itsadline · 2 years
Hello people! Today I offer you some Latin phrases that I’ve either learned in school or are common in Italian:
In vino veritas: “in wine there is truth”, it means that when people are drunk they always tell the truth.
Carpe diem: “seize the moment/day”, it basically has the same meaning as “you only live once”.
Ad maiora semper: “to bigger things”, used to wish somebody an even more prosperous future.
Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amori: my personal favorite, it means “love wins over everything and we surrender to love”, it’s a quote by the poet Virgil.
Cogito ergo sum: “I think therefore I am”, quote by Descartes.
Mea culpa: “my fault”, often used in Italian instead of “colpa mia”.
Sui generis: “their genre”, used when describing someone or something that’s very peculiar, so it belongs to its own genre.
Memento mori: “remember that you will die”, it became an artistic movement in the 1600s.
Risus abundat in ore stultorum: “laughter abounds in the mouth of fools”, used sometimes by teachers to tell students to stop laughing.
Verba volant scripta manent: “words fly, writings remain”, used by teachers to tell students to take notes.
Repetita iuvant: “to repeat helps” also used by teachers to tell their students to study hahaha.
Okay I’m done hahaha.
There are many more famous Latin phrases and expressions, these are just the ones that came to mind.
Have a good day!
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itsadline · 2 years
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they’re boyfriends your honour
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itsadline · 2 years
Mike is gonna have a gay panic when he comes to visit Will because dang
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And same goes for Will cause dang
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Our boys are looking good this season.
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itsadline · 2 years
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This exact holiday combo post can only happen once every 33 years.
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itsadline · 2 years
Dreamsworks boys will be the death of me
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The prince of Egypt: Pharaoh Ramesese II
The road to El Dorado: Tzekel-Kan, Tulio and Miguel
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas: Sinbad
Rise Of The Guardians: Jack Frost
Shrek: Prince Charming
Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron: Little Creek
Wizards: Tales of Arcadia: Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan
How to train your Dragon: Hiccup Haddock
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itsadline · 2 years
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top 3 films that turn you bisexual as a kid
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itsadline · 2 years
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itsadline · 3 years
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I'm pretty sure I've seen this one before
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itsadline · 3 years
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itsadline · 3 years
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itsadline · 3 years
The Bayview 4 watching Mikhail Powers Investigates: “wait is this fucking play about us?”
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itsadline · 3 years
Perfect skin doesn’t matter brand names don’t matter grind culture doesn’t matter all that’s important is having a hobby you love and learning to cook vegetables in tasty ways
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itsadline · 3 years
The moon phase you were born in
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In this post, i will go through the characteristics that the moon phase you were born in, will give each one of you.
This was an old post that I am reposting. I barely remember why i deleted all of my posts but! Im happy that i get the chance to rewrite most of them
You can calculate the moon phase you were born in here:
Astroseek- moon phase
If you are scared of clicking the link, then search for "astroseek moon phase calculator". I trust Astroseek the most but you can also calculate on astro-charts.com
Lets go with the posttttt
I. New moon: 🌑
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Characteristics: Adventurous, creative, complex, observant, constant growth and maturing, emotional sensitivity, sharp
So the moon here is in its purest form. I always see people born under the new moon as a new soul brought in this lifetime. You are risky, adventurous, seeking for sth new, you are curious and ready to face any situation that comes in your way.. Even though you are a strong minded person, there lays the problem of you not knowing what you want in this lifetime. Your goals can be generic or non existent, you live a lot in the present or stay a lot in problems of the present.
The sun and moon may be align but you dont know which path to walk on. You take any emotional pain and experience as a lesson to build your spirit even more. This right here being your biggest advantage. You dont give up! No matter the obstacles, disappointments, pain and fear, you keep going! Let me not minimize your pain and experience though because i know you guys feel emotions in a whole other level. Thats why im calling you complex. An essential characteristic of this moon phase is that you have a very hard time trusting others though.
