itsamejon-blog · 4 years
Update 1
I desided to start writing somewhere to express some positive and negitive emotions as I am now unemployed (thanks COVID-19). I just made an account, and I relize no one will read this probably, but if you do, I can give you a recipie or two for some baked goods as a gift for wasting your time. 
I always found it hard to express my emotions with words, especially because no one around me can really accept that most of my emotions are generally negitive, it’s just who I am. I just feel like a person who has to act like a positive, well rounded, and energetic individual to fit in, when in reality I would like to sit on my couch swearing at anyone on netflix who so much as smiles. I feel like there is an overwhelming undue pressure to pretend to be a “good person” and have a “positive outlook” in society today and I’m not sure i want to keep up the facade.
It is actually quite liberating to write anonymously (I might have spelled that right?) Expressing this feeling of oppressive positivity to freinds and family generally get laghed off like I am making a joke of some type. I gues it’s my fault, I have always made jokes at everyone’s expence (myself included) it is probably natural that they think i am just telling a bad joke that didn’t land.
Anyway I’m done whining today; here are some dark chocolate and cherry cookies I make for folks
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs
2 cups dark chocolate chips
1 cup dried cherries 
2 tsp bourbon (optional)
375F (190C) for 10 min 
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