itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
“How about I make you a bet?” Jade told the person next to her with a smile. “I bet that I can beat you at that game of darts.” Pointing the to dark board across the way from them. “If I can beat you at it, then drinks are you all night. But if you beat me then well drinks are on me. Unless you have something else you want?” She asked just to make sure that they weren’t wanting something like free food or top shelf liquor. Especially since her credit card was almost at the max as is. “So what do you say? Do we have a deal?’
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Drinks and darts. While it wasn’t a typical night for Brooke, she had to admit it sounded interesting. After thinking about, she nodded. “Deal. Although I should warn you I can get pretty competitive.” Growing up trying to be better than her older brother, competitive could of been Brooke’s nickname growing up. “Although why not make it a little more fun. How about the idea of picking the drinks goes up for grabs as well?”
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
Determination to win not for himself but for his five year old had taken up so much of his focus, it had left him almost blinkered to the world around him. Time and time again he put his money into the claw machine before eventually gave up. Upon turning around he realised that he had something of an audience and sheepish smile was sent there way just in case he’d kept them waiting. “I’m telling you, this thing is rigged.” Pointing over his shoulder as if to prove his point, he shook his head with playful ruefulness. “I just wasted a tenner trying to win that bear for my five year old and didn’t even come close.” 
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Brook couldn’t help but watch the guy struggle with the claw machine. It was pretty entertaining. Sure everyone had their off moments but this seemed to be a fight that claw machine was in favor to win. She tried to stay quiet but when she let out a chuckle, she knew she had probably be outed. “Right of course.” she just nodded, trying to be serious. “Wow that sounds like some serious dedication.” 
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
“It probably will be.” A small nod was given when she knew her message was somewhat time sensitive. “Although I have to say you’re tempting me to be greedy and ask if I can do both - I’ll up my price to two cocktails.” Laughter bubbled up before she gave a firm nod to the other woman’s question, fully prepared to repay the favour in whatever way was suitable. “Positive. Are you someone who likes to taste the alcohol or who prefers their drinks a little more fruity and light?”
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Brooke thought for a minute about the offer and nodded. “I think that seems fair. I mean after all we both get what we want, drinks and battery life.” she joked. She put her finger up. “However, if you will be waiting for a bit, I insist some company since that only seems fair as well. Plus I’m not really up for drinking alone tonight.” She took a second to think. “I can do both so why not one of each?” she questioned. “Get a little best of both worlds right?”
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
Reconnecting again with his ex-girlfriend did quite good for him as if a thorn was pulled out from his chest,  knowing that there was another person who he could run to when things got difficult again. Yes, his family was there but they both know that it wasn’t the same like they were little kids. They drifted apart. A light knock surrounded her place as he took a deep breath and within a few seconds the door opened, unveiling the person he longed for again. “Hey.” a soft kiss on the cheek was placed before letting himself inside the house. “It’s good to see you again, Brooke. So… What’s the thing you want to give? Or should we get some dinner first?”
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Brooke was a bit thrown off by the kiss to the cheek but still accepted it. “It’s good to see you too.” she nodded. “I didn’t prepare anything but I guess we could always call and order in if you want..” Brooke bit her lip while she walked over to the coffee table. “Although given what I have to give back to you and everything, you may not want to stick around for long.” she said softly. The nervous suddenly starting to form in her stomach.
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
Atlas was quiet as she spoke, before he turned and looked down to see the camera bag sitting next to his leg. “Oh,” He commented, reaching over to grab the bag before handing it off to her. “Here you go. Sorry about that. If I trapped into work, its so hard to actually get me out of that focus.” He explained, giving a small laugh. “But I’m glad you were able to get that back. Certainly not something you’d want to lose.” 
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“Thanks.” Brooke took her bag from him and placed it around her neck. “No problem. I’m usually the same way, when I’m not forgetting my bag somewhere.” she joked, thankfully it didn’t happen often. “So am I, after all my job pretty much depends on me having my camera.”
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
Brooke spent some time tidying up her place when she heard a knock on the door. It was Mason. She wasn’t sure how the day was going to go. While it pained her to do this, it needed to be done. Besides the face that he felt like a different person than who she knew, it was only right that he got what was rightfully his. She placed her memory box back on the coffee table before walking to the door.She took a deep breath before opening the door, instantly stepping aside for him. “Hey, come on in.”
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
She nodded as the brunette spoke, knowing that there was more than a little logic behind her mention of portable chargers. “Well being the tech savvy individual I am, do have one. Definitely useful - I just always forget to bring it with me.” Head shook at her own expense before a smile sprung to her lips once more. “I don’t mind waiting for you to decide when I appreciate this so much. If you want any help though the cocktails here are great.” 
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Brooke nodded. “Been there, done that. I mean I could offer you that instead but using my phone will probably just be faster.” she grinned, handing her the phone. “Are you sure? I mean you really don’t have to do that.” To be truthfully, Brooke was wanting to take of offer. “But okay if you want too.” A chuckled escaped her lips. “Well then, I’ll try whatever you recommended. I love cocktails.”
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
Atlas was sitting in one of the local coffee shops, typing away on his computer, working on his next novel. A small sip from the cup next to him gave him a little energy to keep typing and progressing through the story. He had several windows and tabs opened on the computer, making notes and changing things wherever they were needed. Part of him knew that he should’ve been getting ready for the interviews he had lined up all day tomorrow, but he honestly just wanted to write. He finally was getting passed this writers block he had been writing, and knew he would need to take advantage of the break while he could. With his brain lost in the work he was doing, he didn’t give much notice to someone standing at the table in which he was sitting. Looking up finally, he paused before speaking. “I’m sorry, um, did you say something? I’m not even going to pretend, I honestly wasn’t listening.” 
