itsallinme · 1 year
updated how i look like:
nose + side profile
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lip shape + colour
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eye shape + colour
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hair texture + length
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overall appearance - what i look like/skin tone/eye shape/lip shape/nose shape etc.- (i cant find a irl to describe) :
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i might do a face reveal but ill have to think of the consequences etc.
go manifest ur desires now <33
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itsallinme · 1 year
The Outer Man Cannot Desire For He Does Not Exist
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This may sound a bit hypocritical given what my last post was BUT. Hear me out!
This is not a take that should be taken too serious. It either resonates with you or doesn’t but this is a way of thinking that soothes me and relieves my anxiety.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how Edward and Neville go on about how all desire comes from within and have been taking that literally. Seriously.
What I found is that I can be going through very trying horrible circumstances on the outside but still be content and giddy and warm and bubbly on the inside which really does lead me to co-sign this statement 100% but that’s not the point of this post.
Because of this “all desire comes from within” mantra… It’s made me think about why I fall out of states. Why do I happen to feel anxious and feel wanting and desire inside despite feeling all those beautiful lovely emotions from my new state that I’ve accepted as true?
It’s because the inner man is acting as the outer man and seeing life through the outer man to desire.
If all desire comes from inside that means that all our thoughts, all our anxieties, all our stresses, ALL of it simply comes from what our inner man is experiencing inside.
If i feel anxious about not getting my desire, it’s not my outer man talking, but instead it’s my inner man leaving the state of the wish fulfilled and seeing life through the eyes of the unfulfilled outer man. That saying “the eyes are the window to the soul” kinda rings true because I’ve been taking this saying very literally and telling myself that our senses are really just our Inner Man’s way of gouging what’s happening in the world in a bit. He has the freedom to disregard them (unlike the man of the senses [outer man]) and create something new, but he ( IM) still knows what’s happening outside. Which is why (to me) when we think unlovely fearful thoughts, it’s really our inner self slipping into a state because again, thoughts come from states, and states all are occupied by THE INNER MAN.
After this revelation it led me to think about the role of the outer self and what I came to realize is that the outer self is nothing more than a mere shell. It cannot desire, it cannot create, it can’t even create its own thoughts because that’s a product of the state the man inside has slipped into. The human self is nothing more than a minion. It has no mind of its own. No original thoughts of its own. The tears we cry are a product of a state we fell into. The elation we feel when we think of something is because of a state we fell into. But none of that is being created from the human self. The human self is a slave in a sense a sense. But a slave to who? Why to imagination.
This line of thinking while very esoteric has allowed me to feel very at peace. Because unlike before when I felt like I was at odds with my “ego” and trying to get it on board, I now realize that acknowledging/identifying with lack is caused by.. the same person that created my desire. It’s not the outer man looking around and saying “i don’t have this where is my manifestation ”. it’s the inner man looking outside through its human lenses and deciding to fall out of a lovely state and into an unlovely one.
It reminds me that there is only one.
And so when I get anxiety at times about my desires and feeling like it’ll never show up, i soothe myself by reminding myself that “the outer man doesn’t even desire this… only the inner man does”. Because it’s true. Desire comes from the inside. The outer man cannot desire anything because it’s a shell. Almost like a turtle shell except the skin is softer and it can talk and move. And so if i remind myself that the only place where I truly want my desire is within, I’m able to maintain that state longer.
If the inner man is the only one that desires because the outer self if a shell of the one inside, then i can fully be content with only having my desire inside which is something i STRUGGLED with before omg!!! Because if the inner man is the only one who is conscious and truly alive then all i have to do to maintain this happiness is keep my focus on my desire and not on what’s happening outside? Because external confirmation does not matter, because the outer man does not have thoughts of its own or wishes of its own.
The outer man doesn’t WANT anything. It can’t want anything. it’s a SHADOW.
This isn’t to say that I don’t occasionally fall out of a state from time to time. No, I do. But i’m able to maintain states longer because I remind myself that validation from a turtle shell means nothing and most importantly, the only one who is making me believe that I need validation from the outside is myself.
Occasionally I’ll see something that gives me anxiety or look around to others getting their things sooner than me and feel anxious, but, i remind myself of the fact that the goal is to be happy within.
I should not look to my human self who is a slave to something bigger than himself for confirmation on if I’m doing it right. For me, when i really feel the wish fulfilled I get this insane rush of euphoria and smile so hard my cheeks hurt.. I can’t even recreate the smile by myself if I try to. I remind myself that THAT insane rush of happiness that I can’t even recreate if i try to (without being in the state) is confirmation enough. Not the 3D. Because one comes from within and is God smiling, and God being happy, whereas the other is nothing more than an effect of a cause.
