itjazzbicch · 1 month
La Vida Loca
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Pairing:  Miguel Caballero Rojo x Fem Reader 
This is my first time writing for Miguel, so I hope I did well! 
Summary: After randomly disappearing from home to avenge his sisters' death, Miguel suddenly comes back home after a year, surprising his long-time love interest—and not in a good way. This makes the reader's life take a crazy twist.
Warnings:  Swearing, some angst, SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) (Oral F receiving, foreplay)
Word Count: 3.3k 
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After the latest Iron Fist Tournament, things in the world seemed to be changing for the better. My hometown was being restored to its original beauty, and everything just seemed better, down to the tiniest detail, like the way the sun shined during the day.
With the days becoming brighter, I decided to go out for a night as my friends practically begged me, which I didn't have a problem giving in.
We always knew how to have a good time. We ate food, drank drinks, listened to music, and did a little dancing together. There wasn't a single second when I didn't have a smile on my face. I was at the bar trying to order another drink when I noticed a guy eyeing me with a smirk.
I couldn't deny that he was pretty handsome, and I was feeling good, so I gave him a little smirk of my own, and that was enough to make him come over to me.
His eyes trailed me up and down on his way over, and I felt a little excitement, curious as to how he'd introduce himself. But for some reason, it got awkwardly quiet in there, and his eyes weren't on me but above me, which made me tilt my head out of confusion, just for my eyes to go wide when I heard behind me:
"You have a death wish, talking to my girl?"
I thought my heart was going to stop, unable to speak, when I turned to see Miguel behind me, and he was clearly pissed off to see me in a bar next to a guy.
Miguel and I had been off and on since we were young, hopelessly romantic teenagers. Our relationship was complicated and only got worse after the tragic loss of his sister. He left home, and I knew it was because he wanted to avenge his sister, which I understood, but his disappearance hurt my heart deeply.
Now, he was here, showing up unannounced, and it made so many emotions rise inside of me, especially when he called me his girl like that.
I was too stunned even to move or speak. Everyone knew Miguel and knew he wasn't to be messed with, so that guy who tried to talk to me immediately ran off, my eyes darting over to my friends as they were all watching, surprised as Miguel wrapped his arm around my waist, mumbling under his breath while watching that guy leave:
"That's exactly what I thought..."
I couldn't believe him right now, barging in like this and not even telling me he was home. He was just randomly coming up to me like nothing ever happened, like he didn't leave for a year without a proper explanation or even saying goodbye.
"What's the matter, Bonita?"
He must've lost his mind. He used his typical smooth tone on me, trying to pull me closer by the waist like he didn't just cause a mini scene.
I couldn't take it, pushing him away and storming out of the bar, leaving the place silent. Of course, it wasn't going to be that easy to make him go away, hearing him calling out. "Y/N! Bonita!"
Stopping in my tracks, I only grew angrier from his pet name, whipping around to face him and finally letting him have it as I snapped:
"Don't you dare, 'Bonita,' me! No hello, no trying to get my attention at all? Just burst onto the scene with your famous temper, ayi?"
"Hey, he had it coming to him..." He huffed, stepping up to me, and it was clear that he didn't want to say it as he always struggled to communicate his true feelings with words, speaking in a lower voice, "I know I've been gone, but-"
"But nothing!" I shut him down instantly, feeling tears swell in my eyes as I tried to get my feelings through his thick skull. "Do you know how badly I missed you? How worried I was that you just might not come back home? Do you even realize how badly you hurt my heart, Miguel?!"
For a change, he was dead silent, and I could see that he was fighting his emotions even though his face was stoic. I wiped my eyes as I refused to let him see me cry, turning back around and saying softly as I walked off.
"I know life hasn't been the best to you, but that doesn't mean you get to mess with my heart in the process..."
My heart could barely take the sight of him, let alone an argument. It was all too much for me to handle, so I went home and tried to cool myself down on the way. When I finally made it home, my friends called to ask if I was okay and about Miguel.