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Brooke rushed back into the coffee shop. She can’t believe she forgot her camera bag with her camera inside. Thankfully she didn’t get super far before making the realization. She looked for the table she was sitting at and seen a guy there. The brunette walked over to him, asking if he had seen her bag. When he didn’t respond right away, Brooke took a glance around and noticed on the floor. “Sorry I was here earlier and got halfway home before I realized I forgot my camera and case and it just so happens to be right by your leg. Do you mind?” she asked sweetly.  
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
💬 text: rhodes
Mason: Alright, see you tomorrow then.
Mason: Can I know what it is? Or is it a surprise?
Brooke: Okay
Brooke: Surprise.
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
Fingers flew across her screen, determined to get the text about a last minute change of location sent despite the persistent ‘low battery’ warning that kept flashing up. “Just two more seconds.” Pleading whisper was given to her phone but it was either deaf to her pleas or chose to ignore them, the screen going black midway through her text to Félix. “Shit.” Putting her phone down on the bar with an indignant huff, gaze quickly lifted from the glare she was giving the object to glance around in search of someone who might be able to help. Eventually she turned her most winning smile onto the person nearest to her. “I know this might be hard to believe when I look so tech savvy but I’ve managed to let my phone die.” Self deprecating sarcasm dripped from her words in the hope that it would soften them to her request even just a little. “Would I able to use yours to let my fiance know there’s been a change of plans? I’ll buy you a drink for the trouble.”
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Brooke went straight to the bar and took seat. She was about to track down the bartender when she heard a women next to her. “No worries, that happens to me all the time,she went into her bag to dig for her phone. “Thankfully portable chargers were invented.” she grinned before handing her phone. “Don’t worry about the drink, I’m not even sure what I want yet and really it’s no big deal.” 
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
“You think never bein’ able to see the sky is nice?” he questioned, a bit incredulously.  While he hated the city, he could understand why some people wouldn’t mind it, the convenience of it all especially.  But what he couldn’t fathom is someone approving and even liking of all the artificial light.  That just made absolutely no sense to him.  “Ah, the worst kind of person then, yeah?” he jested.
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“It’s still able to be seen. I can see it just fine even with all the lights.” While Brooke grew up moving around, she was always placed  in a suburb somewhere where there was streetlights and stores near by. “Not really no. It’s just how I was raised I guess. I wasn’t raised in the country life.”she shrugged. 
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
💬 text: rhodes
Mason: I'm free tomorrow night? I just need to finish some stuff for my sister.
Mason: I'll drop by your place after?
Mason: Are you sure? If it's my gifts to you, you don't need to return it. I gave it to you.
Brooke: Okay tomorrow then.
Brooke: Yeah that works.
Brooke: I'm sure. You deserve to have it more than I do anyway.
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
💬 text: rhodes
Mason: I did, because of you.
Mason: Umm, I hope we can be friends again? I'm really sorry for what I did though.
Brooke: Same here
Brooke: Um yeah I guess.
Brooke: Although if we're going to just be friends then I think we should find a time to meet up because I found something of yours with my stuff the other day and I don't feel right about keeping it.
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
💬 text: rhodes
Mason: That's good to hear.
Mason: It was nice seeing you again, can't deny how much I missed you.
Brooke: Yeah it was nice seeing you too. I hope you had fun at the party.
Brooke: I missed you too.
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
💬 text: rhodes
Mason: Hey?
Mason: I don't know if this is still your number but I just wanna check in if you got home safely after the party?
[two minutes after]
Mason: It's Mason, by the way.
Brooke: Hey
Brooke: I did yeah, thanks.
Brooke: I figured as much.
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
location: outside of the Wolfhound Pub, Hackney
As Iain stood outside the pub, taking his smoke break (yet another bad habit he had picked up while living in London), he sighed, his eyes drawn upwards towards the sky where all he saw was an inky blue.  It was claustrophobia inducing.  He felt like the solid wall of color with no dots of white that he could trace with his finger to make a picture–much like he had when he was a child– was closing in on him.  Looking down, he flicked his cigarette, watching as the glowing tip fell to the ground.  “Hate all the light here.” he muttered, mostly to himself but also loud enough so the person taking a break (smoke or otherwise) a couple feet away could hear as well.  
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Brooke stepped outside, in need of a break from everything going on indoors. She sighed as she briefly checked her phone before moving against something solid and taking a deep breath. Brooke has planned on paying no mind to the guy also outside under he made a comment. “I personally think they are kind of nice.” she shrugged. “But then again I’m more a city girl.”
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itsbrookerhodes · 5 years
Location: Heart of London Time: Night time.  Tagged: @londoncitystarters​
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“No! You’re being absolutely rude right now and for the fourth time I am asking you to leave!” How badly she regretted insisting walking back home on her own. it would just be a walk to the bus stop, I’ll be fine! She told her friends, but she’d missed the last bus and her father didn’t pick up, so he most likely was still at work. So she had to walk all the way home. This guy however hadn’t gotten the memo where she told him, repeatedly, to leave her be. Even when she told him she wasn’t even into guys, it only made him more aggressive. “Please get out of my way.” 
Brooke finished on her phone as she walked out of building and towards the parking lot. She stopped when she noticed some guy being a total ass. One thing Brooke’s parents made sure she learned was self-defense and it was something that she would forever be proud to know. Brooke walked over to the women and the guy at the bus stop. “Either get kicked in the balls or beat it creep.” she stayed stern before turning around to the women. “Hey you want a ride?”
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