I never noticed that when you’re orbiting a planet, the planet will rotate
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Have finally created a jedi consular character that I like enough to play through the entire story. That being said I know absolutely nothing about this storyline. I’m actually kind of excited not knowing anything about the companions or when I’ll get them.
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Palpatine’s Journey
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Redownloaded swtor…again 😭
I’m glad that they made some old quests playable again. The one on Korriban with Seh-run was probably the one I missed the most.
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Showing off this one in the next Dark Council meeting for sure
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Nan and I were all yeahh let’s totally art jam again and draw cool pics, sith abuse, awesome theme!! But I’ve grown to accept that I’ll never finish this thing, so here’s the sketch B^)
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okay here's a survey question just for fun
feel free to write in about your original characters :)
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i need everyone to watch how swtor animates lightsaber twirls in painful slow-mo. share my agony.
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Khel and Quinn 🖤
commission for @kemendin
commissions available here
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Nothing will ever, EVER convince me the Empire (the resurgent Sith Empire, for clarification purposes, in case you don’t know that I basically only write SWTOR-era stuff) does not have a vibrant, fascinating, normal society.
Like I get it, ooh all the Sith are spooky and angry and meaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.  No.  That’s ridiculous.  This is a society that tells you to thrive on your emotions.  Hate to break it to Star Wars’ severely limited black/white dichotomy, but there are more emotions than hate and anger.  The idea that Sith don’t love is ridiculous.  The idea that people in the military do nothing but go pew pew and never get married and never have children is ridiculous.  The idea that Sith would all want to murder each other and their children if they have any but they wouldn’t because they hate love and hate relationships and hate hate hate hate rawwwwwwwwwwwwwr is ridiculous.
Give me a Sith Lord who’s worked in the Sphere of Biotic Science his entire career, whose yard and garden is the envy of his entire block.  Give me one from the Sphere of Technology who can fix any gadget anyone brings to him because he’s been a tinkerer his entire life.  “Oh, your speeder’s making some weird noise?  Take it to Lord Artran, he’s fixed mine for years and we just swap favors.”  Give me a super-nice neighborhood, one of those that feel like no one lives there, run by the galaxy’s most uptight HOA until a few Sith get sick of the stupid inspections and dumb fines and stage a takeover of the board of directors.
Give me a grizzled retired sergeant who lives next door to a grizzled retired major.  They watch all the smashball games at the sergeant’s house, drinking beers and eating MREs because of course they have stashes of MREs.  Give me platoon get-togethers at the cantina right outside the main gate because Captain Cratol’s band is playing this Felday and he said if everyone shows up drinks are on him.  Give me the still-wet-behind-the-ears privates checking in, totally lost on this massive base, sent off to find ID10T cards and grid squares by their new corporals because everyone gets sent to find ID10T cards and grid squares it’s just how things go.
Give me nights out at the opera and the theater and the symphony, with high ranking Sith in their nice boxes and the rest of the seating available to anyone who wants tickets, including discounted tickets offered to military personnel, especially those who are at their first duty station and got lucky enough to get Dromund Kaas, because culture is important.  Not just military culture, not just the history of the Sith, but the art and music and performances being created now, because the Sith know that their history is full of being wiped out and they’ve learned from their history and know to enjoy what’s here to the fullest, because it might not be around in a few hundred years.
Give me Sith who eschew having droids do everything, who go down to the shopping districts themselves, looking through the produce and the crafts and the new clothing styles.  Who bring home flowers to decorate their table and their windowsills.  Give me Sith in the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, whose walls are covered in shelving for translated tomes, history books, the newest offering by Darth Nox detailing the history of the Voss and how it differs from the historical account given by the Republic.
Give me date nights and outings to the shooting ranges and shopping for furniture.  Give me trying to find a swimsuit for a vacation, shopping for a new speeder, antiquing.  Give me people having smugglers ship in things like snacks and the latest album from Knights of Corellia and silly things like that.  Give me holidays and “shit is it our turn to host your mother you know she can’t stand me” and block parties.  Give me Sith parents teaching their children instead of sending them to the Academy Preparatory School, a sorcerer and a juggernaut having good-natured debates over which is more important to learn.  Give me military parents watching their child graduate from basic training, one military and one civilian maintaining their relationship through the turbulence that is military life, one Force-sensitive and one non Force-sensitive dealing with disappointed Sith parents and apprehensive non-Sith parents.