It wasn't a long talk because they knew I wasn't ready for that drama right now, and they actually managed to persuade me to come back out because we had fun before Miguel showed up. So, I put my head back on straight, solely focusing on having a good night, but fate had different plans for me when I opened my front door to find Miguel, roses in hand, and for once, he looked remorseful for a change.
"Y/N... please, just give me a chance to explain myself."
All at once, all of my emotions came back, and as I noticed the look on his face and the fresh and gorgeous roses in his hand, my heart wouldn't let me forget that despite everything, I loved him.
"Fine..." I sighed, giving in but firm in my tone as I warned, "This is your one chance."
"I know what I did hurt you. My grief quickly turned into anger because, you know, my sister was the only person in my family who cared about me..." He began, opening up a lot more than I expected and it wasn't just bull or excuses, he was meaningful with his every word, "I will avenge her death, but I also know now that I can't just forget about the only person I do have left in this world..."
Holding out the roses to me, I knew that the only person he was talking about was me, and no matter what happened in the past, I couldn't push him away, my hand slowly coming to take the rose, but asking him in a shaky yet hopeful tone:
"No more games, Miguel?"
"Never again..." he assured me with a whisper, perfectly in sync with me as I took the rose, giving him this last chance. His arm wrapped around my hip, pulling me to his chest to hug me.
His hug was as warm and comforting as ever. I always loved his hugs, but this was different. I could hear how quickly his heart was beating and the relieved sigh that he tried to hide when he squeezed me softly and buried his head in the crook of my neck.
He was scared that I wouldn't forgive him, and those signs let me know that he was more serious than ever and meant every word.
We stood there for a long moment, hugging each other like we'd never get to again, till he picked up his head, his fingertip brushing along my jaw and to my chin, tilting my head up and whispering:
"Look at me..."
Gazing up into his brown eyes, I felt my heart fluttering then racing like crazy, my heart swelling as I heard the most important words he's ever said to me:
"Te amo con todo mi corazón..."
[I love you with all my heart.]
When I heard those words, my heart immediately took over my whole body. My arms shot up around his neck, tilting my head and bringing him down to me. Our lips met in a soft yet fiery kiss.
It wasn't our first kiss, but it felt like it all over again with the way he kissed me back so tenderly; then so much passion poured in, making it deeper, and neither one of us could fight the desires that our hearts were telling us to give into, carefully backing into my house and bringing him along with me.
We didn't dare break our kiss for even a second. It only grew hotter as he shut the door, then picked me up by the thighs, impatient as always, and went into the living room, still familiar with it. He sat me down on the couch, placing my roses on the table, and then started to take off his shirt, breaking our kiss a little just to tease him.
"The couch, Miguel?'
"You act like it's the first time," He chuckled back, making me shake my head because I should've expected him to say such a thing.
I knew there was no slowing down in this, so my shirt was up and gone, not wearing a bra underneath, which quickly silenced him; his eyes stuck on my chest, and I gasped when he suddenly hit me with such a hot kiss, wasting no time to place them down my neck, earning moans with the way he could effortlessly fire up my nerves, gently nipping his way down to my breasts.
He was my first and my last, knew me far too well, and had me melting against the couch with how delicious his every kiss was along my breasts, shivering with pleasure as his tongue swirled around my nipple, sucking and nipping gently while his hands were massaging down my sides, coming around to unbutton my jean shorts, slipping them off right along with my panties and when he came back to me, his lips left a wet trail of kisses down my stomach, slowly spreading my legs apart and gazing up at me with his eyes forming into a darker brown.
I was already shaking just from the way he turned his head and began to pepper my thigh with kisses, all the way down to my inner thigh and sucking a little just because he knew how that drove me crazy, switching sides and doing the same to my other thigh, but slower, making me plead quietly in a moan:
"Don't be like that, baby..."
