even after the sun sets. 
Plants to add in your moonlight garden:
Moonflower: (Ipomoea alba) A nocturnal relative of the morning glory. Has fragrant flowers that open at dusk and close by dawn.    
Evening Primrose: (Oenothera biennis) Has beautiful, scented flowers that bloom only at dusk. 
Night Flox: (Zaluzianskya capensis) A sweetly fragranced flower that only unfurls its pinwheeled shaped flowers after dusk. 
Four O’Clock: (Mirabilis jalapa) Its scented flowers bloom at around 4:00pm (hence its name) and do not close up until morning. 
Queen of the Night: (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) A species of cactus whose flowers only open at night. Attracts moths and bats!!!
Night Blooming Jessamine: (Cestrum nocturnum) Strong, sweet scented star shaped flowers that only bloom at night. Attracts moths and bats!!! All parts are toxic, do not ingest!
Angel’s Trumpet: (Brugmansia) Produces a strong scent on warm summer evenings. All parts are toxic, do not ingest!
Evening Stock: (Matthiola longipetala) Produces lots of small blossoms that produce a perfume described as a mix of vanilla, rose, spice, and cloves only after the sun sets.
Ever-Flowering Gladiolus: (Gladiolus tristis) Release a strong almond fragrance after dusk.  
Lilac: (Syringa vulgaris) Although has a perfume during the day, it is said to be a lot stronger after dark. 
Flowering Tobacco: (Nicotiana) Open in the late afternoon and have a fragrance that smells of jasmine. All parts are toxic if ingested!
Summer Snapdragon: (Angelonia angustifolia) Preferably in white, to reflect the moonlight. Has a scent apple-scented foliage. 
Silvermound: (Artemisia schmidtiana) Has thick foliage that will shimmer under the moonlight.
Jack Frost: (Brunnera macrophylla) Hdeart shaped leaves of silver and green, perfect to add more highlights of silver to your moon lit garden. 
Any plant that blooms after dark or has white, lavender, pale pink, pale yellow on it is a perfect addition to your moonlight garden. 
Things to add:
Stepping stones that have the phases of the moon.
Fairy lights
A place to sit
A small fountain to sing along with the insects and birds of the night
String charms and bells on tree branches for a soft jingling every time a gentle breeze passes. 
Herb Garden
For witches who need a more practical garden for uses of healing, tea crafting, drying, and growing plants used in their practices.
Plants to add to your herb garden:
Anise: Helps to ward of the evil eye, find happiness, and stimulates psychic abilities. 
Basil: Use for anything pertaining with love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Dispels confusion, fears & weakness. Drives off hostile spirits.
Bergamont: Corresponds with money and prosperity. Provides with protection from evil and illness, improves memory, stops interference, and promotes restful sleep.
Borage: Corresponds with courage and psychic powers. 
Cat Nip: Is sacred to the Goddess Bast. Brings forth beauty, happiness, good luck, and good spirits.
Chamomile: Corresponds with love, healing, and sleep. Is known to reduce stress.
Chervil: Brings a sense of the higher self, placing you in touch with your divine, immortal spirit.
Coriander: Corresponds with love, health, immortality, and protection.
Dill: Corresponds with money, protection, luck and lust. 
Lemon Balm: Corresponds with love, success, healing, and psychic/spiritual development. 
Marjoram: Used to cleanse, purify, and to dispel negative energy.  
Mint: Promotes energy, communication and vitality.
Oregano: Corresponds with joy, strength, vitality, and added energy 
Parsley: Calms and protects the home.
Rosemary: Protects, cleanses, purifies, and aids memory. 
Sage: Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss.
Thyme: Attracts loyalty, affection, and the good opinion of others.
Things to add:
A place to dry herbs
A place to compost any herb scraps
A place to leave offerings before you harvest
Bee Garden
Make yourself a sanctuary to watch bees frolic and thrive
Plants to add to your bee garden:
Bee balm
Snow Drop
Wildflowers/Any native species
Anise hyssop
Black eyed susan
Sweet peas
Things to add:
Bee houses
Bee waterers/bee baths
Bee feeders
A place for offerings to the bees
Some other ideas for your garden:
Hummingbird garden
Medicinal garden
A garden whose plants and decorations represent/correspond with your practice.
Butterfly Garden
Faerie Garden 
The options are endless! I hope this gives you some ideas for this years garden.
Happy planting!
==Moonlight Academy==
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ithicagrey · 6 years
Wholesome Compliments for Different Witches💕
💨  Air Witch 💨
“Oh, you smell so good! What perfume do you use?”
💧 Water Witch 💧
“How do you manage to look so hydrated and fresh? You’re g l o w i n g.”
🔥 Fire Witch 🔥
“I love cuddling with you because you are always so warm!!!”
