its-corgiboii · 1 month
resident evil village popipo
link to kofi
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its-corgiboii · 4 months
Saving this for me 🙏
GE!Tommy’s identity issues. and how they’ve been resolved (kind of)
Readers of guided evolution have watched the trials of a superhero life take a massive toll on tommy and his sense of identity. 
First is the obvious: as a superhero, he has to separate his superhero identity from his ‘normal’ identity. This is both to protect himself and the people in his life from the people he fight’s as a superhero. This sort of split in identity takes a toll on even the most resilient superhero figures; like superman. it’s common for superhero stories to explore the limits an alter identity puts on someone, on how it limits the way they can interact with the people around them and express themself. Tommy can no longer tell Wilbur what’s wrong, he can no longer tell his best friends everything he’s done over the weekend. this puts a strain on many of his relationships, and so tommy loses some of the sense of self he has related to interpersonal relationships. E.g. much of how he described himself in the beginning related to his closeness with Wilbur, which as time progresses he is no longer able to do due to the secrets he’s keeping from him.
Gaining powers also means he suddenly has to pay much more attention to everything he does, not only to keep his identity a secret but because he suddenly has the ability to seriously hurt people if he’s not careful. He can no longer just be, for fear of accidentally hurting someone. Constant awareness of oneself is never a good thing, and in Tommy’s case means it’s very hard to miss the differences between how he acting before the bite and how he acted after. 
There’s also the matter of WHO he was before the bite. Tommy views the night he got his powers as a sort of centrepoint of his life, and repeatedly and consistently compares his life after he got his powers with his life before he got his powers. Before the bite, his life was relatively free of strife. Now, suddenly, everything is spiralling out of control, he’s gained multiple trauma cards in a short period of time, and his mental health is down the drain due to the toll simply existing is taking out of him. Suddenly, he’s acting out in ways he NEVER would have done before, and while he started superheroing for the express purpose of helping people, he finds himself sometimes regretting the choices that led him to where he was. To Tommy, who holds himself to a perfectionist standard, the differences between himself cause him to doubt who he’s always considered himself to be, which is a good person, and the disconnect between who he remembers himself to be and the way he’s acting causes him to distance himself from who he thinks he’s become as a person now (someone who acts out in anger and resents ‘having’ to save people). The scars he’s gained from his time superheroing serve as a physical representation of his loss of identity; in his minds eye, his body is still soft and unhurt, while in reality his body is filled with reminders of the events of the past few months, and he can’t reconcile the two.
So, tommy has identity issues. it’s one of the major struggles he goes through in the later chapters.
..and then dream kidnaps him and he ACTUALLY has no sense of identity
The way his identity issues are resolved is very symbolic and ties into a lot of the points from above. (well, ‘resolved’, i say, because he still doesn’t know he’s Tommy).
As Theseus, his entire life and identity is a lie. Nothing can be trusted as real; his name, his face, and his memories are all lost to him. Tommy had despaired that as life went on, he’d lose every part of himself he viewed as integral to himself (his family, his friends, and the ability and desire to do good). Theseus already has none of these things. He has no concept of a life before he was Theseus, before he had powers, before things were messed up.
And it’s in this white room, as this blank slate, with no anchor in sight, that Theseus - that Tommy - solidifies who he is as a person.
His relationship with Wilbur, which he had once thought was struggling, is the lifeline he finds to hold himself afloat. His powers, which had once hindered him as he went through life day-to-day, are a bargaining chip he can use to protect himself and Puffy. He’s never known a body that wasn’t scarred, that didn’t have web spinners on his wrists. The snippets of life outside the bright white rooms dream has put him in are re-examined by his otherwise memory-less mind and found to be anything but lacking.
And the most important thing he learns about himself, about who he is as a person, is that despite not knowing his name, or his face, or who he was before the white rooms, despite all the pain he knows is coming his way, he IS a good person. he CARES about people. HIS PURPOSE is to protect people, and defend people, and save people.
Despite everything, he is and always will be a hero.
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its-corgiboii · 5 months
Would you ever make a side blog for all the silly cat pictures cause I don't use Twitter anymore and miss the cats 😭
no but i can post some really popular ones here along with the big doodle pages i make so u can pick and choose!
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chew on these for awhile, i just lumped a buncha them in, some r older than the others
ill crumb back with more when u guys get hungry again
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its-corgiboii · 6 months
Secret Life Fanmade Opening
Managed to scramble this together the past week for an after effects class ^^
The song I used is 12 by Kroh! Go check it out ✌️
I'll be adding some sketches, assets, and stills below for those interested 👌
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its-corgiboii · 1 year
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I think if i put into words how happy this type of image makes me I would get diagnosed with something
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its-corgiboii · 1 year
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I havent posted in 2 years :p and I suck at drawing objects now 😭😭
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its-corgiboii · 4 years
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Uhhh lightbrush stuff I guess not a favorite but still cute
✨Please don't repost but reblogs welcome✨
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its-corgiboii · 5 years
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Justin you beatiful human being thank you for bringing this into the world
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So a while back I think there was an ask mentioning Lightbulb as Sans
Thus, here’s my sin art
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Merry day!
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its-corgiboii · 5 years
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Wowie zowie this is gross
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