In short this line of reasoning if you chew upon it enough allows you to be comfortable only (for now) having your desire in the 4D and being comfortable with it because the 3D self cannot desire anything and the only way to perceive lack is if your inner man leaves the state of the wish fulfilled and chooses to occupy a state of lack. It’s never been about the outer man. Because the inner man can be inside you fulfilled and happy even despite your outside world and because the outer man is a shell with no thoughts or opinions of its own it can’t say anything about it. Choose to keep the inside man in the state of the WF and remind yourself that that’s the only part of ur psyche that even desires.
And also, if the human self is apart of the 3D and I catch myself smiling a lot while doing my imaginal acts, doesn’t that mean that there IS movement happening?
Food for thought. Anyways this post was long, idk if it made sense but oh well
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itsallinme · 1 year
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A Simple 3 day manifesting challenge using Neville Goddard “isn’t it wonderful”
"Isn't it wonderful? This is the secret declared by the wise: I am what I want to be. And though outwardly I appear to be living in this world, inwardly I am what I want to be in the world of my own wonderful creating."
The words of Neville Goddard are so powerful because they remind us that we are limitless in our potential. We can become whatever we want to be, regardless of our external circumstances. All we need to do is start believing in ourselves and have faith in our unique capabilities.At the heart of Neville Goddard's message is the idea that we create our own realities. People often forget this and get bogged down in the day-to-day mundanity of life. But if we remain focused on our goals, we can manifest our dreams and craft our own destiny.
"Isn't it wonderful" reminds us of our divine nature, and our ability to create our own reality as God being a spark of the Supreme Being, and to live a happy and fulfilled life without feeling discouraged or hopeless. By believing and feeling positively, we can naturally manifest the life we want by using our own power of thoughts and beliefs.
we can attract more positive outcomes. "Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live."
by Using"Isn't it wonderful," we align ourselves with the energy of our desires and attract them effortlessly. "Ask yourself, 'What would it feel like if my desire were fulfilled right now?'"
It encourages us to persist in our affirmations and trust in the truth. "Persist in your assumption, and it will harden into fact."
It will evoke gratitude and celebration for the things we have and the things we desire. "Always be thankful for what you already have as it means you are already blessed with abundance."
The challenge
Day 1:
To begin with, it's important to understand the power of belief. Whatever we believe, we manifest. Let go of any limiting beliefs and remind yourself that you have the power to create the life of your dreams.
* Start your day by saying, "Isn't it wonderful that my dream life is manifesting right before my eyes." The reason this is in present rather than past, is to concur the fact that most of you guys truly don’t believe you can manifest in a day. That is why this is a 3 day challenge and not a 24 hour one. Three days seems to be the magical realistic number for tumblr, and sometimes it benefits you to go with your beliefs rather than fight them. Regardless, repeat this affirmation throughout the day whenever you catch yourself thinking negatively or doubting yourself. To make it more fun, create a "Manifesting Vibes" playlist with empowering songs to keep you in a positive and uplifted mood.
Day 2:
* focus on improving your self-concept. When we view ourselves positively, we attract positivity into our lives. Take a few moments to reflect on your self-concept. If there are any limiting beliefs or negative self-talk that need to be addressed, it's time to release them.
* Start your day with the affirmation, "Isn't it wonderful that I love and accept my godly ability to choose my reality. It does not have to be all day at all unless that is how you prefer. It is a one and said quote because it is the truth and it does not need to be repeated.
To make the process simpler and more enjoyable, create a vision board of your dream life. Add pictures, quotes, affirmations, and anything that represents the life you want. Look at it every day and imagine yourself living that reality.
At night listen to this (suggested by @majasuniverse )if you like affirmations, or this for a spiritual audio I prefer to use this by @reincarnatedempress1, or this by @kikispiritualservices for my friends who like normal subliminals. Any of them work very well in my experience so it is up to your preference. Use it all three nights or preferably just the night of day 2 because you are more powerful than any audio or subliminal on the internet. If you have a habit of using vid sources, feel free to use it all of the nights, it will not hurt or hinder you in this challenge.
Day 3:
* On the final day of our manifesting challenge, let's focus on gratitude. When we appreciate what we have, we attract even more abundance into our lives. Start your day by saying, "Isn't it wonderful that I have so much to be grateful for and my dream life has manifesting easily and effortlessly."
* Create a gratitude journal and write down everything you're thankful for, including the small things. Whenever you're feeling doubtful or negative, read your gratitude journal to remind yourself of all the blessings in your life and manufestion that have already accrued in your life. You are already greatful because it is done.
That phrase alone should be a reminder whenever doubt occurs that creation is finished. It is a reminder that no matter what situation you are in, you have the power to create your own reality. When you declare this phrase, "It's done," you are making a conscious decision to accept what is and move forward. You are claiming your right to be at peace within yourself and with the world.
Remember. "Man has not discovered a method of bringing into manifestation that which he desires. He has always had it; he need only believe it into being."
