itsa-revalution · 11 years
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[Delivered to Elias]
Richie Rich,
I hope you enjoy these. That grenade is actually a decanter, which you use for expensive things, like whiskey, so enjoy that. Thank you for the wine. I'm not checking the price... Please tell me it wasn't more than $50, because I'll cry.
I'll cry.
Merry Christmas! Love u, Reva
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
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[Delivered to Asher]
That wine glass bottle thing is going to good use. Like, right this second. Since Elias sent me a bottle of wine that I'm not allowed to look up the price of. (spoilers: its really, really tasty). We're playing tic-tac-toe-shots when I get back.
Miss u
Merry christmas slut.
Love, Reva
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
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[delivered to Terror]
Thanks for the present. Merry Christmas. I figured you'd appreciate the flask since you're married now and marriage statistically leads to higher instances of alcoholism. Get on that fast, before Asher beats you to becoming a statistic.
Also, enjoy the book.
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
Texts - Revassie
Cassie: Good! Busy is good though.
Cassie: Hey, exams and then you're coming back, right? So just that last little push!
Reva: Yeah, exactly! I should be, if everything works out! :)
Reva: I missed this place way too much
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
Alright bitches!
I'm off, back to the surface. It's been great seeing you all again, and who knows, maybe I'll be back again soon!
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
Texts - Revassie
Cassie: Ugh you busy body.
Cassie: How've you been?
Reva: I've been okay! Busy.
Reva: (UNSENT) I guess..
Reva: Not looking forward to these exams. I liked Stanford for undergrad but the program here is so much... better.
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
Texts - Revassie
Cassie: So you were completely out of it during the reception and I'm just gunna hope/assume you're better now but...
Reva: I was smaaaaaashed and it was great!
Reva: I missed you too!!!
Reva: I'm only here for another few hours, and then ill be back in January, hopefully!!
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
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[left wrapped on Asher's coffee table with a note]
Terror and Asher,
Awh, look at you two, all married and cutesy! I'm so proud of you. I hope that your wedding was everything you'd hoped it would be, and all that corny bullshit. I love you both loads, you're both wonderful, and your marriage is gonna be just as great as the two of you are. Honestly. 
Thanks for dragging me back from Stanford for this; it was nice to get away, and hell, maybe I'll even be back after my term ends. I miss you both tons. 
Happy... marriage and all that. Enjoy the scotch whisky, it's like, traditional or something, and I saved up for like three months for this.
All my affection and love and that shit,
PS: Terror, stop visiting me at Stanford and not saying hi, it's rude.
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
Check your apartment, brat. There's a pretty present for you.
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Thank you to everyone for everything.
Seriously. All of the gifts and the well wishes and everything. For most of you hating me, you’re pretty great. I’m just saying. 
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
There was, she supposed, nothing quite as hilarious as watching people tug at their ties, fiddle with their clothes, and look genuinely awkward and a little bit confused as the speeches began. Felix’s had been… nice though. It was touching, and Reva found herself smiling over at the man she’d once been infatuated with as he sat down. With Oliver seemingly preoccupied, or something, she supposed that meant it was her turn, and as all eyes were still up towards the front tables, she stood. “Damn, I’m short.” She picked up her champagne flute, knowing it would do her better to have something in her hands as she started to speak, and began.
“Surprise, guys, guess who’s back. Obviously, since I came back from California for this wedding, Asher and Terror are pretty important to me, and I’ve only known them for like, what, six months? But…” She glanced over at her best friend, and her friend. “They’ve given me something I didn’t think I would ever find; people who help me be unafraid of who I am, who have helped me accept parts of me I don’t want to think about, and have tried to help me when I’ve been so utterly resistant to it. They’re just as stubborn as each other, and when it comes down to it, I don’t think our little lightbulb could have found a better match.” She paused and took a sip of the champagne.
“There’s so many stories I can tell, even though it’s only been a few months, and I value my continued livelihood so I won’t regale you with too many of them. But one that really sticks out is… God, I don’t even remember when it was, but they let me sleep on their couch. Their couch, since they’d all but moved in together at this point. I was there for days, and they never complained or anything. These two,” she motioned at the happy couple. “Are two of the most wonderful people I know, and I couldn’t be happier for them, even if, ew, commitment for life.” She laughed, winked, and lifted her glass. “So, here’s to you two.” And she settled back in her seat, grinning slyly as she did so. “And if anyone wants to hear those stories, come find me after dinner! And ply me with alcohol,” she called, laughing as she did so.
the speeches // arara + felix, reva & oliver
Asher exhaled as he rested his head on Terror’s shoulder, one leg of his laid on top of the other man’s thigh as he nearly sat in his lap, sipping at a large chute of champagne as he exhaled. Dinner just barely started, they hadn’t even gotten to the cake and already he was exhausted. He was just about ready to drag his husband back to their bedroom for some serious hardcore dirty… sleep. For real. He was just about ready to fall over or something.
But dinner was being served, and he was only half interested. Really, it all looked amazing and lovely and perfect, but he was exhausted and to be honest eating was the last thing on his mind. Toying with the ring on Terror’s finger, he looked up when he heard a soft clinking against glass.
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
texts || reva & jackie/alt
Alt: You're not obligated to do that, either. Either way, it's in the past.
Alt: Okay always means relative. Surviving, however, sounded a bit... extreme.
Alt: (A couple minutes later) Tu m'as manqué aussi.
Reva: Still, I'm sorry.
Reva: ... Surviving sounds 'bout right.
[a few minutes later]
Reva: :)
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
texts || reva & terror
Terror: Billions.
[two minutes later]
Terror: I'm glad you're here, however. Asher missed you.
Reva: You missed me too and you know it :p
Reva: (UNSENT) Why else were you around so often?
Reva: I'll be back in January, no worries.
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
texts || reva & jackie/alt
Alt: That's good to hear, plus curieux. Je suis content pour vous.
Alt: (Unsent) Sounds like recent times aren't...?
Alt: You don't owe me an apology for leaving.
Alt: (a few minutes later) I'm relieved to see that you're... okay.
Reva: I owe a apology for not trying to contact you... or anyone, really.
Reva: (UNSENT) It wasn't my fault... I guess it was.
Reva: I missed you.
Reva: Okay is relative, but yeah, okay is about it.
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
texts || reva & terror
Terror: I wouldn't really want you to catch me.
Terror: I might crush your tiny body.
Reva: i would shatter into a million pieces
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
texts || reva & terror
[two minutes later]
Terror: Better than yesterday but at the same time, worse.
Terror: I'm not sure if that makes sense.
Terror: I might pass out on the altar.
Reva: I'm not catching you
Reva: I'll just laugh at you
Reva: Think of it as revenge :)
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
texts || reva & terror
Terror: Ugh.
Terror: A lot of things have been going on. I've been busy. I'll spirit you away when I'm more available.
Terror: Sorry.
Reva: You should be xoxoxox
Reva: But seriously, you okay?
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itsa-revalution · 11 years
texts || reva & jackie/alt
Alt: (Unsent) Are you okay?
Alt: (Unsent) I was worr-
Alt: (Unsent) Gross. Emotions - why do you make me have them. Stop it at once.
Alt: You're in luck. Bonsoir.
Reva: (UNSENT) Oh thank god
Reva: It must be my night, so many things are working out.
Reva: hi. I'm sorry I kinda... vanished.
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