OMAD Day 6 SW:224 CW:218.8
Today was day six of OMAD. I went to the gym today for the first time in a month because it’s been closed due to Covid. I spent 2 hours working out, did leg day I was very proud of myself had a really good workout. Then I went to get Starbucks coffee and on the way back decided to go to a bar and do my hw there and zoom class. Not such a bright idea, I had 4 glasses of blue moon, salad and chicken wings. I mean food wasn’t a bad choice and definitely didn’t eat bad but it took me a while to eat it . When I got back home it was late past 9 and I had PB with jelly on rice cracker because I was still very hungry. Anyway today was not bad at all. I didn’t lose much again but I did just a little it’s most likely because of my period.
5:30pm-9:30pm OMAD at the bar and home
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Exercise at the gym for two hours and today I skipped the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. It’s okay sometime you need a day off.
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OMAD Day 5 SW:224 CW:219.4
Today is day 5 of OMAD and I got my period. There were no changes in my weight at all I’m guessing because of my period because I was very active yesterday. Today I am in pain from cramps and I’ve been in bed pretty much all day I got up to clean up a bit and made one meal but that’s about it. I was also very hungry so instead of only one bowl of pasta I’ve had two but that��s okay, as long as I still stick to eating once a day. I am not planning to go outside today at all, don’t feel well but maybe tomorrow I will. So here is what I ate today. Pasta bowl x 2.
4pm OMAD at home
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No exercise at all resting, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice shot morning and night.
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OMAD Day 4 SW:224 CW:219.2
Today is day four of OMAD and I am getting uncomfortably full from a meal that wouldn’t even fill me up in the past. As long as I’m at work I don’t think about eating, I was walking to work this morning and I felt like I was sleep walking I was so tired, I keep falling asleep very late at night. For the next three days I’m off work so I have to keep myself somehow occupied so I don’t think about food all day. Also I’m very excited that my gym is reopening tomorrow they have been closed because of Covid so I will go in the morning tomorrow. I look forward to drinking coffee every single morning because it feels so good something warm going down my belly while I’m fasting. So here’s what I ate today.
5:20pm OMAD at home
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I walked to work 40 mins there and 40 mins back. Took a shot of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice as usual morning and I will again at night. Besides night time hunger in the past few days everything is going smooth and even if it’s couple of grams I lose it’s still better than nothing.
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OMAD Day 3 SW:224 CW:219.8
Today is day three of OMAD and I must say it’s getting harder to eat during my one big meal. I didn’t finish everything I prepared for today it was hard to eat all of it, but I’m scared if I don’t eat enough I’ll break the fast during other times or the day. So I forced myself to eat as much as I could. I woke up late so I didn’t walk to work I took uber, but on the way back I walked. I’m going to go for a walk later tonight for a little bit. I’m loving the weight loss that’s happening every single day which I’ve experienced before on OMAD. During the day I try to stay busy so I don’t think about hunger. Last night I again fell asleep really late because I was hungry and couldn’t sleep. So this is what I ate today in one meal.
3pm OMAD at home
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I need to go walk more since I didn’t walk to work today so about another 30 mins. I took apple cider vinegar and lemon juice shot in the morning and I’ll take one before bed.
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OMAD Day 2 SW:224 CW:221
Today is my day two or OMAD, I get 30 minute lunch at work and I scruffed down all the food so fast I couldn’t breathe. I got full pretty fast but I must say I think I over ate rice, I should’ve taken less rice to work but then again if I don’t eat enough for the day I don’t fall asleep until 2 am from hunger. Last night I was up until 2 am super hungry couldn’t fall asleep. When I got home I made tea and drank water. So these are the snacks and the actual I meal I had all at once as a meal. I think I over did it but we’re about to find out tomorrow.
3pm OMAD at work
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I also walked to work 40 mins and I’m walking back again 40 mins. I’m kind of excited I lost 3 lbs but I have to keep it up. And I also did shot of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice morning and night.
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OMAD Day 1 SW:224
Today was my day one of OMAD, I didn’t really think I was going to do this again. Longest I’ve done OMAD was 10 days, it gets really hard if you are not eating enough during that one meal. So here is everything I ate today on day 1 OMAD.
2pm OMAD at work
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I also walked to work and back total of 1 hour and 20 mins of walking. I want to start running but I really can’t with this weight yet. And I also did shot of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice morning and night
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