"You know how long I've been waiting to get my hands on you?" He whispered in a low, sultry tone, smirking up at me while kissing my inner thigh, but began to give me what I wanted, moving inward, and his tone filled with hunger as tongue rolled against my clit, "I'm taking my time with you..."
I almost forgot how much I loved that feeling, trembling slightly as I gasped, trying to breathe just for it all to get stuck in my chest as his lips closed around that sensitive bundle of nerves, my back arching off the couch as he sucked harder and longer.
I knew it had been a while, but I never expected this buried neediness and desperation to come out of me like this, my hand tangling into his brown locks as his tongue trailed up and down through my folds, his deep hum jolting straight through my core.
He meant it when he said he was going to take his time; my legs aching and felt like forever that they were up towards the ceiling, unable to help the way my hips were jerking from the restless stimulation, strangled whines coming up my throat when he hooked my legs over his shoulders, keeping me pinned and groaning while burying his face between my thighs, a feral look in his eyes when they fixed on every expression I made.
"mmm...b-baby, f-fu..."
I felt senseless, starting to ascend to a high cloud that only he could get me to, my nails grazing his scalp as my hips were fighting his firm grip, spiraling from the way my clit throbbed against his nose while desperately grinding and rolling my hips against his face, gasping out his name over and over as he somehow made it all even more intense with this carnality that had me clenching around nothing, gushing out into his quiet moan:
"Dios mio, mi amor..."
[My god, my love...]
All I could do was whine while he continued to devour me, licking up every drop, and even though I was a panting mess, the way he looked up at me with love and affection had me craving more. Crave couldn't even describe it. I needed him, my voice shaking as I whispered down to him.
"I need you s-sooo badly, baby...m-more..."
"You're going to get more, Bonita," He promised, picking up his head and smirking at the glistening skin between my legs, rising to his feet and still tending to me by slipping two fingers into my clenching cunt, slowly pumping and stretching me some while his free hand was tugging his pants down.
I could never get enough of the way he looked so irresistible, towering over me with that temple of a body he owned proudly, watching his pants and briefs fall, my mouth watering at how his size blew my mind like always, whimpering at the slow pump of his hand and reminding him because I knew how he could be during the heat of the moment:
"Just please be gentle...it's been a long time..."
"I know, amor..." He nodded gently, stroking himself and pulling his hand back, admiring the sight of me being so needy for him, stepping closer and fixing my legs a bit further apart as his tip met my tight hole, gently pushing inward and stretching me wide, promising, "I have you..."
Leaning down to me, our foreheads met, and we shared a soft gasp, his eyes fixed between my legs, slowly rolling his hips and being mindful of how much he was feeding me, mumbling under his breath, "Fuck, I've missed you around me like this..."
"I missed it too..." I moaned out, my arms hooking under his and my fingertips digging into his back as I was still so sensitive and even with the sensual pace, it felt like so much, and when he pressed a little deeper, all I noticed was how sinfully wet I was, blushing and turning my head with a whine as his lips came to my ear, almost able to hear how much he was smirking as he teased:
"You cum already, Bonita?"
"S-So..?" I stuttered out, already hot from all of the body contact and intense pleasure, now I was all flustered from his teasing, hiding my face in his chest and my jaw falling when I felt his chain against my cheek; it was so cold, making me tense up a little just for my jaw to clench up with a sharp whine as our hips met.
My legs instantly latched around his waist, my whines growing louder as I felt him brush far past my sweet spot, gently guiding my back to the couch and crawling on top of me, the back of his hand brushing my hair away from my face, kissing my cheek and his words in sequence with the thrusts of his hips:
"It's okay...I plan to make you do it again...again...and again."
I didn't doubt his words in the slightest, knowing he could go for a long time, and since it'd been long, long months since we last saw one another...
My head snapped back onto the couch, and my vision blurred. But as they passed the view out of the window, I could just tell from the darkness and the soft sound of crickets that it was dead in the night.
