its-just-hinote · 6 years
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At this point in 2014, voters under the age of 30 had cast 849,876 votes. This year?
2,347,864 voters under the age of 30 have already voted, and counting.
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
Hey I’m a newer artist in need of money, I was wondering how/where you get/make prints, stickers, pins etc? Also the best site/app to use for receiving payments from commissions? (Also would setting up a patreon be a good idea?)
I have no idea dude. I’m in pretty much the same boat as you
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
This is Shelby Shoup. She is a Jewish woman who is facing battery charges for throwing drops of chocolate milk, and is being doxxed and having her and her family’s personal information exposed. Her venmo is shelby-shoup, if you can donate and help her, please do.
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[image 1: “Shelby Shoup, a Jewish woman at FSU, was arrested for throwing chocolate milk at members of the GOP-Nazi Party days after our people were slaughtered while praying. Now she’s the target of a massive antisemitic harassment campaign.
image 2: Everybody asking about the legitimacy of Shelby’s Venmo: yes it’s real, no it’s not fake. Please donate to help her cover legal fees, counseling, etc. shelby-shoup]
People are acting like she deserves this, like it’s a despicable act, but she literally threw drops of chocolate milk at them, and she’s facing battery charges. Some people say she should be charged with assault. She’s being targeted heavily by antisemitic attacks, which surpises no one. I haven’t seen anyone talk about her yet, and I really hope she is able to get through this because she does not deserve these charges or these attacks.
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[image 1: “Grand Wizard of the KKK David Duke has now gotten ahold of Shelby’s case & it’s on his timeline. He was involved in the Unite the Right rally at which Heather Heyer was killed. Shelby is now afraid for her parents safety. @floridastate plz comment. REPORT & SPREAD THIS WIDELY.
image 2: From David Duke’s Twitter, “This behavior warrants expulsion.” On a tweet about Shelby.]
David Duke knows about Shelby. The Grand Wizard of the KKK knows about this vulnerable Jewish woman. Please donate and help her if you can, she is fearing for her family’s safety and it’s very, very common for jewish people to be attacked and have people look the other way.
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
u ever say u dont remember the bonding moment just to flex on ur rival
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
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Some jacket swapping!
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
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happy halloween!!! take my hc!
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
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Garrison cadets
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
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>>Click on the image<<
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
Just finished this and I kind of had the klance fandom in mind while making it. 
No matter what happens to these two in S8, these two have already made a major impact, they have created a huge following and nothing can ever change that, not even Dreamworks. 
Canon or not by the end of the show, these two have become the most popular ship within the Voltron fandom, and even media as a whole. It’s impossible to come into this show and not run into some form of Klance. They are powerful and they will stay that way no matter what. 
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
did you know
It’s very possible to ship something without putting down others?
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
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n w th@ stupid meme outta the way
i can go back 2 workin on comms
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
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Lancey Lance as a galra boy + some klance lol
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
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🌈🌈🌈 – (twitter) – (insta)
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
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Happy birthday to the best blue boy 💙💙💙💙💙
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
I got disowned...
You may have seen on my blog, but I made a post saying I got disowned. I would rather not get into the details of it, but being disowned by my abusive mother brings some good but mostly bad to my life now. She has decided to officially disown me after doing it six times (most reasons: because I’m gay)
I have no funds, she’s refused to help sign off on the leasing agreement to the new place I’m supposed to move into next week, and she’s completely taken her name off the power bills for said place, meaning I now have to pay to turn the power back on.
My biggest concern at this moment is my rabbit. Her name’s Olaf, and she’s a blind, sassy, bundle of joy. I take care of her every day, and before my mother cut me off she had been taking money from my paychecks that she claimed was going to “savings” but I still have not seen any of it. This is money that would be used to get Olaf a new cage because the one we have right now just won’t work for how big she’s gotten. I know now I’m not going to be getting that money back.
I have an amazon wishlist with everything on it needed to hand make her new cage, as well as a paypal and ko-fi links to help me get by financially right now.
If you’re unable to donate, I completely understand, and I don’t want anyone to feel guilty if they can’t! If you could just please reblog this post instead so it catches some attention, I would appreciate that SO much. 
Thank you so much,
 Grace floofykeith and Olaf the rabbit
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
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Some redraws cuz I have no original ideas
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its-just-hinote · 6 years
hey so im hispanic and once i wore a blue turtleneck under a big yellow-almost-brown big jacket and that combo effectively got me a date+kiss from a girl i'd never met before SO ur theory on blue turtleneck lance making everyone gay? tried and tested: canon
Blue turtlenecks are a gays only Outfit, but the vld crew was too cowardly to give lance that much power
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