itsamani-blog1 · 7 years
Multi media project
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itsamani-blog1 · 7 years
More answers to the question: what is the relationship between Ecommerce and Social media?
Chelsea Coronin states in her article, The Relationship Between E-Commerce and Social Media, that “your e-commerce business will not reach it’s full potential if you are not recognizing the impact that social media can have and effectively taking advantage of it.”Most of all, people buy from people they like.   As mentioned in one of our previous blogs, Online Buying Behaviors: Part 2 by understanding your target market, knowing their triggers, and feeding them with knowledge they desire, you can effectively build an emotional connection.In turn, building that trust will make the audience feel more comfortable buying from you. https://brasco.marketing/the-e-commerce-and-social-media-relationship/
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itsamani-blog1 · 7 years
The relationship between Ecommerce and social media?
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itsamani-blog1 · 7 years
who am I
It's Amani al Badawi 33 year old female Married and have three kids who are fulfilling My life.
Studying Media at the American University in the Emirates, it took  me sometime to take the step but it's never too late, what matters that I'm doing it now!!   I love life and accept it as a full package with worse and better. My life is full of activities and friends, books are one of my best friends they never leave my side and they keeps me company where ever I go. My favorite activities are horseback riding, kickboxing, and swimming. I'm a night person I become more active and fun to be around.
I'm a challenger facing trouble may lag me behind but it will never stop me from reaching my goals and achievement. I don’t wait for the best to come, I don’t allow waiting to become a habit, I create the best cause life is happening NOW! I believe in Karma!! My favorite quote is "what goes around comes around".
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