You are very sensitive to your surroundings. You can understand right away if sth is wrong with a person and what distance you should keep. But i have noticed that most of you can get very obsessive over sth or someone, you should try and balance into healthier thoughts
II. Waxing Crescent: 🌒
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Characteristics: expansive, ambitious, motivational, hard worker, energetic, stable, down to earth.
People born under this moon have similar characteristics to new moons but they are more stable and less risky. New moons have like a more uncontrollable temper, while waxing Crescent moons have a more calm feeling to them. They are expansive people with the purpose to work hard and give their everything so they can receive it back. There may be issues with laziness or unorganization so this people need a reason to feel motivated constantly.
People doubting their abilities is a huge trigger for them to prove them wrong. To prove that they are capable of anything and everything. Even though they are calm powers, intense emotions are what will make them determined to grow.
They are stable and down to earth and this characteristic will many times benefit them but other times not, so realising where and when they need to react more expressively or intense will save them a lot of stress. They can lose focus on their goals easily. Thats why, most of the times you notice that they choose people in their lifes that will be harsh and truthful to them and remind them what they do sth for.
III. First Quarter: 🌓
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Characteristics: strong, unpredictable patience, have specific trigger words, unlucky, extra hard worker, extra motivation, goal oriented, determined, picky
Things may feel very hard for you sometimes. The effort and hard work you put is not always rewarded and you have noticed that for you to reach a level of where others are, you need to shed more sweat than them. People born under this moon phase, have developed a thick skin, due to many disappointments. Sometimes you may wonder why you have to go through all of these but yknow deeply that you are build for sth higher than everyone else and thats why you go through all of this.
You may not see the point at times but you keep pushing and that will get you to what you really deserve.
These people are not quitters, they have vulnerable moments and a much more fragile mental health but they always stay determined to get through any situation they go through.
The thick skin i refered to previously has also made you very picky in lots of factors. The way you choose people in your life and the things you want in life. As a result, people may paint you as a cruel or cold person, but they dont know what you have been through and thats why they judge so easily.
IV. Waxing Gibbous moon: 🌔
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Characteristics: positive, enthusiastic, peaceful, prefers to have calmness in their life, indesicive, secretive, hides emotions, compassionate
People born under this moon phase have a very graceful personality. Often characterised by their peacefulness and positivity, they feel necessary to be around. They mark each place they go to with their energy. There is the issue of them hiding their emotions and feelings, which may many times result in some type of misunderstandings. You need to learn to share both the bad and the good with others because when you keep the bad in, you unintentionally change your behaviour to your own loved ones and may hurt their feelings.
You need to let them into your life. You trust them and care for them but the action of hiding behind a mask sometimes, makes your loved ones doubt if you really trust them. Thats how you find yourself in conflict, which could have been avoidable if only you let them see more through you.
You have quite a big variety of emotions that you express. You make others around you surprised by how much depth you have in that soul of yours. Youre a box full of surprises. Unexpectable is the least to say.
V. Full moon: 🌕
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Characteristics: INDESICIVE, splitted between their mind and heart, passionate, talented, may not recognise their effort, harsh on themselves, impulsive to the point it can lead to a life full of success or chaos, mood swings.
Oh dear, I have experienced so much with you my full moons and i have A LOT TO SAY. People born under the full moon always have this split between choosing what their heart or mind wants. There is a constant fight in the mind of these individuals for what is the most right thing to do; follow the logic or your feelings? Spoiler alert, you do go for the feelings most of the times.
Sth i can give full moons a praise for, is that even though you oftenly create misunderstandings and chaos in situations, you always own up when you make a mistake. You are not afraid to apologise, even though most of you are quite prideful! You may act out of impulsion with your feelings but then your logic kicks in and you see what you did wrong.
Very very sharp and intelligent but you dont give yourself the credit at all. Sometimes you are the cause that you hold yourself behind cause you dont trust your abilities not appreciate your qualities. Being harsh on yourself is sth you do so frequently but learn that if you dont praise yourself and just expect more and more and more from you, you willreach nowhere.