He was still on top of me, one of my legs hooked over his shoulder, all my moans and senseless, praising babbles never-ending, feeling my wet heat down my thighs and ass from the back-to-back to back orgasms, had lost count but knew he was driving me to another one with the way my walls clenched and pulled him in deeper, hearing him panting above me, briefly catching how he was biting his lip, grunting down to me:
"O-One more, amor...one more time for me, Bonita."
He was practically pounding my cervix, my back arching yet again, and my hands sweating as they clamped to the back of his neck, his cock throbbing from the friction of my tight, pulsating walls but holding off to get me into the most intense high I've ever felt,
"Right...there...c'mon..." His teeth gritted, panting heavily while his hips smacked into mine with a sapid fervor, fixing my legs back around his waist in a quick motion, his arms wrapping around me as he felt just how much I was trembling, beginning to squirm till his arms tightened, my hands starting to slip down, nails grazing and scratching up his back as the sound of wet thrusts echoed louder, my voice cracking and breaking up into tearful moan:
"M-Miguel! Mmm...ngh! Ngh!"
My body started convulsing even with his tight grip on me, hearing the couch creaking under the weight of our bodies, struggling to breathe from how hard I was gushing around his cock, his body weight sinking us deeper into the couch. At the same time, his hips continued to move feverishly, a groan rumbling and breaking out from his chest:
"Don't stop..." I quickly whined in response, a sudden urge taking over me and my arm wrapping around his head, bringing his lips to mine. Our kiss was nothing but tongue as we were still moaning and whining at how his every move made me feel a slight bulge in my stomach, my head suddenly dropping back again because of the aftershocks mixing with his hot seed filling me to the brim, and the feeling being so intense that my head was spinning. All I could see were stars shooting across my eyelids.
"M-Mierda..." He whispered shakily in my ear, burying his face in the crook of my neck as he came to a slow stop, our hips pinned together, and feeling him smirking against my skin, pulling a few whimpers out of me with a few neck kisses, "Eres asombrosa...Te amo, mi cariña."
[Shit...You're amazing. I love you, my darling.]
"Mmm..." I hummed, smiling when I felt his nose come and brush against mine, kissing him softly and purring back, "Te amo más..."
[I love you more...]
"No..." He chuckled back, playing around a little. He nuzzled his nose against my neck where I was ticklish, making me giggle and trying to get away by shrinking to my shoulder. I looked to see how much he was smiling and adoring my reaction, saying more seriously and wholeheartedly as he brought his forehead back to mine, "Eres todo para mí."
[You mean everything to me.]
Those words hit me so deeply, knowing all the things we'd been through were worth it because there was no one in this world I could ever love as I loved him. I knew he very much felt the same about me, hugging him tightly like I was pouring all my love into him, my smile softer when I found his deep brown eyes, kissing one last time:
"Y tu eres mi mundo, Miguel..."
[And you are my world, Miguel...] 
2024 © itjazzbicch—Do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome. 
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itjazzbicch · 2 months
I’m having a blast with these!❤️
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Tagging: @peachy-satan00
erm i have a new hobby and its called ‘wasting my time and do picrews’ so uhh, this is me (kinda) and uhm… how do you do tag games? BAHAHAH
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find the link here >_<
🏷️: @rxddxvotion + @kentophilia + @slvttyplum + @kizoken + @ohsuguru + @chromimis + @nantoji + @ioveartfilm + @13curses + @demovamp + @ioveartfilm + @dolcettamagica + anyone!!
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itjazzbicch · 2 months
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Tagging: @peachy-satan00
This was lots of fun!
Starting new picrew bc I find this one super cute and pretty so lets go! LINK
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No pressure tag @wyvernslovecake @bby-deerling @nina-ya @ringdabel @im-stuck-in-fandom-hell and everyone who wants to join! 💛
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itjazzbicch · 2 months
A New Dream
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Pairing:  Claudio Serafino x Mishima!Devil!Reader 
Summary: A Continuation of - A Sun Is Born
Facing off against True Devil Kazuya in the Colosseum after the Iron Fist Tournament, the reader struggles in battle against their father, beaten and weakened by his newfound strength. But when the reader's new dream is in jeopardy, they do what it takes to protect it.