🌱 Earth/Green Witch 🌱
“What do you mean none of your plants died? How??? You truly have the green thumb, huh.”
🍵 Kitchen Witch 🍵
“Oh my god, I will absolutely take another portion. Are you kidding me? This is the best pie I’ve ever eaten!”
☀️Solar Witch☀️
“You’re looking very bright today! I love it when you smile so much.”
🌙 Lunar Witch 🌙
“You are positively alluring. There is something about you that intrigues me intensely and I can never pinpoint what.”
🌇 Urban Witch 🌇
“Damn, you sure know your way around the town. How do you never get lost?”
☄️ Chaos Witch ☄️
“I love spending time with you because you are constantly buzzing with brilliant ideas! I wish I were this energetic.”
🔮 Hedge Witch 🔮
“Every time we talk, you have another great piece of advice – how are you this wise?”
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ithicagrey · 6 years
I need to read this over and over.
Listen to me. This is your life– no one else’s. At the end of the day, it is you who has to be happy with the choices you are making, food you are eating, things you are doing, goals you are pursuing. Do not let the opinions and judgments of others stop you from doing what you feel and know in your heart is right for you. Eat the food that makes you feel best. Do what makes you feel at peace. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good, who make you laugh, who sincerely make you smile. Go after what you want– not because someone else is telling you to, but because you want to. Listen to that inner voice, trust your gut, and trust yourself.
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ithicagrey · 6 years
Witches don’t owe you debate.
Witches don’t owe you free spells or readings.
Witches don’t owe you resources. 
Witches. Don’t. Owe. You. 
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ithicagrey · 6 years
🍯 Honey Varieties 🍯
A short list of honey varieties in case you want to experiment with your recipes. Some have herbal remedy hints, and pairing ideas.
Acacia :Very popular with a mild flavor. The color is usually light yellow, but can range to brown or purple. Goes well with toast or tea. Medicinally, it is used to calm anxiety or help sleep.
Avacado :A warm, dark brown honey that is excellent for recipes that call for brown sugar. It doesnt actually taste like avocados, but mollasses or burned sugar.
Blueberry :Medium amber color with a medium aroma, blueberry honey tastes slightly buttery, with toasted almonds. Great for fruit pastries, it’s usually not difficult to find this variety.
Buckwheat :Dark brown, with a strong, distinct flavor of mollasses. A staple in southern BBQ recipes or other meats. Also used for coughs and sore throats.
Chesnut :This honey is usually too strong for recipes. It is very dark, with a slightly pungent smell and sweet, almost musty taste. It’s quite unpopular, so it isn’t easy to find.
Clover :Very common, known as “table honey”, clover honey is a light, sweet honey that can be used universally.
Cranberry :Medium-red colored and fruity, it tastes like figs or dates. Use cranberry honey for fall fruit dishes.
Eucalptus :Suprisingly, eucalptus honey tastes sweet, with notes of rose petals. It smells strong, almost smokey, and is very dark in color. Goes well with meats or potatoes.
Forest :Also known as Honeydew honey, it is produced by aphid excretion from trees in the area, such as pine. It tastes woody and sweet, and pairs with just about anything.
Hawthorn :Hawthorn honey has a natural calming effect, so it’s usually stirred into chamomile tea. The flavor is strong so it doesnt take too much to sweeten.
Lavender :Ranging from bright to dark colors, the smell is intense just like the flowers. However one spoonful can help with seasonal allergies, and it’s a good source of calcium.
Mountain :Bees collect pollen from wild herbs and flowers in non-polluted mountain areas so the flavor and color can vary. Excellent for coughs and flu.
Orange Blossom :Light yellow with a mild floral smell, it is readily avalable in early spring when orange trees bloom. It has a sour citrus flavor, so it is best used in citrus recipes.
Rasberry :Rasberry honey is slightly bitter, but still tastes like brown sugar or toffee. It smells almost woodsy, and pairs well with fruits or especially coffee.
Sage :Sage honey tastes sweet with hints of rose petals. The color can be light yellow to purple, and it smells mildly floral. It also has a light violet aftertaste. It has so much body it is one of my favorites!
Sourwood :Slightly rare, it’s only available in June or July before its all bought up. It tastes a bit like cloves or nutmeg and smells like cinnamon.
Sunflower :As yellow as it’s petals and smells just as exceptional. It can crystallize easily, if that happens just heat up the jar in some hot water. It can help with sinus problems and allergies.
Tulip Poplar :Tulip Polar honey can be used for almost any dish. It is dark orange, and smells like cooked fruits. It tastes buttery like toffee and a bit like caramel.
Tupelo :Comes from the ogeechee tree in Florida and Georgia. It is slightly rare, and doesn’t crystalize easily. Tastes light buttery and sweet, use with vegetable or chicken recipes.
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