The present moment is the point of power and attention, and so you should use it wisely to create your own reality.
"What you are conscious of, you are creating in this very moment."have faith that your desires are already fulfilled and to trust in your godly abilities.
And most importantly "Everything in creation is but an extension of yourself." When we manifest, we're not changing anything outside of ourselves in the physical world. Instead, we're changing our inner world and the way we view our reality.that’s why it can be instant or in this case three days.
Our thoughts and beliefs are like a filter through which we view the world. When we manifest, we're changing the filter, which changes the way we see the world. This means that everything we experience outside of ourselves in the physical world is simply a reflection of our inner world.
So no questions, don’t ask for clarifications because you’re already falling the challenge before it starts! It will work, and you’re doing it just right I promise there is no special trick to it or step you’re misunderstanding.
Anyways That is all! I wanted to make this challenge because as it’s my finals week I’ll be a little more busy as I’m trying to make it all to all the end of the year events and be present in the beautiful world and the people around me! I also limit my media consumption and I have been using tumblr more than other social media…but I have some shows I want to watch, so I’ll now have to reduce tumblr to keep my hours balanced ! I’m not on break or anything and I will be active.. just not as active so I wanted to put something out! I’ll see you guys soon and per usual happy manifesting loves!
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itsallinme · 1 year
Your circumstances don't matter
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I don’t give a fuck what your past was, or what your present looks like now, or what you “hope” your future will be. You can have exactly what you want every single time!
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“I want this person but they don’t know I exist…”
“I want a new car but I don’t have enough money…”
“I want to experience this but…”
“I want this, BUT…”
We all at some point talked like this not realizing we are limiting ourselves.
If you are focused on your current circumstances, there will always be a “but.” (And I don’t ever wanna hear anybody say “BUT” after this post like fuck you mean?)
The good news is your current circumstances won’t ever matter because every single possibility exists in the eternal NOW, and everything is ALWAYS changing and anything can happen at any time. This is why you don’t have to worry about creating a new circumstance for you to get something you want, you simply align yourself with a reality that has what you want.
Because there are infinite realities, there are going to be outcomes we prefer, and the ones we don’t prefer.
Now, you may ask…
“How come I experience unwanted outcomes? How do we align to the preferred outcomes?”
First, if you’re anxiously worrying or fearing a certain outcome, you’re putting more energy into it. You might even expect it to happen, thinking about what you would do when the worst happens. Basically, you’re sooo focused on what could go wrong, you end up manifesting what you didn’t want. Then, have the audacity to say, “SEE, I knew things would go wrong!” Well no shit, bitch.
“The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well-sustained attention, firmly and repeatedly focused on the object to be accomplished.” - Neville Goddard
This is why I’m always saying where your focus goes, energy flows. When you focus on your desired outcome, that is the outcome you will receive.
That’s it. This shit ain’t rocket science.
Doubts may arise, a scary situation might pop into your head, the 3D might show the exact opposite of what you want, so what?!
Are you telling me you’re gonna let a silly little thought determine what’s going to happen? You’re going to give up because something didn’t go your way? Ok girl, stay lame.
Let that shit pass and counter it with a thought or vision that you want.
When you continue to do this, it’ll carve a pathway to our desired outcome, people start moving, events start happening, things will begin to shift behind the scenes to get you to your end goal. It’s also important to trust the process even if you see no visible movement, and just remain calm in the feeling you already have what you want.
STOP preparing for the worst,
STOP dwelling in what you don’t want,
STOP giving up after every inconvenience.
Things will always work out for you, why?! BECAUSE YOU SAID SO AND PERSISTED IN IT!
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itsallinme · 2 years
Dear Diary,
Guess what? Everyone is amaze by my intelligence. I'm so smart babe ofc
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itsallinme · 2 years
Dear Diary,
You know what? I'm always thankful that I naturally have the prettiest physical features. I'm rich, I'm smart. What could I ask for? Of course a happy everyday life ❤️ already have that anyway
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itsallinme · 2 years
i'm the smartest, capable of acing any exam or quizzes ❣️
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itsallinme · 2 years
I naturally have a pink eyes
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itsallinme · 2 years
I am powerful. I am limitless.
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itsallinme · 2 years
I was born rich and pretty
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itsallinme · 2 years
Dati na kaming mayaman, sobrang yaman
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itsallinme · 2 years
I've always been the prettiest and the smartest.
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itsallinme · 2 years
Dear Diary,
So glad. To see other people adored me and cherish me. It's always been like that since I was born. I was perfect in everything, and people just couldn't help but to love me and like me so much.
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itsallinme · 2 years
revision is so easy and instant
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itsallinme · 2 years
white teeth, pretty smile
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itsallinme · 2 years
side profile of a goddess
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itsallinme · 2 years
pretty previledge.
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