Talented. Yes, most people i met with full moon had a special talent in sth. Passionate and ready to thrive. Its up to your hands to open your eyes and see all the potential you are holding in you.
VI. Waning Gibbous Moon / Disseminating: 🌖
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Characteristics: self aware, expansive people with lots of growth in the future, amazing communicators, egotistical, doesnt listen to others, prideful, judgemental
People with this moon phase have a bit of the influence of the Full moon on them. In comparison to the full moons, they can easily connect and speak to others. I could characterize full moons as loners but waning gibbous moon are not the case. Traits kept from the previous moon phase is that you can be very prideful and judgemental.
Your communication skills are so decent but you dont listen to others. You have a very certain way to accept critisism and harsh words from others and surely one of those ways isnt through confrontation. You need people in your life that will understand you and listen to you, in order for you to listen to them. When someone blabbers about your bad habits, it only makes you defensive because you already know your faults so you dont need someone else to step on them even more.
You have a lot of growth to go through and thats due to the fact that your choice of wording may bring you in conflicting situations that will teach you many lessons. You never stop that mouth from running when you are frustrated and hurt, i swear. If you are hurt by someone, that someone has to feel the same pain back.
An amazing trait of yours is that you know your abilities and you are self aware when you make mistakes. Its hard for you to admit them to others but when necessary, you know where to apologise to.
VII. Last quarter / Third quarter: 🌗
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Characteristics: loyal, sentimental, caring, the past haunts you, hardly gets over people that passed through your life, can hold grudges, nostalgic oftenly
People with this moon phase have such a hard time to move on from past incidents. You have such a sensitive soul, with lots of care and love to give to the people in your life but you really need to move on from the people in your past. Incidents from your past may still even haunt you to this day and i can see it was stressful
You have a special spot for a certain activity, hobby or place that became your coping mechanism. Through that, you became so much stronger and gained so much power to get up and still fight even with all the past memories in your head bringing you down.
Strong is a very weak word to use for how much you handle. You have become so private in some matters that the people in your life sometimes feel like they dont know you. You want to try and show more of yourself to people you believe are worth it. Plus, you give so much care to others so why not also try and accept some back? You deserve to get treated with the way you treat others!
VIII. Waning Crescent moon / Balsamic: 🌘
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Characteristics: talented, extremely knowledgable and wise, deep, successful when using their talent and charisma to their advantage, imaginative, trust issues, non-committable
Oh you are such a blessed fellow, istg. Where do i begin with you guys? People born under the balsamic moon, are truly gifted with a talent. You are people that have so much depth, knowledge and control over sth you enjoy doing. Sometimes it can become too controlling cause you enjoy it A LOT. Imagination is so strong here, saying your smart with this emotional intelligence you possess is an understatement.
Because Balsmic and new moon is very close, some traits of new moon always go to the other sign. So a thing i mentioned about new moons is about the trust issues they have. Getting involved with people is a hard point for this moon phase as this moon is also quite private and hidden since the new moon approaches. You have a hard time believing other people's words even if you wont show it to their face but there is so much doubt and hesitation in everything you hear. Sometimes you may get more pessimistic but i hope through an interest you discover you will learn to see the brighter side in situations you are thrown in.
Success is so strong with people under this moon phase. Dont give up on the talent you have. If you dont know what it is, discover! Search, you are blessed with something so special that i cant put a certain label on. You are so charismatic, there is no way that you wont find solutions even when things are complicated. Use your talent to your advantage cause it will take you so forward in life and you will finally open your wings.
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itsadline · 3 years
When spn is getting a prequel, RTD is returning to doctor who and teen wolf is being revived and you're just sitting there like:
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itsadline · 3 years
“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.”
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itsadline · 3 years
Ppl really be mad that u choose peace over they weird bullshit lmao
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itsadline · 3 years
if you’re reading this, it’s a sign that the thing you’re anxious about will go well. take a deep breath and trust yourself.
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