Warnings:  Some fighting, the reader goes full devil mode, but that's about it!
Quick Note: I am so sorry for not writing so much until now this year! But I'm starting to regain my mojo, and I hope you all enjoy this!
Word Count: 1.4k 
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"You're a disappointment..."
Facing off against my father alongside Claudio, Victor, and some other fighters, just to be swatted at like flies, made me feel that my father's words may have been true.
It was already bad enough that he took Azazel's power from Zafina so quickly, and now, his proper devil form?
He was a force to be reckoned with, and I learned that firsthand, beaten and my face in the dirt of the Colosseum.
Tears swelled up in my eyes, full of pain and rage. I wanted to get up and keep fighting, but my body wouldn't let me pick myself up.
Those emotions had me so zoned out for a moment that I didn't realize what was going on until a blue ring suddenly appeared in the sky surrounding my father, and Claudio's voice filled me with hope like it always did.
"The restriction field is already in place!"
His abilities never ceased to amaze me. I looked downward to see him fully prepared to take down my father since he was still pinned.
"What is this now?"
The restriction field had my father chained, and my eyes widened with awe as I saw Claudio's eye change, the mark of Sirius Exorcists appearing on the side of his face, saying firmly as his blue aura began to form an arrow:
"Sink into the eternal darkness, joined only by the stain of your sins!"
The spear of Kephalos was a sight to behold, and I was positive that this was all over as Claudio called out while shooting the spear:
"Begone, evil star!"
In just a matter of moments, all my hope was shattered. I knew my father was strong, but I never expected him to break free from the chains and dodge the spear.
I needed to get up, but the fight against my father had taken such a tremendous toll on me. I kept pushing so hard to get up, but my body failed me by being so tense, all my limbs shaking as I was on all fours.
My heart had never pounded so hard as it did then; looking to see Claudio falling to his knees, summoning that spear must've taken a great deal of energy, my father's voice putting genuine fear into my heart:
"Pretty clever for a mere human."
His dark purple aura started circling into his chest; his target was Claudio.
It felt like time froze as Claudio seemed to have accepted this fate, but it was something I refused to accept. He was the light of my life, my new dream, and I wasn't letting anyone or anything take that away from me.
"Begone!" My father yelled at me, sending a fatal blast towards Claudio, catching everyone off guard when suddenly, a loud and piercing roar flew out of me.
I never liked it when such a thing happened, but my devil completely took over me, flying in front of Claudio, the laser between my eyes shooting out and clashing with my father's blast, yelling out of pure hatred towards him:
"You've made my life nothing but hell! I won't let you take the one good thing I have away from me!"
I'd never felt so numb before, and for a change, my devil consuming me had some good to it, as the power that came with my rage was enough to rival my father's.
Letting out another roar, my laser blasted straight through him, and at the same time, Claudio had my back as he always did, redirecting the spear, and it pierced my father's shoulder.
The effects of the spear must not have hit him yet, my father yelling down at me:
"You wouldn't have such a power without my blood, and you decide to throw it away over those pathetic humans!"
"The only one who is pathetic is you!" I screamed back, my laser powering up simultaneously, ready to land an even more devastating blow, but he noticed his wound, knowing it was time to retreat.
I tried to fire it off before he could fly away, but given my state and the fact that my mind was all over the place, I didn't hit him directly.
That only made me angrier, continuing to fire off my laser over and over, screaming out:
"Get back here, you bastard!"
My devil's power was more vital than ever. My whole body was so tense that it felt like I could implode from the inside out, and all I could think about was defeating my father till a familiar touch made all those bad things come to a halt, my mind clearing at the sweet tone that I adored:
My beaming red eyes found Claudio, my heart stopping momentarily as he did something I'd never imagined anyone doing. Holding my wrist, he brought me into his arms, keeping me in a warm embrace.
