ithinkimjustaghost · 6 months
I’m sitting in airport
Rain pouring down
And the girl who sat next to me
On the way to you
Just walked in the room
I don’t want to go home
And I’m succumbing to a plan
To make my way out
Succumbing to the truth
The universe has been speaking to me
They’ve known you were wrong for me all along
And I just couldn’t listen to
They’ve got bigger plans for me
Done succumbing to the bullshit you feed me
Like it’s all my fault
I’m the one to blame
For god damn everything
i don’t think so baby
That’s not how this works
You’ll be on your knees
Beggin me not to leave
Because you never knew
You never know
You never knew just what ya had
Until it was slipping through your fingers
I’m sitting watching the planes go by
The grey sky swirling
Wondering if I’m making the worst decision
But I’m tired of you
And the things you do
And way you treat me like I’d never dare leave
I think that’s something you need to believe
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ithinkimjustaghost · 9 months
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“There is peace even in the storm” ― Vincent van Gogh See more
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
The sound of crickets and tree frogs ringing in my ears
Is so nostalgic
The lump in my throat expanding
Until it rips me wide open
And I’m weeping
It keeps on coming back to me
Playing on repeat
The regrets are getting louder and louder
And I don’t know what I am doing anymore
At an impasse again and I don’t know what to do
This line…. this damn song… “A little girl who needs her daddy real bad…”
It rings on repeat when I sleep
I just want to fix this broken perception
I don’t want to be in pain anymore
And I don’t know how to stop it
It gets harder and harder
To get out of bed
To not give up
To not feel like
I ruined every possible chance I’ve ever had
And here I am
Working a retail job I can’t stand
Preaching beautiful words that I cannot follow myself
It’s so much easier to see for everyone else
But, I’m blind to myself
I try to take care of you
But I don’t know how to
No, not anymore
And what would you do?
If it wasn’t this life
This body
This time
How would you change it??
Can you fix it?
Will I ever feel whole again?
I’ve written endlessly about it
I feel stuck and broken
This mind
It’s killing me
I just want them all around me
To tell me that they love me
That they do no matter what
I want to shake this child inside of me
Stop this…
Just stop this…
I know you feel afraid
I know you feel so alone
And I keep asking you to trust me
And you resist and resist
Push me away
I feel it all in my chest
Cardiac arrest
My heart
Begging for warmth
And rejecting
I feel like Ill break at any minute
Get in my car and just start driving
But I don’t like to be alone
And I don’t want to be here with you
I have no money
Raising you to be proper
Getting you better prepared
For the woman who finds you next
It’s just history
This allegory, big ol’  facade
It’s just the way it goes
I don’t want to be your mommy anymore
I don’t want you to act out like my daddy
I see the moments
Where you revert back
When you cry
And stomp your feet
It isn’t fair is it?
You never asked for any of this
You tell me that you’re happy
The empty bottles say otherwise
5 day binge…
tell me something honey
how do you still have legs to stand over and correct me?
From where I’m standing you’re full of words
And very little action
A little boy
Crying out for some attention
A little boy who never felt love properly
And I a little girl who feels abandoned by everyone and everything
And here we sit
Bonded by assault
Thick as thieves in jail cells
How did we get here?
Will we ever get out?
I wan to have faith in you
I want to believe you
But I know better
I know you lie to me
Because I lie to you
I know you don’t trust me
I don’t trust you
I know like me
You’re waiting for the day to come
When we recognize
We hurt more than we fly
That we are holding one another down and back
And I write this and it hurts because it’s a huge fucking lie
I know you’d bleed for me
I know you would do everything in your power to show me
But that also isn’t fully true
What is this, karma?
What did I agree to
Soul contracts?
It’s all beginning to feel like
A joke
The version of me that is just angry
Angry at my decisions
Angry at my complacency
Angry for my lack of trying
Year to year…I feel myself soften
Try to give the benefit of the doubt
And if the epitome of unconditional love is
The knowing that I am supported
Then I know I will be forgiven
I know I will be set free
Not supposed to complain
Not supposed to anger
Not supposed to be improper
It can all be sacred
It can all be holy
And so is the devil…
So why do you run away little boy?
What is going on inside of your mind?
What slight have I made against you this time?
Maybe one day you’ll realize
I see through it all
Those chinks in your armor grow wider and wider
And you’ve all but rusted and fallen apart
Yet you remain a titan in your mind
The mouse yelling at the elephant
I’m convinced I’m just a ghost
Listlessly wandering through these halls
Haunting you until you lose your mind
Ignore my calls
It’s just the wind howling again
It’s just your eyes playing tricks again
When you see my shadow out of the corners of your eyes
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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‘Useless Magic’ by Florence Welch
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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ithinkimjustaghost · 1 year
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Supercharger Photograph: Will Eades
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