itsallsharks · 5 hours
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Feeling funny today
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itsallsharks · 1 day
for pride month 2024 we're gonna nuke 10 of your mutuals' blogs and 9 of them are run by transfems 😍
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itsallsharks · 1 day
So, Quiet MGSV is, pretty obviously, a character designed in part as sexual fantasy. Now, because the zeitgeist is toying with 'let heterosexual men express their attraction to women! #sexpositivity', I should state for the record that Quiet exists in a context of a pervasive trend for female characters in art, video games especially, to be sexualised and made the object of sexualisation, rather than as conscious subjects with interiority, explicitly due to the millenia-long oppression of women as a (if not the) social class, which has powered a litany of social systems with the exploitation of women's labour, women's bodies, and women's lives, maintained through strict restraint from power of women, and their genuine ownership at the hands of men, which still persists both directly and indirectly to this day. That said, my main problem with Quiet's design is that Kojima's horniness is so vulgar and unsophisticated as to somehow assume that 'extremely competent, mute female soldier who can field-strip someone's gun out of their hands and down fighter jets if she has a good shot with her sniper rifle' wouldn't be a million times hotter if, rather than Having To Be Naked. Because She Breathes From Her Skin, she had to covwr wrey single part of her body and wear a cool helmet,adn a-and
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itsallsharks · 2 days
Its always so funny to me how backwards US rocketry was during the cold war, compared to Soviet tech.
The US legitimately thought that oxygen-rich gas generator cycles were impossible a good few decades after Soviet engineers had constructed and flown them, and demanded repeated clarification from Russian designers during talks after the fall of the USSR, because they couldn’t believe the efficiencies they were seeing in Soviet engine documentation. Nowadays, when US private capital finally managed to build a full-flow staged combustion engine, with SpaceX’s Raptor - reaching the astounding achievement of ‘doing what the communists already managed 60 years ago’ - it’s applauded as a revolutionary marvel of billionaire ingenuity, and some great step forward for technology.
The old adage is that Soviet ICBMs were developed from repurposed space rockets, while US space rockets were developed from repurposed ICBMs - and that still holds weight today, given that SpaceX is just a military contractor with an Iron Man logo slapped on the side. For all the money they can pump into it, capitalists suck at spaceflight - missiles are the only thing that make money. NASA stopped getting funded to fly the Space Shuttle, but the USAF still gets funding to fly its X-37.
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itsallsharks · 3 days
they convicted hunter biden </3
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itsallsharks · 3 days
Last night I spent 1 hour trying to get chatGPT to generate an image of Drake (it wont do any real people if you ask by name) on a bag of Lays Chips that was 9/11 (it wont do anything controversial) flavored. It took about 1 hour of associating various adjectives and nicknames tangential to Drake (Canadian rapper, from Degrassi, Drizzy, Champagne Papi) and only ended up working after I scrapped the chip bag idea and fed it a made up movie plot based on one of the previous chip bag images it made and told it to make VHS box art based on that plot, and that the movies name was 'DRIZZY CITY'
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itsallsharks · 4 days
I think nothing illustrates my issues with the integrity of the anti-AI art movement than Cara.
Like... you're building an art platform that pitches itself as AI-art free with cheesy purple prose about how generative AI training is unethical and exploitative and it's important for artists to have a platform that prioritizes and respects the human factor and then your response for how your AI art detection and moderation works is "we outsource it", which for anything as labor-intensive as moderation is basically tech industry code for "we pay a company that pays a bunch of poor people in a third world country in peanuts to do it for us 🤭"
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itsallsharks · 4 days
lightfall saddest scene
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itsallsharks · 4 days
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Hey guys, my opponent just fused their entire side of the board into a gestalt entity, which is currently dissecting and calcifying my pieces such that they fit into its twisted vision of an eternal, perfect state of the universe. What's the best counter in this situation?