I always thought this form was hideous, with its wings, horns, fangs, and piercing red eyes. I was nothing short of horror in my eyes but in his eyes? I was still the same old me.
My heart was beating in my head as he held me, and a wave of calmness crashed down over me. I felt my body truly weakened as my wings and horns retracted, starting to go back to normal.
At the same time, I clung onto his shirt, my knees shaking from being so weak, my eyes rolling to the back of my head, but I could sense how he was guiding me downward in his arms, whispering to me:
"I have you, amore. Relax, please..."
Finally, it felt like I could breathe again, taking slow, deep breaths and opening my eyes after a moment, seeing his relieved smile as they were back to their usual color, swelling up with tears as I tried to chuckle those tears away:
"An exorcist fighting alongside a devil...who would've seen that coming, heh..."
"You're no devil..." His eyes showed that he didn't expect me to do what I had done to such an extent, but he was grateful. His eyes glossed over as he caressed my cheek gently, whispering, "Thank you for saving my life..."
"There's no need to thank me," I assured him. It was hard to move, but I picked my arm up to take his hand, holding it as tightly as I could. Tears fell on my cheeks, and my voice cracked a little from the deep meaning in my words: "I was simply protecting my d-dream..."
"Your dream?"
I could tell that he was only looking for reassurance, knowing what I meant already as his eyes teared up more, my following words making one leak out:
"You're my dream, Claudio..."
Squeezing my hand tightly, he wrapped his free arm around me, bringing me to his chest. All the strong emotions took over me again. I clung to him as my arm wrapped around his neck, holding him as if I'd never get another chance to do so, all the tears that I tried to hold back streaming down my face.
"Nothing will ever ruin your dream," he whispered in my ear, fixing his head against mine to look into my eyes. He showed how he felt the same by rephrasing, "Our dream..."
"Nothing." I nodded gently, staring deeply into his heavenly blue eyes, feeling how my heart moved by something as simple as looking into someone's eyes.
He was the happiness that I had always dreamed of, and I didn't plan on ever letting that go, closing my eyes and pressed my lips against his softly, holding for as long as I could till I was breathless and didn't have the energy to keep my head up.
Since all our emotions were flowing out of us, I decided to tell him what my heart was telling me, showing that I even picked up on some Italian, barely able to keep my eyes open but solely fixed on his gaze:
"Ti amo, angelo mio..."
[I love you, my angel...]
The fight I had prior, along with my devil taking control of me, had drained me to my limit, but there was a smile on my face when I felt Claudio squeeze me once he heard my words; his warmth mixed with my exhaustion had me passing out.
That was fine by me. I knew that I was safe in his arms, and I got to fall asleep to his beautiful, sweet, and soft coo:
"Anch'io ti amo... davvero tanto."
[I love you too... so much.] 
2024 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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itjazzbicch · 4 months
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completely fine
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itjazzbicch · 4 months
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itjazzbicch · 4 months
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FINISH THE STORY 2014 → 2024
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itjazzbicch · 4 months
I just realized Seth sacrifice for himself for Cody
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itjazzbicch · 4 months
You know they couldn't ask Mox to come back for this cause there's no CHANCE he'd turn his back on Roman
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itjazzbicch · 4 months
Awww the guys out the ring!! 🥹
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itjazzbicch · 4 months
We got a second round of Toretto vs Hobbs 😂
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itjazzbicch · 4 months
I fucking love you, Roman Reigns. Thank you so much!
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itjazzbicch · 4 months
I wanna sue for emotional distress.
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itjazzbicch · 4 months
Holy shit that was an emotional roller coaster right there…Hats off to Cody.
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itjazzbicch · 4 months
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itjazzbicch · 4 months
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itjazzbicch · 4 months
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