Give me actual mourning over what happened to Ziost.  Give me a commissioned memorial, a speech by the Council, a day set aside as the official Day of Mourning, where the the entire Empire just stops and remembers, because there isn’t anyone that wasn’t touched by the destruction of Ziost.  Give me people coming together to help the refugees that did make it off the planet before it was destroyed.  Give me the reactions by all of these Force sensitive people to ruination on such a great scale.
Give me a thriving, interesting society … not one-note caricatures.
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okay let's do this
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Vector would have made an excellent priest
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I know there’s a piece going around identifying what D&D class various SWTOR companions would be. I think Vector would clearly be a priest / monk. He always knows when someone is about to die and seems well-suited to delivering last rites. His manner of speaking is somehow… comforting.
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just saw someone say that “kylo ren is the only good looking person on the dark side” does asajj ventress mean NOTHING to you
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IDK there is just something about agents and trench coats that just works so well
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it’s still kinda disappointing that throughout all the game/chapters/patches we’ve never seen some Zakuulans just loosing their shit because of some casual galactic stuff
i mean, you get me, right? they’ve been isolated for centuries and probably have never encountered with aliens/different cultures before Valkorion died. It’s like living in a one small city your whole life without even having an idea of the rest of the world
just take you pick:
Koth literally having a list of the craziest, most weird meals in a galaxy (that even most people of those regions won’t risk touching with a stick) he wants to try. And it’s not like he even likes most of them, but just because it’s weird and fun and omg are those some kind of fried insects’ wings? Give me a pack! Oh, this thing is still alive and probably will try to crawl out of your stomach? I’M ON BITCH. Also he has a whole collections of mini models of Imperial/Republic starships because, yeah, ok, maybe they are less effective and advanced compared to Ethernet Fleet but holy shit the LOOKS!!
some random zakuulans deciding to take a vacation somewhere in the “outlandish” part of the galaxy, and choosing to go to fucking HOTH of all planets. Because like… a planet… THAT IS FULL OF SNOW? AND ICE?? AND NOTHING ELSE?? why would they be interested in megapolises, they already live in one of the most advanced planets in the galaxy? But ilum? tatooine? that’s some unusual shit to go!
SAME zakuulans traveling to more technological worlds and seeing like hutts or ortolans or ugnaughts or smth and be like… is this an animal? it it even sentient?? ho– WAIT IT TALKS?? HOW THE HELL DOES IT TALKS???? no one knows!
Vaylin scrolling through holonet and purely by accident sees some… really weird plant. like defiantly something alien… but it’s pretty and colorful and has a flower in there and she has never seen anything like it and she really REALLY WANTS– anyway Arcann ends up getting her a star wars equivalent of cactus… whatever floats her boat i suppose? The more time goes on and she has a whole damn orangery filled with most exotic flowers/trees/plants of the galaxy. Some of them bites but uhh… Who cares?
knights reading jedi/sith code at larfing at those morons cuz lmao they willingly follow the code that forbids them from falling in love, getting married or having a family?? Pfft, jedi, not only you have zero bitches, you have no understanding of basic social human needs lmao??? Also, how is it absolutely legal to kill your own apprentices if you’re a sith?? Wtf???? That’s not even surprise they’re loosing every war possible, they’re better in exterminating each other than their own fucking enemies!
Senya just randomly asking outlander about other species like:
Senya*points at some alien* is this a human?
Outlander: No, that’s Chiss, they’re humanoid bu-
Senya*points at another*: it that a human?
Outlander: No it’s just a Mirialan, half-lizards
Senya: ok that! *points at miraluka* that IS a human right??
Outlander: no.
Senya: Alright, is there a reason they all look exactly like humans almost drowned in gouache paint? Were they somehow created from human genes? Or did they evolve from us somehow?
Outlander: you ask me??….. I mean… twi’leks were artificially made by Rakata and uh… technically pureblood sith aren’t actually pureblood they… uh… they’re all half-breed because of humans- I d-… I don’t know??? 
Senya: (ಠ_ಠ)
you know… that would probably go another way as well
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Here's a throwback for ya'll
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