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itsallsharks · 5 days
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^ is a zionist
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itsallsharks · 5 days
My people in the homeland are dying and suffering from the heat. Mexico has always been hot but climate change is making it unbearable. The people of the global south are not the cause of climate change [not that we don’t have pollution or local pollution issues, but not to the degree of rich nations. I am specifically speaking of Mexico here] but they are made to pay the costs, the ultimate toll.
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61 lives this month alone. This is not natural. What’s scary is today I saw an article questioning what are the limits of heat a human body can sustain. This is not normal!
What did these 61 humans do? What crime did they commit to be punished for the sin of global pollution. I promise you they must have been the most poor. Who couldn’t afford ac and maybe not even afford an electric fan.
The rich countries pollute and pollute while the global south suffers
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The animals are dying, and it’s not good, but it just feels like insult to injury to see a bunch of results over the animals before as many about my dead countrymen.
Brown bodies died. The rich European countries do not care. India, too, is suffering from climate change.
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You don’t even hear about the people dead in India unless you go out of your way to seek news about climate change.
The global south burns to death, the poor are the most affected for a crime and sin they had no part in. My heart aches for my Mexico, and all other global south nations disproportionally effected by climate change
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itsallsharks · 5 days
"we need to boycott [insert yanki fast food chain]"
yo sin un un mango: vamos
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itsallsharks · 5 days
My new game called "Jamiroquai's Trap"
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itsallsharks · 7 days
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itsallsharks · 7 days
mr house is a really funny character
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itsallsharks · 7 days
playersexual characters suck and get directly in the way of telling any meaningful queer love story at all
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itsallsharks · 7 days
Revolution is not a random event which suddenly comes up out of nowhere, divorced from any historical processes. Revolution is not a random event which suddenly happens once "enough" people individually decide it's time to revolt. Revolution is a rupture which happens as a result of the tightening of decades of contradictions. You never go from a "normal, healthy" society to one which is entangled in open, armed revolutionary struggle. Rather, revolution comes to societies which are already in ruin. You simply do not see situations where you have a perfectly functioning hospital and then suddenly, because of the big bad revolution which appeared out of nowhere, the hospital can no longer function. Such an idea is blatantly reactionary, conservative nonsense that upholds the status quo and all of the great evils that come with it under liberalism.
Revolution comes to societies that are sick. When the Bolshevik Revolution happened in Russia, it was after decades of political conflict, smaller revolutions, economic issues, and WW1. When the revolution happened in China, it was after decades of civil war and after a century of European exploitation. When revolution happened in Cuba, it was after decades of US-backed dictatorship. The ongoing Palestinian resistance is a revolution itself, a result of 80 years of Israeli colonialism and violence. When revolution inevitably comes to the first world, it will be after the imperial project of the West has fallen apart, after the proletariat no longer enjoy imperial benefits. Society will appear to first worlders to be deeply sick, to be intolerably ruined, and then revolution will happen under the leadership of advanced revolutionary elements. By the time this happens, hospitals will already be struggling with supply chain issues and a lack of staff and other such issues.
Revolution is chemotherapy for society. It is a treatment for those who are seriously ill, who will die if their cancer is not treated. Yes, the chemotherapy will kill healthy cells, and it will lead to a number of negative health effects, but we recognize it as necessary treatment because it is critically important that we kill the cancer. Capitalism is a cancer, and now it is quite literally killing the world around us. There is no real choice when it comes to the question of revolution; we have no option but to rise up against the bourgeoisie, establish a dictatorship of the proletariat, and liquidate the bourgeoisie class. If you still oppose revolution, you are a conservative and a coward that fears a few years of necessary suffering that prevent countless lifetimes more of suffering. You support imperialism, you support the bourgeoisie, and you support the exploitation of the vast majority of humanity for eternity. People are constantly dying under capitalism, as a direct result of capitalism. If your goal is to save as many lives as possible, you must support revolution.
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