The reason
Okay the reason it's so hard to keep intimate relationships going after you've stoped being intimate is because that SO has SEEN you In your most vaurnable and chosen not to be with you and that is such a burn
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So why exactly is it important to take things slow? Is it actually that important? Think of all the long relationships you've had, did you start the relationship with sex?? Probs not!! Wether you're just friends or you've had a relationship there's no way it started out with sex but is that the man's problem or the woman's? Idk
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Movie idea
A baseball ump trying to make it big! It's a comedy where the movie is identical to those intense sport movies about athletes giving it their all and succeeding BUT with an ump that has talent and heart
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OK so when you think about Kim and Kanye's love you like don't think of it as being real but like in reality it's superficial but like it's real because they both love what the other one brings the table like to help their status and so like that's available about them but like it's a different kind of love and like actually being in love with the person but like in their mind they're in love do you want done
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28 is such a huge year for people. Like you're either at least starting a serious relationship or staying single. You're either starting to really make careers moves or deciding to stay boolin
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put locker is so offensive
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friend personalities
your role in different friend groups is completely different, like the personalities of your friends in the friend group affect your role in the friend group 
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Who brings out the chill in whom??? there is always a more chill friend that sets the standard of how passive the friendship will be 
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Do y’all remember the time i smoked one marijuana cigarette and then was able to eat an entire god damn meatball Stromboli? yea me 2
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It’s so wild how some kids are EXACT replicas of their parents and some are complete opposites.  
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The office=better parks and rec
Roy=Andy From parks and rec
Andy and kelly From the office=Tom
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nobody watch this
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Okay so we get that America was founded to escape religious oppression and there is a “separation of church and state” but the government is SO influenced by religion, specifically christianity. Like take abortion for example. The only argument for pro life is religious. Like there is science behind the fact that children arn’t real humans until the second or third trimester so aborting a child is NOT murder in a scientific regard. BUT the bible is adamant  that life begins right at conception and thus, anyone that practices a religion that follows the bible/torah believe that that’s when life begins, and thus first trimester abortion is a sin. 
PLUS; take gender for example.  Native americans (and numerous other cultures) recognized 5 genders but the bible recognizes too so trans people are SO inexplicable and scorned by religious people 
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Okay being a pre-teen is so hard because you’re in the transition period between bing a weird ass kid and a real adult (like kids are weird little motherfuckers). Like pre-teen is the age where being weird as fuck is no longer cute/okay so the negative reinforcement you receive from adults when you’re being weird af in public tailors your social skills and overall demeanor to fit societies standards. 
ps- the clothes you wear are so weird because they’re a mixture of kid clothing and adult clothing. like really nice jeans and sneakers and a hot pink tank top with sparkles but like, also, a real bra. 
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Kanye is so powerful wow.
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Like that kid that sits behind you in econ? yeah he’s your cousins old friend’s brother
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everyone around you is so connected to you in ways you’ll NEVER know
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